NSS celebrates Onam with pomp Report on pg 03 THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 | HYDERABAD | PAGES 16 ATRIATRI makesmakes eco-friendlyeco-friendly GaneshGanesh immersionimmersion recordrecord Report & more photos on pg 02 metrofare 02 HYDERABAD | THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 ATRI makes eco-friendly Ganesh immersion record Vasudha Ashok giving the record certificate to Director of the college, Professor Srikanth as Uma Shanker (far left), anchor Jhansi and Sai Reddy look on. Photos: Srinivas Sett OUR BUREAU The second day at Aurora's Technological and Research Institute Par- vathpur, Uppal had massive outcome on Wednesday. Upto 1,200 people participated in the massive bucket immersion campaign, $hich was or- ganised in association with The Hans India and HMTV. The event $as an attempt to reach India (oo# o) Records in the category ‘Eco ,riendly Ganesh Immersion "y &ost People at a .ingle 'enue’ in which 'asudha Ashok, adjudicator of the same declared the event a suc- cess. Later, the record certificate $as presented to the college director, Professor Srikanth in the presence of alumnus and Lee Shreyas ,ounder, Uma Shanker. metrofare HYDERABAD | THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 03 NSS celebrates Onam with pomp Malayalam actor Prem Kumar along with o�ce-bearers of NSS light the lamp at the event founder Mannathu Padmanabhan. SS+ and 011 class $hey were given cash pri2es President of the NSS, +G Chandra Mohan and mementoes. explained the relevance of Onam in the life of A cultural programme started with the tra- "eralites and also spoke about the aims and ditional "ai-otti--ali by the ladies* wing o' the social welfare activities of the NSS NSS $his was 'ollowed by a mega show by General Secretary o' NSS, . )ppu-uttan )mma Music and 3vents, "annur that in- Nair, lauded the services o' the managing com- cluded skits, ganamela, magical dance, figure Women dancing as part of the celebration mittee and e,ecutive committee members who show, mimicry etc by the Amma team led by toiled hard 'or the last 'ew months to ma-e Mano5 which was repeatedly applauded by the OUR BUREAU !opular Malayalam actor Prem "umar was the celebrations a grand success. packed audience present at the event, who was received with "umar and others lauded the ‘Onap- Later the traditional Onam 6east (Onasad- air Service Society, Hyderabad cele- the traditional #$halappoli% by NSS ladies and pu--alam* /ater, elders o' the +ommunity hya) started with all the traditional delicacies brated Onam with pomp and gaiety at children "umar and o&ce-bearers o' the NSS were honoured with shawls and mementoes o' Onam served in plantain leaves 1t was a NMahendra Reddy Gardens in Secun- lighted the traditional lamp 'ollowed by by the actor. Merit Scholarships were distrib- grand evening to remember for the NSS fami- derabad on Wednesday ()charya Geetham* paying respects to NSS uted to students who secured high mar-s in lies of the city and other invitees Understanding comic art OUR BUREAU )t the wor-shop, !atel covered as- pects of comic creation, story writ- Chandra Shekhara Reddy along with omic +on 1ndia organised a ing, and picture work. He explained %ishnu Vardhan and participants of the wor!shop workshop on ‘How to create the audience, how one can create +your own comic boo-* with il- their own characters, constructing a lustrator, Saumin Suresh Patel at cover identity, and bringing to li'e Aspiring F&B entrepreneurs >awaharlal Nehru Architecture and the love interest. Fine Arts University recently. $he wor-shop became a -nowl- benefit at cookery workshop The illustration art edge sharing plat'orm and was o' OUR BUREAU various dishes and the ama2ing par- great assistance to people who had ticipation 'rom the audience We always dreamt of creating their own reedom Re4ned Sun9ower will be organising more such wor-- comics 1n the short time, he covered Oil in association with N$R shops across the two $elugu states % a large range o' topics - 'rom ma-ing 6Memorial $rust organised a $ .ishnu .ardhan, +hie' 3,ecu- comic books, art to the business of #6reedom Sel'-employment +oo-- tive O&cer, N$R Memorial $rust comic books in India. ery Wor-shop% on Wednesday added, #1t is our mission to help and “This was one of the most fun in- $he programme had sessions on e<uip the people 'rom all strata o' teraction I've had in a long time on ma-ing sweets, +hinese products, the society to be self =reliant and comics and I can only hope they en- brea-'ast and ba-ery items $he be capable o' providing employ- joyed it as much as well!” said !atel. class provided hands on e,posure ment to others 1t is heartening to $he audience at the wor-shop in setting up and mar-eting a new note that 6reedom Re4ned Sun- seemed overwhelmed by Saumin*s 6:; venture with inputs 'rom 9ower Oil has partnered with us to s-ills and were enlightened by the renowned che's, 6:; outlet owners help in conducting this wor-shop creative -nowledge imparted by and internationally trained e,perts 'or women and youth to learn new him. Arjun, a student, said, #Saumin Spea-ing on the occasion ! s-ills and set up their own venture made us see how our creativity can +handra She-hara Reddy, .ice and provide employment to others be moulded to suit imagination and !resident - Sales : Mar-eting, We have received overwhelming re- inspiration to see a cleared path for 6reedom Re4ned Sun9ower Oil sponse 'rom the participants We future.% said, #We are proud to associate wish all the success to the partici- $he wor-shop was a part o' with N$R $rust to organise this pants o' this batch and will provide 4rst (6andom Month* in 1ndia pre- coo-ery wor-shop 1t was a pleasure them all possible support in setting Illustrator Saumin Suresh Patel along with sented by Maruti Su2u-i : +omic watching the participants coo-ing up their 6:; outlet % the participants of the wor!shop click a selfie Con India. health 04 HYDERABAD | THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 Eating low fat, high carbohydrate foods may kill you eople who consume foods that are low in fats but high in car- Pbohydrates may be at an in- creased risk of an early death as compared to those who consume fat-rich foods such as cheese and butter, a study has claimed. Your pace of walking The findings, published in the journal Lancet, showed that con- may predict heart trary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat -- about 35 per cent of energy -- is associated with a disease, mortality risk lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. re you a middle-aged per- ness. $Thus, walking pace The association was seen for all %son with a slow walking could be used to identify indi- major types of fats -- saturated fats, pace9 3f yes, you might be at a (iduals who ha(e low physical polyunsaturated fats and mono un- higher risk of developing heart fitness and high mortality risk saturated fats -- with saturated fats disease compared to those that would benefit from tar- being associated with lower stroke who walk steady or at a brisk geted physical e&ercise inter- risk. pace, researchers ha(e found. (entions,$ :ates added. On the other hand, a diet high in The study re(ealed that )oreo(er, the study also carbohydrates -- of more than "# per middle-aged people, both men found that handgrip strength cent of energy -- is related to higher and women, who reported that is a weak predictor of heart- mortality. they are slow walkers were related deaths in men and $% decrease in fat intake automat- around twice as likely to ha(e could not be generalised ically led to an increase in carbohy- a heart-related death com- across the population as a drate consumption and our findings pared to brisk walkers. whole. may e&plain why certain popula- (egetables and legumes a day may The Lancet *iabetes and 4n- $This suggests that habitual ;or the study, published in tions such as South Asians, who do be at a lower risk of death. docrinology, the researchers found walking pace is an independ- the 4uropean =eart >ournal, not consume much fat but consume 0aw (egetable intake was more that LDL or "bad" cholesterol is not ent predictor of heart-related the team analysed ?@#,/@/ a lot of carbohydrates, have higher strongly associated with a lower risk reliable in predicting the e�ects of death,$ said Professor Tom middle-aged people across mortality rates,$ said lead author of death compared to cooked (eg- saturated fat on future cardio(ascu- :ates, 0eader at the +ni(ersity 6ritain. )ahshid *ehghan from the )c)as- etable intake, the researchers said. lar events. of Leicester in 6ritain. 3n the following ".3 years, ter +niversity in ,anada. "Our results indicate that recom- Instead, the ratio of Apolipopro- ;urther, walking pace was after the data was collected The study, in(ol(ing more than mendations should emphasize raw tein 6 7%po68 and %polipoprotein strongly linked to an indi(id- there were A, BA deathsC -," ? -35,### people across fi(e conti- (egetable intake o(er cooked,$ %- 7Apo%-8 -- organising proteins in ual<s objecti(ely measured e&- died from cardiovascular dis- nents, showed that people who con- added Victoria )iller, doctoral stu- the blood -- give the best indication ercise tolerance, and a good ease, while cancer took ?,A # sume three to four ser(ings or e.ui(- dent at the McMaster University. of the impact of saturated fat on car- measure of o(erall physical fit- li(es.
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