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Geophys. characteristic of retinylidene ion pumps and similar to the photo- Res. 93, 383±391 (1988). cycle seen with Escherichia coli membranes expressing recombinant proteorhodopsin1. Acknowledgements Furthermore, 5 ms after the ¯ash the absorption difference We thank C. Karger for participation in the measurements, and M. Ferrero and F. Boudier spectrum of the environmental sample exhibited the same shape for providing the samples from Baldissero and Papua New Guinea, respectively. The and same isosbestic point for the light and dark state as proteorho- Laboratoire de Tectonophysique's EBSD system was funded by the CNRS/INSU, dopsin expressed in E. coli membranes. This shows that photo- Universite of Montpellier II, and NSF project ``Anatomy of an archean craton''. This work chemical reactions in native bacterioplankton cell membranes was supported by the CNRS/INSU programme ``Action TheÂmatique Innovante''. generate a red-shifted, long-lived intermediate spectrally similar Correspondence should be addressed to A.T. to that of recombinantly expressed proteorhodopsin in E. coli. The (e-mail: [email protected]). ¯ash-photolysis data provide direct physical evidence for the existence of proteorhodopsin-like transporters and endogenous retinal molecules in the microbial fraction of these coastal surface waters. ................................................................. The photocycling pigment was bleached with hydroxylamine and, after hydroxylamine removal, photoactivity was restored by Proteorhodopsin phototrophy adding all-trans retinal (Fig. 2), showing that the photosignals do in the ocean indeed derive from retinylidene pigmentation. We conclude that Oded BeÂjaÁ*², Elena N. Spudich²³, John L. Spudich³, Marion Leclerc* & Edward F. DeLong* 2 580 nm ) * Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, California 95039, –3 1 400 nm USA 10 × 0 ³ Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston, Texas 77030, USA –1 ² These authors contributed equally to this work –2 500 nm .............................................................................................................................................. Absorbance ( Proteorhodopsin1, a retinal-containing integral membrane pro- ∆ –3 tein that functions as a light-driven proton pump, was discovered –4 0 20 40 60 80 in the genome of an uncultivated marine bacterium; however, the Time (ms) prevalence, expression and genetic variability of this protein in 3 native marine microbial populations remain unknown. Here we Proteorhodopsin in E. coli membranes Monterey Bay environmental membranes report that photoactive proteorhodopsin is present in oceanic 2 surface waters. We also provide evidence of an extensive family of ) –3 globally distributed proteorhodopsin variants. The protein pig- 10 1 ments comprising this rhodopsin family seem to be spectrally × tuned to different habitatsÐabsorbing light at different wave- 0 lengths in accordance with light available in the environment. Together, our data suggest that proteorhodopsin-based phototro- –1 Absorbance ( phy is a globally signi®cant oceanic microbial process. ∆ –2 Bacteriorhodopsin, a retinal-containing membrane protein that functions as a light-driven proton pump, was discovered nearly –3 three decades ago in the halophile Halobacterium salinarum2. The 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 `purple membranes' of this archaeon contain a high concentration Wavelength (nm) of bacteriorhodopsin molecules, packed in an ordered two-dimen- Figure 1 Laser ¯ash-induced absorbance changes in suspensions of membranes sional crystalline array3. On absorption of light, bacteriorhodopsin prepared from the prokaryotic fraction of Monterey Bay surface waters. Top, membrane undergoes a series of conformational shifts (a photocycle), causing a absorption was monitored at the indicated wavelengths and the ¯ash was at time 0 at proton to be transported across the membrane. The resulting 532 nm. Bottom, absorption difference spectrum at 5 ms after the ¯ash for the electrochemical membrane potential drives ATP synthesis, through environmental sample (black) and for E. coli-expressed proteorhodopsin (red). 786 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 411 | 14 JUNE 2001 | www.nature.com letters to nature proteorhodopsin molecules are present in the membranes of native physiology of these bacteria in situ. marine bacterioplankton. To explore the possible existence of other proteorhodopsins, we The ¯ash-photolysis data permit estimation of the cellular con- screened the same mixed-population bacterial arti®cial chromo- centration of proteorhodopsin. Assuming (1) the ¯ash yield of the some (BAC) library10 in which proteorhodopsin was initially dis- environmental pigment is similar to that of proteorhodopsin covered, with non-degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) expressed in E. coli (that is, 10.5% absorption change at 500 nm primers1. Several additional proteorhodopsin-containing BAC per absorption unit of pigment at 527 nm), we calculate 0.033 clones were found in the library. These proteorhodopsins were absorption units of proteorhodopsin at 527 nm (0.35 mgofpro- similar, but did differ in their amino-acid sequences when com- teorhodopsin protein per litre of sea water). Flash spectroscopy was pared with the original proteorhodopsin (for example, see clones necessary to detect the proteorhodopsin pigments because there is 31A8, 64A5 and 40E8; Figs 3 and 4). Using the same non-degenerate much greater absorption in the visible range by other pigments in primers, we could also amplify by PCR proteorhodopsin genes from the sample, which show peaks of 1.6, 1.3, 0.52 and 0.73 absorption bacterioplankton DNA extracts, including those from Monterey Bay units, at 437, 468, 647 and 673 nm, respectively. (MB clones; Fig. 3), the Southern ocean (Palmer station; PAL Assuming also (2) a molar absorption coef®cient of 50,000 M-1 clones) and waters of the central North Paci®c ocean (Hawaii cm-1 at the absorption maximum, (3) ¯uorescence in situ hybridi- Ocean Time series station11; HOT clones). zation counts of a total of 5.6 ´ 1010 SAR86 cells in the concentrated We detected 15 different variants of proteorhodopsin in the PCR- sample (,10% of the total bacteria; see Methods), (4) 50% recovery generated Monterey Bay proteorhodopsin gene library, falling into of membranes from the cells, and (5) that the uncultivated SAR86 three clusters (Fig. 3) that share at least 97% identity over 248 amino group is the principal bacterioplankton group using these pigments, acids (Fig. 4) and 93% identity at the DNA level. Two proteorho- we calculate that there are 2.4 ´ 104 proteorhodopsin molecules per dopsin genes from Monterey, 40E8 and 64A5, were expressed in SAR86 cell. E. coli
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