Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board Environment Surveillance Centre Paryawaran Parisar, E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal -462 016 (M.P.) Ph : 0755-2469180 Fax : 0755-2463742 E-mail : ercmppcb@nic in Web : www erc mp gov in No. 9s7 /HOPCB/ERC/20 I 9 Bhopal,Dtbq lll 12019 'fo, The Occupier of thc Industry (As per the Enclosed List) ,t/ Sub : Workshop-cum-Review Meet at Bhopal on llll2l20l9 on Implementation of Real- time Monitoring Programme. The GoI has initiated a mechanism of self-monitoring of compliance under which the target industries are required to install real-time monitoring systems (RTMS) and establish connectivity with MPPCB and ensure an uninterrupted operation of RTMS with >85% uptime frequency of data. The quality and reliability of data is a pre-requisite. As part of compliance the industries and the common facilities have installed the RTMS but the synchronization is still not satisfactory for ong or other reason. The connectivity with central server platform, performance check, control of camera PTZ functions, calibration of RTMS. monitoring of all the required parameters etc are among the issues which need to be focussed and attended on priority for smooth operation of surveillance mechanism to achieve the targetted objectives. In view of above, and in order to develop a better understanding and provide a piatfbrm to the industries to interact with the experts, a one-day Workshop-cum-Review Meet is organised at Bhopal as follows : Date - Wednsday, 11th December 2019 Time 10.30 am to 6 pm Registration 9.30 am Venue Auditorium, Lake Conservation Authority, Paryawaran Parisar, E-5 Sector, Arera Colony, Bhopal - l6 Contact Dr. Rajendra Chaturvedi, Scientist, ERC, MPPCB Ph. : 0755-2469180, 8989879758; E.mail : [email protected] It is urged to depute your one responsible person to participate in the programme in the larger interest of environment and for better implementation of Real-time Monitoring Programnle in the State. An early line of confirmatior-r. r.r,ith name and contact details of the parlicipant. lrom yottr end is highly appreciated. Yours (R.S Kori) Member Secretary 'l- u' No. fs8 HOPCB/ERC12}|? Bhopal, Dt: oQ I r/ I 2019 Copy to : l. All the Regional Officers / Unit Heads, M.P. Pollution Control Board, for information and to ensure participation of target industries under your jurisdiction. 2. The Finance Officer, M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal for information and necessary action please \, NTl-/ (R.S Kori) Member Secretarv ,L L, gh.ri P, K,-Jd{""h, -ohed-+ot L , sf,ti H,14. shq^rnq, *Dir=a't< g, --Drr, Rea4q K."u.l , e-so t+, -Dln d^+b(r";l 3ole.ng, 43o S-, s hrJ frl , L,Y p*+=-{ , 3' 6- <€ q -e['o; f*/osh sAr'\^*.s'fq\'q' Dl, -sAri thgf'*) srraf nrt*'l+iY B, ^eAoi H's' ' 'ee- q -gArc.i rn, K ;4"'6"{'6'-lt ' <{ l;^ .9 Az'i P, K. Jte'o>, <so g, s€- | | , -glTrl "'/, k-4,\, [9 I L, -e ha,' -sq"/[,,h sfolv'l{ovq, 13, .-sh"^l Ar'11 0mrrlrlfraj4, ss6 lt+, -sbri €oyf"*fi <tsrug, €c:- f-g -e-lrri --D.=k, Jra-r\4, €.€ I L, -+o, Ne€ugt Vetrng, e-e- lT. -stof, f. -s, loA-n, €-q mP?CB [.*rt+* fLL€ . rt^o, sSP D(-. D ul\lLol| M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal List of l7 Category Industries (96) (Large & Medium Scale) And Facility (17) S.No. Name / Address of Industry Sector M/s. Hindalco Industries L,td. (Mahan Aluminium Project) P.O. Aluminium Bargawan - 486886, Dist. Singrauli (M.P.) M/s. Birla Corporation Ltd. (Cement Div.). P.O, Birla Vikas; Dist, 2 Cement Satna (M.P.) M/s. Prism Cement I-td,, (Cement Div.), Vill. Mankahari, Teh. Bathia, ^, Cement Rajdeep, Rewa Road, Dist, Satna- 485 001 (M.P.) M/s. Bhilai Jaypee Cement Ltd. Post: Babupur, Teh. Raghura.inagar, TA fle ment SATNA-485 tr2 (M.P.) 5 M/s. Maihar Cement Ltd., P.O. Sarlanagar, Maihar, Dist. Satna (M.P') Clement 6 M/s. ICS Cement Ltd. 17. Bandhavgarh Colony, Satna (M,P.) Cement M/s. Iteliance Cement Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Cement Plant) Unit-1 P.O. Itahar, 1 Cement Bharouli, Dist. Satna - 485 005 (M.P,) M/s. Ultratech Cement Ltd. (Unit: Vikram Cement Ltd.) P.O. Khor, 8 Clement Distt, NEEMUCH - 458 470 (M.P.) M/s, Jaypee Rewa Cement Plant, (Unit of Jaiprakash Associates Ltd')' 9 Cement P.O. Jaypeenagar, Distt. RIrWA-- 486 450 (M.P.) M/s, Rela Cement Works, (Ultratech Cement Ltd.), P.O' l0 Cenrent Jaypeepuram, Distt. I{EWA- 486 450 (M.P.) M/s. Sidhi Cement Works, (Ultratech Cement Ltd.), Post: Jaypee il Vihar, Village: Majhagawan. P.O. Bharatpur, Dist. Sidhi- 486 776 Ce mcnl (M.P.) M/s. Diarnond Cements (Grinding Unit Imlai), Vill. Imlai, Dist. t2 Ccment Damoh-470675 (M.P.) P. O. Dist' Katni- la M/s. ACC Ltd, (Kymore Cement Works), Kymore, IJ Cement 483880 (M.P.) M/s, Diamond Cements (Clinker Division), Narsinghgarh. Dist. t4 Ccnre nt Damoh-470675 (M.P.) M/s. Jay Prakash Power Ventures Limited (Cement Grinding Unit) l5 Cemcnt Jaypee Nigrie Super Thermal Power Project, Singrauli (M.P') u7 D S.No. Name / Address of Industry Sector M/s. Ultratech Cement I-td. (Dhar Cement Pro.iect), Vill. Tonki, the' 16 Cement Manawar, Distt. Dhar -4 5 4446 (M,P.) M/s. Orient Paper Mills - Caustic Soda Unit (Previously HJI lndustries t7 Chlor Alkali Ltd. )P.O, Amlai Paper Mills, Distt. ANUPPUR M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. (New Caustic Soda Membrane Cell Unit- I 18 Chlor Alkali & 2) Birlagram, Nagda- 456 331 Distt. Ujiain (M,P.) M/s. Jagpin Breveries Ltd. (Old Name-Cox India Ltd.), (Distilleries l9 Distillery Unit), Nowgong (BKD) Distt. Chhatarpur 20 M/s, Great Galleon t,td. P.O. Sejwaya, Lebad Chowki, Dhar (M.P.) Distillery M/s. Oasis Distillery, Village Borali, Tehsil Badnawar, Dhar 2l - - Distillery (M.P.) M/s. Vindhyachal Distilleries Limited, Plot No. 269-210, Zone-ll, M. 22 Distillery P. Nagar, Bhopal - 462 0l I (M.P.) L) M/s, Som Distilleries (P) Ltd., Sehatganj, Distt. Raisen (M.P.) Distillery M/s. Gwalior Alcobrew Pvt. Ltd. Rairu Farm, A. B. Road, Gwalior - )A Distillery 474010 (M.P,) M/s, Agrawal Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. Post: Barwaha, Dist. Khargone z) I)istillery (M.P.) M/s, Associated Alcohols & Breweries Ltd, Khodigram, Post: 26 Distillery Barwaha, Distt. Khargone - 451 I l5 (M.P.) M/s. Gulshan Polyols Limited, Khairatigaon Borgaon Industrial Area, 2l Distillery Sausar, Dist. Chhindwara - (M.P.) 28 M/s. DCR Distillery Pvt. Ltd. Mehar, Sagar (M.P.) Distillery M/s. Gwalior Distilleries Limited, Vill Didee, Itawa Road, Dist. Bhind 29 Distillery (M,P.) M/s. Trent Chemical Industries, Plot No, 184, AK\IN Industrial Area, Dye & Dye 30 Meghnagar, Dist. Jhabua (M.P.) lntermediates M/s. Krishna Phoschem Limited, AK\IN lndustrial Area, Meghnagar, Dye & Dye 3l Dist. Jhabua (M.P,) Intcrmediates M/s. Madhya Bharat Agro Products Ltd., village Rajoua, Dist. -)L FertiIizer SAGAR (M.P.) 217 S.No. Name / Address of Industrv Sector aa JJ M/s. National Fertilizer Ltd., Vijaypur Distt. Guna (M.P.) Fertilizer M/s. Rama Phosphate (P) Ltd., (Fertilizer) 2016 Km Stone Dharampuri 34 Fertilizer Uijain'Road, Distt. Indore (M.P.) M/s. Khaitan Chemical & Fertilizers Village: Nimrani, A. B. 35 Fertilizer Road,Distt. Khargone (M.P.) M/s. Madhya Bharat Phosphate Ltd, (Unit-ll) AKVN Industrial Area, 36 Fertilizer Meghnagar, Dist. Jhabua (M.P.) M/s. Coromandel International Limited, Nimrani, Dist. Khargone, 37 Fertilizcr (M,P.) M/s. Madhya Bharat Agro Products Ltd., village Sorai, Tehsil 38 F-ertilizer Banda, Dist. Sagar - 470335 (M.P.) M/s. Krishna Phoschem Ltd. (Unit I), SSP Plant, AK\rN Industrial 39 F erlilizer Area, Meghnagar, Dist. Jhabua (M.P.) 40 M/s. Indra Industries I-imited, Badnawar, Sandla, Dist. Dhar (M.P.) Fertilizer M/s. Trimula Industries Ltd. Village & Post: Godwali, Teh: Devssar, 4l Iron & Steel Distt. Singrauli (M.P.) M/s. Vardhman Fabrics, Village: Pillikarar, Budhni, Dist. Sehore ALA.\ l'extile (M.P,) M/s. Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd., Village Agasode, Tehsil - Bina +JA' - Oil Refineries Distt. Sagar (M.P.) M/s. Unichem Laboratories Ltd. Plot No. 197. Sector-1. Industrial 44 Pharmaceutical Area, Pithampur, Distt. Dhar (M.P,) M/s, Medilux Laboratories Pvt. Limited, Plot No. 99, Sector- I A< Pharmaceutical Industrial Area, Pithampur - 454775, Dist. Dhar (M,P.) 46 M/s. Government Opium &Alkaloid Works, Dist.Neemuch (M.P.) Pharmaceutical M/s. Lupin Ltd., (Unit-2) SE,Z Phase-ll, Plot No. 2, Pithampur, Dhar +IA1 Pharmaceutical (M.P.) M/s. Symbiotech Pharma Lab Ltd., Plot No. 5 to 8 SEZ Pithampur, 48 Pharmaceutical Distt. Dhar (M.P.) M/s. Sun Pharmaceutical industries Ltd., (old Name - Ranbaxy), K- 49 5,6,7& 10, Ghirongi Industrial area Malanpur, Dist. Bhind (M,P.) PIN- Pharmaceutical 477 | t7 3/7 S.No. Name / Address of Industry Sector M/s. Teva API India I-td. Q-l to Q4, Ghirongi Industrial s0 Pharmaceutical Area,Malanpur, Dist. BHIND _ 4]] l l7 (M.P.) 5l M/s. IPCA Laboratories Ltd. P.O. Sejavta, Distt. Ratlam (M'P') Pharnraceutical 52 M/s. Lupin Laboratories Ltd., Mandideep, Distt. Raisen (M.P.) Pharnraceutical M/s. IPCA Laboratories L,td,, Plot no. 89-A, Industrial Estate, 53 Pharmaceutical Pologround, Indore - 452003 (M.P.) 54 M/s, Symbiotech Pharma Gram - Pigdamber Rau Dist' Indore (M.P.) Pharmaceutical 55 M/s. Sun Pharmaceutical lndustries Ltd,, Dist. Dewas, (M'P') Pharmaceutical M/s. Thinq Pharma Co. Ltd., Industrial Estate-3, Bagdoon, 56 Pharmaceutical Pithampur, Dist. Dhar (M.P.) M/s. Enaltec Labs Pvt.
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