Dossier Said to Report Chile Hired Cuban lit Men () -,!:,....Dinges- the contents of the U.S. evidence. Townley also traveled to Borne in 0e- gaining, Townley's wife said In an in; Snectal to The Washineton Post Other sources confirmed that the law- tober 1975—at the time of an assassi- terview some time ago, is that his SANTIAGO, Chile—The dossier yer had first-hand knowledge of the nation attempt against Chilean exile family will be protected and that submitted by the United States to dossier. Bernardo Leighton, a leader of the op- Townley will not be required to tes- Chile on the assassination of Orlando The documents—about 700 pages of position Christian Democratic Party. ionthcoerntnhectiothnewithtetiejer Letelier reportedly contains charges testimony as well as films—are in- Leighton and his wife were both seri. ties ;Yi murder. that the Chilean secret police had a tended to prove the U.S. charges that ously wounded in the attack on a The source of much of the informs- relationship with Cuban Contreras and Espinoza, as DINA offi- BBoeorne street and she remains partially lion In the dossier about the Chilean- exile terrorists and sent some of them cers, ordered Townley and Fernandez paralzed. • Cuban connection is Rolando Otero, a as hit men on unsuccessful missions to carry out the Letelier assassination • Testimony by Townley that pilots Cuban exile and Bay of Pigs veteran to kill four other prominent Chilean with the Cubans' help. , with a long history of terrorist activi- and other employees of LAN Chile, exiles. Despite the secrecy rule, the U.S. the government-owned airline, carried ties against the Cuban government. dier is known to have been copied A lawyer who studied the doeu- dossier packages containing explosives and , Otero, who is serving a prison term meats has disclosed that the dossier in the Chilean Foreign Ministry be- bomb parts back and forth between fin Florida for exploding a bomb in also establishes that Michael Townley, fore being handed on to the Chilean Townley in Chile and Cubans in the Miami International airport in 1975, the Chilean agent who has confessed court. Gen. Contreras has one copy, united States, I - said he was in Chile for long periods to a role in the Letelier murder, was according to persons who said they Townley, an American expatriate in 1976 receiving training from DINA, in Buenos Aires in 1974 when an ex- saw him and his lawyer studying the who has lived most of the last 20 • according to the lawyer. fled Chilean general and his wife documents at the_Military Hospital years in Chile. was expelled, from Otero, the source said, told the FBI were blown up with a car bomb and where the three defendants are being Chile in April and turned over to the he was sent to Costa Rica in early was in Rome in 1975 when an exiled held under preventive arrest. FBT. He is cooperating with the inves- 1976 to assassinate Beausire and Pas- political leader and his wife were seri- According to the lawyer's summary, tigatlon. In a plea-bargaining arrange- cal Allende—the nephew of former ously, wounded by a gunman. the U.S. documents include: ment, he pleaded guilty to one count president Salvador Allende, a socialist The dossier of FBI evidence in the *Statements to the FBI that the of conspiracy to murder Letelier. who was overthrown in 1973 by the case was declared secret by a Chilean DINA sent Cubans on unsuccessful as- His statement describing the assas- present military government. The two court after it was presented last sassinatIon missions in 1975 and 1976 sination, which he said his DINA au- MIR leaders had been given asylum in month to back up the U.S, request against Chilean Christian Democratic periors ordered him to arrange and Costa Rica after escapting a DINA that Chile extradite three army offi- leader Gabriel Valdes in New York, carry out, is a major part of the dos- manhunt In late 1975. cers. The officers include retired Gen. Socialist Party General Secretary Car- sier. Many of the details are corrobo- Otereo's mission failed apparently Manuel Contreras, who headed DINA, los Altarnirano In Mexico, and Leftist rated by Callejas' testimony. because Allende and Beausire left for the Chilean secret police, when Lete- Revolutionary Movement (known as Callejas, a Chilean, was on the Cuba before he could carry out his as- DINA payroll with her husband, and h sassination plan. the source said. Ot- Washington in September 1076. Mary Anne Beauslre tn Costa Rica. is mentioned in the U.S. Indictment as ereo, who the source said told the FBI having passed on messages to DINA the Chilean-Cuban connection began A federal grand jury returned *Testimony by Mariana Callejas, a from Townley on the progress of the to take shape shortly after the Sep- murder indictment in August against Townley's wife and also a DINA assassination preparations in Wash- Contreras, Col. Pedro Espinoza, DINA agent, that she and Townley were in ingten. tember 1973 coup, later expelled by Chile and turned over to the FBI. chief of operations in 1876, Capt. Ar- Buenos Aires, Argentina, in Septem- The Leighton and Prats cases are manila Fernandez, a DINA operative, her 1974. The visit coincided with the .: The source said the mission to kill not mentioned as such in the dossier, Altamirano in Mexico in 1975 was en- and five members of the New Jersey- car bombinh there that killed retired , the source said. Callejas simply states based Cuban Nationalist Movement, trusted by DINA to members of the Chilean Gen. Carlos Prats, a former the dates of her trips with Townley. Cuban Nationalist Movement, the an anti-Castro Cuban exile group. commander in chief of the army, and Therehave been a number of uncon- same group that is alleged to have as- A Chilean lawyer who said he had his wife in an assassination similar to firmed reports that Townley has told sisted "Townley.in the Leteller assas- access to the dossier and had care- the Letelier murder. the FBI that he was involved in thole sination, but did not say why that mis- fully studied it agreed to summarize •Callejas' testimony that she and crimes. Part of Townley's plea-bar- sion was unsuccessful. .
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