Portorož, Slovenia 1st and 2nd June 2015 No.2 Offi cial Newsletter of the Summit100 2015 NEWSLETTER SUMMIT100, Welcome Address Everything is ready to meet 180 business leaders of South Eastern Europe During the two days, 1st and 2nd June, Portorož (Slovenia), will host the most prominent business and political leaders from across South East- ern Europe. The focus of the talks will be the most propulsive sectors - from ener- gy, knowledge-based economy, tourism, F&B, digital economy to transport and infrastructure, with the clear positioning of smart cities in economic development. On behalf of the Summit100 Organ- izer, The Managers’ Association of Slo- venia - MAS, its president, Aleksander Zalaznik, believes that “the renewal and strengthening of economic relations is an important contribution to the stabili- ty of South Eastern Europe and for more successful economies countries, within the area. From this years Summit100, we have great expectations for internation- alisation and increased competitiveness of the region, particularly in terms of concrete projects that will result from Aleksander Zalaznik Emil Tedeschi the meeting”, noted Zalaznik. Summit100 is the fi rst and unique and the competitive potential of the the region, for which there is space and gathering of its kind in the region, de- whole of South East Europe. the need in various fi elds, not only infra- signed as a strong cohesive force for fu- structure, telecommunications and en- ture economic co-operation, as well as Such a commitment is confi rmed by ergy projects. in the eff orts of political leaders in order the CEO of Atlantic Group, Emil Tede- “Small and medium enterprises to improve standards across the region. schi, stressing that Summit 100 shows can, through various models of cluster- This event aims to show the determina- once again that the business commu- ing, be the engine of development at tion of business leaders to assume their nity has always been and remains a a pan-regional level. Summit 100 is an responsibility in creating a vision and step ahead of politics, which is why the initiative through dialogue on specifi c the requirements for strengthening the meeting is an important incentive for business solutions and policies form a competitiveness of national economies dialogue on economic co-operation in new, achievable vision of improving the Offi cial Newsletter of the Summit100 2015 No.2 02 business environment, co-operation appearances on third markets”, con- and quality of life in the region”, reports cludes Kuštrak. Tedeschi. Summit100, as was vividly iterated “The fourth annual gathering of em- by Dr. Iztok Seljak, Chairman of the Man- ployers and entrepreneurs of South East agement Board, must discuss the future Europe continues with the idea of gath- in which there is a project for the devel- ering and sharing business representa- opment of high-speed rail on the plat- tives in order to be a durable platform form of Smart Cities of South Eastern and meeting place for the most distin- Europe. “We need to be able to sit down guished entrepreneurs and business- in a high-speed train in Ljubljana and a men from Slovenia, Croatian, Serbia, half hour later get to Zagreb and after a Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, further hour and a half to Belgrade, and Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania”, pro- for the next hour and a half to Skopje. poses Vice President of the Sum- Then the region will actually be much mit100 Management Board, Damir better strongly connected”. Kuštrak. The patron of this year’s events, the “The initiative of voluntary organi- Slovenian President, Boris Pahor, who sations of employers – the Serbian As- will host his fellow presidents from Cro- sociation of Managers, the Croatian atia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Employers Association and the Manag- Macedonia - Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, ers’ Association of Slovenia - MAS, and Damir Kuštrak Mladen Ivanić, Filip Vujanović, Atifete fully supported by the Atlas Founda- Jahjaga and Gjorge Ivanov. tion Montenegro - remains unchanged, meeting of Heads of State of the region, Summit100 was fi rst organised in and concerns opening perspectives for the highest political leaders in the re- 2011 in Serbia, the second year in Mon- strengthening the competitiveness of gion to jointly open the perspective of tenegro, and the third in Croatia, and all national economies of countries, but strengthening the economy. Overall, three had Presidential patrons from the also competitive potential of the en- the variety of political tension in the host country. tire southeast of Europe. The gathering region that we are aware of late, econo- is linked to the process Brdo-Brijuni, mists promote co-operation, the possi- Looking forward to seeing you in which, parallel to the summit, held a bilities of expanding markets and joint Portorož. New investment plan for Europe Over the course of the next three years, we should be seeing in- MOBILISING FINANCE FOR INVESTMENT MAKING FINANCE REACH THE REAL ECONOMY vestment of up to €315 billion that Strong boost to strategic investments Project pipeline preparation and selection could create 1.3 million new jobs across Better access to investment finance Technical assistance at all levels for SMEs and mid-cap companies Strong cooperation between National the EU. This is the basis of the plan by Strategic use of EU budget Promotional Banks and the EIB the President of the European Commis- Flexibility in the Stability and Growth Pact Follow-up at global, EU, national and for Member States contributing to the new regional level, including outreach activities sion, Jean-Claude Juncker, for economic European Fund for Strategic Investments recovery in the EU. Better use of the European Structural and Investment Funds Basically, the Juncker plan has a mul- tiplier eff ect; each €1 of public money from the budget could be turned into IMPROVED INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT €15 in order to attract private investors. If this succeeds, Juncker could reverse Predictability and quality of regulation Quality of national expenditure, tax the course of the crisis in Europe. If he systems and public administration cannot leverage in this manner, the en- New sources of long-term financing for the economy tire construction plan could collapse. Removing non-financial, regulatory Rather than wasting European budget barriers in key sectors within our single market money directly on infrastructure pro- 2 Offi cial Newsletter of the Summit100 2015 No.2 03 jects, Juncker plans to use the budget Where will the money come from? money as a guarantee in the hope that private investors contribute. That could EU guarantee Possible other mean €21 billion, which should raise EU public and private funding to €315 billion. EUR 16 bn* EUR 5 bn contributions There will be particularly interesting panel on which to discuss the possible European Fund for Strategic Investments use of resources in the region, and how EUR 21 bn it can help strengthen the economies of the countries of South Eastern Europe. EUR 16 bn EUR 5 bn x 15 PLENARY PANEL: Can the Region Long-term investments SMEs and mid-cap firms Tap into Claude Juncker’s €300 bn circa EUR 240 bn circa EUR 75 bn Development Plan to Kick-start Total extra over 2015-17: Growth, or What are the Alterna- circa EUR 315 bn** tive Financing Options? * 50% guarantee = EUR 8 bn from Connecting Europe Facility (3.3), Horizon 2020 (2.7) and budget margin (2) ** Net of the initial EU contributions used as guarantee: EUR 307 bn KEYNOTE INTRODUCTION: Werner Hoyer, President, European In- vestment Bank Over three years Positive impact PANELLISTS: on investment throughout • Alessandro Carano, Adviser to the economy the Deputy Director General, PrioritiesPPii iii i at nationali l Directorate-General for and regional level (e.g. SMEs, research, transport, environment) Economic and Financial Aff airs, Impact of Member States' European Commission contributions to the Fund • Duško Knežević, Chairman, EUR 315 bn Atlas Group SMEs and mid-cap companies Improved investment • Jean-Marc Peterschmitt, environment at EU and national level Managing Director, Central and Better use of the European Structural and Investment Funds Eastern Europe, EBRD Strategic investments of European Possible Member States' significance in energy, transport, contributions to the Fund broadband, education, • Janez Škrabec, CEO, Riko research and innovation European Fund for MODERATORS: Janko Medja, NLB Strategic Investments: EUR 21 bn (initially) 5 and Damir Kuštrak, Agrokor In the context of the assessment of public finances under the Stability and Growth Pact, the Commission will take a favourable position towards such capital contributions to the Fund. by the EIB and key stakeholders to build an investment advisory "Hub". By mid-2015 The new European Fund for Strategic Investments is operational. The European Structural and Investment Funds produce their impact, in synergy with EU programmes. A transparent pipeline of projects is in place at EU level, which will be developed over time. The new investment advisory "Hub" is operational. Follow-up activities have started at EU, national and regional levels, together with relevant stakeholders. A dedicated website allows to monitor progreprogressss on thethe InvestmentInvestment PPllaann in real-time.real time. By mid-2016 Progress will be reviewed, including at the level of Heads of State and Government. Further options may be considered ahead of the mid-term review of the Multi-annual Financial Framework. Offi cial Newsletter of the Summit100 2015 No.2 04 Separate programme for Women and Young Leaders Women leaders will have a special place during this years Summit, a special side-event being organised by Women-leaders Section at Managers’ Asso- ciation of Slovenia with H.E. Kolinda Grabar- Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croa- tia. “Women are still insuffi ciently represent- ed in senior leading positions where deci- sions are made.
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