PRICE FIVE CENTS: : VOLUME 301. CEDAB EAPIDS,JOWA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1900-12 PAGES-PAGES 9 TO 12. 1 -creditors can force their debtor' into. •3 SSI, and admittedly the .-best player to Paris and remained about eighteen ver chessmen was taken by Walter Denegre, acting for . tho Manhattan, •the court andi have an equal'settle- 'In Europe. Tn'-addition to the match months. , ' ~~- 1 ment for their accounts per ratio. games, Morphy and Anderssen played Durhig- the ten years following his Chess club of New York, price $.l.r,50: BANKRUPTCY and the silver -wreath .sold for $250, This is the involuntary act and it-;li THE LIFE OF six informal games, of which the return from Europe .in .ISM Morphy's considered by lawyers and- judges a* also bouffht by Mr. Samory. : Prussian master scored only one. The practice ot chess was limited to cas- 1 a whole just and equitable. • informal and match fiumes made a ual.games with intimate friends, chief- An engaging pastime oil chess wrlt- : sra and critics of. late years has:.been "Now comes that -portion, which B total of seventeen games played hy •ly with Charles A. -Murlan ot New COURT BUSY so generally abused, the sectlon"of that o" comparing the laf.ter-day mas- these masters, of which Morphy won Orleans and Arnons .de Riviere of which so many take advantage^-to- twelve, Anderssen throe, and two-were Paris, It Is thought,tiie total number ters with Morphy, but so far" the most flatteri-ng; comparisons have nev- ward- off the host or honest-creditors; PAUL MORPHY drawn. -Such a. result was so over- of games played during these ten who are trampellng on their. Heels,--a1 years would not exceed 7f>. The com- er exceeded that of-equality with the whelming as to cause consternation cloak which covers the dishonesty of. •1n European chess circles, and the pleteness of his abandonment of the immortal Morphy. None have claim- SOMETHING OF THE BUSINESS 1 game may be inferred from the fact" ed v that he has been surpassed by a vast multitude, a. shield that pro- chess writers of the' time sought to tects . the worthy- few. • A man ;|may sustain the shattered prestlg-e of, that although the. great international his successors. It is safe to venture DONE UNDER THAT LAW. chess tournament ot 1SC7 was going the opinion, however, that a great pile up any amount of debts), .if his. Interesting Sketch of the World's Greatest Chess Player, their master by explaining That An- credit Is good, spend all his money derssen was in poor health and out on in Paris during Jiis third visit to majority of chess players award.Mor- that city he never once visited the phy the palm of superiority over play- in rlotious living or otherwse/ enjoy, of practice at the time. As to the Local Attorney Comments on Some all the luxuries of life: for which ' he Whose Life Has Been Little Understood Even by question of practice, Anderssen' him- scene of its excltins and splendid ers' ot all times. Certainly, taking into- contests. Morphy played . absolutely consideration the' fact that he. was Interesting Phase* of the Much-Con- can get trusted,' become indebted to self felt that he could play good the greatest extent and then11.', go the Devotees of the Game of Games. enough to win the match, and as to- no chess with anybody after the year in no sense a chess student, that he 1SC9. regarded the game solely as a pas- demued Measure — .Deputy Clerk through the court of bankruptcy.have- his health, hv was well enough to his debt wipedi out and1 all it will cost, travel from Breslau' to Paris in order WAS SADLT AFFLICTED. time and himself as an amateur; not Stuart's BootK Show Kumorou* to play. On the other hand, Morphy The mental derangement which over- forgetting his extreme youth when he him is a paltry sum. ". whelmed Morphy's brilliant mind and achieved his woncerful victories, nor "It-is disgusting- to- a honorable had been 111 in bed for several weeks 1 Debtor'* Ulabihurared. ' " ' ~i before the match, was still confined clouded his later life is a curious the- fact that his <;hess career cover- man to read_ the Ifrst ot debts which: C. A. Buck of Toronto, Kansas, a Chess Enthusiast, is the chapter in his career, and has. given ed a perjod of less than two years- One ot the most opaque laws of thf some of these adjudged bankrupts to his bed when .Anderssen arrived, have- turned In, a long list footing-iip. and was unable to sit up for several rise to no little wonder among chess remembering all these facts .in addl- many stern rules set down by our Biographer of the American Who Achieved Inter- days thereafter. His physician finally players .as to.the causes and condi- Uon to his sublime chess play and government Is the bankruptcy law- to a considerable amount and. the" to- permitted him to play the match in tions o£ his mania. Without going: jthen comparing him with the season- which went Into effect in July, 189S, tal a.mount of their assets is- usually; the- hotel and thus avoid, the fatigue into the details of his mental trou- ed veterans ot. the checkered field, and was '.'an. attempt by the legisla- nothing-. Among the Items whlehmav national Fame as Among the Masters. incident to playing In -public at the bles; two conclusions stand out very who have devoted years to the anal- tors to cause a just rule for the en- be found In some of the 'lists are: Cafe de- la Kegence. clearly, namely, that chess in no'way ysis and 'practice ot the g-ame, it tire nation and make .the law uni- Mrs. A board $2.50. Mestirs BEGAN TO DISLIKE. CHESS. contributed ao -,it. and that the re- would seem not beyond the bounds form in every state in the union. It B merchandise 95c, Mrs, Z It was while in Paris, during the verses he experienced in his material of moderation and reason to regard is all contained in a small paper washing $1.25, etc., and) in. some of the month of December, 1858. that Mor- affairs did. The latter conclusion is Paul Morphy as the greatest chess pamphlet of but twenty-three pages, petitions there will be a long'string Tlio Ca/euc; Ihrousli 'he courtesy 18-tii and 1SOO, an* Morphy won nine- borne out by the 'act that his player that ever lived. of these same debts, insignificant in, tenths of them. phy's so-called aversion to chess be- 1 and yet there are few attorneys who nt C. A. Buck of Toronto, Kansas, gan to manifest itself, and his feel- mania toolc the form- o!! a. delu- C. A. BUCK. a.re able to fathom all of its mean- themseive's but of greEtt importance to Regarding the games with Lowen- sion .that his brother-in-law, Sybrant the poor, hard working women to one of Uic beat known chess experts thal, It Is- ii curious circumstance that ings in this particular" became so Ing-.. by name, administrator of his fath- Bankruptcy proceedings Involve a whom they are justly due,women who hi lho middle west, presents here- live years after M.orphy's death there aggravated In later years as ' tn create the general belief that he grew er's estate, had dc-frauded him of his great amount of labor and no one depend on the honesty of the fellow with nn Interestinc and compre- appeared! In the Chess Review of Ha- legacy So Intensely did this delu- beings whom they feed for her -sup- vana an npoehryphal game wherein to positively dislike the game. This receives any pecuniary benefit except hensive biography of the late Paul Is a. mistake. His experience in Eu- sion dominate him that his perverted the bankrupt. One cannot say this port. There are a.- number ot. .cases Morphy accepted the odds of pawn mind- conjured up machinations .on which have come before referees In, Morphy, who ranked onions the ajid move, the claim being made that ropean chess circles was a revela- law was created that the officials tion to him. It should- be remem- the part of Sybrant to poison him in might line their pocket's with gold, this d-istrict where men, who. travel world's masters ut tlie chess table. the game was the third one of the order to quiet his proposed action at considerable have contracted."numer- series played with Lowenthal in 1550. bered that he was a b03', inspired by as the tees are- fixed by Uncle Sam Several biographers have attempted law to recover. Morphy was perpetu- and prove- very poor pay for the ous -petty bills with women who run The game had previously been sub- che ardor, enthusiasm and high ideals ally in fear of DeinR- poisoned, anil the task, but none of thorn have suc- of youth; and loving chess as he amount of labor that must be per- boarding houses in. the various'towns mitted: to no less a chess scholar than as'a precaution would eat nothing ex- formed. There is also what seems to where they. stop, have , gone into ceeded us has Mr. Buck in Catherine Max Lanire who pronounced it genu- did."he was shocked and disgusted at the sordid conventionalities of chess cept at the- hands of his mother or be an endless chain of red taps.
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