oJ(o'lmcelco a6og m.leromJc oJO)'lmceICo fiUC@p{Do go'lcnro coorelco'lcfl ollemr<n orrurcnlao0 G-alCf{o oeolsl q&i. rs|ooAord fiDccoro- qgL o,sa"".tggil qcoqgoE <O'1. rsncrtcf, d,ocd "g.-il. (m).,o6)osmqo oilecncomraorcoqo q&ii. roocDld ro106)@ Gt3crt{TUJeo cuo,.g oqEil) <O1. ong.fful. ouer6SgcE oc, p'll crud6c6 croculaco p{9 .O) cn-xdancrd rsroota,co(ootcd ojfi)GuOcrgo oilccncc onDlaf, crrcmctaoeo oilccnce mtoorcocoeusojlcf, cnsq[lercefl co.r .groilnor .,.rnr.rroilaqos m.loErc ocoeuetcoilrif, oilclroo orocnolm.uoccojl cotrEooilolocrn cosqilercdlcor .goilor draDoilesd oooaocofi) cocem" oilooocmcoc; 6nj1) oJl"o'enilqos .,:olcnem m enll) gcilru" cuarg a,1"o-enllgos o.roloemcngccoJl mordqila gccol nuar0gl+ilrocm golm:o .lnuoila,gilni Groouia)crao eldl4olqo Gnolqos ;r:.uoilagilaf o0o(oco66) qotdrorocn .gcocooilqos ollcloqo 4clos c-odocna. c'rru) oiloud 6)" proilcnao (T)o. Grooci6rcrdo Groosfl 6rc.oo eJdlq; croolqos ere14 qordroorn "gcocooil oJ@)Ot6rgd qordoocn .gcoctloil QBqiloemcs" al"o"orrilcoilaf, fftcna. ocrgiloggpcac; 39.42 @cpca enl4 cacdl q":cqos onoaoojl olcmcrEg adl{gona". .reooilqos cril6mcemo. @c.ooc cDsoJdlaoE SPV oqcor M/s. KTDC msrorofl curocno. (sroAlqe 2 al"o'enjlcojlaf, crilrnao rorgoS.et5 o"oolcged rwoilcnccoi oetsasBoos 13 -tt c@cs€ g<Xromilo<r8mccoll I/.19 cacd @cJqos .,Oerrdloul GrOCao(Ol erdl4rofl oc$ ondlmrocrnoojlo8 SPV orgco Ws. IMGL Ltd g<lrordlogos gcoore auE oqo"rdlafgene'. canf, .13 "ersacngilnf, 6 oersaarnqos osened cns".rdlarrE cDscrrd oJ(6CIY0. @SCO{ol @6IECoo€tS 6qqorflardoccoJl 15.86 cacd @orqos ogccgcmxf rsrooutlacoo|oilmc(ojl al"o"enil oilafl cruod"jldlgene". mrl) caqg mrdorcolor$ .,.ro1oemrn m_fl) ca,qg gollmlo oqgcacorrooilocQ ooosiacoorctcDccoil gcaoil ouor8.jl+ilrocm osoacrd m:ord.$l{cncm oeLmcs' aetolcrd qcojlrru- golml qoorctu- gcilm;o aauroilg m;rcocro' r:rAcoo0 ":o.ooilo- qflailoc$ ccoocco) Qorrf, rsroor.rJlacrdo etrdl ail gcern c; aurda$af, pudo.ggcooil oroocrtacrao edl{qorn". @crg(o) olr?lojl oetalcoloet - @mdro "rGD6t o,Wd accrudc<ncctu" dlga,giloe.r gcilmr. coelet g- ooooolcofi) mdlaoeqo 6cco)q6ogqo gudoggcoruflomcerqgg pc{otogcDo cD(tBa,oocm- groroo aetolcciloc$ m-roq4occor Eollm;o oilomtrnocem- ocuo'lo.,]smcoc: erao5olgcmoi. cocfl ".rraDrorlojlaf, @(l)c(r)ocq{o ocodcq4col qoorlcru", oroeo qdl,ru", qroo.,*oi qcoilmnctA q.tl*- o6lcnll .ersacnu0 gudoggcrn. pclqos ojlam.rcnrooilmca, 8037.38 el6so @olqos Grocaarotcol c6rD' elrdl 41 gggoi. nrjl) 9o1ru. coeleLcojlrifl .goilco.r nrl) gcilm.r coeuetcoJlrif, .{oilco ojlamtm .,.rrauoilar.d oilo,m:m olnD@16u4 cnsqilercarmoilm" p,rc mraocoloc$ 6ceJGlo.)" 14 cnsqlocmcmroilnd ca,qg .,.ra.r.roil [email protected])q6rsA c6r@ m.ldocolcri crudolcralooe rnlerocqaoE mor0qilejlolcrn. cooflafl 4crros m3.ojl.lilacm cruFoo)cdoooccomc; "golni "in ojlosAo- rsromooil edl{gene". rsrootoo m:cqoolocm oOOfiOCOfi) c'JCDOt6ua6)CGm" po crud6)o@1oc$ ecetroo" G6@ ffuclr)c@)o eJejoc6)la.)ol; L m)JoB(o' o6(6(6 cD1" oil<aoococcoc? a) crSilolaLirif, cruda,ls3(Q) coo.)J(o.laej ojla,m:rno ("grocoeil-.l-rrru-oucnilqjccDo) ggg8.g2 - e|€&o @oJ. b) qilolarif, cru66fScaD @i or(UDmce-coocqg- (ro5l1@loeJ ojlamrcno - 922t8o eJ€8jo @f,J. cryildl.lcii c) m)d6[Scao, 6c(ru6c(')coD- e(ocf, oikoclcnoo.goo cloraqgp 14 dtgagiloeL 133 crgocoJmcelcordsBeos ojlo,crucDo gS2Z.7l - €J6eo @oJ. d) qilcilaai m.ld6,[Sccot colcrcrjlol qgflcncoccorem pro Gro@oo - CroGroilcdoo - drfirdoolco @1 cruqE"oemi G6S@o - oorrusoorl - q4flrncoccorem p(tsareJo - 6947.00 etd{uo @crl go<if, cruda,[gcco) e) aelocs' aserucd €ct(ruo olruro5l - 8037.38 er6&o @oJ. ll.-g_!ru!4_e1, poscloqd cds(O oil6m)cD - 46'14.20 eJ6&o " @crJ. l?t'drnatlril" : 4. Kerala Tourism Department - Projects Sanctioned from 25.05.2016 to 31.01;2019 &5O p2 Distric Date of Name of Project Sanction Order AS Amount t Sanction Construction of Handrails in the Walkway at L Order no. P6-L6217 /20L2 TVM 31612416 640000 Veli Tourist village Renovation and Upgradation of Government z Order no. P7-100412016i8H TVM 1/8/2016 2300000 Guest House Block at Ponmudi ) Clean Destination cam pa ign 2016-17 GO(Rt) No.2s9l2016/15M TVM t7,o8 2076 38925000 Plan fund of KIITS for 2016-17 G.O(Rt)No.26al2016/T5M TVM 17-08-2016 35000000 P1-11552/2016 dated 5 Electrification works at Akkulam Childrens Park TVM 23 A8 2016 2822390 23/08/201,6 Kovalam Tourism zone waste Management 6 GO{Rt) No.2672016115M IVM 25 08 201€ 4053000 Programme 201"6-17 Renovation of old Toilet block&Construction of P1 -117\O l)016 7 Septic Tank and other works in Nishagandhi TVM 29-O8.2416 1892 000 datedzg/08/2016 Aud itorium Additional lighting of southern side of P2-10595/2016 dated 8 sha ngh u mugham beach in TVM s/9/2016 2000000 s/9/201,6 th iruvanantha pura m Development of Sree Pad ma na bha Ara n mu la No.5(04)2016-5D dated 9 Sabarimala as a Spiritualcircuit in Kerala under TVM 19,09 2C15 94442600C 19.09.2015 Swadesh Darshan Scheme Participation in Incredible india Tourist G.O(Rt)No,295/2016/T5M 10 investors summit, New Delhiby Kerala Tourism TVM 23,09-2016 2694000 dtd 23.9.16 Infrastructure Ltd (KTlLi Renovation works of existing Toilet Block P6-10017(6)/16 dated 11 TVM r/r0/2016 700048 (Sula bh) at VeliTourist village Uro/20t6 Renovation work of existing pay and use comfort station and repairlng works of existing LZ Order n o. P 1{ P4 )- 127 95 /201.6 TVM 14-10-2016 877330 concrete road and providing cover slab for side drain at Va rkala Restoration of Stone Pillar area, pathway extension, maintainance of Goose cage and Order no.P1-10017 \3ll/L6 dr 13 TVM 18,10,2016 2000000 filling up of sand in existing Children's play 18.10.16 area in r .:li Tourist village Renovation work of existing pond at Veli G.O(Rt)No.338/16/T5M dtd t4 TVM 19-10-2016 6118822 Tourist villase 19.10.16 Making retaining wall with covering slab of G.o(Rt)No.337l2016/T5M dt I' existing canal from Avaduthuira DeviTemple TVM 19 10-2016 9094000 19.10.16 to near Green villa house at Kovalam Annual Maintenance contract for the repair G.O(Rt) No.3a7l2016/T5M Ib and maintenance works at Government Guest TVM 20,ro-2016 16500000 dtd 20.10.16 House, Trivandrum Electrification works at Varkala Beach Temple order no. P1-11696/16 dated 17 thl/2016 2904000 road and Balimandiram, Varkala Helipad 8.11.16 10i 21 31'0112019 t Kerala Tourism Department - Prolects sanctioned from 25'05'2015 to Distric Date of Sanction Order AS Amount Name of Ptoject t Sanction Construction of gathroom, Maintenance works dated ofToilets and laying cobble stone balance area Order no. P6-11192/16 8ltu2016 386792 18 of existing toilet near light house at Kovalam 8.11.16 beacn Electrification works at kappil beach and boat TVM 8/11/2016 3000000 19 Order n o. P 1-11696{14)/16 club at Varkala Varlous work at Varkala beach - 1. construction of Cloak room with toilet block P r\P 4\ - !27 95 / 2076 dated and construction of TVM 8/nl2o16 3208000 2A site development 08/L1/2016 compond wall at propose 3. construction area of cloak room with toilet block etc Renovation works of existing shop with Toilet Order no. P1-1"5016/16 dtd 2t 23-1r-20L6 1160000 block of DTPC at Ponmudi 25.l J. J.O Balance work in Government Guest House, 24-!1-2076 15737 40 22 Order no. H B3-5391/2015 TVM Varkala of second approach road from lmprovement no.P6-2153l2016 dtd Order 27,11-2016 3880000 2? Ch:0/000 to 0/800 Km balance work for 27 .LL.ZST6 footpath Expenses for the selection of Consultants and G.O(Rt)No.41412016/T5M 3850000 24 TVM u12/2016 oreDaration of proiect reports, DPR's dtd 01.12.r.6 Repair, Upgradation, Maintena nce, Annual G.O{Rt)No.409/2016/T5M 13450000 25 Contract and Upkeeping the premises of TVM ur42016 dtd 1.12.1-6 Government Guest House, Kovalam construction of Toilet block, Renovation works landscaping works order no. P1-15015/16 dated of existing restaurant and 7 2379000 25 TVM /12/2016 at existing restaurant including yard li8ht at 7.L2.r6 Aruvikka ra no.P1-15012/16 dtd Renovation works and site development of Order 24-72-20!6 816000 27 ryM existine toilet block of DTPC at Aruvikkara 24.r2.t6 Renovation works and site development of 28-72-20!6 816000 28 Order no.P1-15012/16 TVM existing toilet block of DTPC at Arivikkara no. Pl.-1.5014/16 dtd Order za-72-2016 890683 29 Construction ofToilet Blocks near Neyyar Dam ryM 28.L2.L6 Department of Monitoring of Projects under dtd G.o(Rt)No.03/2017/rsM 4/rl2077 10010000 30 Tourism by Strengthening the District Offices TVM 4.1".77 and Directorate of Tou rism 2016-17 LO/!/2017 12463000 31 Electrification of Kovalam Beach Surr,oundings Order no. PL-f6712/15 ryM dated Beautification works and Electrification works Order no. P6-11190/16 ruu2orT 242L036 32 TVM of Kovalam beach rL.l.I7 P6-16017(1)/16 dt construction of compound wall nea-r'beach Order no. 11h.12017 622438 33 TVM area, Veli Tourist village t7.1.r7 No.346/2016/rsM dt Urgent repair and maintenance works at G.o(Rt) L7-01-2017 29800000 34 TVM Kerala House, Mumbai 20.10.16 dtd Kovalam Samudra Beach Destination G.o(Rt)No.s912017lrsM 8/212077 30005695 35 TVM Development 08.02.17 2of2l t Kerala Tourism Depaftment - Projects Sanctioned from 25.05.2015 to 31.01;2019 Distric Date of fl Name of Proiect Sanction Order AS Amount t Sanction Proposalfor Development of rock park at 36 lrattinpuram Neyyatinkara, G.O(Rt)No.
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