KEAL ESTATE.Oat of City. REAL ESTATE.Oat of City. REAL ESTATE.Oat of City. / REAL ESTATE.0«t of City. REAL ESTATE.Out of City. REAL ESTATE.Out cf City. REAL ESTATE.Out of City. REAL ESTATE.Out of City. Kent. New Juki.6*1* or Baal. New or Bent. INlMwiler.8*lc or Kent. New Jersey.Sale or Kent. Mew Jersey.Sale or Bent. New Jersey.Sale or Kent. New Jersey.Sale or Kent. New -Irrei-y.Sale ujr JrrM;.Sale NEW JERSEY SALE OR RENT licensed Broker* 4 Jfimteri of the Real Estate Larchmont Leapu« Offet the Best Real Properties To Be Had fUINFIKLD HASBBOUCK HEIGHTS New Modern Colonial houMi Quick Sale More Imperative Than Price. on the Sound FIELD Urine Owner offers 8-rooin all im¬ All that it BestPLAINof the City and the Country. A Revelation ,to City Residents. Splendid room, fireplace, porch, dining room, Dan- dwelling, trtea; kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, modern provements. ample grounds, easy com* Educational Advantages. Every Social Facility.Churches of all denominations. Selection bath. stuam heat, all Improvements. muting distance. Choice Shore Fronts of located. Train Service. chestnut trim. Immediate possession. Price *7000 Artistic Homes, charmingly Uninterrupted Price 88800 Terms Reasonable Amount of Cash. THE 8TATH O. L. KIKBENMANN Offered john g. Mclaughlin ATat plainfield, n.N. J.j. manning & brouard TBU8T OO. IM Boulevard J PLAINFIELD, Beat Estate Dept. rialafield Tel.?33 Hasbrouok Hts. A moat estate coro- Beattar. Beautiful Colonial residence, most se¬ BUILDERS AND REALTORS. PALISADES " magnificent I print ilk several euros of floe water lect locality, 8 rooms, 2 bathe, sleep¬ inooi ' front on Sound. Pretentious Choloe for Bale and Rent. Just completed for May 1st. Occu¬ (At the Junction) open Properties ing porch, sun porch, hot water heat, U MILES FROM NEW YORK. Also ORANTWOOD and mansion containing 12 master pancy 3 fine, new Colonial houses, 8 Prloe Originally 810.600. Now 118.000 'MOR81S- chambers and 7 baths. Servants' New fork offlo* Plainfield Offlee. open fireplace. Lot 118*190. Near depot 8-room, J-bath home; steam, gas, elec¬ MERE. Beautifully Improved Residence in accordance. Spacious 3 tile FINEST COMMUTING SERVICE. sun Sites overlooking the Hudson Klver.¦ quarters and trolley. Price $22,000. rooms, baths, tricity, open fireplace, porch. open they are priced below value. aultea and living rooms, billiard Mutual Ufa Bid*., 14# North Ave. porch, plot 70x160. Station 7 minutes. Real way bell. I.arge open fireplaces, hot $10,000.$15,000.$18,000w FOUR CONVENIENTLY LOCATED LOCAL STATIONS. Homes at Reasonable Prices, water HARVEY R. linbarger SUMMIT HOME LAND OO. HKID * lomt:ht water heat, extensive deep M Nassau St, Phone 401. Large lotst finest location In olty. IS Beechwood Road Pier, bathing beach. Wonderful REALTOR. 89 TRAINS DAILY. Tel. 1178 At Junction Tel. 85# CUfftlde lawns, fine specimen shade trees. John. Plainfield. 307 Park Ave. Phone Plainfield 3. In abundanoe. Phone 2M0 1W7 North av.,opp. depot, Plainfield,N.J. In variety, shrubs ac¬ Tennis and squash courts, green¬ llnndxome contain¬ A HOME DISTINCTIVE.Exclustve PLAINFIELD appeals to the homeseeker because of Its houses. Outbuildings Include largo residence, $12,500.Modem 2 family house, con¬ and ing 11 rooms, sleeping porch and 3 section; perfectly planned Colonial, to the of New Into the garage, complete chauffeur's baths, togedher with wide porchew taining all lmpts. Three lota and 2 tapctry brick, on landscape setting, cessibility beauty spots Jersey. Trips plo- N. J. gardener's accommodations. With¬ a 18."x2I0. flower pa¬ SUMMIT, water overlooking well shaded plot of Vegetable, garden, sea¬ out question the finest front about two acres, alliof which Is meet car garage. Fine residential section rage. Living room, fireplace, reception turesque Watchung Mountains, drives to the famous Jersey estate between New Hochelle ami room, kun washroom, sci¬ no osrrtm through mctmotlvcly landscaped. The land near center of town. Good Invest¬ parlor, guest Rye. Offered exclusively faces on three rtrrots. There U a entifically arranged kitchen; 4 sleeping shore resorts and JourneyB through the prosperous farming districts secures on sale at a sac¬ J10 CAA spacious 7-room. C For built this office quick »tee.m heated Karaite and tool house, ment. rooms, sleeping porch, - exceptional 1 $1 000 substantially 10" rifice of value. tll^l baths. Room" for 2 sen-ants. The and at the J)«7vU 2-bath «eml bungalow. 10,WV room SUMMIT home In wtth room for three care, together near by can be made conveniently from Plainfield, con¬ highest with living quarters above. Possesion home of an architect at $.'10,000. Steam, open Are, alfpubllo utility section; larpe plot 163x100: $37,000 Ons of ftalnfteld'e finest FEW CO Ml'AH I SONS.The equivalent of enviable motorists are nections. Plot 100x110. Double Garage. Meum hest, arranged for 2 baths. Oar- can he obtained In 00 days, perhaps end of a few hours enjoyment always fruit, double garage, stable. WANT At beautiful Byram Shore sooner. homes s exclusive location. Modern of this now, ir.rwetlve, substantially OFFER.dep. built Colonial hu«r Living room, din¬ to return to the Plainfield and its beautiful resi¬ $99 RAO Beautifully developed 10- A unique water front estate on sun all able progressive £»£t |3W Acre Home > Electrically Operated Dairy Farm with unobstructed stucoo dwelling, tile roof; 18 rooms, ing room, rai'or, gas kltchon, Country with the open Sound $10,000.New house, having T rooms, 4 Bleeping rooms, tiled bath, also show¬ sections and healthful climate. thriving 100-tree bearing Apple Orchard OOO Monthly Cash Income 8000. and extensive views. Massive grey B baths, servants' quarters and 2 oar er and washroom; steam heat, hard¬ dential OU,UVU m Acres. 2 mansion 7 mas¬ tiled bath, hot water heat; garage; at MADISON. Superior 0-roora, 2-bath, Improved ¦tone containing plot 90 feet front. wood floor-* and trim; on terrace 75x steam heatod la dwellings, extensive power equipped out¬ ter chambers, ample baths and garage attached. Beautiful grounds. 150; graded, walked and shrtlbe. A While the past history of Plalnfleld has been a record of won¬ dwelling, war-upper buildings. 40 heud stock, complete labor servants' quarters. Oarage for C $8,700.8 rooms, 1 bath, hot water Tennis Court. Exceptional value. sound Investment at $11,500. Terms ar¬ savins machinery and crop*. Locatod cars. Pine beech, artistically ter¬ heat; corner plot location. ranged. ders and achievement, the future gives of a still brighter TSShr &e at nACKKTTSTOWN. Investment Tf raced Is.ns. gardens, shade trees promise 40% BELOW VALUE. over $45,000. Send for Photos. * and si i try. Owner, leaving the J. J. SCHWARTZ, Realtor and more prosperous era. 'OTHER PINE PROPERTIES *10,000 TO fflOO.OOO count.. must sell. Circumstances J. G. MULF0RD FREDERICK A. MARTIN A. J. WILLIAMS, ASSOCIATE. offer an opportunity to purchase 'U North Ave. Ph. 793. Plainfield. N. J. 171 North N. J. 111da. Ph. 2003 Plainfield. N. J far below value. Ave.. Plainfield. Babcock If you desire more information about this city, residential or FogeneJobs-H. Assured From F.Keck Q>. Honorable Service Any of These Members of The address of the Chamber of Realtors Opp. Station Summit, N. J. BOARD OF OF THE PLAINF1ELDS industrial sites, Secretary Commerce. Overlooking harbor REALTOR^ Plainfield, N. J. / at New Rochelle SHORT HILLS, N. J. A moat modern and attractive, 'Superior Residential substantially constructed home, 88 Trains Dan1/.BO Wins, toCommunity." stucco with heavy tile roof, con¬ Ke\o York. taining 14 rooms, 3 baths, sleep¬ UNUSUAL OFFERINGS B B N T A L 8 ing porch. Open fireplace, hot water heat, porches screened In I am offering for Sale my Furnished For th« Bummer at Unfurnished ston^n'oml^ta glass for summer and winter. .200 a month; very the very tjest location, near to the station| ¦XQranaes dA\ajteMBd Handsome Estate located charming stucco house; usual 1st floor 10 rooms, 2 baths, 2 car Grounds beautifully landscaped sleeping porch, with shrubbery, plants, *c. Oa¬ arrangements; 4 bedrooms, bath, sleep¬ garage; for rent at JlfiO a month, Others i 35 MINUTES FROM ON L\ & W. in the heart of the New ing porch. On a knoll. as rage. Bathing and boat house privi¬ BROADWAY, D., BEGIN MAT1st. equally good. leges. A genuine opportunity to Zone STOP PAYING RENT, FOB SALE purchase below valuo an Ideal, all FOR MAPLEWOOD MAPLEWOOD Jersey Commuting than cost a Colonial OM Farm House type Oolo- round, water front residence On We offer at less to-day very attractive, pretty S9C AAA CA AAA 18-room House.Bring year section. high ground, with unusually fine home in a beautiful residential section, "£0,UUU niai with an extensive and JOUjUUU room, library, billiard in the most exclusive The FRED. L. DALZELL .had.) trees; 10 minutes to station or Country suburban strictly pleasing outlook, fine trees, 1st floor has Price reduced to MO.MO. CO, trolley; modern Colonial plan house, ESSEX N. J. near New York, where the desires of the neighbors as to personality living room, dining room, pantry, gas room, dining room, pantry, kitchen, S with 7 large, bright rooms. 2 baths on FELLS, This house itself is in kitchen; 2nd floor 4 master's bedrooms, master's bedrooms, 2 baths, 8 servants' .econd It consists of a modern frame- of tmyer will be respected. perfect condi¬ 2 maid's room Realtor floor. 6un parlor and sleeping of baths; and ba£h. rooms and bath; 4 porches; 2 car garage COMPLETE LISTING OF SUMMER porch. Excellent condition. 810,500. aad-stone residence containing tion, beautifully decorated throughout, modern Colonial design A FULLY Improved and Beautifully AT MAPLEWOOD STATION.
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