Software Development Tools and Frameworks Kick-off meeting René Schönfelder Institute for Software Engineering and Programming Languages October 17, 2013 http://www.isp.uni-luebeck.de/courses/ws-20132014/ seminar-software-development-tools-and-frameworks. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 1/39 Agenda Motivation Science Planning Topics Assignments R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 2/39 Why this seminar? I What is quality of software? I What is science? R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 3/39 Agenda Motivation Science Planning Topics Assignments R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 4/39 What is science? Immanuel Kant: I “Eine jede Lehre, wenn sie ein System, d.i. ein nach Principien geordnetes Ganze der Erkenntniß, sein soll, heißt Wissenschaft, . ” Simply put: Science = Research + Teaching R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 5/39 What is science? Qualification goals (Module Guide): I The students can obtain a solid grounding a scientific topic. I They are able to present the results in a written documentation and in a talk in an understandable way. I The can present and discuss a scientific topic in English. This seminar shall prepare you for your bachelor’s thesis. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 6/39 What is science? (Actually, there is a corresponding english page, but the guide lines are still in german.) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 7/39 Good scientific practice For example: I respect for intellectual property, I to document results, I to consequently doubt all results yourself, I mentoring the young academics, I strict honesty with any kind of contributions, I the backup and safe-keeping of any primary data, I scientific publications. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 8/39 Scientific Literature How to find scientific literature? I Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck (http://www.zhb.uni-luebeck.de/) I ACM Digital Library (http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm) I Springer (http://www.springerlink.com/) I IEEE Xplore (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp) I CiteSeer (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/) I Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.de/) Not appropriate: I Wikipedia, Heise, and other websites Access via university network or SSL gate (http://sslgate.uni-luebeck.de/) I http://www.zhb.uni-luebeck.de/onlinemed.html Advice: Search for survey article, e.g. book chapters and dissertations. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 9/39 Scientific Literature How to read scientific literature? 1. Read the title and the abstract I Is this paper of any interest for my work? 2. Take a look at pictures and read the conclusions I What is the approach, what is the essential contribution? I Is it still interesting for me? 3. Read thoroughly I What is the exact reasoning? I What is the connection to my work? I What do I miss in this paper? 4. Write a summary (do not skip this step!) I What are essential contributions? I How do I need to cite this paper? I Which questions are not yet solved? R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 10/39 Scientific Literature How to cite? Look up the following things (or ask your advisor) . I scientific writing, I where to find literature, I rules of citation, I how to cite internet resources, I what is BibTex? R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 11/39 Agenda Motivation Science Planning Topics Assignments R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 12/39 Expectations We expect from you: I Search for scientific literature I Writing a scientific paper I Writing a review I Attendence and participation I Presentation of your topic R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 13/39 Scientific paper Formal requirements: I Use the template from the website. I Number of pages between 8 and 10. I Labels in images and tables should match the font of the document. I Images should have a high enough resolution. With respect to the content, we expect you to: I outline the academic (and economic) interest, I present a clean and comprehensible structure, I cite correctly and completely, I give an overview on the literature, I describe informative things easy to understand, I respect the guide lines of good scientific practice. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 14/39 Review Your review (one page at most) will contain: I Information about you as a reviewer I Short summary I General comments I Well structured? I Approach is clear? I Complete? I Good overview on literature? I Well written and comprehensible? I “Roter Faden”? (translation?) I Does it convince you? I Constructive citicism I Typos, if they stand out Always remember: Stick to the facts, your name is on the review! R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 15/39 Presentation Your presentation should: I be 30 minutes long (plus 10 minutes discussion), I be practiced beforehand, I include the vita of VIPs (if appropriate), I be easily comprehensable but also informative, I incorporate the audience, I have more images than text, I not be your paper pressed into beamer slides, and I end with an open question for discussion. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 16/39 Scheduling The schedule is similar to that of a scientific conference: I Assignment of topics (30.07.) I Familiarization phase (during semester break) I Personal coaching with your advisor (beginning of the semester) I Writing phase (deadline 22.11. - it’s my birthday!) I Review phase and preparation of your presentation (before 06.12.) I Improvement phase (deadline 13.12.) I Presentations (19.12. and 20.12. - 08:00 to 17:00) I Christmas R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 17/39 Publication With your participation you agree, that I your paper and your presentation slides will be published to I your fellow students (within this course) I and to ISP members. R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 18/39 Agenda Motivation Science Planning Topics Assignments R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 19/39 Overview 0. Introduction 1. Revision Control 2. Project Management 3. Distributed Bugtrackers 4. Build and Dependency Tools 5. Artifact Repository 6. Continuous Integration 7. Web Server 8. Application Server 9. Agile Development 10. Usability Engineering 11. Static Code Analysis 12. Code Reviews 13. Documentation Tools 14. UML Tools 15. Test Driven Development 16. Test Generation R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 20/39 Revision Control Research questions: I What is version numbering? I Which modify concepts are there? I What is a workflow and which are used? http://flossmole.org/content/revision-control-matrix-june-2011 R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 21/39 Project Management Research questions: I How do project management tools improve software development? I What is scalability and how to ensure? I Which are the essential features of a project management tool? Some representatives are: Redmine, Trac, JIRA, Rhodecode, . (http://www.denizon.com/project-management/) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 22/39 Distributed Bugtrackers Research questions: I How to manage and resolve bugs? I Which states and priorities are there? I How to integrate a bugtracker into a development process? Some representatives are: Artemis, Bugs Everywhere, . (http://www.bubblews.com/assets/images/news/1320729416_1370345820.jpg) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 23/39 Build and Dependency Tools Research questions: I What is a build and how to resolve dependencies? I What is a lifecycle and why are there standards? I What are build plugins and how to write one? (http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/developer-productivity-report-2012-java-tools-tech-devs-and-data/) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 24/39 Artifact Repository Research questions: I What is an artifact? I Why do artifacts need to be managed? I How to create my own repository? Some representatives are: Nexus, Artifactory, Archiva, . (http://www.jfrog.com/home/v_ecosystem_integration) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 25/39 Continuous Integration Research questions: I What is the integration hell and what is continuous integration? I How to orchestrate different tools in the development process? I Which best practices have established? Some representatives are: Jenkins, Continuum, Go, Hudson, . (http://jenkins-ci.org/) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 26/39 Web Server I How to develop good and modern web sites? I How can we assure quality in the web? I Which kind of technology are there? Some representatives are: Tomcat, Jetty, . R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 27/39 Application Server I Which kind of web services are there? I What is service oriented architecture and how to modularize? I How does communication work? Some representatives are: WildFly, JBoss, Glassfish, . (http://www.wildfly.org/images/splash_wildflylogo.png) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 28/39 Agile Development Research questions: I What is agile development and who benefits from it? I How does Scrum work in practice? I How could Scrum be implemented in scientific projects? (http://blog.seibert-media.net/2012/10/15/99-argumente-fuer-scrum-was-scrum-projekte-dem-kunden-bringen/) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 29/39 Usability Engineering Research questions: I What is usability engineering? I How to integrate it within the development process? I What are the benefits? (http://www.imis.uni-luebeck.de/de/forschung/user-usability-engineering-fuer-softwaresysteme-oeffentlichen- verwaltungen) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 30/39 Static Code Analysis Research questions: I How to measure software quality? I What is a software map? I How does static code analysis influence the development process? Some representatives are: findbugs, emma, cobertura, checkstyle, . (http://www.softwarediagnostics.com/transparency-platform/) R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 31/39 Code Reviews Research questions: I What are code reviews? I How to embed code reviews into the development process? I What are the “social effects” that may occur? Some representatives are: Gerrit, Atlassian, AgileReview, . R. Schönfelder October 17, 2013 32/39 Dokumentationswerkzeuge Research questions: I Why and how should I document? I How to document collaboratively? I What is a good project documentation? Some representatives are: Javadoc, Doxygen, Wiki, Confluence, .
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