DDigital-Literacy.indbigital-Literacy.indb 1 114-02-20154-02-2015 009:49:209:49:20 DDigital-Literacy.indbigital-Literacy.indb 2 114-02-20154-02-2015 009:49:209:49:20 DDigital-Literacy.indbigital-Literacy.indb 3 114-02-20154-02-2015 009:49:209:49:20 DIGITAL LITERACY, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION Making sense of one-to-one computer programmes around the world Edition Sara Pereira Cover António Modesto Pagesetting Ângela Andrade PublisherDIGITAL DIGITAL© EdiçõesDIGITAL LITERACY,DIGITALDIGITAL Húmus, LITERACY, LITERACY, LITERACY, Lda.,LITERACY, TECHNOLOGY 2015 TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY AND AND SOCIAL AND ANDSOCIAL AND INCLUSIONSOCIAL SOCIAL SOCIAL INCLUSION INCLUSION INCLUSION INCLUSION ApartadoMakingDIGITAL 7081DIGITALMaking senseMakingMakingMaking LITERACY,sense LITERACY,of one-to-one sense senseof sense one-to-one of of TECHNOLOGYone-to-one of TECHNOLOGYone-to-one one-to-onecomputer computer computer computerprogrammes computer AND AND programmes SOCIALprogrammes SOCIALprogrammes programmes around INCLUSION aroundINCLUSION the around around aroundworld the worldthe the the world world world 4764-908Making RibeirãoMaking sense– sense V. N. of ofFamalicão one-to-one one-to-one – Portugal computer computer programmes programmes around around the the world world Tel. +351 926 375 305 [email protected] SaraEditionEditionEdition PereiraSara SaraPereira Sara Sara Pereira Pereira Pereira EditionEdition Sara Sara Pereira Pereira PrintingCover Papelmunde,Cover AntónioCoverCover AntónioCover Modesto António SMG,António António Modesto Lda Modesto Modesto Modesto February Cover2015Cover António António Modesto Modesto PagesettingPagesettingPagesettingPagesettingPagesetting Ângela Ângela Andrade Ângela Ângela AndradeÂngela Andrade Andrade Andrade ISBN PagesettingPagesetting Ângela Ângela Andrade Andrade Paper:Publisher 978-989-755-048-5PublisherPublisher Publisher© PublisherEdições © Edições Húmus,© © Edições ©Edições Húmus,Edições Lda., Húmus, Húmus, Húmus, Lda.,2015 Lda., 2015Lda., Lda., 2015 2015 2015 E-book:Apartado 978-989-755-049-2PublisherPublisherApartado Apartado7081ApartadoApartado © 7081© Edições Edições 7081 7081 7081 Húmus, Húmus, Lda., Lda., 2015 2015 4764-908ApartadoApartado4764-908 Ribeirão4764-9084764-908 4764-9087081 7081Ribeirão – Ribeirão V.Ribeirão RibeirãoN. – V.Famalicão N.– – V. Famalicão–V. N.V. N. FamalicãoN. –Famalicão FamalicãoPortugal – Portugal – – Portugal –Portugal Portugal LegalTel. Deposit4764-908 +3514764-908Tel. 926 +351 Tel.xxxxxx/xxTel. 375Tel.Ribeirão 926 +351Ribeirão +351 305+351 375926 926 926305– 375– 375V. V.375 N.305 N.305 Famalicão305 Famalicão – – Portugal Portugal [email protected]@humus.com.pt +351 +[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 375 375 305 305 [email protected]@humus.com.pt under the research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of DigitalPrinting MediaPrinting in PrintingPapelmunde,Schoolchildren”,PrintingPrinting Papelmunde, Papelmunde, Papelmunde, Papelmunde, SMG, funded SMG,Lda bySMG, LdaSMG, theSMG, Lda PortugueseLda Lda Foundation for Science and Technology and co-fundedFebruaryPrintingPrintingFebruary by2015FebruaryFebruary the FebruaryPapelmunde, Papelmunde,2015 European 2015 2015 2015 Regional SMG, SMG, Lda Lda Development Fund through COMPETE – Operational CompetitivenessFebruaryFebruary Programme. 2015 2015 ProjectISBN reference:ISBNISBN ISBNFCT:ISBN PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 | COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. Paper:ISBNISBNPaper: 978-989-755-048-5Paper:Paper: 978-989-755-048-5Paper: 978-989-755-048-5 978-989-755-048-5 978-989-755-048-5 All partsE-book: ofPaper:Paper: E-book:this 978-989-755-049-2 publication E-book:978-989-755-048-5 E-book:978-989-755-048-5 E-book:978-989-755-049-2 978-989-755-049-2 978-989-755-049-2 are978-989-755-049-2 protected by copyright. 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Programme. Programme. Regional Regional Development Development Fund Fund through through COMPETE COMPETE – – Operational Operational ProjectCompetitivenessCompetitivenessProject reference:ProjectProject reference:Project reference:FCT: reference: Programme. reference:Programme. PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008FCT: FCT:PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 FCT: FCT: PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 | COMPETE: | COMPETE: | COMPETE:| COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056.| COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. ProjectProject reference: reference: FCT: FCT: PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008 | COMPETE:| COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056. All partsAll partsofAll Allthis Allparts ofparts publication partsthis of ofpublication thisof this this publication publicationare publication protected are protected are are are protectedby protected protectedcopyright. by copyright. by by copyright.by copyright. copyright. AllAll parts parts of of this this publication publication are are protected protected by by copyright. copyright. The contentThe contentTheThe ofThe content thecontent contentof chapters the of ofchapters theof the andthe chapters chapters chaptersthe and proof-reading theand and andproof-reading the the the proof-reading proof-reading proof-reading of the of English the of ofEnglish theof thelanguage the English English languageEnglish languageare language language the are responsibility the are are responsibilityare the the the responsibility responsibility responsibilityof of of of of theirTheThe authors.their content content theirauthors.theirtheir authors.of authors.of theauthors. the chapters chapters and and the the proof-reading proof-reading of of the the English English language language are are the the responsibility responsibility of of Thistheir publicationtheirThis authors. publicationauthors.ThisThisThis publication publicationhas publication been has beenpeer has has has beenreviewed. peerbeen been peerreviewed. peer peer reviewed. reviewed. reviewed. ThisThis publication publication has has been been peer peer reviewed. reviewed. 00-Introduction-Learning1.indd 4 16-02-2015 12:23:11 00-Introduction-Learning1.indd00-Introduction-Learning1.indd00-Introduction-Learning1.indd00-Introduction-Learning1.indd00-Introduction-Learning1.indd 4 4 4 4 4 16-02-201516-02-2015 16-02-2015 12:23:1116-02-201516-02-2015 12:23:11 12:23:11 12:23:11 12:23:11 00-Introduction-Learning1.indd00-Introduction-Learning1.indd 4 4 16-02-201516-02-2015 12:23:11 12:23:11 > Contents Acknowledgements 7 Notes on Contributors 9 Foreword 19 Manuel Pinto Introduction 23 Sara Pereira 1. THE PORTUGUESE PROGRAMME ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD: POLITICAL, EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT 29 Sara Pereira, Luís Pereira, Ana Melro 2. THE EVOLUTION OF THE ONE-LAPTOP-PER-CHILD MODEL IN URUGUAY 101 Ana Rivoir, Susana Lamschtein 3. TECHNOLOGY FOR INCLUSION AND CHANGE: A COMPARATIVE RESEARCH ON ONE-TO-ONE IN ITALY, ETHIOPIA AND BRAZIL 129 Magda Pischetola 4. ONE LAPTOP PER STUDENT IN SPAIN: AN ENDED EXPERIENCE? 165 Mônica Pegurer Caprino, Juan Francisco Martínez Cerdá 5. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN PUBLIC EDUCATION. ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD PROGRAMME IN PERU 197 Ana María Cano Correa 6. THE APPROPRIATION EXPERIENCE OF XO COMPUTERS IN FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES BENEFITING
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