E S CONT NT . i Proceedings at the Nominat on . PAGE Polling Districts Castle Eden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gateshead Heworth Hetton - le -Hole J arrow Lanchester Seaham Harbour Shotley Bridge South Shields Sunderland Winlaton Analysis of the P011 A nalysis o f Districts A l o f n na yses Tow ships O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Index of Townships RE F E RE N CE S l l f ll made to Doub e Entries in the Voting Co umns , where the o owing ‘ evi ations are used to denote other Districts CE for Castle Eden L for Lanchester CS Chester -le - Street SH Seaham Harbour D Durham SB Shotley Bridge G Gateshead SS South Shields H Heworth S Sunderland HH Hetton -le - Hole Wh Whickham J J arrow Wn Winlaton are l l Doub e Entries occur in the same District, the numbers on y are a—m PROCEEDING S AT THE NOMINATION . The Nomination for the Northern Division of the County o f Durham . l l ook p ace in the Market P ace , Durham , (the County Courts being i 2 oth o f 1 8 6 8 . nder repair) , on Friday, the November, . U ff Of . W E WOOLER, ESQ IRE , Under Sheri , Returning ficer _ SIR WI IA O of ll HEDWORTH LL MS N , BARONET , Whitburn Ha , was - of Elemore ll proposed by Henry John Baker Baker, Esquire , Ha , of f and seconded by Joseph Laycock, Esquire , Low Gos orth, l - - Newcast e upon Tyne . i EOR GE IO QU of ll ELL T, ES IRE , Houghton Ha , was proposed by of Richard Laurence Pemberton , Esquire , The Barnes , and seconded l o f D r u rn b . by John L oyd Wharton , Esquire, y SAAC LOVVTHIAN QU o f hi ll BELL , ES IRE , Was ngton Ha , was pro b l lli . B . f posed y The Right Honourab e Sir Wi am Hutt , K C , o Gibsid e A i , and seconded by ugustus Henry Hunt, Esqu re , of Birtley . of l f of lli he Show Hands was dec ared to be in avour George E ot, Q and ll Esquire , Sir Hedworth Wi iamson , Baronet ; and a Poll was for I Lowthi an ll i hi demanded saac Be , Esqu re , w ch took place on 24th Tuesday , the of November . The P011 List in the following pages has been compiled from the 011 f o . lli f ll Books Mr E ot, care u y compared with the numbers in the ’ heriff s f - Books rom the thirty three Booths . REGISTER OF VOTERS F OR THE NOR THER N D IV ISION OF THE COU NTY OF D U HAM R , 1 — 8 68 9, POLL TAKEN N V O EMBE 4 1 868. R 2 , CA S TL E EDEN DIS TR ICT . CASTLE EDEN . ' Old Emnc/z z ses — E R R ATUEL PAGE 6 . T CA STLE ED E L DISTRICT . l—D a l not mi c . S co t. e 2 6 . No . t P rciva H t l o l - 1 - v 1 D ar ep o 1 3 Carter Matthew Hartlepool 1 4 Elstob Robert Ca stle Eden 1 5 Emerson Ralph Castle Eden 1 6 Emerson George Old Til e Sheds Farm 1 7 Glass Richard Ca s tle Eden 1 8 Hornsby William {Ca stle Eden 1 9 Jameson John C astle Ed en l ~d \vi k ll H . c 2 0 Johnstone Will iam R . Ha REGISTER OF VOTERS F OR THE NOR THER N D IV ISION OF THE COU NTY OF U HAM D R , — 1 868 9, AKE V 1 68. POLL T N NO EMBER 24, 8 CA S TL E EDEN DIS TR ICT. CASTLE EDEN . 02d F rancfiises. AB ODE . l n C l Bird Rev . Char es Robinso ast e Eden ‘ Burdon Rowland Castle Ed en Bicknor l hi e . , G oucesters r Burdon Rev John I Clark Willi am Catch Gate I Emmerson Jonathan C astle Eden Harding Joseph Castle Eden Henderson James Castle Eden Nimmo Joh n Castle Eden Pile John Castle Eden Thornton William Castle Eden IVew E ranchaise . l Boydell Rev . E . N . V . Cast e Eden Carter George Hartlepool Carter Matthew Hartlepool Elstob Robert Ca stle Eden Emerson Ralph Castle Eden r Emerson George Old Til e Sheds Farm Glass Richard Ca s tle Eden Hornsby William Castle Eden Jameson John Castle Ed en H ar wi k ll 1 93 Johnsto ne William R . d c Ha Jones Thomas M itche son Robert Morrison John N elli st Peter Robinson Robert Scott Percival Smi th William Joyc e Tindale Robert E ASINGTON . ' ’ oc E anokz seg . Allison William Whi te Lea Farm Bateman John Easington Farm Blackburn Willi am Low Ground F arm Brian John Beacon Hous e Brison William Easington L e a Gile s ate Broughton Rev . W . g Moor Brown George Easington Brown Thomas Easington Brown Thompson Easington Bulmer John Easington B u rnip John Duncombe Moor B u rnip William Duncombe Moor Burton William Easington u W H ord on Cay Thomas , j est Chatto Thomas Easington Clarke William Lit le Thorp Clarke John Easington l hi ll -le - t C arke Henry W te Ha , Chester Stree Coates John Thorpe Cri sso p Edward Easington Delaney Willi am Easington Dryden Hugh Moors , near Easington Fairclough William HodgsonLittle Thorpe and Sunderland Fairclou gh Robert Morgan The i pe Glendening John Henry Easington Hardi ng John Hallfi eld Harding Thomas Thorpe Moor Hardi ng William Thorpe Mo or F arm Harrison John Easington (Carpenter) Harrison John Easington (Shoemaker) Harrison Fenwick Easingt on Harrison Joseph Easington Harrison Christopher Easington t Heads Christopher . Easing on Hewitt John Easington Hodgson Robert Thorpe Holborn Anthony Easington . S ee ost a e Hudson John Easington [ p , p g Humble John E asingto Hutchinson Thomas E asingto Ianson John Stockton Jackson John E asingto Jackson James Easington Jord1 son Thomas Easington Geo 1 e ll l Leighton g Ga ey , Cow C ose Live1 seed Ralph L ongnewto A B ODE . Longstaff' Henry Easing ton Malvin A nthony Easington Malvin Robert Easington M i an st . y Rev James Rectory , Easington M aw ston George Ling Close M aw sto n Thomas Strawberry Hall Little Thorpe Paradi se Moore William Sunderland Peacock William Hord on Hall Pearson George Hartlepool Pearson John Easington B n l Pemberton Richard L awrence arnes , near Su der and Easington Pratt Michael E asington Easington Lea u n . Rain Joseph , j Easington Lea Robson John Ryhope Robinson George Holme Hill Robinson Joseph Easington Robinson Joseph lV e st Thorpe Lea Routh Joseph Easington Salkeld Joseph South Hetton Sanderson James Easington Scott Peter S u nderland Siddle John Easi ngton A Givlin t on i Smith nthony g , Yorksh re Givli n ton Smith George g , Yorkshire East Thorpe Lea S tephenson Robert Easington E n . Stevenson Joh , j un asington Surtees Robert Easington 07 T aylor William White House Thompson Samuel Easington Thompson Jame Easing ton Ward Matthew W’ atson John "Wheldon John Alderson James Low Hills Dote John Elli o tt Joseph Ferry John Easington Ferry “7illi am Easington Gibson John M o u nt Ple a s ant Hepplewhite William Shotton Colliery Maclaren John Shot ton Colliery M ille r l V illi arn P E asm ton aradise , g Orrell Robert Ea s ington Percy John Easington T‘ Proud John Carlisle E as i ngton ‘ e Ramsey vV illi am r . asingto n n Scot t William i a sing ton Siddle Thomas Smith George Thorpe Surtees George Thorpe LIoor m d L aw ll Tho pson Richar Hi s . Shotton Thompson John Walker Hart s po o l HUTTON HENR Y . 0c F ranchises. AB ODE . Addi son Thomas Hartlepool Al derson John Castle Eden Colliery 1 34 Anderson Willi am Twyz ell Colli ery Atkinson Matthew West Moor Barren Matthew Lamb Close Berkin John Redridge Moor B rownl e ss John Hutton Henry Carlisle George Hutton Henry Christopher Willi am Hutton Henry Colli ngwood Daniel Thornley Colli ngwood Watson Blackley Hill Colling Robert Hutton Henry Colli ng William Hutton Henry Cummings Thomas Davi son Ralph Fowler Marshall Stockton Gallon Will iam South Wingate Glendenning Henry John Easington l Stokesl Grey Thomas Litt e Brompton , y Hall Matthew Beaumont House Harland John Hutton Henry Harrison John Sharp Hutton Henry Heads Thomas Johnson William Lugg Joseph Magee Edward M awston Thomas Thompson Moore John Gray st Boldon Oli ver John Corbridge Oliver John Hutton Henry Pattison John South Wingate Roper George The Park , Richmond S cu rr Robert Fleet - shot Sedgwick Isaac Hutton Henry Sharp John Hutton Henry Slater Thoma s A u gustine Hutton Henry Smith Jonathan Hutton Henry Snowball William Sunderland Stoker Joseph Newcastle Stratford Anthony South VVingate Temple George Hutton Henry 332 1 73 Thompson Ge orge Sundei land Thu b ron George Hutton Henry Thu b ron Charles Thompson Sunderland Thu b ron John Blue House Thu b ron William Hutton Henry Wilkinson John Hutton Henry M u; F ranchise. Innes George Hutton Henry KELLOE . c o F ranchises . lli Crowe Wi am , jun . Crow eLR ob e rt Gibson Edward M orale e John 0 0 M orale e .
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