LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF11lE PIIILlPPINES c/o Linguistic Office De La Salle University- Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines Tel. No. 504-611to 9,loc. 60 PUBLICATIONS PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS. Official Journal. Presents original studies in descriptive, comparative, historical and areal linguisticsas well as papers on the application of theory to language teaching. P50.00IUS$20.00Yearly subscription rate _ 001 A TAGMEMIC GRAMMAR OF IVATAN by Cesar A Hidalgo and Araceli C. Hidalgo. Philippine Jour­ nal of Linguistics Special Monograph Issue No. 2. 1971. P20.00IUS$4.00 002 lANGUAGE PlANNING AND THE BUILDING OF A NATIONAL lANGUAGE: ESSAYS IN HONOR OFSANTIAGO A. FONACIAR ON HIS NINEIY-SECOND BlRTHDAY by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and Andrew Gonzalez, FSC (eds.). 1m. P35.00IUS$7.00 003 ACQUIRING FILIPINO AS A FIRSf lANGUAGE: lWO CASE SI1JDIES by Andrew Gonzalez, FSC. 1984. P65.00IUS$13.00 004 PARANGAL KAY CECILIO LOPEZby Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC (ed.) Special Monograph Issue No.4. 1973. P25.00IUS$5.00 005 DOCTORAL PROGRAMS IN PHILIPPINE UNIVERSmES by Andrew. B. Gonzalez, FSC and Anicia del Corro. 1978. PI5.00IUS$3.00 006 BILINGUALSCHOOLING AT DELA SAlLEGRADESCHOOL(TAFTAVENUE): ACASESI1JDY by Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC P35.00IUS$7.00 007 LANGUAGEAND NATIONALISM: THEPHILIPPINEEXPERIENCETHUSFARbyAndrewB. Gon­ zalez, FSC. 198(). P75.00IUS$15.00 008 A PRELIMINARY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PILIPINO LINGUISTICS (1604-1976) by Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC and Carolina Sacris, M.S.L.S., eds. 1981. - P75.00IUS$15.00 009 PHILIPPINEPALEOGRAPHY by Juan R. Francisco. Philippine Journalof Linguistics Special Monograph No.3. 1978. PZO.OOIUS$5.00 010 A DIRECTORY OF LINGUISTS AND lANGUAGE EDUCATION SPECIALISTS IN TIlE PHILIP­ PINES by Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC and Arlene Matocinos (compilers). 1981. P40.00IUS$8.00 011 A LINGUISTIC ATIAS OF THE PHILIpPINES by Curtis D. Mcfarland (compiler). (second printing) 1983. P45.00IUS$9.00 012 LANGUAGE POLICY FORMULATION, PROGRAMMING, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUA­ TION IN PHILIPPINE EDUCATION (1S6S-1974) by Emma F. Bernabe. Monograph Series No. 25. 1987. PI25.00IUS$25.00 (softbound) O13-s PI50.00IUS$30.00 (hardbound) 013-h PANAGANI HARVEST: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF BONIFACIO P. SIBAYAN ON HIS SIXTY- SEVENTH BIRTHDAY by Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC (ed.) PhilippineJournal of Linguistics Special Issue No. 14.2-15.1.December 1983-June 1984. P75.00IUS$15.00(softbound) 01405 Pl00.00IUS$20.00 (hardbound) 014-h - COREEfYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OFFILIPINO Fascicles 1 t04 (A to L) by R. David Zorc.I981­ 1985. Pl00.00IUS$20.00 per set or P25.00IUS$5.00each 015 PREFERENCE FOR PILIPINO TERMS RELATED TO SEX AND POPULAll0N EDUCATION: A GUIDETO USAGE by Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC. 1983; P35.00IUS$7.00 016 SUMMER INSITIUfE OF LINGUISTICS/LINGUISTIC SOCIEfY OFTIlE PHILIPPINES PUBLICATIONS AGRAMMATICAL SKEfCH OF BOTOlAN SAMBAL by Evan L. Antworth, 1979 (136 pp.) Botolan Sambal is an indigenous language in Zambales Province.The analysisof grammatical relations is based on the theory of relational grammar. ..j P35.00IUS$7.00 017 .~ A SAMPLING OF pIIILIppINE KINSHIP PATTERNS by Richard Elkins and Gail Hewndrickson, 1984 (239 pp.), Thirty-nine languages are included in the sample representing most of the major subgroups () and subfamilies of Austronesian languages in the Philippines. Pl54.001US$3O.80 018 . CULTIJRECONTACrAND lANGUAGE CONV ERGENCE BY A. Kemp Pallesen. 1985(388pp.). This published dissertation (University of California Berkeley, 1977)is a product of the author's field work in the southern Philippines. It contains a comprehensive account of linguistic convergence resulting from contact between the Tausugand Sama-Bajaw languages in the Sulu area. He also draws inference about the cultural aspects of the interaction. Pl54.00IUS$3O.80 019 LEXICOGRAPHY NOTES by Leonard Newell, 1986(147 pp.) This volume is the result of materials com­ piled by two dictionary workshops and stresses the need to describe not only the semantic features of the lexicalentries, but also grammatical and cultural features as well. P53.00IUS$10.60 020 PHILIPPINE DICTIONARIES ON COMptrrER by Marc R. Jacobson, 1986.(93pp.) This volume is the documentation of Lexicography Notes by Len Newell.It is highlyrecommended that Newell'swork be studied before designing a dictionary for use with this set of programs and documented. P42.00IUS$8.40 021 SAMA VERBAL SEMANTICS by Charles Walton, 1986(140 pp.), In this work a theory of verbal seman­ tics is proposed for the Pangutaran Sama language of !he southern Philippines, which will provide a principled explanation of verb classes and their logical structures and show what semantic relations obtain between any given predicate and its argument. PBO.OOIUS$16.00 022 SARANGANI MANOBO: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE by Carl D. Dubois. 1976 (169 pp.). Sarangani Manobo isan indigenous language in the Sarangani and San Agustin Peninsulas of the Southern Philip­ pines. This guide is intended to help those who are learning to speak Manobo as a second language. P21.50 US$4.3O 023 STIJDIES IN PHILIPPINE LINGUISTICS is a joint venture undertaken by the Linguistic Society of the Philippines and the Summer Institute of Linguisticsdevoted to the Publication of papers of an empiri­ calor theoretical nature which contribute to the study of language and communicative behavior in the Philippines. Volumes Available: sm. 3.2 (1979) P44.00IUS$8.00 024 SlpL4.2 (1980) P36.00IUS$7.20 025 SlpL4.2 (1984) P46.00IUSS9.20 026 SlpLS.1 (1984) P42.00IUS$8.40 027 SlpLS.2 (1984) P53.00IUSSI0.60 028 SIPL 6.1 (1986)P53.00IUSSlO.60 029 SIPL6.2 (1986) P53.00IUS$10.60 030 SIL SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS PHILIPPINE TEXTS, No. 1. UPPER TANUDAN KALINGA TEXTS (1985) P53.00IUSS10.60 031 SIL PHILIPPINE TEXTS, No.2 CENTRAL CAGA YAN AGT A TEXTS (1987) P53.00IUSSI0.60 032 SIPL PHILIPPINE TEXTS, No.3 DIBABAWON MANDDD TEXTS, NO.3 (1987) P53.00IUSSI0.60 033 SIPL PHILIPPINETEXTS No.4 GUINAANG KALINGA TEXTS. No.3 (1987) P53.00IUSSlO.60 034 DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS (Ateneo De Manila-Philippine Normal College-De La Salle University Consortium for a Ph.D. in Linguistics) BAHASAINDONESIAAS A UNIFYING lANGUAGEOFWIDERCOMMUNICATION: AHISIURI- CALSOCIOLINGUISTIC PERSPECTIVE by Husen Abas P50.00/US$10.00 035 THE ELABORATION OF A.TECHNICAL LEXICON OF PILIPINO by Alfonso O. Santiago P35.00/US$7.00 036 SUBCATEGORIZA'nON AND SELECTIONALRESfRICTIONS OFENGLISHVERBSby Elvira Ver- gara P40.00/US$8.00 037 NEGATlVIZATIONINTHEBISAYANlANGUAGESANDDIALECTS:ACASESIUDYbyTeresita C. Rafael P30.00/US$6.00 038 rae DIALECTS OF MARINDUQUE by Rosa Soberano P35.00/US$7.00 39 A GRAMMATICALAND RHEfORICALSfUDY OFTHESTYLEOFNVMGONZALEZ'SPOETRY by Sr. Mary Angela Barrios, SPC P60.00/US$12.00 040 ALL PRICES SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE ORDER FORM I would like to order the following Code Title Amount I enclose payment by: Money Order Please bill me later Check (payable to the Linguistics Society of the Philippines) Name: Address: Signature: _ Send order/s to: LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OFTIlE PHILIPPINES c/o Linguistics Office De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines Tel. No. 504-611 to 9, loc. 60.
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