Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 91 April 21, 2021 Opus 2 - Official Court Reporters Phone: +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.opus2.com April 21, 2021 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 91 1 Wednesday, 21 April 2021 1 A. Yes, sir . 2 (9.30 am) 2 Q. Was that in about October 2015? 3 (Delay in proceedings) 3 A. That’s about right, yes. 4 (9.37 am) 4 Q. In what way did you become aware of that organisation? 5 SIR JOHN SAUNDERS: Mr Greaney. 5 A. I was originally with the St John’s Ambulance, providing 6 MR GREANEY: Sir, good morning. First today we are going to 6 event cover to people visiting events. Some members of 7 hear from Ryan Billington, who is currently a paramedic 7 the organisation work for various other companies doing 8 with NWAS, but at the time of the attack worked for 8 events around the country, so it was by word of mouth, 9 ETUK. 9 really . I ’d already known about the organisation, but 10 MR RYAN BILLINGTON (sworn) 10 also I ’d seen an article on a Facebook group where 11 Questions from MR GREANEY 11 various event medics kind of congregate, so it was 12 MR GREANEY: Could you begin, please, by telling us your 12 through that I found out about Emergency Training. 13 full name? 13 Q. Let me make sure I understand. By October 2015 you’re 14 A. My name is Ryan James Billington. 14 in your second year, therefore you have some skills in 15 Q. Do you currently work as a paramedic for the North West 15 medical treatment; is that correct? 16 Ambulance Service? 16 A. I was already an advanced first aider, I ’d already 17 A. Yes, sir . 17 independently completed a course, which was the IHCD 18 Q. Are you based at the Royal Bolton Hospital? 18 first person on scene intermediate course, which would 19 A. At the Ambulance Service there, yes. 19 allow me to operate as a first aider. So that was where 20 Q. In May 2017 were you in training to become a qualified 20 my training −− 21 paramedic? 21 Q. I’m going to ask you to pause there. It ’s my fault 22 A. That’s right, sir , yes. 22 because we’ve jumped ahead slightly. It is important 23 Q. And to that end, were you in the second year of 23 that we should understand whether you did have 24 full −time study at the University of Central Lancashire? 24 qualifications in first aid before you started towork 25 A. Yes. 25 for ETUK, as we shall hear that you did. 1 3 1 Q. What I haven’t understood myself is whether at that 1 A. Yes. 2 stage you were already employed by NWAS. 2 Q. I think from what you have just said to us, before you 3 A. At that stage, I wasn’t employed by NWAS, I was with the 3 started to work for that organisation, you did have 4 University of Central Lancashire. All of my placements 4 qualifications in first aid and medical treatment? 5 were with North West Ambulance Service, so I was a part 5 A. Yes, sir . 6 of NWAS but not under direct employment with them. 6 Q. Just to detail what those qualifications were, had you 7 Q. So you had decided that you wanted to be a paramedic? 7 attended a course that lasted for 2 weeks? 8 A. That’s right. 8 A. It was a one−week course with a company called Manone 9 Q. Had obtained a place on a course at university? 9 Medical Services and that was the IHCD first person on 10 A. Yes, sir . 10 scene intermediate. 11 Q. You had a strong association with NWAS during that 11 Q. You were, as we know, a second−year student paramedic 12 period? 12 and obviously had had some training in the course of 13 A. Yes. 13 your studies . 14 Q. And did you have an expectation that you would, in due 14 A. Yes. 15 course, join NWAS as a paramedic? 15 Q. You have told us that you had worked for St John’s 16 A. Yes, I ’d already been offered a job at that point to 16 Ambulance; is that correct? 17 join as a paramedic. 17 A. I volunteered briefly for St John’s Ambulance, yes. 18 Q. So you were in the second year and was it a three−year 18 Q. Had you received any training through that work? 19 course? 19 A. Yes, St John train all of their staff in basic first aid 20 A. I did the diploma, so it ’s a two−year course. 20 and that’s what I’d done with them. 21 Q. When was it that you had actually started your course? 21 Q. Had you also trained in advanced first aid with the 22 A. I would have started in September, early September 2015. 22 Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force? 23 Q. At about that time, or perhaps just shortly afterwards, 23 A. Yes, sir , that’s correct . 24 did you become aware of an organisation known as 24 Q. So as of October 2015, when you first encountered ETUK, 25 Emergency Training UK? 25 how would you describe yourself in terms of 2 4 Opus 2 [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 April 21, 2021 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 91 1 qualification and experience? 1 you’re able to. 2 A. When I first joined, I ’d describe myself as quite 2 A. I ’d say several months, 6 or 7 months perhaps. 3 competent in first aid. I had advanced first aidas 3 Q. Would it be reasonable to say that by the end of 2017, 4 well . Although quite inexperienced at that time, I ’d 4 ETUK was finished or thereabouts? 5 had a fair bit of training and I’d say that I was quite 5 A. Yes, sir . 6 able to deal with most situations that I was presented 6 Q. Over the time that you worked for them, it sounds like 7 with, with an awareness of when I’d need to escalate to 7 it was about 2 years, how many events do you think you 8 a senior clinician . 8 attended? 9 Q. So we’re still in October 2015 −− 9 A. Generally I ’d try and attend one event a week, sometimes 10 A. Yes. 10 slightly more, sometimes slightly less . It would depend 11 Q. −− and you have that level of expertise. Had you also 11 on my rota. 12 attended through St John’s Ambulance, or in other ways, 12 Q. It sounds as though you probably attended round about 13 events and provided care there? 13 100 events? 14 A. Yes, that’s correct . 14 A. Yes, maybe more −− actually, I remember my invoices per 15 Q. All of the training that we’ve just described, 15 event, I was in the 130s at one point. 16 am I right, was not provided by ETUK? 16 Q. That’s very helpful to know. Were those events all at 17 A. That’s correct. 17 the arena or might they have been elsewhere? 18 Q. In October of 2015, what did you learn about ETUK? 18 A. No, we had events all around the country. 19 A. I learned prior to joining them that they were a CQC 19 Manchester Arena was one venue. We had the O2 Ritz 20 registered ambulance service, they do a lot of first aid 20 at the time in Manchester, that was another venue. We’d 21 at various events, mainly around Manchester but 21 go to various country fairs and fêtes doing different 22 ultimately all around the country, and that was 22 things. We had the Warehouse Project on one point at 23 something that I wanted to get involved in. It seemed 23 Store Street in Manchester, which is a live music event, 24 to have good reviews by the staff that worked there and 24 and we also had Victoria Warehouse as well, and there 25 the way that people spoke about the organisation, they 25 were various other things but they were the main ones 5 7 1 seemed to have quite good morals and the fact that the 1 I attended to. 2 organisation offered training was always a bonus tome. 2 Q. As a percentage of the total events which you attended, 3 Q. I am going to come on in a moment to ask you for your 3 which were above 130, how many of those events were 4 general views of ETUK whilst you worked for them. We 4 events at the arena? 5 should perhaps understand, you learned about them in 5 A. I ’d say the majority of them, over 50%. 6 October 2015. 6 Q. So was the arena therefore a venue that you were very 7 A. Yes. 7 familiar with? 8 Q. Did you start to work for them at that time or shortly 8 A. Yes. 9 afterwards? 9 Q. I’m going to come back to that. I was dealing with your 10 A. I believe it was shortly afterwards, yes. 10 training and we’d learned the training that you had 11 Q. And, as we’re going to hear, you were still working for 11 received before you joined ETUK.
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