Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras ISSN: 1659-455X ISSN: 1659-407X Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica Mendoza, Rigoberto Moreno; Medina, Roberto Barrientos Range extension of Sanopus splendidus (Actinopterygii: Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae) in the Caribbean Sea Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, vol. 11, núm. 1, 2019, -Junio, pp. 34-41 Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica DOI: https://doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=633766165003 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc Más información del artículo Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Página de la revista en redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Range extension of Sanopus splendidus (Actinopterygii: Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae) in the Caribbean Sea Extensión de rango del Sanopus splendidus Actinopterygii: Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae) en el mar Caribe Rigoberto Moreno Mendoza1*and Roberto Barrientos Medina2 ABSTRACT This paper records the presence of the splendid toadfish Sanopus splendidus Collete, Starck & Phillips, 1974, an endemic species from the Mexican Caribbean in two sampling sites in the Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancún y Punta Nizuc National Park (Mexico). Two individuals were photographed by sport divers. This is the northernmost record of this species in the Caribbean, broadening the known range by approximately 105 km from their type locality (Cozumel Island). Keywords: splendid toadfish, new record, Mexico, endemic species, fish RESUMEN En este trabajo registramos la presencia del sapo espléndido Sanopus splendidus Collete, Starck & Phillips, 1974, especie endémica del Caribe mexicano en dos localidades, en el Parque Nacional Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancún y Punta Nizuc (México). Buzos deportivos fotografiaron dos individuos. Este es el registro más al norte para esta especie en el Caribe y extiende su área de distribución en 105 km desde su localidad tipo (Isla Cozumel). Palabras clave: sapo espléndido, nuevo registro, México, especie endémica, peces 1 Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Concepción, Chile. morenomendoza3@ gmail.com , [email protected]* 2 Departamento de Ecología, Cuerpo Académico de Ecología Tropical. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán, México. [email protected] Recibido: 18 febrero 2019 • Corregido: 2 abril 2019 • Aceptado: 6 abril 2019 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 34 Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 11 (1): 34-41, enero-junio 2019 Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No-Comercial ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X Compartir Igual 4.0 Costa Rica Rigoberto Moreno Mendoza & Roberto Barrientos Medina INTRODUCTION MATERIALS & METHODS Batrachoididae is the only This report is based on the obser- recorded family in the fish order Ba- vation of two S. splendidus individuals, trachoidiformes and is comprised of which were photographed by sport div- 23 genera and 83 validated species ers within the Costa Occidental de Isla worldwide (Nelson et al. 2016). In the Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc Western Central Atlantic, 23 species National Park in the Mexican Caribbean occur in seven genera (Greenfield et Sea (Fig. 1). The two individuals were al. 2008). Most of the toadfish are ben- identified by comparing photographs to thic, are distributed in marine brackish the original description (Collette, 1974) waters and can be occasionally found and the work of Humman and Deloach in rivers, like some species from South (2014). In order to obtain additional re- America. These fish range from small cords of the organisms, several online to medium size (up to 57 cm), have data bases were consulted, including a broad body and flattened head, and Fishbase (Froese & Pauly, 2017), the are often ornamented with barbels and Global Biodiversity Information Facil- fleshy flaps around their large mouths. ity (GBIF) Data Portal, Ocean Biogeo- They are generally dark brown with graphic Information System (OBIS), some spots on their backs (Collette, and Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbe- 2003, Greenfield et al. 2008). an online Information System (Robert- The Sanopus genus is repre- son & Van Tassell, 2017), complement- sented by two endemic species in ed with a broad literature review. the Caribbean, Sanopus johnsoni and Sanopus splendidus (Collette, 1974, RESULTS Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000). This pa- per documents the presence of the The first individual was photo- splendid toadfish S. splendidus Col- graphed in the Herradura Reef on De- lete, Starck & Phillips, 1974 in two cember 24th, 2016, at a depth of 16.7 sites within the Costa Occidental de m., hidden in a cave with a sandy bot- Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta tom. The second specimen was obser- Nizuc National Park in the Mexican ved and photographed on April 20th, Caribbean Sea, which expands their 21st, and 22nd, 2017 in the Manchones known distribution range by approx- Reef, at a depth of 9.1 m (Fig. 2). Both imately 105 km north. reefs are separated by a distance of approximately seven kilometers. 35 Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 11 (1): 34-41, enero-junio 2019 ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 Range extension of Sanopus splendidus (Actinopterygii: Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae) in the Caribbean Sea Fig 1. Map showing the records of Sanopus splendidus in the Mexican Caribbean Sea. Black stars indicate the new records at the Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc National Park Fig 1. Mapa con los registros de Sanopus splendidus en el Mar Caribe mexicano. Las estrellas negras indican los nuevos registros en el Parque Nacional Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc The two individuals observed cirrus between their eyes. The front had a relatively elongated scaleless nostrils are tubular and the gill open- body and a large, wide, and depressed ings are restricted to one side before head, with branched barbels and fleshy the pectoral fin base. The gill plate projections, especially around the presents two solid spines in the up- lower jaw. Some of the main features per corner and one in the lower one. that allowed their identification are as The head coloration is brown with follows. Only two central barbels are white lines forming a zebra-like pat- branched, and the specimens have no tern, whereas the body is dark greyish Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 11 (1): 34-41, enero-junio 2019 ISSN: 36 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 Rigoberto Moreno Mendoza & Roberto Barrientos Medina 37 Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 11 (1): 34-41, enero-junio 2019 ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 Range extension of Sanopus splendidus (Actinopterygii: Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae) in the Caribbean Sea Fig. 2. Sanopus splendidus recorded in 2018-2019 at the Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc National Park., A) Sanopus splendidus recorded in 2019. B) S. splendidus specimen in the Manchones Reef with a total length (TL) of 25-30 cm. C) Habitat of the second individual in the Herradura Reef at 16.1 m. deep. D) S. splendidus specimen with a total length (TL) of 15 cm. E) Front view of individual photographed in the Herradura Reef. F) Lateral view of individual photographed in the Herradura Reef. Photos credit to Patricio Caro Fig. 2. Registro de Sanopus splendidus de 2018-2019 en el Parque Nacional Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancún y Punta Nizuc. A) Sanopus splendidus registrado en 2019. B) Ejemplar de S. splendidus en Arrecife Manchones 25-30 cm de longitud total (LT). C) Hábitat del segundo individuo en Arrecife Herradura a 16.1 m de profundidad. D) Individuo de 15 cm de longitud total (LT). E) Vista frontal del individuo fotografiado en Arrecife Herradura. F) Vista lateral del individuo fotografiado en Arrecife Herradura. Créditos de fotografías: Patricio Caro brown with dark grey fins and broad the literature consulted, 30 occurrenc- yellowish orange and black bands, and es have been seen of this species (25 in pelvic fins are yellow. According to Mexico and 5 in Belize) (Table 1). Table 1. Historical records of the splendid toadfish Sanopus( splendidus) along the Caribbean Sea. References: 1) Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 2) Ocean Biogeographic Information System, 3) Fishbase, 4) This paper, 5) Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean, 6) Harborne (2000) N/A = Not available Cuadro 1. Registros históricos del pez sapo espléndido (Sanopus spelendidus) en el Mar Caribe. Referencias: 1) Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 2) Ocean Biogeographic Information System, 3) Fishbase, 4) Este informe, 5) Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean, 6) Harborne (2000) N/A = No disponible Depth Locality Site Country Latitude Longitude Year Basis of record References (m) Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.36 87.03 9 2017 Observation 1 Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.38 87.1 N/A 2017 Observation 1 Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.41 86.81 N/A 2013 Observation 1 Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.39 87.01 N/A 2013 Observation 1 Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.4 87.03 N/A 2010 Observation 1 Cozumel N/A Mexico 20.35 87.17 N/A 2009 Observation 1 Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 11 (1): 34-41, enero-junio 2019 38 ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/revmar.11-1.3 Rigoberto Moreno Mendoza
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