THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR A PRIEST EACH DAY! VOLUME XXI ISSUE 9 AUGUST, 2012 September 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Pope Benedict XVI Rev. Msgr. 2 Rev. 3 Rev. 4 Very Rev. 5 Rev. 6 Rev. Msgr. 7 Rev. 8 Robert Dennis Duaine Dale Donald Cyril Brian Laliberte Skonseng Cote Kinzler Leiphon Lamontagne Jeffries Fargo, ND Fargo, ND Fargo, ND Fargo, ND Fargo, ND Grenada Hartford, CT Rev. 9 Rev. 10 Rev. 11 Rev. 12 Rev. 13 Rev. 14 Rev. 15 Robert Francis Paul Will-Roger Joseph James Paul Rousseau Karvelis Halovatch Malave Looney George Landwerlen Hartford, CT Hartford, CT Hartford, CT Hartford, CT Hartford, CT Hartford, CT Indianapolis, IN Rev. 16 Rev. 17 Rev. 18 Rev. 19 Rev. 20 Rev. Msgr. 21 Rev. 22 ĴȱȱǷ Harold Thomas Roderic Earl Paul John William ¢ȱǯȱȱ Knueven Cawley Giller, OSB Dekat O’Donnel Dugan Demkovich Halbing is Buried”. His brother priests, noticing Indianapolis, IN Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey The annual international meeting the uniqueness of simply existing, Rev. 23 Rev. 24 Rev. 25 Rev. 26 Rev. 27 Rev. 28 Rev. 29 of Fraternity of Priests was held being granted the gift of Christian that he quickly slipped back into his old Paul John Joseph Lewis Paul Eugene Brendan from July 22-27, 2012 in Marquette, faith through baptism and then bad habits, hung a sign on the headstone, Lehman Gordon Meagher Papera Cannariato Bettinger Murray Michigan. The Diocese of Marquette being called to serve Christ and the “On the third day he rose again!” New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey consists of the Upper Peninsula of Church as priests. Given the genetic Fr. Vlado, the spiritual director of Rev. 30 Michigan. The meeting itself was permutations that are possible in the the seminary in Maribor, described the Jeff held at Marygrove Retreat Center, act of conception, each individual has areas of formation outlined in Blessed Kegley an absolutely lovely retreat house a greater chance of winning the Lotto John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation, New Jersey located in the sleepy town of Garden, than simply existing! Because baptism Pastores Dabo Vobis. Priests need to A PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Michigan on the Garden Peninsula, inserts us into the life of Jesus Christ, it be formed on the human, spiritual, O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (name of priest), act in him, speak in and that juts out into Lake Michigan. is the greatest day of our lives. Finally, intellectual and academic levels. Fraternity of Priests, Inc. through him. Think your thoughts in his mind, love through his heart. Give The Diocese of Marquette in the call to priesthood we hear Jesus Formation continues in each of these Franciscan University him your own disposition and feelings. Teach, lead and guide him always. consists of the whole Upper Peninsula calling us “to himself and to preach.” areas throughout a priest’s life. Steubenville, OH 43952-9671 Correct, enlighten and expand his thoughts and behavior. Possess his soul, of Michigan. The U.P. (as it’s called) (Mark 3:14) Fr. Bill Cosgrove reiterated that if Phone: (740) 283-4400 take over his entire personality and life. Replace him with yourself. Incline makes up about forty percent of Fr. Franco spoke about responding our formation is to be transformative, Fax: (740) 283-3622 him to constant adoration and thanksgiving; pray in and through him. Let him Michigan’s land mass but only three to the call to discipleship, to the it needs to renew our mind. “Do not Email: [email protected] live in you and keep him in this intimate union always. percent of its population. This diocese priesthood and to the Fraternity of be conformed to this world, but be http://www.fraternityofpriests.org of 55,000 Catholics is overseen by Priests. Relating examples from transformed by the renewal of your O Mary, Immaculate Conception, Mother of Jesus and Mother of priests, pray %LVKRS$OH[DQGHU6DPSOHDQG¿IW\ his own life, as well as quotes that mind, that you may prove what is the and intercede for (.....). Amen. ¿YHSULHVWV framed the work of the priest from the will of God, what is good and acceptable The theme of this year’s annual Vatican II document Presbyterorum and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) By being Please cut and return this form with your donation. your with form this return and cut Please meeting was Recall the Call. Each Ordinis, his talk led the brothers to stay renewed in mind, priests will be agents of the three main meeting days had anchored in their call to be disciples of renewal in their priesthood. City, State and Zip Zip and State City, a sub-theme. The theme for Monday, of Jesus Christ, to be holy priests and 7KH¿QDOVHWRIWDONVZDVJLYHQE\ Street Street July 23 was “Called”. On Tuesday, to be men who live out the Fraternity Frs. Francis Dabre and Bill Cosgrove. the theme was “Formed”. Finally, on ideals. Priests, and really all Christians, Fr. Dwight Merrick from Trinidad & Name Name Thursday, the theme was “Gifted.” are to treasure the interventions of Tobago also led a time of prayer for (Please print legibly) print (Please These sub-themes follow the pattern Christ in their lives. us to be open to the gifts of the Holy to receive our Newsletter? our receive to RI-HVXVZKR¿UVWFDOOHGGLVFLSOHVWR On Tuesday, Fr. Vlado Bizjak of Spirit. Fr. Francis Dabre’s talk included Do you know anyone who would like like would who anyone know you Do follow him, gave them a special time Maribor, Slovenia, set forth the theme a PowerPoint presentation that summed up the whole week, highlighting the fully and wisely, and not to ask for money that is not needed. not is that money for ask to not and wisely, and fully of formation and then gifted them with of being formed by the Lord. He acknowledged the challenge of being fact that priests are summoned, formed, you send a gift. We stand accountable before God and you to honor that trust. We pledge: To use your gift care- gift your use To pledge: We trust. that honor to you and God before accountable stand We gift. a send you WKH+RO\6SLULWWRIXO¿OOWKHZRUNRI formed into the likeness of Christ. Fr. given the gifts of the Spirit and sent to 7KH)UDWHUQLW\RI3ULHVWVSOHGJHRI¿QDQFLDODFFRXQWDELOLW\:H WDNHYHU\VHULRXVO\WKHWUXVW\RXSXWLQXVZKHQ the ministry. On Monday of the week, Frs. Vlado related a humorous story of a do the work of the Lord. 2WKHUBBBBBBBBB John Kiley and Bob Franco made priest who attended a retreat and was Brotherhood Day took place on This donation is to help the Fraternity of Priests in continuing their work of ministering to priests. to ministering of work their continuing in Priests of Fraternity the help to is donation This presentations highlighting the so enthused when he came home that Wednesday of the meeting week. Thirty he put a cemetery headstone behind four priests were whisked away on a Dear Father Bob Franco, Bob Father Dear reality of being called by God. Fr. Kiley’s stimulating talk described the rectory. It read, “Here the Old Man ...continued on page 3 Dear Friends of the Priesthood ...continued from page 1 term. They join Frs. Bill Cosgrove, the editor of The Visitation for many touring bus early in the morning. Bus Francis Dabre and Vlado Bizjak, who years. Due to a new (and more busy y the time you read this my term throughout the time was interspersed with times of FRPSOHWHWKH¿YHPHPEHUERDUG)U assignment) Fr. Roy has handed over on the board of the Fraternity of world. The Bill Cosgrove has accepted the role this responsibility to Fr. Bob Franco EPISCOPAL prayer, information about the Upper ADVISORS BPriests will have been completed. Fraternity has Peninsula and a wonderful biography as chairman. The setting for next year’s The bylaws of the Fraternity allow a priest to been planted of the Venerable Bishop Frederic 'XULQJWKH)UDWHUQLW\¶V¿QDOGLQQHU Annual Fraternity Meeting will Donald Cardinal Wuerl be elected to the board of the Fraternity for no in at least Baraga, a missionary priest from The Brotherhood award was given to be in Steubenville, Ohio. At the Washington, DC more than two consecutive terms of three years eleven other 6ORYHQLDZKREHFDPHWKH¿UVW%LVKRS Fr. Robert Rousseau, a priest from the encouragement of a number of the Archbishop DSLHFH'XULQJP\¿QDOWKUHH\HDUV,VHUYHGDV countries in of the Diocese of Marquette. Later Archdiocese of Hartford. Fr. Rousseau members of the Fraternity, next year’s Franc Kromberger chairman of the board. the world. that day the Fraternity brothers were has been a member of the Fraternity meeting will be in conjunction with Maribor, Slovenia The Fraternity of Priests is a blessing in my And though to seek his intercession at his tomb IRURYHUWZHQW\¿YH\HDUV$WDFULWLFDO the Priests, Deacons and Seminarians life. I think of it as a trellis for a rosebush. Certain some of the in the crypt of St. Peter Cathedral in point in the Fraternity’s early years, Fr. Retreat held each June in Steubenville. Archbishop John Myers kinds of roses grow best when they can climb Fraternities, Marquette. Rousseau was appointed as the interim The dates for next year’s Priests Newark, NJ a trellis. Without a trellis, the rosebush would here and That day’s tour included a beautiful overall leader of the Fraternity. He also Deacons and Seminarians Conference Bishop Sam Jacobs grow, but in a somewhat haphazard manner.
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