INDEX Page numbers in bold refer to the primary park description. Abercrombie & Fitch, 100 Ascoli, Marion Rosenwald, 307 Abercrombie, David T.,100 Atlantic flyway, 34 Aldenwold mansion, 75 AT&T Right-of-Way, 145 Alder Mansion, 242 Audubon Society, see National Audubon Alfred B. DelBello Muscoot Farm, Society see Muscoot Farm Algonquin Trail, 217 Bailey, George, 279 American Stove Works, 331 balanced rocks American Revolution, 7, 33,132, 375 Balancing Rock Trail, 189 Anderson, Henry, 279 St Paul’s Church, 20 Andre Brook Trail, 160, 279, 385 Baldwin, William Delavan, 164 Angle Fly Preserve, 139, 264-271 Baldwin Place Central Section, North County Trailway, 362 Blue Trail, 266 Barger Street Preserve, 397 Blue-Yellow Trail, 267 Bass Trail, 122 White Trail, 267-268 bats, 25 Eastern Section Battle of Merritt Hill, 157 Blue Trail, 269-270 Battle of White Plains, 157 Green Trail, 270 Baur Meadow Trail, 133-135 Orange Trail, 270-271 Baxter Preserve, 26, 180-181, 413 Western Section Bear Mountain Bridge, 192, 193 Blue Trail, 268-269 Bear Mountain State Park, 194 Pink and White Trail, 269 Bear Rock, 232 Red Trail, 269 beaver, 303 Annsville Creek Paddlesport Center, 330, 332 Beaver Dam Sanctuary, 182-183, 401 Annsville Creek Trail, 220-221 Bechtel, Edwin, 257 Annsville Preserve, 330 Bedell, Hope Lewis, 401 Annsville Pavilion, 330 Bedford Anthony’s Nose, 192 Bedford Riding Lanes Association (BRLA), Appalachian Trail, 396 400-401 Aqueduct, The, see Old Croton Aqueduct Leatherman’s Ridge, 12 State Historic Park Bedford Audubon Society, 60, 125, 133, 401 Archville, 384 Bedford Hills Ardsley-on-Hudson Leatherman’s Ridge, 12 Ardsley Waterfront, 339 Bedford Riding Lanes Association (BRLA), Arleo family, 16 182, 311, 400-401 Armonk trails, 155, 325, 323 Betsy Sluder Nature Preserve, 97-98 Bedford Village Eugene and Agnes Meyer Preserve, Arthur Ketchum Sanctuary, 153-155 235-238 Guard Hill Preserve, 401 Haas Sanctuary, 57 Mianus River Gorge Preserve, 140-142 Herbert L. Nichols Preserve, 83-84 St. Matthew’s Church Woodlands, Armour-Stiner Octagon House, 387 153-155 Armstrong, Catherine, 22 Beeline Bus schedules, 424 Armstrong House, 24 bees, 65 Armstrong Preserve, 22-24 Beltzhoover Estate and Teahouse, 9 Blue Trail, 23 Belvedere, 386 Yellow Trail, 23 Betsy Sluder Nature Preserve, see Sluder White Trail, 23 Nature Preserve Arthur Ketchum Sanctuary, 153-155 Betts family, 8 Arthur’s Ramble, 212 birding, 18, 139, 188 INDEX 427 Birnie/Smith farm, 216 Brookside Trail, 259 Black Horse Farm Trail, 47 Brothers’ Path, 286 Black Mansion, 231 Brownell, Katharine and George, 108 Black Rock Park, 4 Brownell Preserve, 43, 108-109 Bloomerside Cooperative, 25 Blue Trail, 108-109 Bloomerside Preserve, 25-26 Marx Preserve, 43 Red Trail, 25 Bruno’s Run, 212-214 White Trail, 25-26 Bryant Mamaroneck Park, 40 Blue Bird Trail, 8 Burden Preserve, 56-57, 411 Blue Hill, 289 Blue Trail, 56 Blue Mountain, 273 Purple Trail, 57 Blue Mountain Reservation, 206, 246, Red Trail, 57 273-277, 352 White Trail, 57 Trail Table, 274-275 Burden, William A.M., 56 Blue Star Memorial, 340 Burger, Ralph, 346 Boulder Ridge Trail, 212 Butler, Anna and Arthur, 188 BPT see Briarcliff Peekskill Trailway Butler Memorial Sanctuary, 82, 188-191, 262 Briarcliff Manor, 349 Balancing Rock Trail 189, 191 Kate Kennard Trail, 11-12 Butler Trail, 188-190 Pocantico Park, 17 Fern Trail, 190-191 Briarcliff Peekskill Trailway (BPT), 31, 32, Hawk Watch Loop, 191 101, 303, 304, 307, 308, 349-353, 390, Long Trail, 191 392, 396 Butler Trail, 188-190 Blinn Road to Colabaugh Pond Road, Buttermilk Hill Area, 291 350-351 Buttermilk Ridge Park, 120-121, 160, 371 Colabaugh Pond Road to Watch Hill Road, Blue Trail,120 351-352 White Trail, 121 Ryder Road to Blinn Road, 349-350 Bye Preserve, 2, 19 Watch Hill Road through Blue Mountain Bylane, 133 Reservation, 352 Bridle Trail, 397 Camp Merkel, 315, 316, 324 Brinton, Laura and Willard, 184 Camp Morty, 279, 281 Brinton Brook Sanctuary, 52, 184-186 Camp Smith National Guard Training Site, Coyote Trail, 185 192-193 Hemlock Springs Trail, 185 Camp Smith Trail, 192-194, 407 Highland Trail, 186 Carnegie, Andrew, 48 Laurel Rock Trail, 186 Carolin’s Grove, 2-3 Pond Loop Trail, 184-185 Carpenter Pond, 417 Turkey Trail, 186 Carriage Trail, 77 BRLA, see Bedford Riding Lanes Association Castle Rock Trail, 323 Broad Trail, 217-218 Catamount Hill Trail, 307 Bronx Catskill Aqueduct, 369 Empire State Trail, 360-371 Cedar Lane Park, 417 Old Croton Aquaduct State Park, 380-391 Champlain Valley Trail, 360 South County Trailway, 366-371 Chappaqua Bronx River Parkway, 354, 358 Glazier Preserve, 63-65 Bronx River Pathway, 199, 358 Pinecliff Sanctuary, 16 Bronx River Reservation, 354-359, 396 Pruyn Sanctuary, 90-92 Hamilton Street to Scarsdale Station, Whippoorwill Park, 172-175 355-356 Charles Cook Park, 353 Kensico Dam Plaza to White Plains Chestnut Hill Trail, 228, 394 Station, 354-355 chestnut research, 136 Mount Vernon (Oak Street Path), 359 Chickadee Trail, 259 Scarsdale Station to Bronxville, 357-359 Chinese Friendship Pavilion and Culture Brooklyn Botanical Garden, 228 Garden, 139 428 WALKABLE WESTCHESTER Choate, Joseph H., Jr., 27 State Forest, 332 Choate Sanctuary, 27-28 Covered Bridge Trail, 318-319 Swamp Loop Trail, 28 Coyote Trail, 185 White Oak Trail, 28 Cranberry Lake Preserve,157, 195-199, 355 Circolara Trail, 214-215 Blue Trail, 195-197 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 157, History Trail, 198 206, 311, 315, 316, 324, 413 Red Trail, 198-199 history of in Westchester, 276 Yellow Trail, 195 Clark, Ben and Charlotte, 29 Crawbuckie Nature Preserve, 334-335, 382 Clark Preserve, 29-30 Crawford, Edna and Everett, 4 Red-Blue Trail, 29-30 Crawford Park, 3-4 Yellow Trail, 29 Croft, The, 303 Cliff Emanuelson Trail, 70, 73 Crompond Cliff Side Trail, 8 Yorktown Trailway, 397-398 Cliff Trail, 236-237 Cross River Cliffdale Farm, 300, 307 Armstrong Preserve, 22-24 Cliffdale Loop Trail, 307-308 Community and Cross County Trail, Cliffdale-Teatown Trail, 307, 349 58-59 Cobbling Rock Farm, 136 Lewisboro Nature Preserve, 325-326 Coles Kettle Trail, 259-260 Lewisboro Town Park, 325-326 Colonial Greenway, 73-74, 171, 251-252, 295, Richards Preserve, 22-24 299, 374, 375, 376, 377, 402-406 Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, 309-325 Larchmont Reservoir, 72-74, 406, 417 Cross River Dam, 4 Larchmont Reservoir to Ward Acres Park, CrOssining, 334 406 CrOssining Bridge, 202, 407 Leatherstocking Trail to Larchmont Croton Gorge Park, 31-32, 350, 381 Reservoir, 406 River Trail, 31-32 Mill Road through Twin Lakes/Nature Croton Landing Park, 332 Study Woods, 403 Croton-on-Hudson Nature Study Woods to Pinebrook Brinton Brook Sanctuary, 184-186 Boulevard, 403-404 Croton Gorge Park, 31-32, 332 Pinebrook Boulevard to Saxon Woods Croton Point Park, 200-202 South, 404 Croton River Gorge Trail, 4-5 Saxon Woods (Mamaroneck Road) to Mill Croton Waterfront, 332-333 Road, 403 Highland Trail, 187 Saxon Woods South to Saxon Woods Golf Jane E. Lytle Memorial Arboretum, 187 Course, 403 Upper Village Loop Trail, 51-52 Ward Acres Park, 406 Croton Point Park, 200-202, 279, 332 Ward Acres Park to Hutchinson River Croton River Gorge Trail, 4-5, 52 Pathway, 406 Croton to Ossining Colony Collapse Disorder, 65 CrOssining, 334 Community and Cross Country Trail, 58-59 Croton Waterfront, 332-333, 407 Community Supported Agriculture Croton Yacht Club, 333 (CSA),65, 66 Crugers Cooper, James Fenimore, 404 Graff Sanctuary, 148 Corbin, John, 22 Oscawana Island Park, 146-148 Cornell Dam, 31 Crystal Spring Trail, 90 Cortlandt Cuomo Bridge, 110 Charles Cook Park, 353 Hudson Highlands Gateway Park, Dain’s Son Lumber Yard, 331 220-222 Dancing Rock, 324 Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, Danner Family Preserve, 164, 165 380-391 Davenport Neck Bird Sanctuary, 343-344 Town of Cortlandt Preserve and Trail, 353 Davenport Park, 343-344 Cortlandt Shoreline Trail to Montrose Point Dearman Farm, 338 INDEX 429 DEC Croton Gorge Unique Area, 382 North County Trailway, 362-366 deer, 322 Baldwin Place to Yorktown Heights, deer exclosure, 13, 63, 96, 141, 166, 188, 307, 362 322 Millwood to Route 117, 364-365 Deer Hollow Trail, 312-314 Route 117 to Eastview, 365 Deer Loop, 90 Yorktown Heights to Millwood, 364 defensive gardening, 307 South County Trailway, 366-371 DelBello, Alfred B., 240 Barney Street to Redmond Park, Depew Park, 273, 277-278 369-370 Trail Table, 277 Eastview to Elmsford, 366-367 Detmer, Julian, 119 Elmsford to Woodlands Lake, 367 Dirt Trails Association (DTA), 400 Redmond Park to Van Cortland Park, Dobbs Ferry 370-371 Estherwood Trail, 218-219 Woodlands Lake to Barney Street, Hastings Trailways, 219 368-369 Juhring Estate, 70-71 Engel Park, 335 Shirley Elbert Memorial Park, 70-71 Erie Canalway Trail, 360 Dogwood Trail, 126 Erskine, Robert, 8 Donald J. Trump State Park, see Trump State Estherwood Trail, 218-219 Park Eugene and Agnes Meyer Preserve, Douglas Park, 291, 384 see Meyer Preserve Downing Park, 203 evergreens, 119 Dragonfly Trail, 96 Draper, John William, 388 Fahnestock State Park, 397 Draper Park, 388 falcons, 122 Dulany, Peggy, 289 Falcon Ridge Drive Nature Preserve, 109 Dunscombe, Mrs. Francis R., 125 Falls Trail, 122, 123, 124 Dunwoodie Golf Course, 370 Famous and Historic Tree Trail, 139 Durand Preserve, 413 FDR State Park, see Franklin D. Roosevelt North Loop, 413 State Park Dynamite Trail, 215 Fellheimer, Alfred T., 38 Fels, Rene, 62 Eagle Hill Area, 290-291 Fels, Winifred, 60, 62 Eagle Pencil Company, 172 Fern Trail, 90-91, 190-191 East Coast Greenway, 396, 406-407 ferns, 190 East Rumbrook Park, 5-6 Five Islands Park, 344 Eastchester Fleichmann’s Pier, 332 Colonial Greenway, 402-406 Flint Park, 345-346 Nature Study Woods, 250-252 Waterfront Nature Trail, 345 Twin Lakes Park, 250-252 Flint, Helena, 345 Eastview Fort Hill Park, 7-8, 33, 332 Buttermilk Ridge Park, 120-121 White Trail, 33 Tarrytown Lakes Extension, 160 Foss, Wilson P., 122 Tarrytown Lakes Park, 160-161 Foundation Loop, 149-151 Eastwoods Preserve, 6 Fox Hill Trail, 319, 321 Easy Loop, 258 Fox Hollow Trail, 318 Easy Way, 247 Fox Meadow Town Park, 417 Edith G.
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