Emerson Replacement Motors

Emerson Replacement Motors

Emerson Replacement Motors Square Flange Pool And Spa Motors Category “S” SF Catalog Motor Length HP SF RPM Volt Freq Amps Number Frame Less Shaft Wgt Price Standard Efficient- Low Service Factor- Up-Rated- Switchless Design 6.5” Frame Diameter ¾ 1.27 3450 230/115 60 5.4/10.8 EB852 56Y 11.24 22 298.00 1 1.25 3450 230/115 60 7/14 EB853 56Y 11.74 25 340.00 1½ 1.10 3450 230/115 60 7.7/15.4 EB854 56Y 11.74 26 396.00 2 1.10 3450 230/115 60 10.8/21.6 EB859 56Y 12.99 33 508.00 2½ 1.04 3450 230 60 11.5 EB840 56Y 12.74 33 626.00 SF Catalog Motor Motor HP SF RPM Volt Freq Amps Number Frame Length Wgt Price Standard Efficient- Low Service Factor- Up-Rated- Switch Type 5.5” Frame Diameter ½ 1.30 3450 230/115 60 4.1/8.2 EUSQ1052/SQD5UP1 48Y 9.5 19 285.00 ¾ 1.27 3450 230/115 60 5.9/11.8 EUSQ1072/SQD7UP1 48Y 10.28 22 298.00 1 1.25 3450 230/115 60 7.4/14.8 EUSQ1102/SQD10UP1 48Y 10.78 24 340.00 1½ 1.10 3450 230/115 60 8.8/17.6 EUSQ1152/SQD15UP1 48Y 11.78 29 396.00 2 1.10 3450 230/115 60 9.2/18.4 EUSQ1202/SQD20UP1 48Y 12.28 33 508.00 . C-Flange Pool And Spa Motors Category “C” and “J” SF Catalog Motor Length HP SF RPM Volt Freq Amps Number Frame Less Shaft Wgt Price Standard Efficient- Low Service Factor- Up-Rated- Switchless Design 6.5” Frame Diameter ¾ 1.00 3450 230/115 60 4.4/8.8 EB227 56J 10.27 21 290.00 1 1.00 3450 230/115 60 6/12 EB228 56J 10.77 24 324.00 1½ 1.00 3450 230/115 60 7/14 EB229 56J 10.77 25 367.00 2 1.00 3450 230/115 60 9/18 EB230 56J 12.02 31 506.00 2½ 1.00 3450 230 60 10.5 EB231 56J 11.77 33 605.00 Standard Efficient- Low Service Factor- Up-Rated- Switch Type 5.5” Frame Diameter ¾ 1.00 3450 230/115 60 5.9/11.8 EUST1072/JD75UP1 56J 10.44 18 290.00 1 1.00 3450 230/115 60 6.8/13.6 EUST1102/JD10UP1 56J 11.19 19 324.00 1½ 1.00 3450 230/115 60 8.7/17.4 EUST1152/JD15UP1 56J 11.44 24 367.00 2 1.00 3450 230/115 60 9.2/18.4 EUST1202/JD20UP1 56J 11.94 28 506.00 Polaris Pool Sweep Pump- New Style ¾ 1.50 3450 115/230 60 12.8/6.0 EB625 56C 14.00 25 370.00 22-1 Emerson Replacement Motors Continued . 48 Frame Thru-Bolt Pool And Spa Motors________ SF Catalog Motor Motor HP SF RPM Volt Freq Amps Number Frame Length Wgt Note Price 48 Frame- Single Speed ½ 1.00 3450 115 60 7.5 AGL50FL1 48Y 7.8 15 2 222.00 ¾ 1.00 3450 115 60 10.9 AGL75FL1 48Y 7.8 17 2 236.00 ¾ 1.00 3450 230 60 5.7 AGH75FL1 48Y 7.8 17 2 243.00 1 1.00 3450 115 60 12.0 AGL10FL1 48Y 8.4 22 2 261.00 1 1.00 3450 230 60 6.0 AGH10FL1 48Y 8.4 22 2 269.00 1 1.00 3450 115 60 9.1 AGL10FL1H1 48Y 9.4 12 PP1 248.00 1 1.00 3450 115 60 10.0 AGL10FL1H2 48Y 9.6 12 PP2 248.00 1 ½ 1.00 3450 230/115 60 7.7/15.4 AGD15FL1 48Y 8.9 25 2 309.00 48 Frame- Two Speed- Soft Start ¾ 1.00 3450/1725 115 60 9.8/3.2 AGL75FL2 48Y 7.8 20 2,3 313.00 1 1.00 3450/1725 115 60 10.3/3.8 AGL10FL2S 48Y 9.6 23 2 331.00 1 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 5.2/2 AGH10FL2 48Y 9.6 23 2,3 331.00 1 ½ 1.00 3450/1725 115 60 16.4/4.4 AGL15FL2CS 48Y 10.2 26 2 453.00 1 ½ 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 8.2/2.4 AGH15FL2CS 48Y 10.2 26 2 449.00 1 ½ 1.00 3450/1725 115 60 14.4/3.6 SPL15FL2S 48Y 10.2 27 1 460.00 2 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 10.5/2.6 SPH20FL2CS 48Y 10.2 29 496.00 2 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 8.6/2.8 SPH20FL2S 48Y 10.2 30 1 510.00 2 ½ 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 11/3.3 SPH25FL2S 48Y 10.2 32 1 522.00 3 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 12.7/3.4 SPH30FL2S 48Y 10.6 35 1 614.00 4 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 16.4/4.8 TT506 56Y 11.58 45 4 674.00 5 1.00 3450/1725 230 60 19.5/5.0 TT507 56Y 12.08 48 4 773.00 Note: 1. Capacitor start/ capacitor run (extra low running lamps) 2. Corrosion resistant “Nutride” shaft, outperforms 416SS 3. Hard Start 4. Energy Saving Run Capacitor 22-2 Replacement Motor Cross- Reference Emerson 5.5” Emerson 56 Century/ Diameter Catalog No. Switchless AOS Part Magnetek Franklin GE Catalog No. HP SF Volts No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Square Flange- Low Service Factors- Up Rated EUSQ1052/SQD50UP1 ½ 1.30 230/115 USQ1052 B856 EUSQ1072/ SQD75UP1 EB852 ¾ 1.27 230/115 USQ1072 B852 54002 C1244 EUSQ1102/ SQD10UP1 EB853 1 1.25 230/115 USQ1102 B853 54003 C1245 EUSQ1152/ SQD15UP1 EB854 1½ 1.10 230/115 USQ1152 B854 54004 C1246 EUSQ1202/ SQD20UP1 EB859 2 1.10 230/115 USQ1202 B859 18254 C1247 EB840 2 ½ 1.04 230 USQ1252 B840 13280 C1284 C-Flange- Threaded Shaft- Low Service Factor- Up Rated EUST1072/ JD75UP1 EB227 ¾ 1.00 230/115 UST1072 B227SE 54022 C1321 EUST1102/ JD10UP1 EB228 1 1.00 230/115 UST1102 B228SE 54023 C1318 EUST1152/ JD15UP1 EB229 1 ½ 1.00 230/115 UST1152 B229SE 54024 C1319 EUST1202/ JD20UP1 EB230 2 1.00 230/115 UST1202 B230SE 12018 C1320 EUST1252/ JD25UP1 EB231 2 ½ 1.00 230 UST1252 B231SE C1149 Thru Bolt- 48 Frame- Single Speed AGL50FL1 ½ 1.00 115 CBT2052 BN23 13719 AGL75FL1 ¾ 1.00 115 CBT2072 BN24 18889 H909 AGH75FL1 ¾ 1.00 230 AGL10FL1 1 1.00 115 CBT2102 BN25 16436 H910 AGH10FL1 1 1.00 230 AGD15FL1 1½ 1.00 230/115 TBT1152D BN35 C1901 Thru Bolt- 48 Frame- Two Speed- Soft Start AGL50FL2 ½ 1.00 115 18264 AGL75FL2 ¾ 1.00 115 CBS2072 BN36 12562 C1902 AGL10FL2S 1 1.00 115 CBS2102 BN37/BN38 15698/15700 C1903 AGL15FL2CS 1½ 1.00 115 BN50 SPL15FL2S 1½ 1.00 115 BN60 41000 AGH15FL2CS 1½ 1.00 230 BN34 41001 C1326 SPH20FL2CS 2 1.00 230 BN51 SPH20FL2S 2 1.00 230 BN61 17525 C1327 SPH25FL2S 2 ½ 1.00 230 SPH30FL2S 3 1.00 230 BN62 42005 22-3 A.O. Smith & Century Replacement Motors Square Flange Century Pool & Spa Motors Centurion “1081” – Up-rated – Low Service Factor HP RPM Volts SF SF Frame Stock Shaft Overload Price Amps Number Protector ½ 3450 230/115 4.0/8.0 1.3 56Y B856 Threaded Auto 285.00 ¾ 3450 230/115 5.4/10.8 1.25 56Y B852 Threaded Auto 299.00 1 3450 230/115 7.1/14.2 1.25 56Y B853 Threaded Auto 340.00 1½ 3450 230/115 8.0/16.0 1.10 56Y B854 Threaded Auto 399.00 2 3450 230/115 11.2/22.4 1.10 56Y B859 Threaded Auto 526.00 230 10.0 1.10 56Y B855 Threaded Auto 511.00 21/2 3450 230 11.5 1.04 56Y B840 Threaded Auto 623.00 Square Flange A.O. Smith Pool & Spa Motors A.0. Smith – Up-rated – Low Service Factor HP RPM Max SF SF Frame Stock Conn. Notes Price Volts Amps Number Dia. ½ 3450 115/230 8.2/4.1 1.3 48Y USQ1052 23 2 285.00 ¾ 3450 115/230 11.8/5.9 1.27 48Y USQ1072 23 2 299.00 115/230 9.6/4.8 1.27 48Y UQC1072 23 1,2 362.00 1 3450 115/230 14.8/7.4 1.25 48Y USQ1102 23 2 340.00 115/230 12.6/6.3 1.25 48Y UQC1102 23 1,2 399.00 1½ 3450 115/230 19.2/9.6 1.1 48Y USQ1152 23 2 399.00 115/208-230 16.0/8.0 1.1 48Y UQC1152 23 1,2 431.00 2 3450 208-230 10.4 1.1 48Y USQ1202 24 1 511.00 21/2 3450 230 11.2 1.0 48Y USQ1252 24 1 623.00 C-Flange A.O. Smith & Century Pool & Spa Motors A.0.Smith & Century – Up-rated – Low Service Factor HP RPM Volts Max SF Frame Stock Conn. Notes Price Amps Number Dia. ¾ 3450 115/230 10.6/5.3 1.0 56J UST1072 23 2 291.00 115/230 8.4/4.0 1.0 56J B227SE 125 1 291.00 1 3450 115/230 14.6/7.3 1.0 56J UST1102 23 2 327.00 115/230 11.0/5.5 1.0 56J B228SE 125 1 327.00 1½ 3450 115/230 17.0/8.5 1.0 56J UST1152 23 2 370.00 115/230 14.6/7.3 1.0 56J B229SE 125 1 370.00 2 3450 115/208-230 19.6/10/4-9.8 1.1 56J UST1202 23 1,2 495.00 115/208-230 19.6/10/4-9.8 1.1 56J B230SE 23 1,2 495.00 21/2 3450 208-230 12.6-11.4 1.0 56J UST1252 24 1,2 606.00 230 12.6-11.4 1.0 56J B231SE 24 1,2 606.00 22-4 A.O.

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