20___ M.\\( IjK SlK H Ill-.H M,l_i_FnM,i\ April I'-’. lOS:. OPINION FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER TIME FOR A CHANGE) Trust offers chance Boston Marathon — MHS’s Helin spins Mostly sunny today, REAL ESTATE V. to preserve Risley bucks and bruises no-hitter at HPHS |but cloudy on Sunday “WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!’ THIS WEEK ... page 6 ... page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 Featuring: GREAT VALUE BOLTON - LARGE LOT See this 6 room Cape Cod on a 1V. acre treed lot i3 6 Room Ranch with fireplace, screened in porch and Mmdmtn an exterior ol vinyl New root and gutters 70 s PLUS an XTRA lot to sell now or later Mrralft MuHOffy, Apr^-AprnT5ri985 — Single copy: 25<t WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES! - 646-2482 WF GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES! - 646-2482 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Many assail Mp3 Neighbors unite ■ ;»• AHRACTIVE SPLIT STEPHEN ST. COLONIAL Spacious liv in g room with cathedral ceiling and bal­ 3 Bedroom, 1 '>i bath loaded with charm' Fireplace, plan to visit to battle crime cony, 3 bedrooms, 1 Vj baths, family room and dining 223 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 Florida room, 2 car garage HURRY! room $84,900 WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES' - 646-2482 WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES' - 646-2482 B y Susan Vaughn he calls Reinhom, who, in turn, helps “WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!”^ Herald Reporter the new group set up a meeting and FREE meets wUh the group t6 describe the MARKET Blanchard & Rossetto 1 ^ <ss> Nazi graves “It’s people looking after people,” is program. EVALUATION COMMERf lAL CRf.WT the way Harry W. Reinhom describes Each neighborhood group must do its _____ 646-2482 nNANClALNnWORK the, Crime Watch program he started in own leg work and organizing, Reinhom E S T A T E Center St. corner o( McKee St. Senior Cltiiem Diecounte • Cmrd DMaiCvTtpM^ Bv Helen Thomas Manchester. and Wilson said. Each Crime Watch United Press International What began as a reaction to an neighborhood has to have a street assault on a family in Reinhom’s captain. SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Jews, veleran.s and Spring Street neighborhood three years THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING' Congress members Friday assailed President Rea­ ago has now grown into six neighbor­ RElNllORN STRESSED in a recent interview that leadership is important Onfuo;. Please call 6 4 9 -4 0 0 0 gan's plan to visit a cemetery for German soldiers as hood Crime Watch areas in town! I or a free marketing analysis of yuur lu ' t "offensive," but a spokesman said Reagan is up.sct ,The first Crime Watch neighborhood in developiipg a Crime Watch area. He or was a kind of outgrowth of gypsy moth mentiont^ one large neighborhood in To see any home on the market today that his "sensitivity to the Holocaust" is under question. infestation. Reinhorn said. When the the Forest Hills section, which held a LINDSEY REAL ESTATE 353 Center Street MancheslPr r.T neighborhood developed a common meeting attended by about 80 people. The announcement that Reagan would lour and lay bond to fight the gypsy moths by But no one was willing to step forward a wreath at Bilburg Cemetery in Germany on May 5, spraying, Rainhom said he asked to get tte program going, he said. three days before celebration of V-E Day, the end of himself, "Why can't we unite to Tight Getting leaders for the groups is World War Two, evoked outrage from Jewish and crime?” hard, Reinhom said. But he said that American veterans groups. Reagan has declined The purpose of Crime Watch, which leaders are >what keep the groups suggestions he visit Dachau, a Nazi death camp, operates throughout the nation, is to put viable. j criminals on the alert that a neighbof- Each Crime Watch group also has its during his visit to Europe for the European Economic hood is organized and that individual own treasury, compiled from contribu­ Summit. families will look out for one another’s tions by the participants. The money is "Visiting the grave sites of one’s former enemies is homes to help prevent burglaries and used mainly to install the signs, which East Hartford $159,900 "Priced Reduced For Quick Sale" an act of grace," said Nathan PerlmuUer, national other crimes. Participating neighbors cost about $30, Reinhom said. Large custom Colonial with all amenities, for terrific family livingl director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai agree to call the police if they see any The police,department installs poles Elegant is a word that accurately de­ Eleven nice rooms, 5 BR’s, LR, DR, ESK, Fm Rm. Rec. Rm. Jacuzzi, in- B’rilh. "Doing so while bypassing the gravesites of suspicious activity at a home or on their for the signs once the placement scribes this magnificent one of a kind grd. pool, fenced in yard and located on a cul-de-sac!! 150's the victims of that enemy — especially so brutal an streets. position is approved by 2loning En­ ENJOY YOUR SUMMER enemy — is insensitive." •, forcement Officer Thomas O’Marra, custom built 8+ room Ranch with 4 a THE TOYYN PROGRAM has 33 signs Reinhorn said. Then Reinhom and his in this lovely Split-Level with a large lot! Rabbi David Saperstein of the Union of American bedrooms, V baths, tireplaced family with staring eyes made especially for iffiighbor, Peter Petrone, put the sign 2 2 Seven rooms, 3 bedrooms, family room, Hebrew Congregations agreed, saying, "I think this the organization, Reinhom said. The on tte pole. room, 2 car garage and numerous cus­ I'a baths, newer carpeting and garge was a judgment of a grievous error. It is offensive to signs are located at entry paints to Another important aspect of the combine to make this South Windsor those who care about the American soldiers who died participating neighborhoods. program is a lesson on home security tom features. Impecable throughout home a “MUST SEE"! Call for your ap­ and those who care about the millions of Jews and The program operates strictly with which Wilson gives to the individual and located in East Hartford’s finest pointment today. $91,900. non-Jews" who were victim of the "Nazi genocidal volunteers, except for the help it gets groups. He has a different security effort." from the Manchester Police Depart­ program for colonials, capes, contem­ areas. This is truly a home of distinc­ "Priced Reduced For Quick Sale" I '1^^ ment and from the zoning enforcement poraries or ranch homes, emphasizing STRANO REAL ESTATE Rep. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said a presidential — ■ ’1 ■ tion and a must to see. 643-4060 Hard to find 6 room Ranch, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, tull-bsmt., nice city lot visit to the German war cemetery "would be a very officer in putting.up signs. what to look out for in eaclE^IXPC !,'>() t f .lATKK ST., M WCUF.STF.R, CT. and 16 years young!! Now $73 900 I Herald photo by Teni|utnk> Reinhom works closely with Com­ home. unfortunate misplacement of priorities.” munity Relations Officer Lawrence Foiiiiiro of till' Wi-fk P.iirt b> ihi* M.inrhcbiiT Mi t j UI CALL TODAY - 647-SOLDg Pul Number 1 to work for you.’ “The impact of your visiting Germany without Harry W. ReInhorn, founder of the Crime Watch program Wilson of the police department in WILSON EXPLAINS to residents paying homage to one of the war's most tragic aspects in Manchester, stands In front of one of the Crime Watch implementing the program. how to secure windows, doors and will not go unnoticed," he wrote Reagan in a letter. signs in his neighborhood on Spring Street. There are six 'This is how a Crime Watch neighbor­ hatchways with special locks. He has a Orr'cr < Av Toe' V 243 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER hood gets started: lock display he uses for that purpose. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes quoted organized Crime Watch neighborhoods in Manchester A person interested in starting .a He advises homeowners about whether Don Jackson Rose Viola Jackson 643-1591 Reagan as saying that he has "a long and deep and Reinhom would like to see more. He sees it as an emotional sensitivity to the Holocaust. While we program calls Wilson. Wilson asks if 168 Main St., Manchester effective tool to curtail burglaries and other crime in there is interest on-the part of several (heading North on Main St., across from Brown's Flowers) D.W .FISHfj«S''8 rnes'' VEhNON CIRCLE • VERNON remember the past with deep sorrow, we must look to « i ! m Iff r, C( | 1 1 r,„.i A.frTi,.;,.. ■ 871-1400 the future with a firm resolve that it will never happen neighborhoods. people in the neighborhood. If there is. Please turn to page 10 REALDCAI ESTATEC C T A T 647-8400 646-8646 again." Speakes told reporters that Reagan's schedule is under review but stressed that he still intends to visit TO BE BUILT Bithurg, which was the staging area for the crucial Rookies iaunch sateiiite "Battle of the Bulge" and does not intend to change his plans despite the criticism. Stonehedge Lane But veterans who were at the "Battle of the Bulge " hoped Reagan would change his mind. Bolton “By his visits to the gravesites at Bitberg ... he is perceived as honoring not those who fought for peace Senator is star of the shuttle C R E .A T E A masterpiece :: and freedom but those who died for conquest and (iiinlrnipiirarN lloiiie reahirin^ 7-*- Room'.
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