Dm 011-21.Pdf

Dm 011-21.Pdf

trplblir ot tre Briliwilli Dessrtment of Glutatton Retion IV-A scHoos DMSIoN oF QTJEZOi{ PROVIRCE DrDFof points Tedhical lv9lking Grou lona Portales Socld Burd€os Annie Mae Egcaroge8 Hall/Canloen Gon.Nd€r 1&2 Reina Robolo lnfantE PanukulEn ln-ChErge ol Patnanungan Documentation: Jomalh Donna May Pelaez Polilto Jan€ Frioiflal Real Evelito Romelp Pagbilao C€ntra! Pagbilao I & 2 Oly Gasis School F€odino Ar€a ln-Charge of DocumentEtion: Joel A. Porta Joseph Malsya Don Abadilla E.S. Busnavista 1 & 2 Mcenb R. Averia Covered Court Catanauan 'l & 2 Ricky Ra6ay Gen. Llna Jonalian Veluz Mulsn€y I & 2 San AndroB ln-aharge of SEnNErEisol&2 Documentration: SsnFrancigcol&2 Crystol Magn8ye Anhe M. Vasquez Jossielyn J. Mancllla Unisan Central Macalelon Jenelen J . CaliwarE Gabaldon Padre Burgo8 Ru8hiell O. valles Agdangan Pitooo ln-dlarge of Unlsan OoqJmentatlon: Gesssmine D. Dionlsy Gumaca \ lbst Gumaca \ bsl SBFP Alabat RichErd Bucsd Sbrage,,Vacant Alirbnen 1 & 2 Stevenson Banelo rcom in Gumac€ Cdauag Ea8t YVeBt C€nlral ES Calauag VV€st Gumaca Easl Gulnayangan I & 2 Meravillo lncho Gume Eest GeoEe Lucana Gumsca \ h8t oEPEOQUEZON-TU€DS{4-009-{m3 'Mttg P,dtlt*lLlct hBFhhn htie,wfut',, Addr.r* Sitio Fori 8rty. T.lipEn, Parbibo, Qu6lon Trunklln. * (0421 78,[4366, (042) 784-0164, ((xz) 7E4-0391, (042) 784{32r B,+ En.ll Addr.s: quezon@de ph Wtballt: vII-dep€ Arldlir ol tt? .Strtwil.i D4lrnnent of Glurstion R€doD rv-A scHoo|-s DIVISIOII OF OJEZON PROVIiICE Lopez East ln-ChaEe ot Doormsnlalion: PlE ldel Caistin€ C. Barion Ou€zon Adr P€dngEl Tagkau/ayan 1 & 2 Julian Argvalo 5. RaaEonabl€ lravel exp€nses ot the District Prop€rty Cu3todbn Gtsted to SBFP whi:h are Equisile fof the ef,icienl and succ€s6fu1 irnpl€m€ntation may be lourcod olt fom other local funds or Sch@ls Mainlonanco 6nd Othor Op€reling Exp6t3€s (MOOE) subiect to €coou ing end eudilino procedurEs (DepEd O,*rNo. 39, s.2017). e Attacied herelo are the SBFP r€c€Mno form, dislribulion tist ol sdtools per distict and lhe mrresponding number of powd€red milk computed for 20 feeding days p€r b€nefidery. 7. lmmediate dissemination and sidct cornplience otttis Menrorsndum is h8hty d€sirad. ELIAS A: ALICAYA JR.. EdILr-{-^ Assisten{ Sch@ls Oivision Su#-nrnendeflt OficeFln-Cherge Office of the Schools Division Superintend€ri oEPEOOUEZON 1M SOS O{ O0€ 003 zcrcothE Pottt,],|tat, I atptttie tr@ErbB' tt,o For, Blly.I.lip.r, P.tbll.o. Tru,lkln.t^dd.6: (orl2l ?a4-ot66, (ozt21 7&t.016!, lor2) 7a4.o39t, (o42) 7344321 HU ttnrl Add...r: q@[email protected] HF W.lrtt r ww.dep.dqw?on :.f il E Elliir OrQ EEo E. o, o .g E {.) tr o) E ! >=.. o galt .: o .=6tu> c! eo o Ee r! a z =E .9 a) oo g 6 4 FO z op p o -, -a o € <D zq N s -il = EI 9s -E Eo lq c o- tr @9 .e b= a na EE= ."E CG E9 o o (,tt EI o GI (o o o ; f.- t- t- F. L o a\ fi. ad 68 EIE i3 a o o o) o ERoEA R - o Ei E I E s x3 q, *,1 : 2 s..86 _'- ld (!o =:a o S "*F .9 f g E (D '-a o E.s 3 8sE: F. t- t- = z2 E-,EEi ; o a0 $qfr EE ,q I .P + Y: o-- F .eiE o T o! i 6q, 0 E v) a o G F o ul [! o o tiJ q) UJ : E ea 9=5 6 J o 6 o ,tYdo ao UJ (D t! TESS o ul N IU J o !J o B Edr o o o o o (E d o. c l! .E aD-o o C' s -a o .o E o- ([ -o -o o o) (r, o ad .9 z b oo- o o d (! (s ^9o 6 o o qF F .o IL (L L o-c o- OL\J -; o =Fo I0 !i ET}! z, CI o !l z .3 E' o IJ <E a ad Eo .-E6 CG o too (ot\ l-r I (\t d E3 aa 9+ sf a o AI a 6Ea H E !3 -Epos :.P= =El'Fia E :.S! E 6 BES{-fi o s s* E t 6 o I! Erz E tgHt J OE a irsi F ur5 ! 8=:S Fo lo(J i EE* o Irt * xi,E= C -fr o I (s a0 .i!g o c, o <---E-Er c$ ul iurrr E3 i5 G "\><(=) su o- d'{ Eq tll,t <=- SE o- =2 5o Appefldit 59 I]TVENTORY CIJSTODIAIY SLIP Erlt1rNrn!: DE?EII PAGBILAO trISTRIgI rlrdctr.rl SDFPmI9-SARO ICg No: Arorr trvroiory idhrrd Qumtlo Urtt Uait Ilcacripfio, Total Cost It D Ho. Ur.lhl Ltli Cost 19 660 Commcrcid poud.r€d milk 20 f..dnt Dey. Rocoivcd fiun: Re€cived by: SigndurE Over Prinf.d NrErc SiSnaturc OvcI PrinaEd !{ec DisEicr t@y Cu$odisn (Drop Otr) Propcrty CBiodhD Forition/O6cc Positiorl/o6cc Date Dde I49 ?rb tt ll ia.,ill oQ Ee It, &. d) c o 6o E dl r! TI .. o E >= = -o .= EcL o(! o o .ao N (,oo o Eg-- z =E tr a ! .9 o o ts (,)PF(l) E' o <B Zo-=t & tt ao oq a -! 's65o oc E* r= a G) E6 a9 E3E= (oo (oo o o o E 'an e o o o N t- C\T o,l F. td 65 E€ EE (\l oI o B o gezE * 9EF R I o o6 .c : ss o s;.* o N 3e {, .q Sd-6; .z =:.* {) i.E.o F. o N F OE (o 6 N (o ao e 3s E : 6 zg SrH:; ! o Io S Es E E e '6G F ':d a I P- o ;*s I d9 e. a F o uJ 3=:t E .ti o o o IJJ tr) o o o U) o c iEsg .T Eff t! tu IJJ o f, t o c uJ r Htr o , Lu d, ,9 o E oili- o u q, E') o o E^ o t! E IIJ o o) c E. I o G o l E o _o' e !, :l i.i o(L o f c .ct o a E c o l _e o 6 B qE .0 trt o O LlJ co9 EEE l. :u it ,6 tr CI z o E z D o U J=<E s ao C' R '$=EO tr rE o o o o @ o o t 6 @ ta di E6!+ ** EI o tl o !roEa R - f*P: x3 s ;-s S r"i i.t (\ nt I E3*"E F <t F- {D EEEE! -EEE E{ Ecit J F ;*{! I Fo 5=:H o J UJ o o d iEEg ul UJ o 6 f o uJ u) (E Ltl c d 6 (o (! uJ o ; (!o) E. c 'E E 5 C o 6 (! (! -c6 (! sf ul s6 o 6- U) F E o. UI en d A Eo Apperrdia 59 INI'ENTORY CUSTODIAN SLIP I'EPEI'. BIIEDEOS DISTNICT Fund Clucter : sBrP mr9- &{Ro ICS No : Iovaotory Eatiltrat€d Quartity tlnil Untt D€!criptioo Total Cost Iten No. Urcful Ltf. 19,240 commerdal powder€d milk 20 fecdlie Diys 6om; Receiled by: Srgnature Over Printed Nsme SiSnatur€ Over Printed Nam€ Distflct Prop€rty Custodian (Drop Ofr) Prop€rty CBtodisn Positrorvomce Position/Office Dote Date I49 t6 i; TI E[;iiil oP EI tro o o E d) (!) IE ! >=-. o =E rt .= o !lo ! ar. o 2E N oo o &g t (J 6 CI E o ! E * p o ts apFO p o J6 tJ <D Zo- H R J] 9 E' 9E 5o \o c -.^ 69 .9 *.H a aa Eo;== t-9 *G Eg o o o o o o o 5 F: @ N N (\l c! a.l 6 OE t- @ <t, o t- F I, OU EE E H N a\ IB tA 3 rJ 9+ * o = =E !R A' o eaE I EE' R ! q) € o6 E;3 o s:-a -.H6 N .Io E"-S-c= o) E4re i '6 E.E ao @ @ F. (\ E 3 otE.o to o) o { =Sdd- lt i E zP 6l EEggE E ii5€r 2 = E = P.;Rfii (!a 6 aB u t oF E ;*it E Y o F IJ.J EO; ]A a o o !E;E 6 o i,! (,) o o + EEES J c s o uJ o o tr Efi ul N G uJ U,l UJ f d o, o. (! i oE o ut (E (ll E (0 d o o, ,E .g z o o (! -^t.a E ut -o c g 6 2 oo- (J i E (,o (! o 6 U' o it o o o E} o -J E eE = = = cE a o o. b6-c o t0 tt E4l! a a o rt z F o tt <N €, ao s 's65o 6 t) ..3 tt u,G o o o to o @ @(\l o t- o o{ ro E $l N EB H EI 9 AI o Ei{ A ! F:6 s,iE853 tEF,r-" o (oF N g q E"=tE o ${i EE ! J !t *gli F o fir€ i o o o 4E{! UJ (J F + o o- U) .s IL iEE! IJJ E <a IrJ (l a o o E t! E o rB (, s c .g cl Ri ,E o o E u.t ls o_ th l c : ed-'rr r QO tlrl sn- A €o Appedia 59 I}TI'ENTORY CUSTODIAN SLIP Edit, Nlm: DEPET'- GENARAL NAKAR I&2 DISTRICT Fund Clurte.

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