IICSA Inquiry Roman Catholic Church Investigation Wider Hearing 8 November 2019 1 Friday, 8 November 2019 1 I indicate, therefore, there are some additional 2 (10.30 am) 2 statements from the NCSC witnesses, both past and 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the final 3 present, from Rachel O'Driscoll, Elizabeth Manero, whom 4 day of this public hearing. Ms Carey? 4 we have heard of, and a past member called 5 Housekeeping 5 Susie Hayward. 6 MS CAREY: Good morning, chair. Before we turn to closing 6 From Ofsted there is a statement of Sean Harford. 7 submissions on behalf of the core participants this 7 Chair, you will be familiar with Adrian Child. There is 8 morning, may I deal with one matter of formality? 8 an additional statement from the former director of 9 During the course of this two-week public hearing, there 9 CSAS. In addition to the statements read out yesterday 10 has been reference to a number of documents, statements 10 in relation to formation, the inquiry intends to publish 11 and exhibits that will be published on the inquiry 11 those statements from Reverend Taylor, 12 website, and a list is going to be published on the 12 Monsignor Whitmore and, indeed, Canon Farrer and 13 website later today, along with the unique Relativity 13 Canon Coyle, whom you heard from yesterday. 14 references for those documents. 14 Chair, in respect of the review by the Westminster 15 A number have already been referred to during the 15 Diocese of the safeguarding file in respect of RC-A711, 16 course of the live evidence, but there are some 16 Monsignor O'Boyle's statement will be published. And in 17 additional statements that I need to deal with this 17 respect of RC-A710's case, the statement of 18 morning. 18 Baroness O'Loan will also be published. All of those 19 The inquiry intends to publish the statements of 19 documents will be available on the inquiry website. 20 Reverend Christopher Thomas at CHC000582, INQ004770, in 20 Chair, it is not the intention of counsel to the 21 relation to the background and structure to the church. 21 inquiry to make any closing submissions to you. Can 22 The statement of Dom Yeo at BNT004910 that gives the 22 I invite, then, that we turn to Mr O'Donnell to make the 23 background to the orders and in particular to the 23 first closing submission? 24 English Benedictine Congregation will be published. 24 THE CHAIR: Thank you, Ms Carey. Mr O'Donnell? 25 I'm told I don't need to read out the URNs. Can 25 Page 1 Page 2 1 Closing statement by MR O'DONNELL 1 began inserting his fingers into her. 2 MR O'DONNELL: Chair, thank you. As you know, I act for the 2 A19 was first able to disclose the abuse 3 Slater & Gordon survivors in this case study. I propose 3 in August 2014. She brought a claim for compensation 4 in this closing to address you, firstly, briefly on 4 which then brought her into contact with various members 5 their evidence and also on the fact that, despite all of 5 of the Roman Catholic Church. She met with the director 6 its promises of learnings and improvement, the fact that 6 of the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service, 7 the Roman Catholic Church remains as dangerous a place 7 Colette Limbrick, in April 2019. She was told that 8 for children now as it was before this inquiry began. 8 there was no national or independent body to investigate 9 A19 and 20 first. They were both abused by a Roman 9 complaints within the church and that responsibility for 10 Catholic priest of the Salesian Order, RC-F515. A19 was 10 that was with the individual dioceses. Various 11 treated badly by her father after the death of her 11 exchanges follow and A19 soon came to feel that she was 12 mother, effectively being abandoned by her family and 12 being given the run-around by the church. 13 was left mentally vulnerable as a result. A maternal 13 A20 was also sexually abused by F515 during 14 cousin contacted her and recommended she see F515 who 14 purported counselling sessions that he provided to her 15 was described to her as a psychologist as well as 15 when she was a child. F515 had advised A20's parents 16 a priest. She agreed immediately and she met F515 at 16 that she needed to see him for these sessions every 17 his offices. He arranged to meet her every week 17 Saturday at his offices and also that they shouldn't ask 18 thereafter and began to sexually assault her. He forced 18 her about these sessions, just as A20 was instructed not 19 A19 to remove all of her clothing and then lie on his 19 to speak about them to anyone as well. He met A20 once 20 sofa and told her he was hypnotising her before sexually 20 a week, made her strip naked and lie down before 21 assaulting her. He often plied her with alcohol. On 21 massaging her front and back. Then he penetrated her 22 one occasion, after forcing her to strip and then 22 vagina with his fingers. He always finished by giving 23 sexually assaulting her on his sofa as usual, he grabbed 23 her a chocolate biscuit and a wet kiss on the lips, 24 her and laid her across his lap and struck her 24 before telling her that the sessions were for her own 25 repeatedly on the rear, laughing as he did so. He soon 25 good. They continued like this for years, until A20 was Page 3 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) Epiq Europe Ltd www.epiqglobal.com Lower Ground, 20 Furnival Street (+44)207 4041400 [email protected] London EC4A 1JS IICSA Inquiry Roman Catholic Church Investigation Wider Hearing 8 November 2019 1 brave enough to stop attending, after which she told her 1 where the visitors entered the building, another priest 2 mother what F515 had been doing to her. Her mother 2 walked in on them and observed the abuse. Again, chair, 3 complained to a more senior Catholic priest in London. 3 you won't be surprised by now to hear that this priest 4 By now, it will come as no surprise to you, chair, to 4 simply turned around and walked out again without 5 hear A20's mother was told to go away and pray for F515 5 a word. 6 and not to bring any scandal on the church. A20 tried 6 A711 tried to escape F500 after he went on a course 7 to commit suicide on multiple occasions during the 7 to Rome. When he returned, he turned up at her home and 8 weekly abuse. Her education faltered and she left home 8 raped her. She reported the abuse to the church 9 when she was still a child and moved into a squat. She 9 in October 2016. A church safeguarding coordinator 10 continues to suffer, as a result of the abuse, to this 10 contacted her and said she could either go the criminal 11 day. 11 route or let the church investigate her allegations. 12 The panel didn't hear from A19 or A20, but it did 12 She told the panel on 29 October that it was suggested 13 hear from our survivor A711. We say that she was, on 13 to her it would be a less stressful experience to let 14 any view, a calm, dignified and considered witness, even 14 the church, rather than the police, investigate, so of 15 when she was describing being raped by her abuser, F500, 15 course she did. 16 a priest in her parish. I invite you to make findings 16 Her complaint was transferred from her home diocese 17 about the manner in which A711 gave her evidence for 17 to the Westminster Diocese a few months after she first 18 reasons I will come to shortly. 18 came forward. As she put it in her evidence, she 19 She was 15 years of age when she was groomed by 19 expected to see Catholic safeguarding practice at its 20 F500. He began to sexually abuse her by holding her 20 best, as she had been transferred into Cardinal Nichols' 21 forcefully against his erection when they were both in 21 jurisdiction. Her experience was far from that 22 the swimming pool. The abuse escalated. Soon she was 22 expectation. She described how, "Over the best part of 23 being forced to perform oral sex on him at her local 23 two and a half years, I came face to face with the 24 church priory. On one such occasion, while he was 24 church at its most defensive and protective of its own. 25 abusing A711 in the parlour at the front of the priory, 25 I felt that I was in the wrong and every step in the Page 5 Page 6 1 process to have information shared with me was an 1 Westminster that made her feel like she was being kicked 2 exhausting battle." 2 from pillar to post. 3 She was told by the safeguarding coordinator of her 3 I referred to A711's demeanour during her testimony 4 own diocese, as you will remember, that 4 as being calm, dignified and considered.
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