E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 No. 99 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was not heard from the three Cabinet Mem- Then on Monday Attorney General called to order by the Speaker pro tem- bers we had written last week to give Sessions had one of the most stunning, pore (Mr. WEBER of Texas). us answers about where the children at newspeak, 1984, mind-control moments f the border have been taken to and we have ever heard. He said that if a what our government was going to do man beats a woman, or if a family is DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO to reunite them with their parents. systematically extorted, threatened, TEMPORE So JOHN LEWIS, JOE CROWLEY, JAN targeted by a gang, that that is a pri- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- SCHAKOWSKY, AL GREEN, RAU´ L GRI- vate matter and cannot be the basis of fore the House the following commu- JALVA, ADRIANO ESPAILLAT, and I, an asylum claim. nication from the Speaker: joined by hundreds of allies, went down Rape and abuse, that is just a private WASHINGTON, DC, to the CBP headquarters to protest matter, according to the Attorney Gen- June 14, 2018. their action and their secrecy. eral, between a man and a woman. Ac- I hereby appoint the Honorable RANDY K. And when we blocked the entrance to cording to the chief law enforcement WEBER, Sr. to act as Speaker pro tempore on the building—ironically, a building officer of our country, that is just a this day. named for the man who gave the fa- private matter between a man and a PAUL D. RYAN, mous shining city on a hill speech, who woman, between the family and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. spoke so eloquently about immigrants, gang of terrorists they are facing. f and was no fan of walls—yes, we Only in the Trump administration MORNING-HOUR DEBATE blocked the entrance to the Ronald could someone say something so thor- Reagan Building, but the Border Patrol oughly and utterly wrong, dangerous, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- did not arrest us. ridiculous. ant to the order of the House of Janu- No, they feel comfortable arresting My friend, TREY GOWDY, is a Repub- ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- 10-year-olds and taking 10-month-old lican who is known around here on the nize Members from lists submitted by babies from their moms and dads, but Oversight and Government Reform the majority and minority leaders for when 10 Members of Congress show up Committee and the Judiciary Com- morning-hour debate. to demand answers they get a little mittee as a pretty no-nonsense former The Chair will alternate recognition camera shy, a little weak-kneed. But prosecutor. I went to his website to between the parties. All time shall be we will be back and we will do it again look at his biography. You can all equally allocated between the parties, and again if we have to. Google it. It says it right there: ‘‘As and in no event shall debate continue Right now, today, there are people 7th Circuit Solicitor, Trey led an office beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other who lawfully enter the United States of 25 attorneys and 65 total employees. than the majority and minority leaders and ask for asylum under our laws and During his tenure, he started a Vio- and the minority whip, shall be limited international law, and then they are lence Against Women Task Force.’’ to 5 minutes. taken straight to jail to await Federal Right there in his official bio. f prosecution. And if they have children, So wife beating isn’t a private matter OUR LEADERS SHOULD KNOW the officers think of some pretext, in South Carolina. If you are being beaten, raped, or tortured by your do- BETTER maybe telling the parents that they are taking the child for food or for a mestic partner, your husband, the po- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bath, and then the kids never return, lice, the prosecutor, the judge will get Chair recognizes the gentleman from simply disappear, kidnapped. Many are involved because it isn’t a private mat- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. taken to facilities that are hundreds or ter in South Carolina or anywhere in ´ Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, yes- thousands of miles away. the United States of America. terday, a group of about 30 of us, in- The parent is given a mass trial, so Go listen to TREY GOWDY’s speeches cluding 10 Members of Congress, de- their individual case may never be on the YouTube channel or his cided we had had enough of this admin- heard or evaluated, and most are de- Facebook. Watch the video of his istration’s policy to scar children for ported back to the country they fled to speech on the House floor in support of life by taking them away from their face continuing violence and rape the Violence Against Women Act. TREY parents when they turn themselves in again and again. GOWDY will move you to tears no mat- to American authorities and ask for And are their children given back to ter what your political party or ideo- asylum. them? Well, we don’t know. We can’t logical persuasion. We went down to the Ronald Reagan get answers, which is why we went yes- But according to the Attorney Gen- Building on 14th Street because we had terday. eral, it is a private matter between a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5155 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 Jun 15, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14JN7.000 H14JNPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H5156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 14, 2018 man and a woman. He expects every To the folks at home, if you see THE HOUSE IS TACKLING THE domestic violence victim to hire their someone struggling with addiction, OPIOID CRISIS HEAD-ON own lawyer and sue their husband to please encourage them to seek help The SPEAKER pro tempore. The get a court order and be protected. through the local drug and alcohol Chair recognizes the gentleman from We have a prosecutor for domestic vi- treatment centers. Don’t wait for a Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 olence in Cook County and probably phone call, the one you want never to minutes. every county in the United States of come. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. America. This is a matter of public f health, law enforcement and, come on, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight FATHER’S DAY AND PAID FAMILY this is a matter of good men and the efforts the House is undertaking LEAVE women living by a moral code that this week to combat our Nation’s says we should help those in danger The SPEAKER pro tempore. The opioid crisis. We will consider dozens of when the weak are being preyed upon Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from bills this week that are aimed at fight- by the strong. Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI) for 5 minutes. ing the crisis next door that affects our But apparently not to our Attorney Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, it is al- families, our friends, and our loved General or President. To them, those most Father’s Day, a good time to ones. are private matters. That is just think about the fathers in our lives and Mr. Speaker, as you know, there is a wrong. in the families we are honored to rep- nationwide epidemic of heroin and pre- Sleeping with an adult film star and resent. I think about the families in scription drug abuse that is resulting then paying thousands of dollars to Northwest Oregon, and I know that too in drastic increases in addiction rates, keep it quiet, that is a private matter many are still facing challenges. Too overdose deaths, and incarceration. No to be worked out between private at- many are still struggling to make ends zip code in this country is immune torneys. Fleeing death, and violence, meet. Their paycheck, if they are for- from this crisis. and rape, and torture, that is a public tunate to have one, just isn’t enough to Heroin and pain pill addiction does matter, and our leaders should know pay the bills, and it is hard for them to not discriminate on age, race, gender better. even think of saving for the future. or socioeconomic class. Your neighbor One policy that can make a big dif- f could be using heroin, or so could their ference in the lives of families is paid high-honors high school student. It is EFFECTS OF THE OPIOID leave. It is an economic issue for work- the public health crisis of this genera- EPIDEMIC ing families; and we need to recognize tion. that both women and men need to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The As a senior member of the House able to take paid time off when a child Chair recognizes the gentleman from Education and the Workforce Com- is born, or to care for their children or Illinois (Mr.
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