PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, PHYSICAL REVIEW D please see inside front cover APS Subscription Services „ISSN: 0556-2821… Suite 1NO1 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY 11747-4502 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 7 CONTENTS D1 APRIL 2004 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS ϩ 0 ⌼ ϩ→ ϩ 0→ 0 Measurement of the B /B production ratio from the (4S) meson using B J/ K and B J/ KS decays (7 pages) ............................................................................ 071101͑R͒ B. Aubert et al. ͑BABAR Collaboration͒ Cabibbo-suppressed decays of Dϩ→ϩ0,KϩK¯ 0,Kϩ0 (5 pages) .................................. 071102͑R͒ K. Arms et al. ͑CLEO Collaboration͒ Ϯ→ Ϯ ͑ ͒ Measurement of the branching fraction for B c0K (7 pages) ................................... 071103R B. Aubert et al. ͑BABAR Collaboration͒ Generalized Ward identity and gauge invariance of the color-superconducting gap (5 pages) .............. 071501͑R͒ De-fu Hou, Qun Wang, and Dirk H. Rischke ARTICLES Measurements of (2S) decays into vector-tensor final states (6 pages) ............................... 072001 J. Z. Bai et al. ͑BES Collaboration͒ Measurement of inclusive momentum spectra and multiplicity distributions of charged particles at ͱsϳ2 –5 GeV (7 pages) ................................................................... 072002 J. Z. Bai et al. ͑BES Collaboration͒ Production of ϩ, Ϫ, Kϩ, KϪ, p, and ¯p in light ͑uds͒, c, and b jets from Z0 decays (26 pages) ........ 072003 Koya Abe et al. ͑SLD Collaboration͒ Heavy flavor properties of jets produced in pp¯ interactions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV (21 pages) .................. 072004 D. Acosta et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Electric charge and magnetic moment of a massive neutrino (21 pages) ............................... 073001 Maxim Dvornikov and Alexander Studenikin → decays in the resonance effective theory (13 pages) ..................................... 073002 D. Go´mez Dumm, A. Pich, and J. Portole´s Radiative corrections to neutrino mixing and CP violation in the minimal seesaw model with leptogenesis (11 pages) ...................................................................... 073003 Jian-wei Mei and Zhi-zhong Xing Neutrino masses, mixing and new physics effects (13 pages) ........................................ 073004 J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, G. C. Branco, and F. R. Joaquim Electroweak radiative corrections to deep-inelastic neutrino scattering: Implications for NuTeV? (10 pages) ......................................................................... 073005 K.-P. O. Diener, S. Dittmaier, and W. Hollik Day-night effect in solar neutrino oscillations with three flavors (9 pages) ............................. 073006 Mattias Blennow, Tommy Ohlsson, and Ha˚kan Snellman Two-loop renormalization of the electric charge in the standard model (9 pages) ........................ 073007 Giuseppe Degrassi and Alessandro Vicini Copyright 2004 by The American Physical Society (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 7 D1 APRIL 2004 Bounds on the magnetic moment and the electric dipole moment of the neutrino via the process eϩeϪ→¯ ␥ (7 pages) ................................................................ 073008 A. Gutie´rrez-Rodr´ıguez, M. A. Herna´ndez-Ru´ız, and A. Del Rio–De Santiago Effects of the neutrino B term on slepton mixing and electric dipole moments (6 pages) ................. 073009 Yasaman Farzan Leptogenesis in the type III seesaw mechanism (6 pages) .......................................... 073010 Carl H. Albright and S. M. Barr New window on strange quark matter as the ground state of strongly interacting matter (9 pages) .......... 074001 Vikram Soni and Dipankar Bhattacharya B→(Ј)K() in the standard model with flavor symmetry (6 pages) ............................... 074002 Han-Kuei Fu, Xiao-Gang He, and Yu-Kuo Hsiao Analytical approach to chiral symmetry breaking in Minkowski space (7 pages) ........................ 074003 Pedro Bicudo Magnetic moment of the ⌰ϩ pentaquark state (8 pages) ........................................... 074004 P.-Z. Huang, W.-Z. Deng, X.-L. Chen, and Shi-Lin Zhu Low-energy universality and the new charmonium resonance at 3870 MeV (8 pages) .................... 074005 Eric Braaten and Masaoki Kusunoki Quark-hadron duality and scaling in reduced QCD (30 pages) ....................................... 074006 Zolta´n Batiz and Franz Gross Virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections to b→dlϩlϪ in the standard model (21 pages) ................... 074007 H. M. Asatrian, K. Bieri, C. Greub, and M. Walker Scalar meson dynamics in chiral perturbation theory (7 pages) ...................................... 074008 Albert Bramon, Rafel Escribano, and Jose´ Lu´ıs Lucio Mart´ınez Confinement from merons (4 pages) ............................................................ 074009 F. Lenz, J. W. Negele, and M. Thies Universal light quark mass dependence and heavy-light meson spectroscopy (6 pages) ................... 074010 Theodore J. Allen, Todd Coleman, M. G. Olsson, and Sinisˇa Veseli Determining the proximity of ␥*N scattering to the black body limit using deep inelastic scattering and J/ production (13 pages) ........................................................................ 074011 T. Rogers, X. Zu, V. Guzey, and M. Strikman Thermal fluctuations of gauge fields and first order phase transitions in color superconductivity (10 pages) .................................................................. 074012 Taeko Matsuura, Kei Iida, Tetsuo Hatsuda, and Gordon Baym Scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs boson plus one jet production at the CERN LHC and Fermilab Tevatron (10 pages) ......................................................................... 074013 B. Field, S. Dawson, and J. Smith Quark imaging in the proton via quantum phase-space distributions (12 pages) ......................... 074014 A.V. Belitsky, Xiangdong Ji, and Feng Yuan ¯ → Subleading shape function contributions to the hadronic invariant mass spectrum in B Xul¯ l decay (15 pages) ............................................................................ 074015 Craig N. Burrell, Michael E. Luke, and Alexander R. Williamson ⌰ϩ baryon production in KN and NN reactions (7 pages) .......................................... 074016 Yongseok Oh, Hungchong Kim, and Su Houng Lee Effects of an extra U(1) axial condensate on the radiative decay Ј→␥␥ at finite temperature (6 pages) ........................................................................ 074017 E. Meggiolaro Universal extra dimensions and Kaluza-Klein bound states (10 pages) ................................ 074018 Christopher D. Carone, Justin M. Conroy, Marc Sher, and Ismail Turan Screened potential and the baryon spectrum (7 pages) ............................................. 074019 J. Vijande, P. Gonza´lez, H. Garcilazo, and A. Valcarce (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 7 D1 APRIL 2004 More model-independent analysis of b→s processes (17 pages) ..................................... 074020 Gudrun Hiller and Frank Kru¨ger Associated production of a Z boson and a single heavy-quark jet (6 pages) ............................ 074021 J. Campbell, R. K. Ellis, F. Maltoni, and S. Willenbrock Diffractive photon dissociation in the saturation regime from the Good-Walker picture (13 pages) .......... 074022 Ste´phane Munier and Arif Shoshi ϩ Ϫ a0K K vertex in light cone QCD sum rules (5 pages) ............................................ 074023 A. Gokalp and O. Yilmaz Eigenvalue decomposition of meson correlators (7 pages) .......................................... 074024 Thomas DeGrand Covariant light-front approach for s-wave and p-wave mesons: Its application to decay constants and form factors (39 pages) ........................................................................... 074025 Hai-Yang Cheng, Chun-Khiang Chua, and Chien-Wen Hwang Two-hadron semi-inclusive production including subleading twist contributions (13 pages) ............... 074026 Alessandro Bacchetta and Marco Radici Exclusive Higgs boson production with bottom quarks at hadron colliders (14 pages) .................... 074027 S. Dawson, C. B. Jackson, L. Reina, and D. Wackeroth Nuclear parton distributions at next to leading order (9 pages) ....................................... 074028 D. de Florian and R. Sassot Realization of chiral symmetry in the domain model of QCD (23 pages) .............................. 074029 Alex C. Kalloniatis and Sergei N. Nedelko Exotic baryons and the large-Nc expansion (19 pages) ............................................. 074030 P. V. Pobylitsa Confinement and gluon propagator in Coulomb gauge QCD (14 pages) ............................... 074031 Adam P. Szczepaniak Sivers effect and generalized parton distributions in impact parameter space (8 pages) ................... 074032 Matthias Burkardt and Dae Sung Hwang → invariant mass spectrum in VЈ V and the f 0(600) pole (9 pages) ............................ 074033 A. Gallegos, J. L. Lucio M, and J. Pestieau One-loop matching of the heavy-light A0 and V0 currents with nonrelativistic QCD heavy and improved naive light quarks (12 pages) ....................................................................... 074501 Emel Gulez, Junko Shigemitsu, and Matthew Wingate Quenched lattice QCD with domain wall fermions and the chiral limit (39 pages) ....................... 074502 T. Blum, P. Chen, N. Christ, C. Cristian, C. Dawson, G. Fleming, A. Kaehler,
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