SMART C: A Semantic Macro Replacement Translator for C Matthew Jacobs E Christopher Lewis Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania {mrjacobs,lewis}@cis.upenn.edu Abstract tions on C programs, but they are each limited in that they are disruptive to the program source, beyond the reach of Programmers often want to transform the source or bi- typical programmers, or restricted in the transformations nary representations of their programs (e.g., to optimize, they may describe. Hand transformation clearly suffers add dynamic safety checks, or add profile gathering code). from the first limitation. The most powerful approach to Unfortunately, existing approaches to program transforma- program transformation is to augment an existing compiler, tion are either disruptive to the source (hand transforma- such as GCC, to build an ad hoc transformation tool. Un- tion), difficult to implement (ad hoc analysis tools), or func- fortunately, this requires considerable time and expertise; tionally limited (macros). We propose an extension to the most programmers lack one or both of these. Binary and C programming language called the Semantic Macro Re- dynamic rewriting tools (e.g., ATOM [24] and Pin [17]) are placement Translator (SMART C). SMART C allows for powerful, but they cannot reliably transform source-level the specification of very general type-aware transforma- constructs because some constructs (e.g., structure field ac- tions of all operations, statements, and declarations of the cess) are not necessarily apparent at the instruction level. C programming language without exposing the program- Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) systems [14] are easy mer to the complexities of the system’s internal representa- to use, but existing AOP designs (even those applied to tions. We have implemented a prototype SMART C source- C) are limited in the language-level constructs that may be to-source translator and show its use in transforming pro- transformed. Finally, macro systems such as cpp and m4 grams for buffer overflow detection, format string vulnera- are simple and easy to use, but they are very limited in the bility detection, and weighted call graph profiling. We show transformations they may specify. that SMART C achieves a pragmatic balance between gen- In this paper, we propose a modest extension to the C erality and ease of use. programming language called the Semantic Macro Replace- ment Translator for C (SMART C). Unlike token-based macros (e.g., those of cpp), semantic macros operate on the 1. Introduction abstract syntax of a program and are type aware. SMART C Programmers and users often want to transform the allows for the transformation of any declarative or compu- source or binary representations of their C language pro- tational element of the C language without exposing the grams in particular ways. For example, the performance internal representation of the compiler. As a result, pro- conscious would like to perform domain or application- grammers can freely transform variable and function dec- specific optimization without hard coding these optimiza- larations, statements, and even primitive operations such tions into the source program, thus preserving the natu- as arithmetic or logical operations. SMART C transfor- ral (unoptimized) program logic. Programmers sometimes mations can be predicated on both syntactic (e.g., variable want to encode dynamic checks in programs to ensure cer- names) and semantic (e.g., variable types) properties of tain dynamic properties (e.g., that an array is not accessed the code. In addition, SMART C includes a limited form beyond its bounds), and users often want to use dynamic of transformation-time evaluation that balances generality checks to prevent potentially buggy applications from com- and ease of use. Finally, the SMART C design preserves promising user or system integrity (e.g., by restricting sys- the spirit of the C language, introducing little new syntax tem calls). Transformation is also used to inject instrumen- and leveraging existing programmer intuition. In summary, tation code in order to gather profile data about a program’s SMART C is powerful, general, compact, and easy to use. dynamic behavior which is useful in guiding offline opti- In order to use SMART C, a programmer defines a mization. set of semantic macros (s-macros). S-macro expansion is A variety of techniques exists to effect such transforma- guided by patterns that determine what source-level con- 1 Source code: Transformed code: Source code: Transformed code: int a[10]; =⇒ struct {int value[10]; float a, b, c; =⇒ float a, b, c; bool isValid;} a; a = b/c; a = b * (1.0/c); Transformation specification: Transformation specification: around(decl(Integer[] %)) { around(FP % / FP %) { struct{tc type value; bool isValid;} tc name; return tc operand * (1.0/tc operand2); tc body; } } (a) Floating point division transformation. (b) Array declaration transformation. Figure 1. Example SMART C transformation specification and their effect on C source. structs (e.g., floating point division and integer array dec- (ii) a body containing code, and (iii) a modifier describing laration) are to be transformed. When a pattern specified how a matched expression, statement, or declaration is to be in an s-macro matches a source-level construct, the macro transformed via the body. Each s-macro operates by finding is expanded. For example, suppose we wish to transform a pattern match with a match site in the base code; the code floating point division into multiplication of the numera- at the match site is transformed by the s-macro into the tar- tor and the reciprocal of the denominator. The s-macro to get code. Below we introduce the components of s-macros, achieve this appears in Figure 1(a). The pattern “FP % / but space constraints preclude complete, manual-style pre- FP %” indicates that the s-macro should match all division sentation. operations that have floating point operands. The around keyword indicates that the macro body should replace the 2.1. Patterns division operation (versus being inserted before or after it). An s-macro pattern is an abstract description of C The macro body computes the product as a function of the source-level primitives and can describe any expression, tc operand values of the numerator expression ( ) and de- statement, or declaration (variable or function). The match- tc operand2 nominator expression ( ). Figure 1(b) illus- ing process matches on both the primitive (e.g., addition trates the transformation of all integer array declarations to or function call) and the types/names of the operands. For structure declarations containing the original integer array example, the s-macro in Figure 1(a) only matches on divi- and a boolean flag. sion of floating point operands. Patterns have three com- This work makes the following contributions. We ponents, each of which plays a role in pattern matching: present the design of a semantic macro system for C that (i) a type specifying the type of an operand (e.g., a float- is simple (leveraging programmer intuition, requiring lit- ing point number), (ii) an expression specifying the name tle new syntax, avoiding exposing intermediate representa- of an operand (e.g., a function called malloc), and (iii) a tions), powerful (useful and interesting transformations may C language primitive (e.g., division or variable declaration). be specified), and concise (requiring very little SMART C Below, we describe each pattern component. code to achieve useful transformations). We describe our SMART C implementation and show its utility via three Pattern types. A pattern type specifies the data type of case studies. an operand in a pattern. In addition to all the C primitive This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines data types, pattern types may include any of the additional SMART C and describes its use. Section 3 presents the (shaded) types appearing in the type hierarchy in Figure 2. implementation. Section 4 presents the application of These additional types are only available in SMART C SMART C to three problems requiring source-level trans- code. Each pattern type in Figure 2 matches all C types in formation. The final two sections summarize related work, the nodes beneath it, thus allowing for the concise specifica- offer conclusions, and suggest future work. tion of a set of related types (e.g., all signed integers of any precision). Derived types such as structs, pointers or arrays 2. SMART C Design may be created from these primitive types. In addition, the Any type can be used to specify any possible type, includ- SMART C macro expansion is a source-to-source trans- ing derived types. The Any type may also be refined, as in formation guided by a set of user-specified transformation the case of the pattern type Any *, which matches pointers specifications. Each transformation specification consists to any type. The syntax of pattern types is borrowed directly of both semantic macros (s-macros) and (transformation- from the C language. local) auxiliary code and data declarations required by the s-macros. S-macros consist of (i) a pattern describing the Pattern names. A pattern name specifies the name of an expressions, statements, or declarations to be transformed, operand in a pattern. This includes variable and function 2 Primitive body). We have not found a need for more selective match- Number void ing. Declaration patterns match either variable or function FP Integer declaration. There our four kinds of variable declara- tion patterns: decl, globaldecl, localdecl, and Unsigned Signed Int Int formaldecl. The decl pattern matches all variable dec- long double float larations, while the remaining three match global, local, and double char long int short formal parameter declarations, respectively. SMART C also contains the boolean patterns not, and, and or that combine multiple patterns, which have the nat- unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned ural interpretation.
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