DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO OE ERECTED FED. 3 rh« RagUtar Hat tha Intaraatlonal Newa Sarvica (Wlra and M allJ, tha N . C. W. C. Nawa Sarrfca ( l a d ^ u 9**’';* ’ * i Churches, Convents Its Owm ^ • c U l Sanricc* AU tha SmalW Catholic Sorvicos, talOnuitioBal Illustnited Now*, oad Na C Wa C. Plctura Sarvico. i BISHOP BUDDY Local Local “ Pax,” a new society sug­ Edition Edition ENTHRONEMENT, gested by The Catholic Sacked, Burned in Worker, is termed “an or­ THE ganization of Ciif^olics who, while they cannot join any Spain Are 20,000 PLANS LISTED of the existing pacifist \ ■" ■ ...I.. I .1 ■ groups, nevertheless feel 1,400 Priests Killed in Barcelona Alone; Tentative Arrangements Show Archbishop that they cannot, in con­ science, take any part in a Religion Conies to Life Under REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) John J. Cantwell Presiding, modem war.” The Catholic Delivering Sermon Worker says: “When the Rightists VOL. XIII No. 2 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 10, 1937 T W O CENTS next war comes along, and it Paris.— Twenty thousand churches and convents have San Diego, Calif.— (Special 'Telephone Interview)— will. Catholic conscientious ■been sacked or burned in Spain according to documented The solemn erection of the new Diocese of San Diego and objectors will have no stand­ Faithful Pray in Rain for Pope’s Recovery reports published by La Croix du Midi, which is published the enthronement of the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy will ing with or recognition by at Toulouse and which made use of information obtained be held Feb. 3. According to tentative plans the Most Rev. the authorities unless they from ecclesiastical and lay refugees in France. It is still John J. Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles and former act now to build up, in the impossible to obtain definite statistics as to the number of Bishop of Los Angeles-San Diego, will oflSciate at the in­ public mind, a recognition of priests executed. stallation and deliver the sermon at the Pontifical Mass the fact that Catholics may An inhabitant of Barcelona, who escaped by airplane to be celebrated by Bishop Buddy at 10:30. The Rev. be conscientious objectors Casey of St. Didacus’ quuite recently, estimates that in William J, and do not have to place that city alone 1,400 ministers of church, Saan Diego,, will be the dea­ themselves at the beck and the Gospel have been killed. It is con of the Mass and the Rev. call of whatever group of almost certain that this figure will Charles Loftus of St. John’s Byzantine Mass in church, San Diego, will be the sub­ Wonderful Work Is politicians happens to have be increased when accurate statis­ tics are possible. Except for those deacon. The masters of ceremonies control of affairs at the who escaped to France or Italy, will be the Rev. Michael J. O’Con­ time.” and some who are still kept in pris­ nor of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, San ons as hostages, it may be pre­ Paris Sung by S Diego, and the Rev. Daniel O’Don- Done in Aid of oghue of St. Didacus* church. A Unleu it accepts some sumed that all the rest are dead, for not one was spared volun­ clergy dinner will be held at 1 p. reservations, such a move­ tarily. m. Plans for a civic celebration ment will not meet with The I{eds made use of all sorts will be announced later. Catholic approbation. There of stratagems to discover priests Oriental Bishops Bishop Buddy was consecrated Mexican Religious Dec. 21 at St. Joseph, Mo., by the are conditions under which who were concealed. They sent young girls to addresses at which Most Rev. C. Hubert LeBlond, war is justified, such as the they had reason to believe a priest Paris.— ^In the presence of Car­ Bishop of St. Joseph, who took the Brownsville, Tex.— (Special)— defense of one’s country would be found. With an afflicted dinal Tisserant, secretary of the place of the Most Rev. Amleto A review of the work being accom­ against invaders, the pro­ air, they declared themselves to be Sacred Congregation for the Ori­ Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic plished by the Mexican Priests and profoundly Christian and com­ ental Church, who had come from Delegate to the United States, Sisters’ Aid, vnth headquarters tection of religion and Chris­ Rome especially for this occasion, unable to officiate because of here, for the Mexican priests and tian civilization against those plained of the tyranny that de­ prived the people of their dearly a ceremony without precedent at illness. Co-consecrators were the nuns carrying on their work for who would destroy them, beloved religion. Then, suppliant Paris was held in the Church of Most Rev. Gerald T. Bergan, the faith despite tremendous han­ etc. The peace movement St. Sulpice. Five Oriental Bishops, Bishop of Des Moines, and the dicaps has been summarized by the and in a low voice, they asked priests, whether anyone could tell them assisted by ten Oriental Most Rev. Francis J. Monaghan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Smith, is praiseworthy, but it must pontificated at very solemn Coadjutor Bishop of Ogdensburg. Vicar General of the Diocese of not compromise Catholic where to find a priest who would attend some sick member of their Byzantine Mass. Bishop Buddy, a priest of wide­ Cleveland, moral teaching. Likewise family who did not want to die The Bishops were the Most Rev. spread popularity, was rector of “ I have visited the headquarters we must not forget that without the ministrations of reli­ John Balan, Bishop of Lugoj, Ru­ St. Joseph’s Cathedral at St. Jos­ of the Mexican Priests and Sis­ Red Ruuia is back of many gion. If the priest, tricked, agreed mania; the Most Rev. George eph, Mo., and is well known for ters’ Aid at Brownsville,” Msgr. to render this supreme service, he Calavassy, Ordinary for Catholics his charitable, sociological, and Smith said, explaining that the city of the peace societies now of the Byzantine rite in Greece; was seized at the very door of the A heavy downpour of rain failed to dampen the fervor of the prayers sent up by these thousands civic labors. He was born in St. of 35,000 on the U. S.-Mexico extant hut that the Soviets two Russians, and one Greek-Arab. house and led off to his martyrdom. of faithful, shown in the court of St. Peter’s, imploring Divine aid for the recovery of Pope Pius XI. Joseph Oct. 4, 1887. boundary is 82 per cent Mexican. are the most heavily armed Poor fugitives hidden in the moun­ Each spoke his liturgical lan­ Reports on the Pontiff’s condition Jan. 4 indicated “ a slow but continual decline.” The formal erection of the new “ The Apostolic Delegate for Mex­ guage. The chants were executed nation on earth. It doespot tains were tracked down with hunt- Archdiocese of Los Angeles was ico has a very efficient organization by 40 Russian artists. held Dec. 3, Archbishop Cicog­ take too keen a brain to tealing dogs, for the collecting of funds for the The ecclesiastical assistance, Piux X I Consecrated at 62, Rise Then Rapid nani officiating. It was one of the Mexican priests and sisters work­ what the Reds’ purpose is. grouped in the choir, was not less (Turn to Page S — Colum n 1) ing under cover. Most of the While constantly working Crucifix Restored; exceptional. About Cardinal Tis­ monies come from England, Ire­ for a world peace that can serant were seated Cardinals Chinese Bandits Capture land, and France in the order Sacred Heart Enthroned Verdier and Baudrillart and the U. S. BISHOPS CHOSEN be built only on Christian Washington.— The reports that named, although our country con­ Most Rev. Valerio Valeri, Apos­ Priest, Menace Another tributes more than any other one principles, we Catholics there is a reawakening of religious tolic Nuncio at Paris; an Auxiliary life in war-tom Spain and that country,” the Cleveland Vicar should be particularly wary Bishop of Malines representing the Kweiyang, China.— From the General said. The Apostolic Dele­ General Franco’s troops are ani­ Cardinal Primate of Belgium, the FROM YOUNG CLERGYMEN mission of Kweiyang, of which the of extremist movements. mated by religious motives are gate has charge of the distribution “Pax” started in England, Apostolic Delegate to Indo-China, German Sacred Heart missionaries of the funds, which average about I given credence by a letter received the Apostolic Administrator of of Issoudun are in charge, comes but was soon brought to a ' by the Sacred Hearts Fathers of Pope Pius X I was made a priest Wilson was right when he wrote: being 30 when he was consecrated $3,000 monthly. Moscow, the Armenian Bishop of word that one missionary. Father Calling attention to the loyalty (Turn to Page 2 — Column 7) “ The Roman Catholic Church was Bishop of New Orleans in 1830. (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) Angora, two Archbishops, and before almost half the members Keller, has already been captured of Mexican Catholics to their faith The average age at consecra- some 15 Bishops of France; the of the Hierarchy ju America were then (in the Middle Ages), as it by bandits, and another, Father and_____ to_ Jthe______ dangers^__________________ of State schools - •STiperior general o f the Holy bom and became“ i BrsKSp St 62',' ’ rw^srgreat detiroeracy. ^ h ere tion of 'the six Arcbbishopg-oLBal- Baiimeisteif'waa-^Tece*tlyy ifr -m Mexico, Msgr, Smith said that Monsignor Sheen Begins TVcu? Kddid'Series Ghost Fathers, and the master danger, from which he emerged an age greater than that at which was no peasant so humble that he timore has been 35.
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