• Save in BANKS WHICH SERVE YOUR RAILROAD These banks are depositories of The Milwaukee Road, and also are providing a banking service to a large number of its employes. You will find able and willing counsel among their officers. Take your banking problems to them and let them help you. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A DIRECTORS HARRY A. WHEELER BANK ACCOUNT CbalrmaD 01 lba Board HARRY N. GRUT Pre-ldeOl GEORGE E. CULLINAN SAVE Vlce-Pre.ldonI.Graybar Electric Co.• Ioc. We Solicit the Patronage of WM. W. FARRELL Vlce-Pnl1deot MILWAUKEE EMPLOYES MILTON S. FLORSHEIM TODAY ••• Cb&1rmao of Board. i"lonbelm 8hoe Co. llAVID B. GANN a.on. 8eeord 4. Btead. Attorne,. FOR Open tI StI'I';ngs Account Here tlnd N. L. HOWARD Pre,ldeot and Cbalrmao of the Board NorUl American Car COrDOntloD Add tI Little EtlCh PtI'Y DtI'Y NEIL C. HURLEY PrEIIldtlDt TOMORROW Independenf Pneumatic Tool COmD&03 BENTLEY G. McCLOUD GET THE SAVING HABIT Vlce~Pre81deD" B'll1t National BMlk ot Cblearo J. A. ROESCH. JR. • It is simply common sense to President Steel 8alel Corporation build up a Cash Reserve for MERCANTILE TRUST & I!. A. RUSSELL future needs and hopes and Vloe·PrBlldeot Ot.1R Elevator Compa~ plans. The best way is to save SAVINGS BANK of Chicago W. W. K. SPARROW a definite surit every pay day. Vlee-Pre'idenl CbJuIO. MJ Iwaukee. OppoJite the Union Station SI. Paul'" PI.UI. Railroad COmDlny We invite your account. HENRY X. STRAUSS Jacluon Boule"tird and Clinton Street Chairman ot Board. Meyer" ComO&DJ' • Your deposits are insured up to $5.000 by the Federal MEMBER CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION Deposit Insurance Corporation. MEMBER FEDERAL REBERVE SYBTEM 81NOE 1118 FIRST WISCONSIN NORTHWESTERN First National Bank NATIONAL BANK OF' NATIONAL BANK Everett, Washington of Milwaukee and Trust Company on the Chicago, l\Illwauk~e. St. Paul and Pacill~ R>tilroad. on Pulret Sound Minneapolis, Minnesota Established more than forty yea·r8 ago. Interest paid on savings deposits. One of the 116 affil­ 1892 - 1933 iated Northwest Ban­ corporation Banks serv­ ing the Northwest ••• Watch for the Covered Wagon emblem. (NOTE :-All of The Milwaukee Road YOUR Fire Pail Depositol'ies QI'e not l'epl'esented he/·e.) and Barrel Equipment Becomes UR cars are heavily insulated and Much More Effective When O maintained in a high state of SOLVAY repair. Carriers can depend on this £AL~C'IVM (;HLORID~ equipment to protect them aga inst is added to the water claims due to lading damage 6y heat Write today for priceB and I1aluable booklet on fire extinguiBhlng BYBtemB or cold. Alk for.booktet 16555 UNION REFRIGERATOR TRANSIT Solvay Sales Corporation cd. Alkalies and Chemical Products Mil W auk e e t W i s con sin Manufactured by The Solvay Process Company 61 B,...dwIY " New York T;'J:o finer show and more enjllyabl€ from every standpoint than its predecessor Valedictory of 1933." These and a thousand other mem­ End of Century of Progress Exposition ories come crowding in and we take leave of the great Exposition with real s this is being written, Chicago's ideal; there was no hint of the classic regret. As it recedes into the past, all A great Exposition which has for the beauty of an earlier day Exposition on of what it has been and what it has past two summers called its millions Chicago's lake front. "Time marches meant will be absorbed, and prob'ably of visitors to the shores of Lake Mich­ on," however, and even in the short in the century ahead it will appear igan, is winding up in a blaze of splen­ months since this neo-classic, if It may that the achievement of the century dol'; and as this will be read, its gates be so called, startled our eyes, with its jttst gone was but the opening door to have closed forever, its lights are out forbidding straight lines, uncompromis­ greater and more wonderful advance and only bright memol;ies remain of ing facades and display of crude color, than is even dreamed of in the philoso­ what has been the dramatic event of we came to accept it, and sometime, phy of we folk of today. the Century, the great show which in perhaps love it. ~ size, in scope, in instructive, in scenic, A Century of Progress' second sea­ Travel in amusement and general entertain­ son brought reactions of a pleasanter By Rev. A. L. Mtt,..,.ay ment features easily outclassed any­ sort. Color was softened, noises were I've driven spans of cariboo thing of a similar nature ever before hushed, there was good music and And skimmed swift streams In birch canoe. .undertaken and carried to a successful I've toted freight with slow ox team finish. Not only did it call together And deserts crossed with mules right mean. all the marvels of the Age, but it Thanksgiving brought together more people from all On western broncs I've ridden range Reprinted by Request And once I rode a steer for change. parts of the world than any previous For wood smoke and Autumn days, affair of its kind. It has, moreover, Where winds and sunshine wake I've mURhed a huskie team of dogs; accomplished the hitherto impossible­ For fallow fields. With cant.hook I have ridden logs. it has paid its own way, and is an outstanding success in every particu­ I've plowed high seas in cattle-boats For all the ill that has not com€ And saddled elephant's and goats. lar. To desolate us, heart and home Gone now are the glamor and the And sorrow healed. I've seen earth's map from airship high glitter, the barkers and the ballyhoo, And watched the clouds go rolling by. the droning blimps, the soaring skyride For understanding others' needs For shelter, health and peace of mind I've made bus trips and hitch-hiked, too, structure, the insistent murmurings of And crossed a bridge of fratl bamboo. the loudspeakers, the scintillating And plans ahead. lights, the color, the charming vistas, I've done Chicago on the L For pheasants running through the And in New York the tube as well. the vivid life of the sparkling little wheat lagoon, the milling crowds, the host of And laughing children 'long the I've had my horse-and"buggy days happy humanity which daily thronged street And ran in marathon relays. the avenues and the halls; the old and And work and bread. I've driven every kind .of auto -Nora B. Decco. And gone by camel to a grotto. Now when I go from place to place And triumph over time and space, much of the ballyhoo was moved to one side to give place to features of I ask for comfort' and safety more general and widespread interest; That only railway trains give me. and so the mellowing influences of time and association had their effect and the verdict was-Uthe 1934 Fair was a The North Gate the young who stood in wide-eyed won­ der before the demonstrations in me­ chanics, art, industry, commerce, and the unbelievable developments of the sciences; the gorgeous lighting and the astounding effects produced by man's most mysterious servant-electricity. Gone are they all, but in memory they will linger long. We are probably Looking North to the Ford Building somewhat breathless trying to get to­ gether a composite of all the Exposi­ tion has meant and will mean to us, The Great Genel'al Motors Building as well as to all the world. But as the perspective lengthens, the full impres­ sive story with its indelible pictures will unroll to our understanding many things of priceless value. A century of progress as presented during the Fair of 1933 laid particular stress on the advancement of th€ more material elements of life and their ap­ peal to that side of human nature. They were impressive in garish color, strange looking structures, and un­ familiar effects-some· of them rather appalling to the unaccustomed eye. They did not seem to carry any high The Chr~'sler Headed for Home Three At first there was a disposition in cer­ tain organs of the French press to hold The Marquis de Mores the English responsible for de Mores untimely end, it being alleged that the BySISTODDARD object of his murder was to prevent him from reaching the Mahdi at Khar· K. BURN'S glowing account in the during the world war by his sons, the toum. R • July number of The Milwaukee present Duke of Vallombrosa and his In the course of time the absurdity of ][aqazine covering the celebration of younger brother, Duke Paul de Mores. these charges became apparent and :1:e Golden Jubilee of the Montana Fighting under the French flag, both thereupon the Marquise de Mores and a Stockgrowers' Association in Miles City were repeatedly cited in the orders of number of her friends became obsessed ,,"as read with more than ordinary inter­ the day for conspicuous gallantry and with the idea that his death had been ;;,t. Incidents and names he mentioned heroism, and each received the Croix de encompassed by certain French colonial :e,-i,ed memories of a distant past Guerre with numerous palms and stars. officials, because it was alleged he had "hen I called the cow country home. Both were reared in the United States discovered some flagrant dishonesty " . One name, however, while practically and were graduated at Harvard, but and corruption on the part of the resi­ 'jnknown to hundreds of the great Mil­ now make their homes in Paris.
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