POTENTIAL PLUS UK 1967 2017 50 YEARS for GES 50 CHALLEN K NGE BOO ALLE CH ARY 50th ANNIVERS elcome W ENGES ALL to 50 CH YEARS for 50 To celebrate 50 years of amazing children, we have collected 50 amazing challenges: one for each year of Potential Plus UK. The challenes contained in this book are sure if you can fi nd ways around them. Some miht to elasticise your brain and et the cos of your enthral you and keep you entertained for a lon imaination whirrin: there’s a riddle that will test period of time. Or you miht look at one or two of your mind’s aility; a brand new lanuae for you to the challenes and think no way is that somethin try out; and you can et creative with an innovative you’d want to try but we’d say, why not? Give it a o, way of writin poetry. you miht enjoy yourself! The challenes are intended to enae, inspire A challene can be a competition; it can also be and… you uessed it, challene you! They will a test. In this case, we’re not testin your ability to encourae you to think in new ways and consider perfect these challenes; we are encourain you thins from di erent perspectives. There are to test the followin: opportunities to think critically, creatively and to problem-solve. ➽ Your problem-solvin skills ➽ Your creative thinkin skills This is a resource that can be worked throuh independently, as a family or in the classroom. It is ➽ Your critical thinkin skills for all aes: from early years to the over 50s. ➽ How willin are you to o out of your The beautiful thin about most of these challenes comfort zone? is that you can adapt them to your level by makin ➽ How willin are you to try somethin new? them more accessible or delvin even deeper. You miht race throuh some of the challenes but ➽ How willin are you to persevere throuh a you miht et stuck on a couple! Build resilience challenin task and not ive up? by stickin with those trickier challenes and see ➽ How willin are you to try your best? HOW TO USE THIS BOOK: Work throuh as many challenes as you can! Can you have a o at all 50? How about doin one challene a week? Inside this book, you will fi nd a chart to track your proress. Once you’ve completed as many as you can, send a photo of your chart to [email protected] and we’ll send you a certifi cate! And if you think we missed somethin out, see our bonus challene! Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Bob Cox PRESENTER & AUTHOR Bob is a presenter and also CREATIVE author of the 'Openin Doors' series of books which are used 1 across the U.K. to support a rich, challenin Enlish curriculum! WRITING He also runs an enrichment centre for primary pupils called 'The Saturday Challene' www.searchingforexcellence.co.uk @BobCox_SFE The Unending Sky I could not sleep for thinkin of the sky, The unendin sky, with all its million suns Which turn their planets everlastinly In nothin, where the fi re-haired comet runs. If I could sail that nothin, I should cross Silence and emptiness with dark stars passin, Then, in the darkness, see a point of loss Burn to a low, and lare, and keep amassin, And rae into a sun with wanderin planets And drop behind, and then, as I proceed, See his last liht upon his last moon’s ranites Die to dark that would be niht indeed. Niht where my soul miht sail a million years, In nothin, not even death, not even tears. John Masefi eld The poem is from ‘Lollindon Downs’ by John Masefi eld, 1917 Published with the permission of The Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of John Masefi eld YOUR CHALLENGE: How can you rise to the Tell the story, in poetry or prose, of your sleepless niht roamin the challene? universe in your imaination. ➽ Make your narrative epic, What did you ‘see’ which was ‘unending’? imainative, brave and ➽ What was your ‘point of gloss’? unusual! ➽ How could you experience a ‘million years in nothing’? ➽ Make the reader full of Did imagination and reality start to merge? wonder at your vision of the ➽ How did your sleepless night end? ‘unendin sky’ Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Tom Pellereau INVENTOR AND WINNER BBC APPRENTICE 2011 TELEPATHIC www.stylfi le.com 2 @inventor_tom TEXTING TELEPATHIC TEXTING: Would you like your phone to be able to connected to your phone, Facebook, and the understand your thouhts? Internet at all times. Technoloy and artifi cial intellience are Given the choice, would you have a microchip improvin so rapidly that within a few years it inserted to remind you of people’s names when may be possible for your phone to understand you bump into them or to tell you what time your thouhts and provide you with information the next train will be; to fi nd out all the capital whenever you want it. With the small addition cities in the world or to allow you to talk to your of a microchip under your skin, you could be friends without havin to talk out loud? What would you call this chip? Would it have a name? What are the most exciting possibilities for you about this possible future? Are there any things that scare you about this future? Are there any ethical implications society should start considering? Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Haroon Shirwani MODERN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT, ETON COLLEGE JANGLI Haroon is a master at Eton Collee, where, amon other 3 thins, he teaches Arabic, French and Spanish, and runs the Debatin Society. Here are some sentences in Jangli (a made-up language) with their English meanings. Waldan razu I am a writer Had waldan razu I am the writer Nardan razu an I was an athlete Latdan razo sa pe balat lato You are a teacher and you teach in a school Had waldan pe had bawal raza The writer is in the o ce Pe had bawal walom wala an He was writin a book in the o ce Pe bakaw kawu an I was eatin in a restaurant Pe had bawalom maka He works in the library Had nardantin pe had banar makan The athletes work in the stadium Pe bawaltin makan fa They will work in o ces 1. See if you can work 2. All Janli verbs follow 3. Now translate the out the meanins of some of the same pattern, with no followin, from Janli into Enlish. the words. Write down how you irreular forms. You can fi nd ➽ express the followin in Janli. the pattern by studyin the Pe balattin pe London maku. example sentences above. ➽ ➽ Pe had bawalom writer Based on this, express the ➽ the lata fa. ➽ o c e s followin in Janli. ➽ Walo gan sa kawan ➽ and ➽ gan. ➽ a restaurant I am ➽ ➽ You are Had bakawtin pe ➽ He is banar razan gan. ➽ They are ➽ I eat ➽ You will write Extra challenge ➽ He was Based on all of the above, write some ➽ They were working sentences of your own in Janli and its Enlish meanin. You can use vocabulary from the sentences above but aim to be as oriinal as possible. Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or 4 THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING BRIGHT! The fact that liht can travel Firstly, by liht, I mean the radioactive decay of the rocks). throuh the vacuum of space waves of the electromanetic The seas would be frozen, there does not seem very important spectrum: radio waves, heat, would be little chance for life, but actually I think it is one of liht, ultraviolet, X-rays … etc. nothin would row, little would those facts, or principles, that If liht could not travel throuh move or develop. turns out to be crucial for us all. a vacuum, we would et no Here’s why… sunliht on Earth, we would Liht is also the 'information see nothin: no stars, no Moon, messener' - pretty much all Waves usually need somethin no you or me. There would be we know about the universe to travel within or on: sound virtually no heat (just the tiny comes from the study of these needs air, vibrations need solid left over heat comin up from electromanetic waves of 'liht'. thins, sea waves need water etc. the centre of the Earth from its Without liht, we really would be but liht waves are di erent, they ancient oriins and from the in the dark! Let's explore. need nothin to travel within! CHALLENGE I I want you to think about the impact light has on the world: the way it provides heat and warmth; illumination and clarity. For example, what role does light have on our notions of time passing; on what’s ‘out there’ in space; on communication and the communication of information? Does it matter that light takes time to travel – that it doesn’t go instantly from one place to another? Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Potential Plus UK 1967 - 2017 • 50 CHALLENGES for 50 YEARS • www.potentialplusuk.or Dr Jonathan Hare Dr Jonathan Hare is a freelance science communicator.
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