TABLE OF CONTENTS. great light, Brother John Fowler, on the throne, FREEMASONRY & ISRAELITIS M. PAGE opened a sacred conclave. The following com- munication from the Orginal Chapter of Prince BY BRO. WILLIAM CARPENTER, P.M. & P.Z. 177. FREEMASONRY IN IRELAND 323 Masons being read, viz.:— FREE:>IASONRY AND ISRAELITISM 323 September the 6th, 1806. I cannot tell whether it has ever struck others THE HIGH GRADES IN IRELAND 324 Resolved,—That our M.W.S. be requested to as anything remarkable, that so large a number MASONRY IN SCOTLAND 325 write to our respected Brother Doctor Frederick of professing Christians in the United Kingdom, THE PARIS FREEMASONS 325 & 326 Dalcho, of Charleston , for 50 copies of his most CONSECRATION OF THE BLACKHEATH LODGE, excellent Oration, to be paid for by draft on Messrs. the British Colonies, France, Germany, America, No. 1320 326 Latouche and Co., bankers, in this city, or request- and other parts of the world should have his permission to reprint the same. THE CRAFT 326 & 327 ing adopted a system and united themselves in a ROYAL ARCH 327 The illustrious members then resolved unani- mously—That we do most heartily approve of the body, the foundation of which is obviously and MARK MASONRY 327 same, and authorize our Register and Keeper of the indisputably laid in UDAISM —using this word O RDERS OF CHIVALRY 327 Seals to present our Grand Commander with a J I NSTRUCTION 327 sealed copy of this our determination , to be used as in its widest sense as equivalent to ISRAELITISM . THE SOI-DISANT MASONS OF PARIS 32S he shall think expedient. To me there is in the circumstance something (13y order of Fowler Grand Commander) M ULTUM IN PARVO 328 & 329 John , very extraordinary. Without alluding to the A FEW I DEAS ON MASONIC ORGANISATION 329 & 330 PETER H EAPHY, Register. moot question of the origin of Freemasonry, ROYAL MASONIC SCHOOLS 330 JOHN BOYCE, sen., Keeper ofthe Seals. LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE 330 To this letter Bro. Dr. Dalcho replied further then to say that I presume no person, ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ... 330 fro m Charleston, South Carolina, 25th now, how far back soever he may be disposed -MASONIC M ISCELLANEA 33° February, 1808, and expressed himself to carry the origin of the Craft, is prepared to COTLAND 331 S highly gratified at the request, and stated carr}- it back to a period anterior to the MASONIC BALL AT DEMERARA 331 it would be his ambition to prove worthy Christian era, much less to actually believe that ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE — Observance of the Baptist's Day 332 of the honour. On the ninth day of the a lodge was held in the wilderness of Sinai, soon * Our Ancient Brethren once more ... ... 332 month called Nisavi, A.F. 493, it was resolved after the exodus of Israel from the land of their Subordination in the Higher Degrees ... 332 & 333 by the " 111. College " at Dublin : Knight Templarism and Masonry ... ... 333 bondage. Much labour has been thrown away The Grand Conclave of Knights Templar ... 333 " That our Grand Commander be requested to in attempts to identify ancient peoples with Qualification for the Mark Chair 333 reprint the oration of our Illustrious Brother Frede- Freemasonry, upon no better proofs than those The 1717 Theory & 334 333 rick Dalcho, M.D., Knight of K.H. and Sovereign afforded by the fact, that they inculcated those POETRY—The Wife's Farewell Grand Inspector-General in the United States of 334 obligations of morality and beneficence which MASONIC M EETINGS FOR N EXT W EEK 334 America, together with his very polite answer to an are characteristics of the Craft. Our knowledge THEATRICAL 334 extract from the minutes of our transactions of the fifth day of the month called Tisvi, A.F. of Freemasonry, as a system or institution, ADVERTISEMENTS 321, 322, 335, & 336 492. (Signed) " PETER H EAPEY, Register." carries us back to no very remote times, but plainly fixes its origin in Christian times and As mi ht have been expected from the FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. g amongst Christian people. How comes it to lax state of Masonic history early in this pass, then, that the foundation and framework century, the author is in error frequentl BY BRO. W ILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN. y of Freemasonry should be of a purely Jewish when writing about ancient Masonry ; but, character ? Its traditions, its ceremonies, its (Concludedfrom page 307J on the whole, the lectures are well worthy ritual all bear the impress of, and are, in fact, In 1825 " a special grant to Bros. Fowler, of being printed. rooted in Judaism. Christianity is unknown in Bryant, and McGill was issued by tlie A note of a remarkable character is our lodges—as lodges—but Judaism is recog- Supreme Council for the Southern Juris- appended to page 64 of Dr. Dalcho's nised and accepted , and important lessons of faith and morality are deduced fro m it. The diction, United States, for the establish- orations from the pen of the learned doctor Teutonic race—especially the Saxon branch of ment of a Supreme Council ° in Dublin " himself. The report sent by "theSupreme 33 it—is characterised by great tenacity of will in (0. T. M'Cleitachan's Book of the Ancient Grand Council for 33° S.J. to all the Governing Lod ges throughout the two the maintenance of opinions and principles that and Accepted Rite*) This is believed by have been deliberatel formed and adopted and Hemispheres," 4th of December, 1802, says y , some to have been the origin of the 'Rose especiall in the maintenance of reli nothing of Alasonry in Ireland. In conse- y gious Croix and other degrees in Ireland, but opinions and convictions ; and no revolution or quence of which the author of the orations nothing could be further from the facts. reformation has ever been effected amongst observes " In this part of the report the Long before this warrant from the Supreme , them , in either civil or religious affairs, until Grand Council S.J. was sent to Dublin, the inspectors omitted to insert that, on the after long conflicts and much suffering. How- Hose Croix and Knight Kadosh degrees 20th of February, 5792 (A.D. 1788), the ever loosely many amongst us hold both political had been worked in Ireland. When they Royal Arch Chapter in this city (Charles- and religious opinions, there are comparatively wtrcfirst worked in that country we can- ton, U.S.), working under a warrant fro m few amongst those who may be thought to not determine, neither can we tell from Dublin , formed a junction with the Sublime exercise any influence on public opinion who whence the authority was derived to work Grand Lodge (i.e., of Ancient and Accepted would voluntaril y and deliberately deny or them. We have not been able to trace Rite), and their members were received repudiate their political or their religious con- victions especially the latter. Tlie question these degrees so early in Ireland as in into our degrees fre e of expense, and were , then presses itself—In what way are we to England. At Bristol, wc believe, are pre- acknowledged as high as the 13th inclusive." The 13th degree in the foregoing report is account for the striking fact, that multitudes of served the earliest records of the R.C. in Christians have united themselves together in a styled the " Royal Arch." and the K.H. connection with the Knights Templar. solemn bond , the basis of which is laid in the 29th ; and Dr. Dalcho likewise declares Jewish Brethren were only permitted to take the history and traditions ? Can it be accounted for " His Royal Hi Rose Croix and K.H. after being dubbed ghness Prince Edward, upon the mere presumption , that Christians in Duke of Kent is at as Knights of the Temple, and tlie chapter , &c, present the common with Jews revere and hold sacred the has continued independent and is still in presiding officer of the degree of K.H. in Jewish Scri ptures ? I think not ; for Christians working order. In 1808 was published at England." In another part of the work do not, of course, revere and regard as less Dublin the " Orations of the Illustrious Bro. Bro. John Fowler is stated to be the chief sacred the Christian Scriptures ; and though r roderick Dalcho, Esq., M.D., reprinted officer for Ireland. they might and ought to do much to live in harmony and to co-operate in all good works by permission of the author, under the Here our investigations end. We have with their Jewish brethren , the motive and dis- sanction of the 111. the College Knights of done our best to a ffo rd li ht where mostl g y position to unite with them must he very strong K.H., and the Original Chapter of Prince darkness has prevailed for some years. Masons of Ireland." The following corres- to induce them to put their own religious attach- The Craft have now before them extracts ments and usages aside and to adopt those pondence ou the subject may prove of from authorized documents relating to the jews. We hear, too, occasionall that there interesting, and serve to prove the fact that y, ' freemasonry in Ireland," and should arc in the Craft brethren who do not attach the Rose Croix and Kni ht Kadosh degrees g other MSS. or printed papers present them- any sacrcdncss to either the Jewish or the were worked sometime before the warrant. selves to our notice in continuing our Christian Scriptures, but who regard what we Was sent from the United States as men- examination of the records and transactions receive as authentic history as only so manv tioned by that learned Mason Bro.
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