15352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE August 1, 2001 S. 584: A bill to designate the United Contibutions, Amount, Date, and Donee: mittee; $1,000, 23 Jun 00, Dick Armey Cam- States courthouse located at 40 Centre 1. Self, Vincent M. Battle, None. paign Committee; $250,000 (exempt/dupli- Street in New York, New York, as the 2. Spouse, N/A cate), 28 Jul 00, RNC Republic National State ‘‘Thurgood Marshall States Courthouse’’. 3. Children & Spouses, N/A. Elections Committee; $1,000 (refund prom- By Mr. SARBANES, from the Committee 4. Parents Names, Leo John Battle (de- ised), 11 Jul 00, Lazio 2000 Inc.; $250,000 (ex- on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, ceased), Jessie Elizabeth Battle (deceased). empt/duplicate), 28 Jul 00, RNC Republican with an amendment: 5. Grandparents Names, George Rutherford National State Elections Committee; $1,000 S. 1254: A bill to reauthorize the Multi- Laurie (deceased), Elizabeth Glen Laurie (de- (refunded), 27 Sep 00, Greenleaf for Congress; family Assisted Housing Reform and Afford- ceased), Hugh Battle (deceased), Elizabeth $1,000 (refunded), 26 Sep 00, Fletcher for Con- ability Act of 1997, and for other purposes. Nevins Battle (deceased). gress; $1,000 (refunded), 30 Sep 00, Kirk for By Mr. BIDEN, from the Committee on 6. Brothers & Spouses, Bredan Joseph Bat- Congress Inc.; $1,000 (refunded), 17 Oct 00, Re- Foreign Relations, without amendment and tle, None. Allice Vilece Battle, None. elect Congressman Joe Moakley Committee; with a preamble: 7. Sisters & Spouses, N/A. $5,000 (refund promised), 13 Oct 00, Ashcroft S. Con. Res. 58: A concurrent resolution ex- Nominee: Richard J. Egan. Victory Committee; $5,000 (exempt/dupli- pressing support for the tenth annual meet- Post: Ambassador to Ireland. cate), 2 Nov 00, NRCCC—Non Fed Act; $15,000 ing of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary The following is a list of all members of (exempt duplicate, misdeposited), 4 Dec 00, Forum. my immediate family and their spouses. I Republican National Committee; $1,000, 11 S. Con. Res. 62: A concurrent resolution have asked each of these persons to inform Aug 00, Comm to Elect Frederick T. Golder; $1,000, 27 Sep 99, McCain 2000 Inc.; $1,000, 22 congratulating Ukraine on the 10th anniver- me of the pertinent contributions made by Nov 99, Bush-Cheney 2000 Compliance Com- sary of the restoration of its independence them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- mittee Inc.; $1,000, 5 Mar 98, Michigan Repub- and supporting its full integration into the formation contained in this report is com- lican State Comm; $1,000, 24 Mar 97, Frist Euro-Atlantic community of democracies. plete and accurate. 2000 Inc.; $1,000, 24 Mar 97, Frist 2000 Inc.; f Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: $5,000, 24 Nov 97, Pioneer Political Action 1. Self–Richard J. Egan: $500, 28 Jun 99, Committee; $1,000 (refunded), 16 Mar 98, J.D. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Abraham Senate 2000; $1,000 (refunded), 27 Hayworth for Congress; $1,000, 15 Apr 98, COMMITTEES May 00, Peter Abair for Congress Comm; Amorello for Congress; $5,000 (exempt dupli- $1,000, 10 May 99, Friends of Giuliani Expl. cate, misdeposited), 30 Jun 98, Pioneer Polit- The following executive reports of Comm; $1,000 (refunded), 30 Jun 99, MA Re- committees were submitted: ical Action Committee; $500 (refunded), 13 publican State Congressional Committee; Jul 98, Friends of Zach Wamp; $1,000, 22 Apr By Mr. SARBANES for the Committee on $1,000, 19 Oct 99, Friends of Giuliani Expl. 98, Marty Meehan for Congress Comm; $1,000, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Comm; $1,000, 12 Jul 99, Lincoln Chafee US 22 Apr 98, Marty Meehan for Congress Comm; *Michael J. Garcia, of New York, to be an Senate; $4,000 (refunded), 3 Nov 99, MA Re- $1,000 (refunded), 14 Apr 98, Citizens for Peter Assistant Secretary of Commerce. publican State Congressional Committee; Torkildsen; $1,000, 2 Jul 98, Watkins for Con- *Michael Minoru Fawn Liu, of Illinois, to $1,000, 1 Oct 99, Friends of George Allen; gress; $5,000 (refunded), 31 Jul 98, MA Repub- be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and $1,000, 1 Oct 99, Friends of George Allen; lican Party; $1,000, 9 Jul 98, Phil Wyrick for Urban Development. $1,000, 1 Nov 99, Ashcroft 2000; $1,000, 1 Nov 99, Congress; $1,000, 29 Dec 98, Kerry Committee; *Linda Mysliwy Conlin, of New Jersey, to Ashcroft 2000; $1,000 (refunded), 28 Mar 00, $1,000, 3 Dec 97, Citizens for Kasich; $1,000, 15 be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce. Lincoln Chafee US Senate; $1,000 (refunded), Dec 97, Citizens for Peter Torkildsen; $1,000, *Henrietta Holsman Fore, of Nevada, to be 5 May 00, Friends of Dick Lugar Inc.; $1,000, 15 Dec 97, Amorello for Congress; $500, 7 Aug Director of the Mint for a term of five years. 5 June 00, Ensign for Senate; $1,000 (re- 97, Dick Armey Campaign Committee; $500, 6 *Melody H. Fennel, of Virginia, to be an funded), 30 Jun 00, Friends of Giuliani Expl. Mar 98, Majority Leader’s Fund; $350, 7 Apr Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Comm.; $1,000, 14 Jun 00, Carla Howell for US 98, Christopher Cox Congressional Com- Development. Senate; $1,000, 14 Jun 00, Carla Howell for US mittee; $500, 19 May 98, National Republican By Mr. JEFFORDS for the Committee on Senate; $500, 13 Jun 00, Abraham Senate 2000; Senatorial Committee; $1,000, 29 Jul 98, Citi- Environment and Public Works. $1,000, 13 Jun 00, Abraham Senate 2000; $1,000 zens for Kasich; $500, 28 Apr 98, American Re- *David A. Sampson, of Texas, to be Assist- (refunded), 1 Jun 00, Bob Smith for US Sen- newal PAC; $250, 19 May 98, National Repub- ant Secretary of Commerce for Economic ate; $1,000 (refunded), 30 Sep 00, Dickey for lican Congressional Committee Contribu- Development. Congress Camp. Comm.; $1,000 (refunded), 29 tions; $1,000, 19 May 98, 1998 Rep. Hosue-Sen- *Jeffrey R. Holmstead, of Colorado, to be Sep 00, Kuykendall Congressional Comm.; ate Dinner; $10,000 (exempt/duplicated), 9 Jul an Assistant Administrator of the Environ- $1,000, 19 Jul 00, Young Americans for Free- 98, RNC Republican National State Elections mental Protection Agency. dom Political Action Committee; $1,000, 30 Committee; *George Tracy Mehan, III, of Michigan, to Sep 00, Rehberg for Congress; $1,000 (re- 2. Spouse–Maureen E. Egan: $5,000, 3 Nov be an Assistant Administrator of the Envi- funded), 22 Sep 00, Friends of John Hostettler 99, Massachusetts Republican State Congres- ronmental Protection Agency. Comm.; $1,000 (refunded), 31 Aug 00, Bass Vic- sional Committee; $1,000, 27 May 00, Peter Abair for Congress Comm.; $5,000, 31 Jul 98, *Donald R. Schregardus, of Ohio, to be an tory 2000 Committee; $1,000 (refund prom- MA Republican Party; $1,000, 3 Dec 97, Citi- Assistant Administrator of the Environ- ised), 21 Sep 00, Rogers for Congress; $1,000 zens for Kasich; $1,000, 29 Jun 98, Citizens for mental Protection Agency. (refunded), 29 Sep 00, John Koster for Con- Kasich; $250, 19 May 98, National Republican *Judith Elizabeth Ayres, of California, to gress; $1,000 (refunded), 24 Oct 00, Friends of Congressional Committee Contributions. be an Assistant Administrator of the Envi- Clay Shaw; $1,000 (refunded), 24 Oct 00, 3. Children and Spouses–John R. Egan: ronmental Protection Agency. Friends of Clay Shaw; $1,000 (refunded), 7 Dec $1,000, 10 Dec 99, Marty Meehan for Congress *Robert E. Fabricant, of New Jersey, to be 00, Amorello for Congress; $1,000 (refunded), 5 Comm.; $1,000, 10 Dec 99, Marty Meehan for an Assistant Administrator of the Environ- Dec 00, Amorello for Congress; $1,000, 29 Mar Congress Comm.; $1,000, 6 Dec 00, Amorello mental Protection Agency. 99, Kasich 2000; $5,000 (refunded, for Congress; $1,000 (refunded), 5 Dec 00, By Mr. BIDEN for the Committee on For- misdeposited), 14 Jul 99, National Republican Amorello for Congress; $1,000, 3 Jun 99, Bush eign Relations. Congressional Committee Contribution; for President Inc.; $1,000, 29 Mar 99, Kasich *Richard J. Egan, of Massachusetts, to be $5,000 (refunded, misdeposited), 23 Sep 99, Na- 2000; $2,000, 3 Nov 99, Massachusetts Repub- Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- tional Republican Congressional Committee lican State Congressional Committee; $1,000, potentiary of the United States of America Contribution; $500, 29 Jul 99, Rogan for Con- 22 Dec 99, Re-elect Congressman Joe Moak- to Ireland. gress Committee; $1,000, 6 Aug 99, Dick ley Committee; $1,000, 30 Dec 99, Re-elect *Vincent Martin Battle, of the District of Armey Campaign Committee; $1,000 (re- Congressman Joe Moakley Committee; Columbia, Career Member of the Senior For- funded), 22 Feb 00, Capuano for Congress $1,000, 12 Dec 99, Capuano for Congress Com- eign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Am- Committee; $1,000, 22 Feb 00, Capuano for mittee; $1,000, 12 Dec 99, Capuano for Con- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Congress Committee; $5,000 (exempt/dupli- gress Committee; $1,000, 26 Jun 00, Kerry of the United States of America to the Re- cate), 25 May 00, RNC Republican National Committee; $1,000, 24 Nov 97, Pioneer Polit- public of Lebanon. State Elections Committee; $1,000, 5 May 00, ical Action Committee; $1,000, 24 Nov 97, Pio- Nominee: Vincent M. Battle. Majority Leader’s Fund; $600 (refund prom- neer Political Action Committee; $1,000, 31 Post: Beirut, Lebanon. ised), 22 May 00, Rogan for Congress Com- Mar 98, Marty Meehan for Congress Comm.; The following is a list of all members of mittee; $1,000, 5 Jun 00, Paul McCarthy Com- $1,000, 31 Mar 98, Marty Meehan for Congress my immediate family and their spouses.
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