Scotland’s Baby Box 2nd October 2017 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-29/9 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1063 NHS Borders 310 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 369 NHS Fife 1029 NHS Forth Valley 881 NHS Grampian 1890 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4534 NHS Highland 834 NHS Lanarkshire 1769 NHS Lothian 2965 NHS Orkney 65 NHS Shetland 61 NHS Tayside 1161 NHS Western Isles 70 Total 17001 WC 28/8/17 WC 4/9/17 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 Cards Received 1391 1293 1173 1070 869 Orders Confirmed 1478 1458 968 1150 900 Orders On Hold 134 145 100 133 110 Total Received 19/6-29/9 17265 Total Confirmed 19/6-29/9 16544 Due date by Month 19/6-29/9 Aug-17 2138 Sep-17 3785 Oct-17 3566 Nov-17 3151 Dec-17 2563 Jan-18 1320 Feb-18 156 Total 16679 19/6-29/9 Total Contact for Research 4869 Total Parentclub 4260 Boxes Dispatched 7988 Boxes Delivered 7441 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-29/9 NHS Western Isles 70 NHS Tayside 1161 NHS Shetland 61 NHS Orkney 65 NHS Lothian 2965 NHS Lanarkshire 1769 NHS Highland 834 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4534 NHS Grampian 1890 NHS Forth Valley 881 NHS Fife 1029 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 369 NHS Borders 310 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1063 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1600 1478 1458 1391 1400 1293 1200 1173 1150 1070 968 1000 900 869 800 600 400 200 134 145 100 133 110 0 WC 28/8/17 WC 4/9/17 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold 3785 3566 DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-29/9 3151 2563 2138 1320 156 AUG - 17 SEP- 17 OCT - 17 NOV - 17 DEC - 17 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 6th November 2017 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-3/11 Received Dispatched NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1340 897 NHS Borders 422 277 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 478 325 NHS Fife 1346 891 NHS Forth Valley 1114 797 NHS Grampian 2392 1622 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5600 3748 NHS Highland 1022 706 NHS Lanarkshire 2312 1541 NHS Lothian 3773 2562 NHS Orkney 78 55 NHS Shetland 76 52 NHS Tayside 1472 1031 NHS Western Isles 86 60 Total 21511 14564 WC 2/10/17 WC 9/10/17 WC 16/10/17 WC 23/10/17 WC 30/11/17 Cards Received 978 1022 864 900 770 Orders Confirmed 1036 952 938 822 815 Orders On Hold 108 90 115 66 68 Total Received 19/6-3/11 21799 Total Confirmed 19/6-3/11 21235 Due date by Month 19/6-3/11 Aug-17 2168 Sep-17 3895 Oct-17 3839 Nov-17 3592 Dec-17 3354 Jan-18 2687 Feb-18 1381 Mar-18 199 Apr-18 8 Total 21123 19/6-3/11 Total Contact for Research 5982 Total Parentclub 5083 Boxes Dispatched 14600 Boxes Delivered 13746 Cards Received/Boxes Dispatched by HB 19/6-3/11 NHS Western Isles 60 86 1031 NHS Tayside 1472 NHS Shetland 52 76 NHS Orkney 55 78 2562 NHS Lothian 3773 1541 NHS Lanarkshire 2312 706 NHS Highland 1022 Boxes Dispatched 3748 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5600 1622 Cards Received NHS Grampian 2392 797 NHS Forth Valley 1114 891 NHS Fife 1346 325 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 478 277 NHS Borders 422 897 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1340 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1200 1036 1022 1000 978 952 938 900 864 822 815 800 770 600 400 200 108 115 90 66 68 0 WC 2/10/17 WC 9/10/17 WC 16/10/17 WC 23/10/17 WC 30/11/17 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-3/11 3895 3839 3592 3354 2687 2168 1381 199 8 AUG - 17 SEP- 17 OCT - 17 NOV - 17 DEC - 17 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 MAR- 18 APR- 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 9th October 2017 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-6/10 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1130 NHS Borders 335 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 391 NHS Fife 1092 NHS Forth Valley 931 NHS Grampian 2037 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4755 NHS Highland 880 NHS Lanarkshire 1890 NHS Lothian 3156 NHS Orkney 68 NHS Shetland 69 NHS Tayside 1237 NHS Western Isles 73 Total 18044 WC 4/9/17 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 WC 2/10/17 Cards Received 1293 1173 1070 869 978 Orders Confirmed 1458 968 1150 900 1036 Orders On Hold 145 100 133 110 108 Total Received 19/6-6/10 18243 Total Confirmed 19/6-6/10 17580 Due date by Month 19/6-6/10 Aug-17 2148 Sep-17 3839 Oct-17 3659 Nov-17 3284 Dec-17 2790 Jan-18 1698 Feb-18 270 Mar-18 21 Total 17709 19/6-6/10 Total Contact for Research 5138 Total Parentclub 4512 Boxes Dispatched 9155 Boxes Delivered 8415 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-6/10 NHS Western Isles 73 NHS Tayside 1237 NHS Shetland 69 NHS Orkney 68 NHS Lothian 3156 NHS Lanarkshire 1890 NHS Highland 880 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4755 NHS Grampian 2037 NHS Forth Valley 931 NHS Fife 1092 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 391 NHS Borders 335 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1130 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1600 1458 1400 1293 1200 1173 1150 1070 1036 1000 968 978 869 900 800 600 400 145 200 100 133 110 108 0 WC 4/9/17 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 WC 2/10/17 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-6/10 3839 3659 3284 2790 2148 1698 270 21 AUG - 17 SEP- 17 OCT - 17 NOV - 17 DEC - 17 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 MAR- 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 13th November 2017 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-10/11 Received Dispatched NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1386 965 NHS Borders 431 301 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 491 355 NHS Fife 1396 954 NHS Forth Valley 1139 845 NHS Grampian 2467 1751 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5770 4042 NHS Highland 1062 754 NHS Lanarkshire 2397 1669 NHS Lothian 3908 2796 NHS Orkney 81 64 NHS Shetland 77 54 NHS Tayside 1524 1128 NHS Western Isles 88 67 Total 22217 15745 WC 9/10/17 WC 16/10/17 WC 23/10/17 WC 30/10/17 WC 06/11/17 Cards Received 1022 864 900 770 902 Orders Confirmed 952 938 822 815 704 Orders On Hold 90 115 66 68 60 Total Received 19/6-10/11 22701 Total Confirmed 19/6-10/11 21811 Due date by Month 19/6-10/11 Aug-17 2171 Sep-17 3902 Oct-17 3854 Nov-17 3625 Dec-17 3442 Jan-18 2843 Feb-18 1595 Mar-18 360 Apr-18 31 Total 21823 19/6-10/11 Total Contact for Research 6159 Total Parentclub 5242 Boxes Dispatched 15788 Boxes Delivered 14880 Cards Received/Boxes Dispatched by HB 19/6-10/11 NHS Western Isles 67 88 1128 NHS Tayside 1524 NHS Shetland 54 77 NHS Orkney 64 81 2796 NHS Lothian 3908 1669 NHS Lanarkshire 2397 754 NHS Highland 1062 Boxes Dispatched 4042 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5770 1751 Cards Received NHS Grampian 2467 845 NHS Forth Valley 1139 954 NHS Fife 1396 355 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 491 301 NHS Borders 431 965 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1386 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1200 1022 1000 952 938 900 902 864 822 815 800 770 704 600 400 200 90 115 66 68 60 0 WC 9/10/17 WC 16/10/17 WC 23/10/17 WC 30/10/17 WC 06/11/17 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-10/11 3902 3854 3625 3442 2843 2171 1595 360 31 AUG - 17 SEP- 17 OCT - 17 NOV - 17 DEC - 17 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 MAR- 18 APR- 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 16th October 2017 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-13/10 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1185 NHS Borders 363 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 409 NHS Fife 1167 NHS Forth Valley 979 NHS Grampian 2143 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4998 NHS Highland 909 NHS Lanarkshire 2010 NHS Lothian 3321 NHS Orkney 74 NHS Shetland 70 NHS Tayside 1292 NHS Western Isles 75 Total 18995 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 WC 2/10/17 WC 9/10/17 Cards Received 1173 1070 869 978 1022 Orders Confirmed 968 1150 900 1036 952 Orders On Hold 100 133 110 108 90 Total Received 19/6-13/10 19265 Total Confirmed 19/6-13/10 18532 Due date by Month 19/6-13/10 Aug-17 2152 Sep-17 3867 Oct-17 3729 Nov-17 3388 Dec-17 2985 Jan-18 2014 Feb-18 473 Mar-18 36 Total 18644 19/6-13/10 Total Contact for Research 5372 Total Parentclub 4724 Boxes Dispatched 10578 Boxes Delivered 10288 Cards Processed by Health Board 19/6-13/10 NHS Western Isles 75 NHS Tayside 1292 NHS Shetland 70 NHS Orkney 74 NHS Lothian 3321 NHS Lanarkshire 2010 NHS Highland 909 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4998 NHS Grampian 2143 NHS Forth Valley 979 NHS Fife 1167 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 409 NHS Borders 363 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1185 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1400 1200 1173 1150 1070 1036 978 1022 1000 968 952 869 900 800 600 400 200 133 100 110 108 90 0 WC 11/9/17 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 WC 2/10/17 WC 9/10/17 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-13/10 3867 3729 3388 2985 2152 2014 473 36 AUG - 17 SEP- 17 OCT - 17 NOV - 17 DEC - 17 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 MAR- 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 20th October 2017 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-20/10 Received Dispatched NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1245 727 NHS Borders 389 229 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 430 274 NHS Fife 1230 715 NHS Forth Valley 1017 662 NHS Grampian 2239 1328 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5240 3120 NHS Highland 965 588 NHS Lanarkshire 2116 1237 NHS Lothian 3509 2101 NHS Orkney 77 50 NHS Shetland 72 45 NHS Tayside 1353 846 NHS Western Isles 82 48 Total 19964 11970 WC 18/9/17 WC 25/9/17 WC 2/10/17 WC 9/10/17 WC 16/10/17 Cards Received 1070 869 978 1022 864 Orders Confirmed 1150 900 1036 952 938 Orders On Hold 133 110 108 90 115 Total Received 19/6-20/10 20129 Total Confirmed 19/6-20/10 19470 Due date by Month 19/6-20/10 Aug-17 2180 Sep-17 3911 Oct-17 3816 Nov-17 3518 Dec-17 3189 Jan-18 2298 Feb-18 773 Mar-18 69 Total 19754 19/6-20/10 Total Contact for Research 5603 Total Parentclub 4923 Boxes Dispatched 11970 Boxes Delivered 11337 Cards Received/Boxes Dispatched by HB 19/6-20/10 NHS Western Isles 48 82 846 NHS Tayside 1353 NHS Shetland 45 72 NHS Orkney 50 77 2101 NHS Lothian 3509 1237 NHS Lanarkshire 2116 588 NHS Highland 965 Boxes Dispatched 3120 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5240 1328 Cards Received NHS Grampian 2239 662 NHS Forth Valley 1017 715 NHS Fife 1230 274 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 430 229 NHS Borders 389 727 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1245 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 BABYBOX ORDERS
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