Ski & Snowboarding December 4,1997 AMERICA HAS mmm^ STOWE WINTER PARK CRESTED BUTTE SUGARBUSH WHITEFACE MOUNTAIN LOON MOUNTAIN BOLTON VALLEY PARK CITY JAY PEAK VAIL ip^f/^J) —r;;1'" .- SKI WINDHAM BRETON WOODS OKEMO BLUE KNOB CANAAN VALLEY BELLEAYRE LABRADOR MOUNTAIN SEVEN SPRINGS ASCUTNEY MOUNTAIN BLUE MOUNTAIN 8TRATTON MOUNTAIN JACK FROST MOUNTAIN BIG BOULDER KILLINGTON V" tT • ' f • fc •* "fc L fr. -ft 'fc f k J" December 4,1987 Ski & Snowboardlng WONDERFUL SKI & BOARDING FUN! :'•§. GORE MOUNTAIN ALPINE MOUNTAIN POCONOS HIDDEN VALLEY SUGARLOAFUSA GREEK PEAK JIMINY PEAK WOODSTOCK INN SMUGGLERS NOTCH THE CANYONS SUNDAY RIVER SNOWSHOE SONG MOUNTAIN TOGGENBURG NEMACOLIN WOODLANDS MONTAGE ATTITASH SONG MOUNTAIN MOUNT SNOW BRQDIE MOUNTAIN jfiy HUNTER MOUNTAIN ELK MOUNTAIN NORTH9TAR BROMLEY i'-\:-> \Y i .• .'• **• - '•: .'••;? •'.' trailsinNewYoryiatcl i lOMNHIB *l ntsto '••:''.'•• .';: *'*•.'': hwtosHey (OTKIIXS Bobcat 5)14-676-3143 Catamount 518-325^200 , Holiday Mtn. 914-796^161 Mt, Peter 9M-98MW0 Scotch \Wte>1607-652-2470- • • Ski I'lsittcktll 6OT-326-350O JikiWindlwnifiOO-SMWLNDHAM Sterling Forc»( 911-35I-2I63 NOR11I COUNTRY Ihrnnhtthkifng/ridlttg Dr)'Hill 800-3/9-8584 : r Gore Mtn, 51^51-MU ; RojiilMtn. 518-S35-6445 SnuwRidgc 800-962-8419 Titus Mtn. 800-8*8766 •Test Mtn, 518-793-6606' Whilefacc Mtn. 518-946-2223 WillardMln. 518-te337 Cross-country skiing BaritEakt 518-576.22Z1 Cascade U Center 518-523-96O5 Cuwiingdani's 800-888-iiAni Friends lake Inn 518-494-4751 GwnetlllUX-C 518*251-2821 G'mon! Skiing is something you always wanted to try GweMln,5i8-251'2411 Lapland Lake but couldn't find die timc-didiu know how to start- Mt. Van Hoevcnbcrg liey, get off that couch, turn olFdieTV, computer OakHIHFanns ilB-Ho-6't» and electronic games. Make this the year that you and ?ine Ridge 518-283-3652 • your family bm to ski on the trails of New York State. Skiing is healthy... Salmon Hills 315-599-40O3 Tree Haven Trails 518-882-9455 it's fun and its an activity your whole family can do together, KWtdace Nonllc Cento 5lfiW«5l I V .And, with the New York State Learn to Ski 1 •2.V progr.im...it s easy! CENTRAL-FINGERLAKES Simply call one of die participating ski areas listcd-tkres PIW loaned near you.They have folks waiting for yum call ;ind ready to ng 315*331*256? Bristol Mtn.•• 716-374-60OO- answer all your questions. Arrange tor your l.e,irn to Ski K FourSeasoni 315-637-9023 packagp-3 lessons, all equipment rends, and 3 days on the CrttkPcakROO-955-2Slll Labrador Mto, 607-842-6204 fabulous trails in New York State-all lor just $SW, Sbu-MakerMta. 315-8234170 Plus, certificates worth over one thousand dollars at area Learn to Ski 1*2*3 ^arn l0 ^ ''^ downhi SW Valley 716-374-5157 cross-country ski package antj snowboard Song Mtn. 800-677-SONG ski shops, hotels, inns and more. And, kids earn Toggenburg 315-683*5842 (riding) package Woods Valley 515-827^721. their own Governors Learn to Ski Gold / Includes everything you need to ski or Medal when they complete their third lesson! snowboard in one easy package. Seuons Congratulnrioiu! Yon have just become part of GREATER the wonderful tradition of skiing and riding in 3 lessons, equipment, ift tickets NIAGARA New York State, Sec you oti the trails! and 3 days on the fabulous Mew Downhill skiingfrtfttiifi Cocypic 716-287-3223 York State trails. Plus over $1,000 Holiday Valley in lodging & equipment discounts! 716-699-2345 Rlsstng Bridge 7l(i-5l)H96S Pcck'n Peak 716-3554141 SklTmnanick imM\ what -Swntn 607-545^511 Cross-wintry sklin$ NY Byrncllff 716-535^7500 Whai did you oxpetl. Tills Is Now York. neat Voiif fim hum mint be fttwfvtti hy UWW en 1-800-1 LOVE NY™, fuf 4h>- Jiv (if ibf weeh during nuf mJ opti- ; and wi-'ll srttil you mir ! RE atinj fimifj ot luiiitij; holidiji, Vmif Isc inJ JitJ If i««i is takdi J[ iKe «)ttte it« n«i limit Winter Ski andTrawUltiidt nl l» W|?iiii!fr itftain. "Ilic iliiftl Irwiti nisy Cicnr(»c li. Patuki lip taliiii at any otliri |uf(icijuiili(i aifa Jftti riiutlii V)ii Ji.av Hi )!if tnitii iti'imiuiii. tiSfN ) ji'tnif jirJS will dCttpt cbilditn a* >*«unp a* linii imn fut IfMiru, limrvrf ttlheUlt,N liaK^t; (nliiiiMiM, l'k»*f{-liffli wi'li h* iminHiid.i'l'i.Hi.viiii !'i!«!.|'i!itiii, Allnjihii Iminiilufit utA itffJic miliiiif, yoiit fM?r%M- i:,! E1PNY ,M ii-j-jiififihritlfiwii. .«nl»f! eke null* nf lit! tldht. Tfitrr It no cut-trlf (l«t* for bwiliiiif; Dip! t-l i Hunllii, |ti>i!t'|i|Bt[il, December 4,1997 Ski & Snowboarding 5 THE SKIING PATAKI FAMILY HITS THE SLOPES OF NEW YORK BYUttAHDrUACK every day of the week including than 30 downhill areas and 15 ALBANY, NY- The State of weekends (excluding holidays), cross-country areas throughout New York has the prestigious and participation by cross-coun- New York State are participating. honor of having its governor, try ski center. Participants are "Skiing is one of the few out- George Pataki, and the entire offered three visits with lessons, door activities that the whole Pataki family ski the slopes of the rentals nnd lift tickets to the areu family can enjoy together. We are Empire State. of their choice during the season excited about being able to intro- Winter is a time for family in for $59.95 downhill skiing and duce other families throughout New York State - especially for snowboarding - $39.95 for cross- New York State and beyond to New York's First Family. Gover- country skiing, participants also skiing in New York with the nor Pataki, his wife Libby and receive certificates valued in Learn to Ski 1*2*3 Program>id their four children take advan- excess of $1,000 and redeemable Mrs. Pataki. tage of the adventure New York at area ski and retail shops, S.R. "Sandy" Black in a nation- has to otter by taking time out to hotels, B&Bs and inns. Children ally known ski columnist who enjoy the slopes every winter, will receive a "Governors Gold appears in The Free Press of Pith' "Each winter we take time out Medal for Skiing" upon comple- burgh, Pa, and North Jersey tion of their third lesson, More t and escape from out busy sched- Central finger Lakes and Greater blanketed mountains throughout Newspapers of New Jersey. ules to do something fun as a fam- Niagara region - as well as first New York State, each one offering ily," said Gov. Pataki. "And there's rate cross-country trails. challenge, adventure and fun for LINCKLEAN HOUSE HAS HISTORY no place else in the Northeast "Skiing is a healthy, exciting every level. Whether you are an packed with more winter fun and sport that's fun at any age. It'sOlympic competitor or a beginner, CAZENOVIA, N.Y,- To visit John D. Rockefeller were among excitement than New York State!" also an opportunity to meet new there's a New York trail for you." Lincklaen House in Cazenovia, those welcomed here; in later New York's popular governor people and forge new friendships. For the second year New York New York, is to return to an era of years stage and screen stars per- has also taken the national lead Whether you enjoy hitting the State is offering its innovative elegant hospitality. A landmark forming ut area summer theaters in promoting the sport of skiing since 1835, the hotel was built as were frequent guests. trails by yourself or with the and broad-reaching Learn to a luxurious stopover for travelers, by luring huge amounts of out-of- whole family, as Libby and I do, Ski/Snowboard 1*2*3 Program. For more than 150 years the state aiders upon the trails of there's no better place for skiing The '97-'98 program features a Since the turn of the century Lincklaen House has provided a more than 50 downhill ski areas than here in the Empire State," longer time period for taking your visitors have made the hotel their comfortable atmosphere and gra- in the Catskills, Adirondacks, the said Gov. Pataki. There are snow- vacation home. Former President cious hospitality to all its visitors. first lessons, lessons available on and Mrs. Grover Cleveland and WHITEFACE MOUNTAIN MAKES IMPROVEMENTS This year marks the 40th a beginner area that is more com- Anniversary of Whiteface Mt, Ski fortable, aesthetic, and safe. Center, and Whiteface celebrates Trail improvements have been the most annual improvements in made at the Kid's Kampus area. over a decade. In preparation for the Decem- The Summit Triple Chair Lift ber U.S. Ski Team Gold Cup a which services the uppermost new downhill trail is planned and section of Whiteface is being work is continuing to progress. replaced with a new fixed grip The men's and women's competi- Quad. This lift will provide access tive course will take place on to the greatest vertical drop in Skyward, Lower Cloudspin, and the East (3,216'). The Lift will run Broadway Trails. Upper Skyward at the rate of 500 feet per minute, and Lower Skyward have been Value increasing the capacity from widened to provide a consistent 1,345 to 1,500 people per hour. 120' and 160* width respectively. Thrills The Kid's Kampus Double Additionally, a 120' wide connec- Chair Lift will be replaced with tor has been cut between Lower Traib : the Summit Triple Chair Lift. The Skyward and Lower Cloudspin, hourly capacity will double from There are also planned improve- 800 to 1,600 people per hour.
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