,,. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City E~st.;..a_61.;..ls.;..he.;..d;.;...;.in..;...;;).;.;868;.;;...-.,;F;..;I_ve.;.....;e;.;- 'e..;,nt;.;s_a;....,;c;.;.'o:;,:py=----: ______:.-_C ----------------,;,;..;..;.;....;.;....;.;.;,;;.;..;.----;;;.;.,;;.;..;.;...-,.;,,;;;-:;;;;.;;;=..;.;..;:.;:,..=:=..;:..::;:;.:.;..=;::..;.;;;;..K1embCr of Associated Press xp r:eue:a WIJ'e ana PhOto serVice _________ -:- __..... ____ -------.;;....;;..;.;.;,~ Iowa City. Iowa. Fhdiy, Mardi__ 56,-1156 City Annexes TV-Cultured 200·Acres in Iceland Demands 5 Ne'wAreas That u.s. Troops - Iowa City grew Thursday. NEW YORK III-The readiness District Court Judge James P. or Iowans to take to DeW ide .. Gaffney decreed the annexation of has drawn the envy of • New 200 acres of bnd on five tracts. 'iork movie aWc who said a -... Leave Its ' (~'!~~!I : The five tracts are among eight weekend in Iowa left him "de· which voters approved in last No· morallzccl. " -demanded that aU American Ion:. I vember's general election. A hear· W11Ilam K. Zinsser, movie critic es be wlUldrawn from lu territory. ing on the decree was held Tues· of the New York Herald Tribune. The demand by the COIIDtl"1 day, with no objections to the' an· writes in the current issue of whkb contains vital NATO defeue nexation tiled. Harper's Magazine of the sur· bun' wu made in a retoIuOoft R ullnf/ Requlrod prlsin, ran~e of information dis· passed by Iceland's parUameot Iowa law requires both a favor· played by his Iowa in·laws. Wednesday. able vote by citizens of the city Catch That Cefttr."",tal A copy of the reaoIuUon wU u.. annexing additional territory and a He said his wife's teenage sis· .r study at State [)('part.ment of· district court ruling decreeing the ter put a Bach Cugue on the phon­ {lCCI here. I anDel,(ation. The City must show ograph. commenting, 'Jeepers, NH411 Mere I~ to the court lhat it is in a position catch that contrapuntal bass.' Department press officer Llneola to extend services to the affected Zinsscr continued: White told ~porten: areas and Is not annexing the ter· "I asked her where she got the "Pendin, the time we cllq let rltory,for revenue purposes alone. record , more Information 01\ this alld itudy . Iowa City's area was about 3,700 "'We saw Leonard Bernstein its nalure, substance, alld cireum­ acres before the annexation. on 'Omnibus',' she said. 'He took stance. of the resolution, we ba\'c' this Bach fugue and showed us DO cornmenL" Voter. Must ROf/i,tor how it was assembled ... Isn't it News dl patche said the retoIu. ' The only requirement imposed the most!'" Hon wu a caU for Amer~n fore· upon residents of' the new city area FI.mln, Shuhllk es to lea e. WhIte said bric!f of'" is that they must register to be Zinsser aid another surprise cia! dl patches so far rec:ch'!'d did eligible to vote. Citizens living out­ came when "suddenly the lights not make clear whether 1Ct'land I. side the city limits arc not reo went out and my mother·in·lllw demandlne withdrawal of aU U,S" qulred to register. brought in dinner on a naming forces or IOmetblng else. The city will now extend fire sword." Other oUlclala confes~ thoy service, poliee protection. trash "'Shashllk Escof(ler namlll',' were concerned. Iceland lie. ~ and refuse collection and other she annollnced. 'This is the way mIdway between Moscow and New se'rvices to the tracts. it's done In the best continental York. Transatlantic aircraft, c:om­ The IIreas are: restaurants. They demonstrated merdal as wcll as military, ,top 1. A tract botw"n tho Chicago, It on a cooking program on TV, there to reCuel. Rock Island and Pacific Railway and I wrote it aU down' ." Ha. Na Army The New Yorker wrotc that a Co. right of way and lower Musca· Iceland, a republic with abouL tine Road at the southeast edge New Yorker who doesn'l own a ot the City. television sct tZinsser doesn't) 160,000 population, has DO Army. 2. A tr.ct wo.t of the city and can't kcep up with an Iowan who Navy or Air Force. It it the onl, south of University Heights. lAP WI'.Ph.'.) docs. North AtlanUc Treaty Oraanltatlon member which male. no defense 3, A tract north of Parle Road SPRINGTIME INSPIRED ..". col1090 to a trick that I,ft tho Chi Ome~a .,rorl~ hou .. at UCLA In 'allot, Arch."I.. " . bo". contribution. and west of City park. quite iI predicament. ihis famjll.r plumbl", fheN'" wa. founcl f1rml" cemonted to tho front w.lk. Pat "The folks had seen an archae· 4, Til. pl ....d p.rt of Sunn"side Green (ieft), 19, and Jo Erlch"n, 19, are wenderl", ,ow to got rid of it. Thoy succeede~!u.t bofGro tho ology program and knew more Under. Its! all'eem nt the Unit. addition not now in the city. sun came u!'. - about the solar boat than wt did, ed States has spent about $150 mil­ 5. An "lsl.nd" north of East ---------=--==:--:----:--:---:---:----,---;...,--- though we had bE>en to Egypt and lion in buildin, and malnt.lning secn the boat Ilsell," Zlns'ler con· Icelandic defenses. Con trucilon , Court Street east 0{ Fourth Avenue. All 37 5 Action on annexation of a sixth a e ~ tinued. "They were excited about includes an alrrlcld at Kenavlk and area - two "islands" bctween -' the new b,Uet season, since thr radar slaUon, which the Highway 218 and the city airport - Dig .for ·3 .yrappe~ somebody bDd told them about it United States mana and operates. was delayed by an amendment to I on a TV show. They talked about The Icelandic Parliament dted the Petition asking its incorpora- n cxhibits we would soon be seein, the "altered IItuation" since 19:\l tion. Stlldy is sUIl underway on at the Metropolitan Museum of * * * in the cold war a a reason for a seventh area - largely SUI land Art, and they described the new The Weather seekilll withdrawal o( U,S. forces. weal of tbe' elf)' between the Hoek In Phil~delphia BI~sl opera productions, Ec..-nlc T,..,w.. Island right of way and Highway 6. "The weekend left Ull demoral­ How~r, SOIllC" IOUfce bel re The eighth tract - a strlJi be· .' PHILtIDELPHrA tfI - Huge ized, and we wendered if we PRQGRESO, Mexico t.4'I ' THe cranes and bulldolers bit into the Cloudy the basic reason for the rClOhlUoo tween Highway 6 and the Iowa West Philadelphia. The granary should buy a tele\'ision set so mI&bt be economic unreat - the River be~ween Iowa City and Cor· Mexican motorship Motul J>urned rubble of a demolished granary was dir~clly across the street from that we could keep up with the Icelandic Ii hlna Industry Is hav. alville - was annexed to Coral· and sank Wednesday off Y.~ 'tM Thursday searching for the bodies the lO·month-old mulLlmilIIon-dol· Iowans. But thcy have too much LONDON (1\ - Soviet prop8gand· In, difficulties which many lee, lar Philadelphia Bulletin building a?td ville by petition. Study of its sta· Peninsula but all 37 persons a1;Qitrd of men trapped when the four· of a hcad start. ." ' Ists seised quickly 'l'hursday upon landers blame on the United states. tus is now underway. were rescued, port anth9rlti~ and only a block from the Pennsyl. 'd Th I' story building exploded and vania Railroad's 30th Street sta· , the Iceland ParlJament's demand Cod, haddock and herrllll on~ sal ursday.::,i' burned to the ground. tion. Warm.r (or withdrawal of U,S, (orees, accounted for 95 per cent of Ice· The 22 passengers nO:I" The bodies of two of thr!!e men In a style char.cteristlc of an land's export, but It bas had a SUt· crew· The Bulletin building took the full 6 Reds Found plus of unmarketable fish In receat ,State, Federal men were in Iifeboa. rafts Ireported missing in We~nesday .Cury oC the blast. Thick plate glass qlder Soviet propa,anda line, MOl' years . and lifebelts \~hen tile l\1exi~~n night'S hoiocaust were recovered, windows I were shaltered, walls The storm which provided cow radio chareed American 101· Icelandic fishermen have become coast guard vessel vrr ~~ Unb:e Eighty.four persons were injured cracked. ceilings buckled and par· reached them. ' \ tWn in the explosion which caused an Guilty Under Jowa with blustery weather for I dlers interfered In internal Ice. Increasinaly irked wJth the United 'Courts Clash titions and doors were bashed in. the paat few days was slowly Iandlc affairs. It said there may States. U.S. purchases of Iceland's An early report pu'Qhshed in estimated $3 million in damages Window frames were lwisted and Thursday'S Daily Iowan haq indio over a )O·block area in the busy beaUng itaclf out In the Great be a widening rift in NATO. catch have dropped stead"y. For debris scattered over the newspa· Smith Act · Lakes area Thur~.I .. y. Moscow radio said Thursday example, whereas the United state, cated all persons aboard were 30th at Market Streets section of per plant. The fourth-floor offices ....,. night : bought 25 per cent In 1952, It boucht On NAACP killed. the city. occupied by Robert McLean, pub· NEW HAVEN, Conn. (1\ - A fed· Forceasters saJd t.hIs will mean " I only )3 per cent in 1955. BATON ROUGE, La, ,m.:-A slat: All we~e taken aboa~d . the coast .Flames leaped 150 fect inl.o the lisher of the Bullelin and president eral court jury Thursday found six I While n Iceland, tbe Americans Amlricaft.
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