American Judo A Journal of the United States Judo Association Fall 2003 2 Table of Contents Message from Jim Bregman: Progress Through Outreach James S. Bregman.............................................................................................................5 James S. Bregman CEO Profiles Ed Szrejter......................................................................................................................11 Michael L. Szrejter George Harris................................................................................................................12 President Thomas A. Layon Committee Reports Vice President and Electronic Services National Corporate Tom Reiff .......................................................................................................................15 Counsel 2003 USJA National Symposium Hope Kennedy.................................................................................................................16 James R. Webb Treasurer Technical Notes Eugene S. Fodor Tani Otoshi.....................................................................................................................10 Secretary Basic Choke Defense ..................................................................................................12 Kote Gaeshi Variants .................................................................................................14 Board of Directors USJA Directory .................................................................................................................39 James S. Bregman Virginia Virgil J. Bowles FEATURE ARTICLES Indiana Steven R. Cunningham Dojo Stories: Bregman Offers a Tribute to Art Broadbent Connecticut James S. Bregman ..........................................................................................................18 Eugene S. Fodor Ohio Judo—A Sport for All Species (Stamp Collecting) Ronald Allan Charles ....................................................................................................13 George L. Harris New Jersey Kata of Judo, Part II Jesse L. Jones Linda Yiannakis...............................................................................................................20 California Terry J. Kelly Strength Training Considerations for the Junior Judoka California John Amtmann.................................................................................................................25 Thomas A. Layon Oklahoma The Health Benefits of Ukemi according to Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine Thomas V. Reiff Edwin Brown ..................................................................................................................29 South Carolina Ernest R. Smith Looking Up (... from the Mat!) California Fred Spaeth .....................................................................................................................36 Michael L. Szrejter Florida Patrick E. Szrejter North Carolina James R. Webb Texas George R. Weers, Jr. The photos in the upper left-hand and lower right-hand corners of the cover are Illinois courtesy of Bob Willingham. Mr. Willingham’s photos also appear elsewhere throughout this publication. In all cases, the copyright remains with Mr. Willing- ham. Bob Willingham (c) Copyright, all rights reserved. His webpage is at http:// www.twoj.org. 3 American Judo is a technical and informative publication of the United States Judo Association, Inc. (USJA). The United States Judo Association central office is located at: 21 North Union Boulevard Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 United States of America and can be reached by calling 719-633-7750, faxing 719-633-4041, or by corresponding with this address. The USJA has a webpage at http://www.USJA-Judo.org and can be reached via email at [email protected]. We encourage you to duplicate this magazine in whole for distribution at no charge. Articles contained herein may not be reprinted wholly or in part, without written permission of the USJA or the current copyright holder in another publication. All items submitted for publication in American Judo are assumed to be original works, not submitted else- where for publication, unless otherwise specified. Articles should be submitted in machine-readable format when pos- sible. Submissions may be made via email to [email protected] or by postal service to: Steven R. Cunningham, Editor American Judo 58 Moon Road Ashford, Connecticut 06278 United States of America 4 Message from Jim Bregman: Progress Through Outreach Let me begin by telling you development group is engaged in about my friend and close associ- a wide range of activities, which ate, Mr. Sid Kelly. Sid is among follow this motto and members of those in American Judo whom I the various development groups consider “judo scholars” and re- are working very hard to bring cently has retired from his very much greater success for the sport active engineering career. Sid is of judo and attract many more now going to teach judo and pro- people with diverse backgrounds vide personal training consulting to the sport of judo. services. In addition to just win- Here is what we are doing. ning the World Masters Gold Medal (again) in Tokyo thus 1. USJA SUMMER MEMBER- demonstrating that he can SHIP SPECIAL “dance” and “walk his talk” on the mat (all matches with full ippon), “mostly unimportant issues” and are Last year, 2002, for the months of Sid is a creative judo coach and intolerant of each other, rather than June and July our membership registra- thoughtful judo proponent. He is ex- focusing our efforts on developing tion numbers were 436 and 273 respec- tremely well read and well published. I American Judo. tively. This represents LM annual reg- value his insights and listen to what To quote Mr. Kelly, “To graphically istrations, renewal registrations, and Mr. Kelly has to say so I can learn compare these two groups, the reader is new registrations. For the year 2003, from his vast experience... all of which asked to imagine that the (untargeted) due to the $20 Summer Membership is success oriented. group of 240,000,000 people is repre- Special, the numbers for these registra- In an article he wrote some time ago sented by a 2 inch square, and the tions are 693 and 519. We should add, for the USJA Coach, Mr. Kelly asked group that is being targeted (the judo for July, 3 Special $100 Life Member- the key question, “So what is the rea- group), the 50,000 people mentioned ships for a July total of 522. This is a son for the universal lack of interest?” earlier, equates to a circle with a di- 59% and a 91% improvement 2003 He is referring to the universal lack of ameter of 0.0325 inches. Please take a over 2002 for June and July. All life interest in Judo in America. He points minute from your very busy schedule membership income will be place in out that it must be related to the fact and draw this picture. I know, you can the USJA Endowment Fund. that WE, the American Judo Commu- do the two-inch part but the 0.0325 Therefore, the USJA is extending the nity, are targeting ourselves (estimated diameter circle is a real problem and, “SUMMER MEMBERSHIP SPE- generously at a maximum of 50,000 you are right, it is the real problem. CIALS” of $20.00 annual fee for new lonely souls) and not the great Ameri- Life rewards action! We must take members and $100 donation for new can market of 240,000,000 potential action and change our collective behav- Life Members to the end of November members less the small children and ior. I challenge you all to “think out of 2003. very older members of our nation! We the circle”! The Goltz Judo Club is now number talk to ourselves and expect judo to In the USJA Judo development one in the nation with 153 active an- prosper. To compound our own prob- group we have a motto: “THINK OUT nual members. Congratulations to Mr. lems we argue with ourselves about OF THE CIRCLE.” The USJA Judo Gary Goltz for his leadership and fore- 5 sight, a very special thanks to Dr. management and strong, determined courage you all to contact her at 1-877- James Lally for his generous support of leadership. We are now poised to start 211-0572, 703-786-7288 or via e-mail this dojo, and to all the members of building. Mr. Jim Webb is the USJA at this “dojo community”. treasurer and reports that we now have How can you help? Register all new $11,405.72 in the Endowment Fund [email protected]. members. Why can’t the USJA have account. Here is just one way in which all of its top twenty clubs at 500 mem- we will be building the Endowment Susan is extremely knowledgeable bers or more? Well, we can, if we tar- Fund with passive income. about wellness and would be delighted get and “market” to the right group. Melaleuca: In order to provide to brief you on this mutually beneficial That group is not the little dot in that streams of income into the Endowment program. Please don’t delay, give her a two-inch square! Account, the USJA has created an alli- call when time permits. Life rewards Please “think out of the circle” and ance and is a non-profit member of the action! get booster members from outside of Melaleuca Wellness Company out of the “circle” to join as American Judo Idaho. This corporation’s motto is 3. POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE Supporters. The USJA target for active “Enhancing the Lives of those we (PAL) ALLIANCE annual membership is 100,000. Yes, touch by helping people reach their that is double the amount estimated for goals.” To me, this sounds very similar Mr. Marc Cohen is “thinking out of
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