Contents, Volume 11 (2000) Clayhills,T.: On the occurrence of the genus Hyperaspis Wahlberg, N.: Comparative descriptions of the immature (Col. Coccinellidae) in Fenno-Scandian countries ... stages and ecology of five Finnish melitaeine butter­ ........................................................................ 109-112 fly species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) ... 167-174 Dubatolov, V. V. & Kosterin, 0. E.: Nemoral species of Vikberg, V. V.: A re-evaluation of five European species Lepidoptera (Insecta) in Siberia: a novel view on of Spilomena with a key to European species and their history and the timing of their range disjunc- relevance to the fauna of North Europe, especially tions ................................................................ 141-166 Finland (Hymenoptera: Pemphredonidae) ..... 35-55 Gourov, A.V.: Hylobius species (Coleoptera: Curculioni­ Vikberg, V. & Koponen, M.: On the taxonomy of Seleu­ dae) from Siberia and the distribution patterns of cus Holmgren and the European species of Phrudi- adults feeding in Scots pine stands .................. 57-66 nae (Hymenoptera: lchneumonidae) ......... 195-228 Gupta, S., Gupta, A. & Meyer-Rochow, V. B.: Post-em­ bryonic development of the lateral eye of Cloeon sp. Brief Reports (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) as revealed by scanning electron microscopy .............. ............................ 89-96 Jansson, A. 2000: Interesting collection of Corixidae (Het- Haitlinger, R. 2000: Mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Eryth­ eroptera) from a fish pond .......................... 183-184 raeidae, Trombidiidae) new to the fauna of Norway, Jussila, R. : Dyspetes praerogator (Thomson, 1883), a new Finland, Russia, Latvia and Lithuania, with a descrip- species and genus to Finland and Denmark (Hym., tion of Podothrombium roari n. sp ............ 187-193 Ichneumonidae, Tryphoninae ................................ 8 8 Kozlov, M. V., Jalava, J. & Shutova, E.: New Records of Jussila, R.: Netelia arabs (Strand) new to Israel and N. Lepidoptera from the Kola Peninsula, Northwestern caucasica (Kokujev) new to Sweden (Hymenoptera: Russia ............................................................. 131-13 6 Ichneumonidae; Tryphoninae) ............................ 140 Koponen, M.: Five alysiine species new to Finland (Hy- Mannerkoski, I.:Ceutorhynchus larvatus Schultze and menoptera: Braconidae; Alysiinae) ........... 239-243. Ceutorhynchus pallidicornis Gougelet & Brisout de Krivosheina, N. P.: A new and little known species of the Bameville: On Pulmonaria obscura living weevils in genus Aspistes Meig. (Diptera, Scatopsidae) from Fin- Finland (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) ........ .. 245-247 land .............. ... ............................................... 119-123 Mannerkoski, 1.: Clambus nigrellus Reitter (Coleoptera: Laasonen, E. & Laasonen, L.: Habitual differences of Clambidae), an overlooked beetle species in Finland Phyllonorycter salictella ( Zeller, 1846) and P. her­ ······································································· 229-230 ingiella (Grtinlien, 1932) (Lepidoptera: Gracillari- dae) in two Finnish materials; a problem pair ......... Short Reports ... ................................................... .................. 175-181 Lindskog, P. & Viklund, B.: On Deraeocoris lutescens Haarto, A.: Scenopinus vitripennis Meigen (Dipetra: (Schilling) and Pinalitus atomarius (Meyer-Diir) in Scenopinidae), Platycheirus nigrofemoratus Kaner­ Sweden (Heteroptera: Miridae) .................. 231-238 vo and Cheilosia sootryeni Nielsen (Diptera: Syrphi­ Logunov, D.V. & Koponen, S.: A synopsis of the jump­ dae), Amobia signata (Meigen) (Diptera: Sarcophag­ ing spider fauna in the Russian Far East (Araneae, idae) and Chaetostevnia brevicornis (Zetterstedt) (Di- Salticidae) ..... ... ............... .................................... 67-87 petra: Rhinophoridae) new to Finland ..................... I Marttila, 0 ., Saarinen, K. & Marttila, P: Six years from Muona, J.: Lyctus africanus Lesne (Coleoptera: Bostrichi­ passing bell to recovery: Habitat restoration of the dae) and Stromatium fulvum (Villers) (Coleoptera: threatened Chequered Blue Butterfly (Scolitantides Cerambycidae) new to Finland ................................. 2 orion) in SE Finland .................................... 113-117 Silfverberg, H.: Otiorhyncellus corruptor (Hast) (Cole- van Nunen, M., IUimies, J. & Ahola, M: The larval de­ optera: Curculionidae) new to Finland .................... 2 scription of Tin ea steueri Petersen, 1966 and Tinea Laasonen, E.M. & Laasonen, L.: Oxyethira boreella Sven­ svenssoni Opheim, 1965 (Lepidoptera, Tineidae ..... sson & Tjeder, 1975 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) ······························ ············································· 97-108 new to Finland ............................................ ........ .... .... 2 Nupponen, K., Bengtsson, B. A. , Kaitila, J-P., Nuppo- Haarto, A.: New provincial records of Beris fuscipes Mei­ nen, T., Junnilainen, J. & Olschwang, V.: The scyth­ gen, B. strobli Dusek & Rozkosny), Odontomyia ar­ ridid fauna of the southern Ural Mountains, with gentata (Fabricius) (Diptera:Stratiomyidae), Renocera description of fourteen new species (Lepidoptera: pallida (Fallen), Antichaeta atriseta (Loew) (Dip­ Scythrididae) ........................................................ 5-34 tera: Sciomyzidae), Metobia argyrocephala (Meigen), Papp, J.: Bracon polaris Hellen, redescription of a little Helicophagella crassimargo (Pandelle), Pierretia sex­ known species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) ............ punctata (Fabricius), Parasarcophaga caerulescens ········································································ 125-128 (Zetterstedt) (Diptera:Sarcophagidae), Bellardia stric- 262 Contents, Volume 11 (2000) • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 11 ta (Villeneuve), Calliphora subalpina (Ringdahl), 2827 5. Price £ 85 (Antti Pekkarinen & Anna-Liisa Pollenia labia/is Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calli­ Varis) ................................................................... .... 194 phoridae) and Siphona setosa Mesnil (Diptera: Ta- Ebert, G. (ed.) 1997, 1997 & 1998: Die Schmetterlinge chinidae) ································· ····--···················· ···· - 2- 4 Baden-Wilrttembergs. Blinde 5-7. Sesiidae, Arctiidae, Laasonen, E.M. & Laasonen, L.: New provincial records Noctuidae. 575 + 622 + 582 pp., 400 + 512 + 483 of Oxyethira falcata Norton, 1893 (Trichoptera: Hy­ colour photographs, 360 + 433 + 329 diagrams and droptilidae), Apatania dalecarlica (Forslund, 1942) drawings, and 133 + 187 + 170 distribution maps and Limnephilus externus Hagen, 1861 (Trichoptera, (Kauri Mikkola) ....................................................... 56 Limnephilidae) ...................................... ..................... 4 Hansen, M. 1999: Hydrophiloidea (Coleoptera). World Lagercrantz, C-G.: Faunistic rarities of the Lepidoptera Catalogue of Insects. 2. - Apollo Books 416 pp. Oligia fasciuncula (Haw.) and Nycteola asiatica ISBN 87-88757-31 -5. Price DKR 690:- (standing (Krul.) (Noctuidae ...................................................... 4 order discount 10% available from publisher Apollo Silfverberg, H.: Ceutorhyncellus cakilis (Hansen) (Cole- Books, Kirkeby Sand 19, DK-5771 Stenstrup) (Olaf optera: Curculionidae) new to Estonia .................... 4 Bistrom) .................................................................. 118 Walker, J.B., Keirans, J.E. & Horak, I.G. 2000: The ge­ Reviews nus Rhipicephalus (Acari, Ixodidae). A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the World. Cambridge University Boucias, D.G. & J.C. Pendland 1998: Principles of Insect Press, xii+643 pp. ISBN 0 521 48008 6. Price £70 Pathology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dor­ (US$105) (Seppo Koponen & Ritva Niemi) ..... 124 drecht/London. Pp. 537 (V.B. Meyer-Rochow) ....... ............................................... ........ .. ................ ........ 129 Announcements Chadwick, D. J. (organizer) & Goode, J. A. (Eds.) 1999: Insect-plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence Symposium: Biodiversity of insects and spiders on the (Novartis Foundation Symposium 223). John Wiley islands of the central part of the Baltic Sea ........ 244 & Sons Ltd, Chichester, England. 281 pp. (V.B. Mey- er-Rochow) ................................................... 185-186 INDEX to genera and species, Volume II (2000) ......... Crane, E. 1999: The World History of Beekeeping and ............ ................................................ .. ........ ... 249-260 Honey Hunting. 682 pp. Nearly 500 illustrations. CONTENTS. Volume II (2000) ........................ 261-262 Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. London. ISBN 0 7156 .
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