Merry Christmas! Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 25, 2008 OUR 118th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 52-2008 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS January 17, 2008 February 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 Benjamin Corbin for The Westfield Leader and The Times David Samsky for The Westfield Leader Greg Ryan for The Westield Leader THE BLUNT TRUTH...Union County Police transport convict Otis Blunt, who WHEN PIGS FLY...Governor Jon Corzine stands next to a slide depicting an INTENSE...Approximately 900 citizens met at Plainfield High School to protest escaped from Union County jail in Elizabeth, to the high-security Union County animated figure of a flying pig, emphasizing a quote from his January 8 State-of- and let state legislators know how they feel about the closing of Muhlenberg Police Headquarters in Westfield, after he was captured in Mexico City two days the-State Address. In the speech, he said “pigs will fly over the Statehouse before Regional Medical Center. prior through the efforts of an international manhunt. there’s a realistic level of new taxes or spending cuts that can fix this mess.” 2008 Year In Review: Part 1 – January to May goleader.com/archives Little Gatehouse Subdivision OK’d; Family of Slain Westfield Woman Awarded $5.5 Mil.; Libraries Talk Merger; St. Anne’s Project Defeated JANUARY dress the South Avenue streetscape joining a very long list of residents joint library. The libraries received a increasing the role of the architectural A 41-year-old newspaper Scotch Plains project. He also said the council would who always cared about, and worked $149,700 state SHARE (Sharing Avail- review board. deliverywoman, Mirtha Bravo, was Mayor Martin Marks, delivering his work to finalize the quiet zone at the for, the betterment of our community.” able Resources Efficiently) grant to New Jersey State Police investigated killed when she was pinned against ninth and final New Year’s address at Rahway Avenue crossing. William Biunno of Mountainside finance a feasibility study of merging the death of David Gorczyca, 42, of her vehicle as it collided with a parked the council’s annual reorganization Stanley Jackson, 57, of Plainfield was sentenced to three years proba- the two libraries. Both directors said Westfield who was killed after he en- car in the parking lot of the Spruce meeting, urged the township council died of injuries he sustained when he tion by a judge for stealing more than their facilities face increasingly lim- tered a traffic lane on foot along Route Mill apartment complex. to work on a bipartisan basis to agree was struck by a 2006 Mercedes-Benz $20,000 from his church during an 11- ited space in which to house their 78. Police said he had pulled his 2005 Mountainside on a successor to outgoing Municipal traveling eastbound on North Avenue year period. collections; a merger would provide Saab to the eastbound shoulder of the Chief School Administrator for the Manager Thomas Atkins and discussed near Fourth Avenue in Westfield. An Union County adequate room for their growing num- highway in Lebanon Borough, Mountainside Board of Education, the possible creation of a Special Im- employee of Atlantic Plumbing, he The Union County Board of Cho- ber of programs and patrons. Hunterdon County. Richard O’Malley, announced his res- provement District (SID) in the down- The State Senate approved a pro- town area and renovations to the posal to change how state aid to schools township’s two firehouses. is distributed by a tally of 23-13, while The council unanimously selected the Assembly approved the legisla- Councilwoman Nancy Malool to serve tion, 41-36, both with the minimum as deputy mayor for 2008 and unani- number of votes needed for passage. mously reappointed Township Attor- Eleven senators did not vote. ney Brian Levine, Assistant Attorney Among those opposing the bill were Lawrence Woodruff, Municipal Pros- Assemblymen Jon Bramnick and Eric ecutor Thomas Russo and Public De- Munoz (LD-21, Westfield and Sum- fender Casey Woodruff. mit, respectively). Mr. Bramnick called Fanwood the school-funding bill “a moving Former Governors Brendan Byrne freight train,” but said it was unlikely and Donald DiFrancesco swore in that he, Mr. Munoz and Senator Tom Mayor Colleen Mahr and newly- Kean, Jr. (all LD-21, Westfield) would elected Councilman Anthony Parenti, be successful in stalling the bill long Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader respectively, during the borough enough for “effective evaluation” of SLEEP OVER...About 1,000 Westfield residents lined up at the municipal council’s reorganization meeting. the impact of the legislation. building on April 17 in hopes of signing up for the remaining spots at the Westfield Memorial Pool. Some came early enough to catch some sleep in the early morning Beginning her second four-year Westfield Board of Education Presi- darkness. term, Mayor Mahr in her annual ad- dent Ginny Leiz said the bulk of dress talked of the millions of dollars Westfield’s aid is “categorical,” mean- Michael Fitzhenry, 13, of Westfield ignation to take a position as the su- currently being invested in Fanwood David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader ing it is directed toward students with was seriously injured after he was perintendent of schools for the and the future of sustainable economic GIANTS WIN...The area virtually shut down Sunday night, with house parties “special needs.” She said two thirds of struck by a car while walking on the Matawan-Aberdeen Board of Educa- development. “It is important to con- everywhere filled with fans watching the dramatic Giants’ victory over the the aid would be rolled into the wealth- sidewalk along Mountain Avenue. A tion. trol our own destiny,” she said. “We Patriots in Super Bowl XLII. Guests at the Corbin house celebrate after the Giants based formula, putting Westfield at second boy jumped out of the way of Garwood want to protect its (Fanwood’s) future stormed back for the win. February 7, 2008. risk for cuts, directly affecting its spe- the car, which struck the side of a The Garwood Borough Council and character.” cial-education program. medical office building. Dr. Thomas approved two resolutions to award She also said the borough was fac- was killed as he attempted to cross sen Freeholders chose Angel Estrada Governor Jon Corzine tapped former Streko, a dentist, and Dr. Malcolm professional-services contracts for ing financial difficulties, with sharp North Avenue. as chairman and Al Mirabella as vice- Republican Congressman Bob Franks Schwartz, a urologist, whose offices engineering and landscape architec- increases in the cost of insurance and Town Planner Judith Thornton an- chairman during the board’s reorgani- of Berkeley Heights, whom he de- are located near the crash scene, tended ture for the borough’s athletic field a 4-percent cap on the amount that nounced her resignation after accept- zation meeting. feated in the 2000 U.S. Senate race, to to Michael and cleared his airway. complex project as part of the ing a job with the state’s Highlands Freeholders Dan Sullivan and Bette build support for his proposed state Michael has since recovered. borough’s plan for a $2.1-million over- Council. Jane Kowalski were sworn into new financial restructuring and debt-reduc- Scotch Plains haul of the athletic site located on The Westfield council endorsed three-year terms along with Rayland tion plan. A cellular technology consultant, Myrtle Avenue. The plan called for a “phase 1” of the Downtown Improve- Van Blake, the newest member of the Drexel University Professor Bruce facilities upgrade, including a multi- ment Plan. The plan calls for land- nine-member board. Sheriff Ralph Eisenstein, told the township council purpose synthetic surface athletic field, scaping and lighting improvements in Froehlich, first elected in 1977, was that enacting an ordinance setting out basketball courts and a playground, as and around the Westfield Train Sta- sworn into his 11th three-year term. specific zones where cell phone tow- well as additional recreation space. tion, as well as the erection of 55 new During his speech, Freeholder ers would be permitted is “probably The borough announced it had been shade trees. Estrada announced initiatives to make not a good idea” because township designated to receive $375,000 in Garwood county buildings energy efficient, to officials would end up having less Green Acres grant funding. Mayor Dennis McCarthy swore in build a countywide animal shelter and control over the size and location of The borough’s planning board Anthony Sytko, a Republican, and remove stored chemicals throughout such towers. unanimously voted down the age 55- Stephen Napolitano, a Democrat, as county public schools, while encour- Donald Wussler, a member of the and-over, 47-unit, three-story condo- council members, replacing former aging recycling at schools. Memorial Day Parade committee and minium complex, dubbed “The Manor Republican councilman Victor Union County entered into a three- a veteran of the 1950-1953 Korean at St. Anne’s,” proposed by Westfield DeFillippo, who did not seek re-elec- year, $100,000 agreement with Over- War, announced a private fundraising developer James Ward. Board mem- tion, and Democrat Charles Lombardo, look Hospital to co-sponsor the effort to raise $1,000 to $1,600 to bers said the density of the building, who lost his bid for another term in the county’s annual MusicFest event. purchase a nine-foot, two-faced clock traffic in the area and citizens con- November 2007 election. The council Two inmates who escaped from the January 10, 2008 to remember Korean War veterans.
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