Peeping Through The Black Hole (English Poems) AARVEE TRIVEDI ËqhMkwËqh ytíkrhûk{kt (yLkwðkË) zkì. yþkuf [kðzk hLLkkËu «fkþLk 1 Peeping Through The Black Hole English Poems written by Aarvee Trivedi Door Sudoor Antriksh Ma Gujarati Translated by Dr. Ashok Chavda RANNADE PRAKASHAN-2013 ISBN : 978-93-82456-91-9 © English Poetry : Aarvee Trivedi © ytøkúuS frðíkk : ykðeo rºkðuËe © Gujarati Translation : Dr. Ashok Chavda © økwshkíke yLkwðkË : zkì. yþkuf [kðzk ‚tMÚkk…f : {™nh {kuËe «uhf : sÞuþ {kuËe «Úk{ ykð]r¥k : rzMkuBçkh, 2013 {w¾…]c : rLk{o¤ Mkhíkuò ÃkwMíkf Mkòðx : {iºke r«Lx…ìf, y{ËkðkË-380013 {wÿf : [trÿfk r«Lxhe, r{hÍk…wh hkuz, y{ËkðkË-380001 «fkþf : nt{uþ {™nh {kuËe hÒkkËu «fkþ™, 58/2, ƒesu {k¤, Ëuhk‚h ‚k{u, „ktÄe hkuz, y{ËkðkË - 380 001 Vku™ : 22110081-64 Vuõ‚ : 079-22146109 R-{uR÷ : [email protected] ðuƒ‚kRx : {qÕÞ : Yk. 225-00 2 Dedicated to our parents SHRI VRAJLAL HARGOVIND TRIVEDI SMT. KANTABEN VRAJLAL TRIVEDI WITH DEEP RESPECT AND REVERENCE 3 I N T R O D U C T O R Y As you all aware, writing takes more efforts and concentration than any extempore speech and speciffically writing a poem needs lots of intellectual and strenuous exercise. Our culture, art partially incarnated in poetry along with other medias like dance, sculpture, music, yoga etc. Those who understand follow the poetry are nearer to divinity. The idea of publishing simultaneous Gujarati Transcriptions of Alluring Laurels, composition wise, materialized on willingness and readiness for the assignment, by Dr. Ashok Chavda, our renouned Gujarati poet with his stylish accurate lucid writings for all. With humble and rejoicing feelings, my first endeavour of heartfelt expressions is presented. - AARVEE TRIVEDI (M) +91-9409286552 Email : [email protected] 4 Ëq h Mkw Ëq h yt ík rh ûk {kt ÷øk¼øk AuÕ÷k [khuf ËkÞfkykuÚke ytøkúuS frðíkkyku ÷¾íkk hsLkefktík ðús÷k÷ rºkðuËe WVuo ykðeo rºkðuËe WÃkMkr[ð, økwshkík Mku¢uxheyux MkŠðMkeMk - õ÷kMk-1{ktÚke rLkð]¥k ÚkÞu÷k ykìrVMkh Au. yk frðSð rLkð]r¥k ÃkAe Ãký Mkíkík «ð]r¥k{kt h{{ký hnu Au, íku ykLktËLke ðkík Au. ykðeo rºkðuËe ÃkkuíkkLke MktðuËLkkyku yAktËMk MðYÃku ytøkúuS ¼k»kk{kt Wíkkhu Au. íku{Lke frðíkkyku{kt ykãkÂí{f, LkiMkŠøkf, «ýÞkuL{kË, y{qíkoíkk yLku Mkk{krsf ¼kðrðï Mkrðþu»k òuðk {¤u Au. ynª {q¤ ytøkúuS frðíkkyku «fkrþík fhe Au, MkkÚkuMkkÚku íkuLkku økwshkíke yLkwðkË Ãký {qfðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. yk{ fhðk ÃkkA¤Lkwt fkhý çktLku ¼k»kkLkk ðk[fku yuf MkkÚku frðíkkLkku Õnkðku {kýe þfu íku s Au. ykðeo rºkðuËeLke frðíkk rðþu ðkík fhðk çkuMkeþ íkku ½ýe ðkík ÚkE þfu íku{ Au, Ãký ynª {khe ¼qr{fk yuf yLkwðkËfLke nkuðkÚke yu ðkík fhðkLkwt xk¤wt Awt. nk, ðk[fLku yux÷wt [ku¬Mk fne þfwt Awt fu ynª «fkrþík 100 frðíkkyku{ktÚke ÃkMkkh Úkíke ð¾íku yuLku yAktËMk frðíkkLkk rðrðÄ ¼kðrðïku{kt VhðkLkku Mkwðýo yðMkh yð~Þ «kó Úkþu fkhý fu ynª MkËeykuÚke ‘çkkçkeo zku÷’ suðe Sðíke LkkheLke ÔÞÚkk Au, íkku ykMkÃkkMk òuðk {¤íke yLkuf fÚkk Au. ykðeo rºkðuËeLku þw¼ fk{Lkkyku... - zkì. yþkuf [kðzk (M) +91-94266 80633 Email : [email protected] Web: 5 P R E F A C E It is rather unimaginable for me to write preface of this book, which is gifted by the author AARVEE TRIVEDI to Dr. A.R.K. Pillai, Founder President of Indian Development Foundation, Mumbai- 400104. The book consists of life long ‘Alluring Laurels’ of the author i.e. my elder brother, on matters ranging form love, romance, together- ness, usual human life and life beyond our existing life i.e. after depar- ture from this tiny yet beautiful and lovely earth-teeming with its hu- man beings. The book proposed to be given to who gracefully donate whole heartedly for the noble cause of increasing activities of Indian Devel- opment Foundation for furtherance of present and proposed projects of the Trust viz Indian Development Foundation. At this moment, all my heartening regards with our heartfelt respect to Dr. A.R.K. Pillai, Founder President of the Trust to accept this book as a gift to the trust. This is part-I of Author’s first publica- tion of ‘Alluring Laurels’ and as you know, the first part our creations is always to be gifted to the God. My heartfelt regards to my brother i.e. the Author AARVEE TRIVEDI, for this purpose. Hope this gift would surely serve the desired purpose to raise funds to our Indian Development Foundation. With my dedicated regards to Dr. A.R.K. Pillai, Founder Presi- dent of the Trust. - JOHN TRIVEDI (M) 0012246594362 Email : [email protected] 6 M E S S A G E Dear Shri Aarvee Trivedi Ji. Namaskar! I congratulate you on writing the book ‘Peeping Through The Black Hole’ Sharing your rich experience of life. This is a commend- able effort indeed. Sharing thoughts and experiences call for a lot of sacrifice and effort. It is certainly laudable. I wish your enture all success, concluding with a prayer to God Al- mighty to bless you and your team! With warm regards, sd/- Dr. A.R.K. Pillai Foundr President Indian Development Goundation Goregaov (West) Mumbai-400104 Tel: 022-28762008, 022-2876 3008 Cell: +91-98200 97905 Email : [email protected] 7 CONTENT 1. BARBIE DOLL 1 2. TRANSFORMATION 3 3. DON’T READ 5 4. DEATH 7 5. HELP SOLOCITED 9 6. FABULOUS FABLES 11 7. ROSE IS ROSE 13 8. YEARNING 15 9. THE INSEPARABLES 17 10. FAREWELL 19 11. BELOVED 21 12. DREAM AND REALITY 23 13. TOMORROW NEVER DIES 25 14. TO THEE, O DARLING! 27 15. AFTER YOUR DEPARTURE 29 16. A SILENT SCREAM 31 17. PATIENT’S REVERIE 33 18. SAVIOUR FROM DISASTER 35 19. SOARING DEMANDS 37 20. UNIVERSAL LOVE 39 21. QUESTIONS – ANSWERS 41 22. MERCY TOWARDS THE GOD 43 23. AN INTERNAL HEAVEN 45 24. LAST DIALOGUE 47 25. CITY BUS 49 26. BUTTERFLY 51 27. MEETING THYSELF 53 28. A PUZZLE 55 8 y™w¢{ 1. çkkçkeo zku÷ 2 2. ÃkrhðíkoLk 4 3. Lkk ðkt[ku 6 4. {]íÞw 8 5. {ËË òuEyu Au 10 6. fÂÕÃkík çkkuÄfÚkkyku 12 7. yk økw÷kçk økw÷kçk Au 14 8. Ít¾Lkk 16 9. yrð¼kßÞ 18 10. rðËkÞ 20 11. ðnk÷ 22 12. MðÃLk yLku nfefík 24 13. ykðíke fk÷ y{h Au 26 14. nu r«Þk 28 15. íkkhk økÞk ÃkAe 30 16. {qtøke [eMk 32 17. ËËeoLkwt rËðkMðÃLk 34 18. ykÃkr¥k{ktÚke íkkhýnkh 36 19. rðfMkíke ykfktûkk 38 20. Mkkðorºkf «u{ 40 21. «&™ku¥khe 42 22. Eïh «íÞu fhwýk 44 23. MkLkkíkLk Mðøko 46 24. ytrík{ MktðkË 48 25. rMkrx çkMk 50 26. ÃkíktrøkÞwt 52 27. íkkhe MkkÚku {w÷kfkík 54 28. fkuÞzku 56 9 29. HOME IN DREAM 57 30. FLAW AND PENALTY 59 31. A MONOLOGUE 61 32. CONCLUSION 63 33. SPECIALITIES 65 34. IF AND THEN 67 35. DEVIATION ONLY 69 36. DELIGHTFUL DEPARTURE 71 37. MOTHERHOOD 73 38. WE AND THE ALMIGHTY 75 39. NOT ALONE 77 40. GIFTS FOR THE SUN 79 41. IN APPRECIATION 81 42. ONE AND UNIQUE 83 43. RESURRECTING ROMANCE 85 44. BUY & SELL 87 45. TIME 89 46. BUOYANCY OF LIFE 91 47. GROWTH OF STONES 93 48. ADDICTION 95 49. SUNBURNT 97 50. NATURAL INSTINCT 99 51. A SCENE TO REMEMBER 101 52. LONLINESS 103 53. THE WAY OUT 105 54. YOUR PORTRAIT 107 55. MOOD AND MODES 109 56. COMPANY 111 57. PRAYER 113 58. PERHAPS 115 10 29. MðÃLkøk]n 58 30. Ëku»k yLku Ëtz 60 31. «Þký Ãknu÷kt 62 32. «ýÞkurfíkLke Ãkhkfk»xk 64 33. rðþu»kíkkyku 66 34. òu y™u íkku 68 35. WÕ÷t½Lk 70 36. nŠ»kík rðËkÞ 72 37. {kík]íð 74 38. ykÃkýu yLku Eïh 76 39. LkÚke yuf÷ku... 78 40. MkqÞo íkhVÚke Mkkuøkkík 80 41. {qÕÞktfLk 82 42. yòuz y™u yrîíkeÞ 84 43. ÃkwLkoSrðík hku{kt[ 86 44. ¾heË y™u ðu[ký 88 45. Mk{Þ 90 46. SðLkLkku WÕ÷kMk 92 47. ÃkÚÚkhLke ð]rØ 94 48. ð¤øký 96 49. çk¤íkhk 98 50. Mðk¼krðf ð]r¥k 100 51. M{]ríksLÞ á~Þ 102 52. yuf÷íkk 104 53. «MÚkkLk 106 54. íkkhwt «rík®çkçk 108 55. {LkkuËþk yLku heík 110 56. MktøkkÚk 112 57. «kÚkoLkk 114 58. fËk[ 116 11 59. DESTINATION BEYOND HORIZON 117 60. DEPRESSION 119 61. DIVE INTO THE DIVINITY 121 62. ETERNAL PLEASURE 123 63. HAPPINESS-1 125 64. HAPPINESS-2 127 65. SEARCH 129 66. ACCIDENTAL EXCUSES 131 67. SUCCESS 133 68. CONFESSION 135 69. ACCIDENT 137 70. ROOTS OF WOES 139 71. USUALLY UNUSUAL 141 72. RAWING ROUTINE 143 73. REWIND THYSELF 145 74. A PLAYFULL SPLASH 147 75. HOMAGE 149 76. EFFECTUOUS TREND 151 77. MISFIT 153 78. RETURNING TO HOME 155 79. ASPIRATIONS 157 80. EMERGENCY ENTRANCE 159 81. HYPOCRITICAL QUOTES 161 82. PAINFUL PROXIMITY 163 83. MESSAGE TO A STUDENT 165 84. CARVED MOON 167 85. ICE – MAN 169 86. DEAL 171 87. AT CHURCH GATE 173 88. SIMILARITY 175 12 59. {trÍ÷ - rûkríksLke Ãku÷u ÃkkhLke 118 60. WËkMke 120 61. Ëuðíð{kt ÷Þ÷eLk 122 62. þkïík ykLktË 124 63. Mkw¾-1 126 64. Mkw¾-2 128 65. þkuÄ 130 66. ykfÂM{f çknkLkkyku 132 67. MkV¤íkk 134 68. fçkq÷kík 136 69. yfM{kík 138 70. ÃkezkLkkt {q¤ 140 71. Mkk{kLÞ heíku yMk{kLÞ 142 72. hku®sËe hkusLkeþe 144 73. yíkeík{kt zkurfÞwt 146 74. h{ríkÞk¤ økB{ík 148 75. ©Øktsr÷ 150 76. yMkhfkhf ð÷ý 152 77. f{u¤ 154 78. ½hu ÃkkAk Vhíkk..
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