UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of Indonesia by John Kingston Open-File Report 88-379 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature 1988 ASSESSMENT OF RECOVERABLE ENERGY RESOURCES The World Energy Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Intends to develop reliable and credible estimates of undiscovered recoverable petroleum resources throughout the world. Initial program efforts have focused on the major producing areas of the world to gain a broad geological understanding of the characteristics of petroleum occurrence for purposes of resource assessment, as well as for analysis of production potential. Investigations of production potential are carried out In cooperation with other U.S. Government agencies; specifically, the studies of the main free world exporting nations, of which this study Is a part, are carried out In cooperation with the Foreign Energy Supply Assessment Program of the Department of Energy. The estimates represent the views of a U.S. Geological Survey study team and should not be regarded as an official position of the U.S. Government. The program seeks to Investigate resource potential at the basin level, primarily through analogy with other petroleum regions, and does not necessarily require, therefore, current exploration Information that Is commonly held proprietary. In conducting the geological Investigations, we Intend to build a support base of publicly available data and regional geologic synthesis against which to measure the progress of exploration and thereby validate the assessment. Most of these Investigations will lead directly to quantitative resource assessments; resource assessment, like exploration, to be effective, must be an ongoing process taking advantage of changing Ideas and data availability the results produced being progress reports reflecting on a state of knowledge at a point In time. Because this program Is coordinated with the USGS domestic assessment program and both utilize similar techniques for assessment, the user can be assured of a thread of consistency permitting comparisons between the various petroleum basins of the world, Including the United States, that have been assessed In the overall USGS program. In addition to resource estimates, the program provides a regional base of understanding for In-country exploration analysis and for analysis of media reports regarding the exploratory success or failure of ventures In studied areas. Other U.S. Geological Survey publications relating to the assessment of undiscovered conventionally recoverable petroleum resources are available from the Open File Services Section, Branch of Distribution, USGS, Box 25425, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225. CONTENTS Page Ab stract 1 Introd uctIon 2 Regional geology 5 Role of tectonics 5 Tectonic basin classification 5 Effects of underlying crust 6 Structural trap types 8 Strat Jgraphy 8 Summary 12 Individual basin assessments 13 North Sumatra 13 Centra I Sumatra 25 South Sumatra 32 Northwest Java 42 East Java Sea 55 Bar I to 65 Kute I 72 Tarakan 89 West Natuna 99 East Natuna 113 SaIawatI-BIntu nI 120 Araf ura 138 Waropen 147 Play analysis summaries 153 Deep Basin Reef, North Sumatra Basin 155 Neogene Sandstones, North Sumatra Basin 156 Shallow Shelf Reefs, North Sumatra Basin 157 Lower Miocene Shelf Sandstones, North Sumatra Basin 158 Paleogene Basal Drapes, North Sumatra Basin 159 Offshore Slope, North Sumatra Basin 160 Lower Miocene Sandstones, Central Sumatra Basin 161 Lower Miocene Sandstones, South Sumatra Basin 162 Miocene Carbonates, South Sumatra Basin 163 Miocene-Pliocene Sandstones, South Sumatra Basin 164 Paleogene Volcanlcs, Northwest Java Basin 165 Paleogene (Talang Akar) Sandstones, Northwest Java Basin 166 Lower Miocene Carbonates, Northwest Java Basin 167 Miocene Draped Sandstones, Northwest Java Basin 168 Mid-Miocene Carbonates, Northwest Java Basin 169 Shelf Reef, East Java Sea Basin 170 Shelf Drapes, East Java Sea Basin 171 Baslnal Folds, East Java Sea Basin 172 Folded Sandstones, Bar I to Basin 173 01Igocene-Mlocene Reefs, Barlto Basin 174 Drape Sandstones, Barlto Basin 175 Neogene Delta Sandstones, Kute! Basin 176 Paleogene Drapes, Kute! Basin 177 01Igocene-Mlocene Reefs, Kute! Basin 178 MIo-PIfocene Reefs, Kutel Basin 179 Deep Water Sandstones, Kutel Basin 180 Carbonate Reefs and Banks, Tarakan Basin 181 Late Miocene Folds, Tarakan Basin 182 PIlo-Plelstocene Folds, Tarakan Basin 183 01Igocene Drapes, West Natuna Basin 184 Miocene Drag Folds, West Natuna Basin 185 Miocene Reefs, East Natuna Basin 186 Drapes, East Natuna Basin 187 SalawatI Miocene Reefs, Salawatl-BIntunI Basin 188 BIntunI Miocene Reefs, Salawatl-BIntun! Basin 189 Miocene Drapes, SalawatI-BIntunI Basin 190 Cretaceous Drapes, Salawatl-BIntunI Basin 191 Neogene Folded Sandstones Salwatl-BIntunI Basin 192 Salawatl-PIlocene DIapIrs, SalawatI BIntunI Basin 193 Anticlines, Arafura Basin 194 Miocene Reefs, Arafura Basin 195 Aru Hinge Area, Arafura Basin 196 Drag Folds, Waropen Basin 197 Drapes and Reefs, Waropen Basin 198 Miocene Drapes, South Makassar Basin 199 Miocene Reefs, Sumatra Outer Arc Basin 201 Miocene Reefs, Java Outer Arc Basin 204 Carbonate Buildups, Bone-Senkang Basin 206 Conclusion: assessment of undiscovered recoverable petroleum 207 References 214 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Map showing significant Tertiary basins of Indonesia 3 2. Map showing petroleum occurrences In Indonesia 4 3. Map showing tectonic basin classification of Indonesia 7 4. Map showing distribution of thermally mature sediments of Indonesia 10 5. Structure contour map of North Sumatra basin showing depth to basement 14 6. Map of North Sumatra basin showing distribution of plays 15 7. Diagrammatic cross section of North Sumatra showing play dIstrI but Ion 16 8. Structure contour map of part of North Sumatra basin showing depth to a Miocene seismic horizon 19 9. Structure contour map of Arun gas field, contours on top of Peutu carbonate 21 10. Map of shelfal area of offshore North Sumatra basin showing reefs and reefal oil and gas fields 23 11. Sketch map of principal oil fields of Central Sumatra 26 12. Structure contour map of Central Sumatra showing depth to basement , 27 13. NNW-SSE stratigraphic cross section, A-A , Central Sumatra basin 29 14. Stratigraphlc chart of Central Sumatra basin 30 15. Structure contour map of South Sumatra basin showing depth to basement 33 16. Sketch map of principal oil fields of South Sumatra 34 17. Stratigraphlc chart, South Sumatra basin 36 18. Stratigraphlc SW-NE cross section transverse South Sumatra basin 37 19. Map showing distribution of calcareous buildups of the Baturaja Formation, South Sumatra 39 20. Index map of Northwest Java basin showing distribution of subbaslns, principal oil and gas fields, and location of geologic cross sections 43 21. Stratlgraphic chart, Northwest Java basin 44 22. NW-SE geologic cross section, A-A , Northwest Java basin 46 23. South-north geologic cross-section, B-B Sunda-subbasln Northwest Java basin : 47 24. South-north geologic cross-section, C-C , Arjuna subbasln, Northwest Java basin ; 48 25. West-east geologic cross-section, D-D , onshore Northwest Java basin 49 26. Map showing details of lower Baturaju paleogeography, Sunda subbasln, Northwest Java basin 52 27. Isopach map of Baturaju Formation eastern Northwest Java basin 53 28. Sketch map of East Java basin showing depth to basement - 56 29. Stratigraphlc chart, East Java basin 58 iv ILLUSTRATIONS (continued) Page 30. South-north geologic cross-section, A-A , East Java basin 59 31. Histograms of organic carbon values for the formations from selected various east Java sea wells 63 32. Chart showing relationship of TAI values, formation, and depth 63 33. Structure contour map of Bar I to basin showing depth to basement : 66 34. West-east restored stratlgraphlc cross-section, A-A , Bar I to basin 67 35. Stratlgraphlc chart, Bar I to basin 69 36. Structure contour map, Kutel basin, showing depth to basement 73 37. Index map Kutel basin showing field locations and significant wf Idcats i 74 38. South-north restored stratfgraphlc section, D-D , Kutel I n m,mmm,mmmmmmmmm,m,m,mmm,m,m,m,mm^,mmm,m,^m,m,mmm,mm^mmm,m,m,mm,mm,mm,mmfm,tmm,mmmmm,m,imm,m,m,mmm,im [^ 39. West-east composite geologic cross section, A-A , Kutef basin 77 40. Diagrammatic stratlgraphlc chart, southeast Kutel basin - 78 41. Map showing distribution of plays, Kutef basin 79 42. Section showing organic matter In a sedimentary cyclothem, Kutel basin 82 43. South-north section showing spatial relations of thermal maturity to overpressured shale, Kutel basin 85 44. Structural contour map showing deltaic sandstone play structure based on regional seismic mapping, Kutel bas I n 87 45. South-north stratfgraphlc section along Bekapal-Attaka trend showing delta fades, Kutel basin 88 46. East-west geologic sections transverse to the western margin of the Makassar Strait, Kutel basin 90 47. Structure contour map of Tarakan basin showing depth to basement 91 48. Index map of Tarakan basin showing fades outlines and significant fields and wildcats 93 49. Geololgc map of the Tarakan basin showing In particular the trace of the PI locene unconformity In map and section view 94 50. Generalized Neogene stratfgraphlc chart, Tarakan basin 96 51. Isopach map of West and East Natuna basins, southeast Asia -100 52. Well location map, West Natuna basin 102 53. Map showing early tectonic elements, West and East Natuna basins 103 54. Map showing early-middle Miocene tectonic elements, West and East Natuna basins 104 55. Seismic sections (A, B, and C) showing structural styles In West Natuna basin (A) and East Natuna basin (B and C) 105 56. Seismic structure map showing depth to top 01 Igocene strata on a typical drag fold, West Natuna 106 ILLUSTRATIONS (continued) Page 57. NW-SE geolofgc cross-sections, West Natuna basin 107 58. Structure map showing depth to top of OlIgocene strata Udang Field, West Natuna basin 109 59.
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