Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 AES Advanced Energy Systems Division Newsletter Srinivas Garimella, Editor Fall 2001 an active awards program. Publication Opportunities Chair’s Message The Division has seven Technical Com- ’ve been involved mittees, although not all committees are for AESD Authors with various fully active. The technical committees, Several opportunities are available for ASME activities which involve people from industry, gov- AESD authors to publish their technical I ernment, and academia, work hard to cre- articles. These include symposia, the for a number of years, and now I ate very high quality technical programs. monthly Mechanical Engineering, and have the honor and Working to develop technical confer- archival journals. AESD authors are cor- the responsibility to ences, members of the committees come dially encouraged to give a tangible expres- chair the Advanced together under circumstances different sion of their ASME affiliation by consider- Energy Systems from their typical work relationships. ing these publication outlets for their work. Division (AESD). As Authoring a technical paper or encourag- Periodically, AESD has a special section Jerzy Fiszdon chair, I hope to con- ing others to do so, presenting a paper or in the monthly Mechanical Engineering. tinue to conduct the business of the Divi- making general announcements, organiz- Special sections are comprised of articles sion in a professional manner, to enhance ing a technical session or coordinating submitted by various AESD technical the benefits of participation in Division activities with a conference organizer, committees on a rotating basis. Members activities, and to keep up the excellent budgeting time and resources, and gain- interested in participating in this activity professional standing of the Division. I ing exposure to other engineers with dif- should contact the AESD chair and/or am very fortunate in having an excellent ferent technical specialties and different their technical committee chairs. team of executive committee members. I management levels, are all excellent Opportunities for publishing technical count on their guidance and support. We means of professional development. As papers are provided by the symposium have attracted over 900 primary members chair of AESD, I welcome this opportuni- volumes of papers presented at the to our Division. Division activities center ty to thank all who have volunteered their IMECE AESD technical sessions. Normal- on coordinating two technical conferences time and talents to make the Division a ly one or more such volumes are prepared annually, the International Mechanical success and to invite the rest of you to annually, comprising the two dozen or Engineering Congress and Exposition participate in these activities. more papers presented at IMECE. Such (IMECE) and the Intersociety Energy Currently, Dr. S.A. Sherif, the Vice- papers may be eligible for consideration Conversion Engineering Conference Chair of the Division, is preparing a new for the prestigious E. F. Obert Award. (IECEC). Because of tighter funding, we Strategic Plan, and would be glad to share Symposium volumes are available for see a decrease in attendance at confer- this document with anyone requesting it. purchase at IMECE and also may be ences where we meet and get our work I would like to welcome our new incom- ordered directly from ASME technical pub- done, and have to find new ways to ing executive committee member, Dr. lications. Abstracts are generally due in Jan- increase participation. Robert Boehm from the University of uary for papers to be presented at the fol- The Division co-sponsors several con- Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. Boehm has been lowing IMECE. Authors wanting to partici- ferences held in countries all around the active in the area of Energy Systems for a pate at the 2001 or 2002 IMECE should world. The Division also participates in a long time. I also want to welcome our new check the calls for papers in the monthly once-a-year AESD dedicated issue of representative to the US CADDET Nation- meetings calendar of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, journal articles, al Team Dr. Michael von Spakovsky, Pro- Many AESD authors participate in the and recognizes technical accomplish- ments in Division related areas through (continued on page 2) (continued on page 3) 1 Chair’s Message In addition to the Advanced Energy gram covers the full range of commercial (continued from page 1) Division, he is active in the Heat Transfer renewable energy technologies. and Solar Energy Divisions of ASME. He More information about CADDET can fessor and Director of the Energy Manage- is a member of the national Energy Com- be found at http://www.caddet.org. ment Institute at Virginia Tech. mittee of ASME. Finally, the 2001-2002 Executive Com- AES Division Awards and mittee thanks the previous Executive New CADDET-EETIC Keynote Lecture Committee, particularly the leadership of Dr. Salvador Aceves of Lawrence Liver- Representative he AES Division recognizes the out- more National Laboratory, for a job well standing contributions of its mem- r. Michael done. Major highlights are: bers and researchers and educators von T • Increase in AESD membership by 7% in the Advanced Energy Systems area at Spakovsky • Restoring the AESD issue of Mechan- D the annual AESD Luncheon, which is held replaces Jerzy K. ical Engineering at the IMECE. The contributions of these Fiszdon as the repre- • Increasing the number of technical individuals are truly outstanding and are sentative from The committees organizing sessions at one of the main reasons for the continued American Society of the 2001 IMECE, and the number of advancement of energy related technolo- Mechanical Engi- planned technical sessions. gy. The Awards Luncheon also offers the neers to the CAD- I would also like to thank Dr. Gordon opportunity for attendees to hear from a DET - EETIC (Centre M. Reistad for his years of service in vari- leading expert on issues at the forefront of Michael for the Analysis and ous areas of the Division. I hope he will von Spakovsky such research and technology. Dissemination of still participate in the Division activities At the 2000 IMECE, Harry Brandt, Emer- Demonstrated Energy Technologies - Ener- on an informal basis. itus Chairman of the University of Califor- gy and Environmental Technologies Infor- In closing, I would like to urge anyone nia Davis Department of Mechanical Engi- mation Centres) United States National with an interest in the Division or Com- neering, and Chairman of the Board of Team. He has over 13 yrs of teaching and mittees activities to participate. Clean Energy Systems, Inc., gave a thought research experience and over 17 yrs of Jerzy Fiszdon provoking and inspiring talk on “Power industry experience in mechanical engi- Generation with Zero Atmospheric Emis- Boehm Named to neering, power utility systems, aerospace sions.” The talk detailed the concept for a engineering and software engineering. He power plant that uses a combustor/steam Executive Committee received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering generator based on rocket technology. The r. Robert from Auburn University and his M.S and resulting power plant lends itself very well Boehm is the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the for CO2 sequestration. Ideally, the CO2 new Execu- Georgia Institute of Technology. He has generated could be used for petroleum D held prior positions at NASA, the power tive Committee extraction. The plans are to build a proto- Member for the utility industry, and the Swiss Federal type of the power plant with 10 MW power Division. He is Pro- Institute of Technology. Since 1997, he has output at Lawrence Livermore National fessor of Mechanical been Professor of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. Further details of the power Engineering at the and Director of the Energy Management plant can be found in the June issue of University of Neva- Institute at Virginia Tech and has taught “Mechanical Engineering Power.” courses in thermodynamics, industrial The following awards were given at the Robert Boehm da, Las Vegas and Director of the Ener- energy systems, fuel cell systems, and ener- 2000 IMECE: gy Research Center there. His principal gy system design. His research interests The paper entitled “Entropy, Part 1: work has been in the fields of energy con- include computational methods for model- Statistics and its Misleading Disorder; version, heat transfer and thermal system ing and optimizing complex energy sys- and Part 2: Thermodynamics and Perfect simulation, with applications in diverse tems, methodological approaches for the Order” by Elias Gyftopoulos was selected areas such as renewable energy and biolo- integrated synthesis, design, operation and for the Edward Obert Best Paper Award gy. He is a Fellow of the ASME. diagnosis of such systems (stationary In Thermodynamics. He received his BSME and MSME power as well as high performance aircraft The 2000 Heat Pump Technical Commit- degrees at Washington State University. systems), theoretical non-equilibrium and tee Best Paper Award was given to William He was then with the General Electric equilibrium thermodynamics, and fuel cell A. Miller and Majid Keyhani for their paper Atomic Power Equipment Department in applications for both transportation and entitled “The Correlation of Coupled Heat San Jose, California. After completion of distributed power generation. and Mass Transfer Experimental Data for the PhD work at the University of Califor- The CADDET program was first set up Vertical Falling Film Absorption”. nia at Berkeley (1968), he joined the to promote the international exchange of As an example of noteworthy participa- Mechanical Engineering Department at information on energy-efficient technolo- tion of AES division members in other the University of Utah. He has served gies. Later it was extended to cover the ASME divisions, Dr. Srinivas Garimella twice as Chairman of the Department. full field of renewable energy technolo- (with J. W. Coleman) received the best He has been on the faculty at UNLV gies.
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