INDEX The Alamo, 11, 16, 17, 181-205 Rentals, 62-64 The aftermath, 201-2 Registration, 492 The complex, 186-87 Vehicle inspection, 493 The defenders, 187-94 Ayres, Atlee B., architect, 19, 38, The film by John Wayne, 99, 91, 238, 240, 224, 225 Ayres, Robert, architect, son, 91, The library, 187 238, 240, 269 The monument, 202-5 The Price of Freedom, film, 68, Banking, 474, 494 224-25 Bars & clubs, 173-79 The 13-day siege, 194-200 Battle for Hill 881 South, memorial, Alamodome, 395-96 274, 363-65 Alamo Heights, 35-36 Bexar County, 29 Alamo Village, Brackettville, 224 Bexar County Courthouse, 206-9 Amtrak, 58-59 Bicycling, 399-400 Anna, Gen. Santa, see Santa Bits & pieces, 543-44 Anna, Gen. Antonio Lopez Blue Star Art Complex, 39, 419 de Bonham, James B., 187-88 Apartments, 539-42 Book & music stores, 384-88 Art galleries, 344-54 Brentano’s, downtown, 386 ArtPace, 345-47 Borglum, John Gutzon, Mount Blue Star Art Complex, 347 Rushmore sculptor, 91, 276, Coppini Academy of Fine Arts, 343, 366 347-48 Bowen’s Island, 269-70 Parchman Stremmel Galleries, Bowie, Col. James, 188-89, 254, 352 Bowling, 400 Art in public places, 354-70 Brackenridge, George Downtown, 354-65 Washington, 35, 218, 261, Outside of downtown, 365-70 276-77 Austin, Moses, 12, 212-13, 354-56 Brackenridge Park, 35, 261, 275- Stephen F., 12, 13, 77 Automobile, 57-58, 491-94 Buckhorn Saloon & Museum, Accidents, 493-94 324-26 Driver’s license, 492-93 Bus service, 58, Insurance, 491-92 Butt, Florence Thornton, H-E-B Private car, 64-68 stores, 20 545 546 MARMAC GUIDE TO SAN ANTONIO Cameron, Ralph, architect, 96, Daughters of the Republic of 255 Texas, 185-86, 187 Canary Islands Descendants Daycare, 499-501 Museum, 326 De Cos, Gen. Martin Perfecto, 13- Canary Islands settlers, 11, 230, 14, 193, 232 254 Denman, Gilbert, philanthropist, Car, see Automobile 26 Car rentals, 62-64 Dining, 114-58 Carriage rides, 62 Disabled persons, 485 Castle Hills, 36. Distances from San Antonio to Cenotaph, 202-4 other cities, 64 Chambers of commerce, 495-96 Downtown San Antonio, 65-67 Chapel of Miracles/El Capilla de Driving, 437-69 Milagros, 278 Hill Country excursion, 447-69 Charreada, 416, 421, 422 Metro driving tour, 437-46 Childcare, 499-501 Children’s entertainment, 485-86 Education, 499-517 Children’s Museum, 338-39 Child care, 499-501 Chili Queens, 19, 212, 266, 418, Primary & secondary schools, 432 501-5 Cisneros, Henry G., former mayor, Private colleges & universities, 23-26 509-12 George, artist, 25 Private prep schools, 505-9 City Hall, 211-13 Public colleges & universities, Climate & dress, 32-34 512-17 Clubs & bars, 173-79 Eisenhower, Dwight D., president, Cockrell, Lila, former mayor, 23 269, 305 Commerce Street Bridge, 213-14 Entertainment for children, 485- Concealed arms, 496 86 Consulates, 474-75 Convention & Visitors Bureau, Fannin, Col. James W., 196, 201 44 Federal Post Office & Courthouse, Coppini Academy of Fine Arts, 214-15 347-48 Fiesta San Antonio, 23, 215-17, Coppini, Pompeo, sculptor, 202-4, 416 250, 256, 277 Films, 99, 225-27, 267 Corporate San Antonio, 496-98 Fishing & Hunting, 400-1 Private employers, 498-99 Fitness clubs, 406-9 Crane, Stephen, writer, 252 Flooding, 33, Crime, 69, Flores, Patrick, archbishop, 29, Crockett, Davy, 189-90, 282-83 Currency exchange, 55 Ford, O’Neil, architect, 37, 220, 232, 264, 267 Dancing & nightclubs, 173-79 Foreign currency exchange, 55 Dates in Texas history, 478-81 Fort Sam Houston, 17, 304-6 INDEX 547 Museums, 304 Hertzberg Circus Collection & Fredericksburg, 448 Museum, 327-28 Frost, Col. T.C. ATom,” banker, Highways around San Antonio, 17 57-58, 64-67 Fun for kids, 485-86 Hill Country Excursion, 447-69 Hospitals, 521-26 Galleries, 344-54 Hotels, 70-113 ArtPace, 345-47 Crockett Hotel, 81-83 Blue Star Art Complex Downtown, 72-105 Coppini Academy of Fine Arts, Emily Morgan, 95-96 347-48 The Fairmount, 76-78 Parchman Stremmel Galleries, Gunter, 99-101 352 Hilton Palacio del Rio, 80-81 Garza, Ed, mayor, 26 La Mansion del Rio, 86-87 Germans in San Antonio, 20, 36- The Menger, 89-92 37, 228-29, 246-47, 451-53 Menger Bar, 92 Giles, Alfred, architect, 37, 39, Outside of downtown, 105-13 229, 259 Hyatt Regency Hill Golf, 402-6 Country Resort, 108 Municipal courses, 402-4 The Westin La Cantera Public courses, 276, 404-5 Resort, 111-13 Resorts, 405 St. Anthony, 98-99 Gonzalez, Henry B., 122, 222-23 Housing 538-42 Gordon, James Riely, architect, Apartments, 539-42 209, 215, 229 Houston, Sam, 14, 190-91 Government, 517-20 Hugman, Robert H.H., River City, 517-18 Walk architect, 243-45 County, 518-19 Hummel, Sister Maria I. (Berta), State, 519 artist, 463-64 Guenther House, 16, 122-23, 218- Hummel Museum, see New 19 Braunfels Museum of Art Handicapped persons, 485 Ice skating, 409 Health & dental care, 520-26 IMAX theatres, 223-24 Allergens, 520 Institute of Texan Cultures, 328- Nix Hospital, 523-24 36 Santa Rosa Children’s International visitor, 470-83 Hospital, 522-23 Automobile rentals, 474 South Texas Medical Center, Bank hours, 474 521 Consulates, 474 Health clubs, 406-9 Credit cards & traveler’s HEB Science Treehouse, see Witte checks, 475 Museum Customs allowances, 475-76 HemisFair 1968 World’s Fair, 219- Driving, 476 21 Electricity, 476 548 MARMAC GUIDE TO SAN ANTONIO Hospital emergencies, 476 Losoya, Jose Toribio, Alamo Medical insurance, 477 defender, 191, 358 Money, 477 Mostly for women, 473-74 Mail, 478 Pharmacies, 477-78 Main & Military Plazas, 233-34, Postal service, 478 264, 266 Public holidays & notable dates Majestic Theatre, 234 in Texas history, 478-81 Malls, 371-81 Taxes, 481 Maps, 67-68 Telephone & telegrams, 481-83 Downtown walking tour, 182- Tipping, 483 83, 428-29 Your safety, 472-73 Metro driving tour, 438-39 Interstate highways, 66-67 New Braunfels, 460 Market Square/El Mercado, 235- Japanese Tea Gardens, 279-81 36, 372 Jim Cullum at the Landing, 176- Matters of Fact, 41-51 77 Cities & towns around San Jogging, 409-10 Antonio, 43 Johnson, Lyndon B., president 22, Frequently called numbers, 46 248, 255 Health services, 46-47 Juneteenth, 419 Maverick, Maury, congressman & Jury duty, 526-27 mayor, 231-32, 244, 264 Maverick, Samuel Augustus, Kelly Air Force Base/KellyUSA, signer of the Texas 306-7 Declaration of Kennedy, John F., 22 Independence, 273 King, Jr., Martin Luther, 412 McAllister, Walter W., former King William Historic District, 21, mayor, 265, 281 36-37, 122-23, 227-30 McNay Art Museum, 311-14 Marion Koogler, art collector, Lackland Air Force Base, 307-8 313-14 Air Force History & Traditions Russian theater collection, 312 Museum, 307 Menger Bar, 92 Wilford Hall Medical Center Mexican Cultural Institute, 236 307-8 Milam, Col. Ben, 13, 237, 265-66, La Villita Historic District, 230-33 362 Shopping, 371-72 Military bases, 22, 303-9 Lawyers, 527 Missions, 287-92 Lee, Robert E., 16, 247-48 Alamo, 181-204 Legorreta, Ricardo, Mexican Carter, Jimmy, president, 288 architect, 284-86 Concepcion, 288-89 Libraries, 284-87 Espada, 291 Liquor & smoking laws, 527-28 Espada Aqueduct & Dam, 291 Lodging, 70-113 San Jose, 289-91 Longhorns, 17-19 Rosa’s Window, 289-92 INDEX 549 San Juan Capistrano, 291 San Antonio insight, 489-91 Money, 474, 475, 477 San Antonio people profile, Monte Vista, 37-38 489 Municipal Auditorium, 238-41 Schools, 501-17 Museums, art, 310-21 Newspapers & periodicals, 529-31 Museums, other, 321-44 Nightlife, 173-79 Institute of Texan Cultures, The Landing, 176-77 328-36 Menger Bar, see Menger Hotel Texas Pioneer, Trail Driver & North Star Mall, shopping center, Texas Ranger’s Museum, 375-76 342-43 Notable dates in Texas history, Music, 160-66 478-81 National Center for Latino Arts O. Henry, 90-91, 336-38 & Culture, 314-15 O. Henry House, 336-38 Natural Bridge Caverns, 450 Olmos Dam, 21, 35, 38 Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, Olmos Park, 38-39 450-51 Opera, 19, 162, 164-66, 241 Navarro, Jose Antonio, 209-10, 266 Peak, Howard, former mayor, 26, New Braunfels, 451-69 30-31, 518 Accommodations, 454-57 Pearl Brewery, 281-82 Basics, 451-52 Performing arts, 159-72 Dining & dancing, 457-59 Beethoven Hall, 163-64 History, 452-54 Dance, 159-60 Hotel Faust, 456-57 Music, 160-66 Lindheimer Home, 461 San Antonio International Map, 460 Piano Competition, 160-61 New Braunfels Museum of Art, San Antonio Symphony, 161- 463-64 63 Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels, Wilkins, Christopher, former 452-53, 461, 468 music director, 162-63 Schlitterbahn Water Park & Theater, 166-72 Resort, 464-68 Pets, 528-29 Sights & Attractions, 459-68 Pharmacies, 477 Special events, 468-69 Police, 69 New residents, 487-537 Pope John Paul II, 240, 254, 306 Auto insurance, registration & Porter, William Sydney, see O. driver’s license, 491-93 Henry Banking, 494 Postal service, 478 Child care facilities, 499-501 Press, radio & TV, 529-35 Concealed arms, 496 Radio stations, 532-33 Education 499-517 Television stations, 533-35 Introduction to San Antonio Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels, living, 487-91 452-53, 468 550 MARMAC GUIDE TO SAN ANTONIO Private colleges & universities, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 247- 512-17 48 Public colleges & universities, San Antonio, 509-12 Botanical Gardens, 283-84 Public holidays & notable dates, Japanese Garden, 283 478-81 Buses & trolleys, 59-61 Public services, 535-36 Central Public Library, 284-87 Customer service centers, 536 City Hall phone numbers, 43 Public transportation, 59-61 Climate & dress, 32-34 Customer service centers, 536 The Quarry Market, shopping Downtown, 65-67 center, 377-80 Highways, 57-58, 64-67 Quartel/El Cuartel, 94 International Airport, 52-57 Interstate highways, 66-67 Restaurants,
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