
AVERAGE DAILY VIRUULAT10N WEATHER r Foreemt of D. 8. Weuther Bntuun, far tbe Mouth of Deosmber, ItZ I Hurtford doady, probably rain or snow to- 6,047 night and Sitoday, not mnoh change' aa Hsmber of tbe Audit In tempers tore. Bnraun ot Utreulutlous ford MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM (Cluaslfied Advertising ou Puga 10) VOL. LVII., NO. 96 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 22,1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Where Agents Found Bodies of Ross and Gray ARMIES CLOSE BOTHFACnONS m\ WHOLE TVA PROGRAM ININF( FOR BATTLE PREDICT EARLY OVEyOCHOW FnJBU^END HELD CONSTITUTIONAL [ps Avoid Pengpn Conflict, Sonthern Senators Predict Relying On Jlanking; To- Shelving Of Lynch BY FEDERAL TRIBUNAL kyo, Aiming At Economic Backers Of Measure Aver CHINA CLIPPER FORCED TO ABANDON FLIUHX *rivate Utilities Told Com- WATERBURY FINDS Unity, Sees A Long War. It Win Soon Be Passed. San Pedro, C^allf., Jan. 22.— -ittl (A P )—Pan American Airways' petition By Government Is RECORDS MISSING Chins Clipper, beset by mechani- Shangai, Jah. 22.— (A P )—Japan- Washington, Jan. 22.— (A P )—Im - cal trouble 600 miles off the Not Illegal E v e n jf De- ese armISs converging on tbe stra- portant legislation began piling up California coast on a scheduled tegic Lunghai railway crowded today on the Senate calendar, In- flight to Honolulu and forced to closer to Suchow today, making a creasing tbe urgent desire of ad- Entire Files Of Invoices For abandon Ita westward trip, land- structive; No Conspiracy major battle In the vidnlty of this ministration leaders to end the time- ed In San Pedro harbor at 6:36 consuming filibuster against the a. m. (B:35'k- m., eat) today. Kiangsu provinoe rail junction more Fonnd; Effect On Securi- antl-lynchlng bill. Southern Sen- Six Years Removed From The huge plane. In command Imminent. Suchow's dvlllan popu- ators who have been talking for 14 of Capt. J. H. Tilton, made port lation was ordered to leave, strong (lays to prevent the anti-Iynchkig with only three of its four measure from coming to a vote pre- Vanlts In The City HaD. ties Believed Already Dis- defense positions were constructed motors functioning. It made a dicted that the necessity off getting In the surrounding hills, entrances perfect landing near Battleship to the city were barricaded and on to other business would result Row and taxied to the Navy counted; Case To Be Tak- highways radiating west, to Honan In shelving of the bill ‘next week. Waterbury, Jan. 22—(A P)—En docks. province, north to Shantung and They called a caucus to decide on tire flies of Invoices for six years .strategy in seeking to pigeon-hole south to Ahnwei were blocked. from 1930 through 1935 have been en To Supreme ConrL The Japanese army, advancing the measure. Two major measures—the $553,- removed from the 'ijssement vault north from Nanaing, reached Lln- 000,000 navy appropriations bill and of the Utty Hall, It was announced hwaikwang, within striking distance This Is an overhead view o f the walled cave near Spooner, Wls., In which Federal agents found the Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 22— the housing conference report— today by State's Attorney Lawrence DOZENS OF CATS of the important agricultural trad- bodies of Charles S. Ross, wealthy Chicago kndnap victim, and Janies Atwood Gray. Agents said Peter (A P )—'The Tennessee Valley Au* ing center of Pengpu, on tbe Hwat were approved In the House and L. Lewis. The cancelled checks for Anders, seized on the west coast and returned by plane to the twin cities, bad admitted killing Rosa and river approximately 80 miles south sent to tbe Senate yesterday. Urnrlty, victorious over 18 private hla accomplice In the abduction. Gray. , these years are also gone. o f Suchow. The housing report, adjusting Mr, Lewis said that he had been FOUND IN HOME utilities In a test of Ita constitutloii- differences between Senate and Since Pengpu Is supposed to be Informed yesterday during his In- allty, promised cooperation today In powerfully defended by Chinese House bills, may come before the vestigation Into the missing records speeding the case to tbe United troops, roilltaiy observers believed Senate Monday. Majority leader In the office of Comptroller Sher- States Supreme Court. Even, ma- the Japanese would swing away Barkley (D„ Ky.) sold that the re- wood L. Rowland that In addition Rich Hartford Woman Spent jor activity of the government from the Tlenstln-Pukow railway port could be given preference and FEDERAL ECONOMISTS I Reveal cr uel ty to the warrants reglater and various taken up. A fter action on It, how- agency’s unified program (flood con- and attempt to cross the Hwai river other papers taken from the office ever, the Senate would return to the trol, navigation and power produc- below the city. By this maneuver of the comptroller, entire trays In Hundreds Of Dollars For they would try to outflank tbrf Chi- antl-lynchlng legislation. tion) waa held valid yesterday by a Major Calendar Bills. SEE TRADE IMPROVED! OF boss kidnaper tbe downstairs vault cabinet had three-member FederM court. At- nese and proceed toward Suchow been emptied o f their contents and without assaulting Pengpu. The Independent offices appropri- Their Care Before Dying. torneya for the utilities announced ations bill, the administration's tbe latter could not be found. they would appeal. James Law- Another Japanese army, rein- County Detective Koland O. A il- forced with 20,000 cavalry and ar- government reorganization bill and renca Fly, T V A chief counsel, sold Federal Men Give Informa- ing, accompanied by William J. tillerymen, was moving In on a proposal to Investigate the Ten- Priyate Experts Also Agree the agency would assist "In avery nessee Valley Authority also are Armstrong, Mr. Rowland’s personal Hartford, Jon. 22— (A P )—Dozens Suchow from Shantung provinoe. way" toward expediting a final da- slowly fighting Its way southward on the Senate calendar. The Navy accountant, made an inspection of of cats, bereft of tbelr spinster m ^- dslon. LATE NEWS tion About Man Who Tried the vault this morning. Mr. Ailing along the Tlentsln-Pukow railway. appropriations bill 'and- the bill car- That Business Outlook Is tress by death, were forced to give In New York, Wall street report- This line crosses the Important east- rying funds for the Treasury and reported to the state’s attomsy that up luxuries to which they had be- ed that utility security owners were Post Office departraerits are expect- apparently all of tbe Invoices for west Lunghai railway at Suchow. To Commit Perfect Crime. come accuetomed today when agents depressed especially by the niUog It was reported that several ed to go from committees to the Brighter .Than A Month FLASHES! the six years mentioned are missing, of the Connecticut Humane Society fiat “TVA power competition was American missionaries were still In Senate floor soon. and probably others. Because such a mass of Legisla- removed them from a Main street not only "lawful" but the privately Suchow. They were said to be Ago — Report Findings. St. Paul, Jan. 22.— (A P )— A Bntite Book Missing owned power componlea "have no Southern Presbyterians and were tion ia held up by the antl-lynchlng GOOD BUSINESS REPUHT { Without these invoices and mansion. controversy. Senator Connslly (D., speedy removal to Chicago, a quick Tbelr wealthy owner. Miss Amelia Immunity from lawful competition Hsted aa Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Me- Washington, Jon. 22,— (A P ) — ; checks, it would be ^ p o ssib le to even If their business be curUlUed Tex.), leader o f tbe Southern forces, trial, and death In the electric chair Sage, 48, died of pneumonia Wed- Favden. Morgantown, N C.: Rev. President Benjamin F. Fnlrlesa said reconstruct the pages m M n g from or destroyed.” and Mrs F. A. Brown. Nortbrup, predicted the aqtl-Iyncbing meas- Washington, Jan. 22.—(AP) — today the United States Steel Cor- the warrants renters of years pre- newlay In a private hoapital. In the for the kidnap-slaylng of Charles 8. big brick house which she built two Bffqct Dltoounied Va.. and Mrs. M. B. Grier, Montiet, ure would be shelved by next Wed- Federal and private economlata poration ptonned to spend about vious to 1836, for which year the en- nesday. Rosa woa tbe program marked out years ago os a reproduction of the However, the financial community N. C. allks. Informed persona said today, $M,000,OM oa plant modernixatton tire book was reported missing. Senator Van Nuys, (D „ Ind.) an today for Peter Andera, the one- turreted mansion In which she was believed generally that power secur- Tbe Japanese navy announced have reported to the White House wltldn the next nine months. wlOi that of 1887, by OoroptroUer ities already hod discounted the pos- that the railway station at Suchow author of the antl-lynchlng bill, time lumberjack who hoped to exe- born. Investigators found her be that tbe business outlook has Im- *Tn ndditlon,” be said in a state- Rowland when he first took office. BbiUty of a pro-TVA decision, hav- was bombed after observation asserted. However, that the measure loved pets boused In 30 cages scat- proved substantially In the last ment to the Senate U'nemplo.vment cute the "perfect crime." Tbe state’s attorney sold he un planes flying over the city were would be passed "in a week or ten tered through severml rooms. ing been weak for some time. month. committee, "If bnsiness conditions Anders was held under heavy derstood about 2,000 cancelled fired on.
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