THE FAINT . PAUL -\u25a0 DAILY GLOBE TTJFFDAY MOBBING, ArGUBT 7, )fu_. * «A T 9S __L _L__XTTTTJ___JL__V WA_r__.liMT TI7T_E_. T Q THI7!JLX__j QTfITR.kj V T7V178XjXlVWWI7PI7 A X ¥¥ X X -____. J_jl_? X X v/XlX XL. ¥ X ¥¥ XXX-_Xt__u« amnw>ffl>wnmmwmK gitianWHt-mffmnina,; Miwnmn;iiiiiiniHin!i)!t, Hmwmwmnmmmmk: r^nmmmmnmimmmk. & TRY ME SURMY.-.^.' |_ TRY OSE MONDAY. §§ g TRY OHE TUESDAY.1 gTRY ONE WEDSESBAY3 g TRYORE THURSDAY. 3 g TRY ONE FRIDAY. if g TRY ONE SATURDAY.1 ?iuiiUUUiit-U-U-Uuiuuifv 5-Uiiuuui.iuiuiuuuuiuK ;*..iitiiwtitiiiiiiiiiiiwt;^;%uuu.i.utfui!iuiuuuui? '^.uuuiuuauuiuuuiuiu^ TRY THE SUOSE'S POPULAR• WANTS AND BE CONVINCED! -.ITTATIOSS OFFEBEn.- ~ SITUATION'S IVA..TEI). REAL ESTATE FOTt S.lff.E FEC.i-O_IAI-S. — AUCTION SALES. \u25a0•- : ... l-Vi:....«-•*.. ftl-S-Cliu-ieoits. USTRALIAN WONDERS Prof. & Johnson, -. Male. 7y^~ • ' *'- Hnltaud Mine. Haidec— The » aiiUKh Auction. .©^—;._-.--**>*' , \u0084 x . -\u0084.._;.;'..'. --*-*»o 1 Mediums— Wanted, "Xr — brown onlyindependent \u25a0 slate-writing mediums in' * a rood cook:' no washing foj:PI.A-CKS, places for boys, _£__~~ __BH __£_ _*SB_> m*\\ __fi_ """^___2 5.5.-O0 or a new - AUCTION SAL,1. of -the Royal ironing; required. free; 1 ff tl 1 mf *WSI the city never ask a (question see itall tell CiOOK—or references - 2.5 BOYSemployment bureau for poor boys, gf. 1 1 r~°~ r I §jr""j f_ZmT BARGAINSstone and brick block of four fineresi- you ROYALFurniture and Carpet Company stock, Summit nv. ..».•**'••*'•--. ; "^BB dences; welllocated; steam neat and modern ail business matters, courtship, mar- on Wednesday. Aug. Newsboys' Club R00m.313 Wabasha si. open ' riage, divorce: lest 8. at 10 a. m.in our from IIto 13 a. m.. and from '.* t • '.p. in. improvements; worth S-'V-iO; £7,0: 0. or a aud stolen articles found; salesroom. No. 187 Eaft Sixth st. Following \.anted, a good plain,cook: high . *~~ large feet, Iseparated reunited; spirits, ' wages. 100, — |<Sr brick residence and lot liOx27"S on remove evil is a partiallist oftbe goods to be sold at auc- CiOOK— Address, with references, N First-clnss chef wants position 4 must beautiful site ivSt. Paul; worth £15,- Iapella, sinfnl habits; bring happiness: medi- Wednesday - magnificent ' 5^ trouble, tion on next: One Globe. CHIEFin country hotel: competent of taking «f\-^a --00'). E S. Chittenden, room 0, F r»lNational ums by the giftof God; for those in parlor suit, very conch, 3 fine and bed charge Croneu, building. '•" not smart divan .-Wanted, of both"*ends. William S. 540 Bank -. .". for fools orblasphemers. We can lounges, an reception a competent cook, with ay. odd lot of el-airs. 4 mornings Park . .\u25a0^-•* GUARANTEES ITS bringyou prosperity, sittings, 82; ladies. 51. large oak hall trees, two magnificent folding COOKreferences. Call before 10.' "55 3 YOU know what you want? Ifso re- ifsatisfactory. anything — Could be fairer? beds, withmirrors; 2oak sets, oak Mrs. 11. P. rphitm. 476 Summit. Meat covk wauls place, city or ™ " -'. sults guaranteed tbe Globe wants you going medium, why dining 5 -** r: 8 DO-. are in If are to - see a not ladles' wiltingdesks. 3 oak bookcases, a — \u25a0 CiOOKcountry. Call at 174 West Ninth st.",' up V.'<{ft''l| |^_ column. see the best? Come mornings to German or Swede. * - ':•\u25a0*\u25a0'*•'''':.• / l""S V-" avoid woil- buffets, a lot of center tables (in - ', \u25a0-. *-~~ '"55 ing. st. handsome DISHWASHERSClarendon hotel.' stairs. % SmiM JL™a Im \u25a0 fl 13*^_J SALE—B...OOO worth ofreal estate for Parlors. 552 Wabasha oak and rattan). 4 large oak bedroom suits, - so, sitnation wanted by a male cook, - FOii$1,20. ;part cash: willexchange. N67,. YOU — withFrench plate mirrors. In dishes we f-tO YOUknow what youyou want?ant Ifso.'re-If 8., ©*~~'"L'-'r,;-/".";." ''\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'" *-^« ! IN TKOURLE? Consult shall close the balance (..lobe wauts COOK—in the cityor out. Address W. 478 • :W*.W• §)& - %m^s'Q7~^ G10be. '\u25a0'. -Madame Walker, out of the Vienna %-J .suitsultsarcare guaranteed ivin the Globe • \u25a0\u25a0 - STeste^ Q ; *-^-© ..." .-.\u25a0-.\u25a0•. ... ARE lua -life reader." for ware, "'\u25a0' Cedar street. a*** -.--• ** i- * reading your nasi, present consisting of .6 complete sets of 1.4 column. *.' ;'" "T -*.\u25a0'.* *-i V'-'. ' faithful of and I *e>r**ii-~.- .'.''a... *****%*% Suburban. future; she willguide you all affairs of pieces (cost from 545 to $.9 a set); also temperate, steady young '\u25a0 • in sets * ware, cut glass- -UNESS— Wanted, a as gov- A <* •""••'__2"~ human; 3 of Leonard's : teacher J married, '• fessssseaese© • ii it1Iip life by a power higher tban corre- Apply CiOACHMAN—man.MR wishes a situation asas *&****** . -tt »« YOu know what you want? Ifso, re- ware, Boxers' knives, forks, spoons, etc. GOVerness for children. or address and - spondence . confidential: ladies, .50 cents: rugs Mr..11 E. Thompson. White Hear. Minn. coachmanman ordriving; quick at figures and DO sults are guaranteed in the Globe wants- gentlemen, $1. 505 Wabasha St., opposite Iv carpets and we shall offer well acquaintedcijuainted in city. Call or address T. column. capital. over 150 in all sizes, colors, pattern., Competent girl for gen- C.-S.. house inrear of" Ml College ay. west. — and grades. The above goods are all new *" 3 ro'" -_ An .'f " " • .*\u25a0.„-.".\u25a0-\u25a0.'. ..*-•..»* _\u0084'"•'..'*-\u25a0-*• _ SALE CHEAP Twenty acres: so, out of the Royal stock. - Following eral housework. Hondo. "*'.'\u25a0\u25a0"'•.' '">.AdvertisementV -"..\u25a0** ' YOU know what you want? If re- are some HOUSEWORK— YOU know what you want? Ifso. re- \B IjiOßs good brick house and brick barn, and of the choice wants DOsults* are guaranteed in the Globe wants pieces. in second-band goods AUCTION COLUMN of salesale sults guaranteed ivthe well; good *- DO are Globe inside city ground, for \u25a0 mahogany '7''/)!)$^ *\u25a0\u25a0"•-'-''.-.'-•, limits: fit column. •'_•\u25a0\u25a0'• . tobe sold: One handsome 'fine \^^^-^^^ SK.Wed ne"day morning atai li*?IST 7.Instast Sixth. column. ;v truck gardening. "Address- -E. J. Gelleubeck dining room set, one onyx stand and clock - Wanted, situation, : in *i>e 3 Shnkopee. Minn. ST. JOHNS—Massage and mag- (cost 8200). one mahogany desk for parlor, fc Placed netic treatments and alcoholic baths. upright piano (cost Sl03) young man, age ' Globe MADAM an used but six fI_<A".CIAI- EMPLOYMENT 25: rapid penman. Ad- - Cedar open evenings. months, dress" P S7, Globe. •> ttmm~. '."..*•.'-.'.''... '"^T•\u25a0•'*."-•:>' ." ;-'.T *-*-«0 444 st. : one mahogany bedroom suit, three " specially; I.OA«l> OFFERED. very handsome oak suits, a fine lot pictures, I»ANKSTOCKS a bonds. k-mss- Wanted, TtITSWOKTH, reliable. books, -1J mcrcial paper, mortgages, securities situation of prophetic Healing bric-a-t-rac. lam us, etc.: also _*-(. sold, Jcnkt, JCi any kind in cither A wholesale or retail 1::« West Fourth St—One small MADAME Test and Medium: yards of body Brussels, moqueue. bought and George W. invt-si- EMPLOYMENT— g= * aud one large alcove room; can also ac- .3) years' experience. 13 Eighthst., St. Paul. velvet and <^*jil^' ment Banker. Minnesota Loan and Trust house by a young man age 111): can furnish __^ Wants Column 3 BOARD— ingrain carpets, rugs, etc. iThis is by far the Buildinir. best of city refeiences. Address H. M., '.'3l commodate a few more table boarders with KATE HOSKINS. psychometric largest and finest lot ofhousehold goods ever I.Miinieaii»lis. st. "v;.-" first-class board: terms reasonable. \u25a0 A/IliS. at East Fifteenth -... lt-L _*.o. one sale. We know from tbe experience you reader and trance medium. 1..„ YOU know what want? Ifso. re- large rooms forrent, with West Sixth st. of last Thursday's sale, that goods do not DO.i-' suits are guaranteed in the Globe wants fifteen years* ex- bring returns, or ' - :bring much at auction, prepared Will you— J; st., so we are to 1 ***• 3' 633 Wabasha £ •_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 _*.• --»" boar one alcove. perience, thirty-two .._- «_____BMa__H__l----BaBS_BH9-_BKlßai ' column. -.- -..'-. years of age. A I ? Cllf \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 -Mm- "aa^J BOARD— ' • MAY gives massage and magnetic take our and the goods into i.IKKBAROMETETS. PHARMACIST—references, speaking the Scandinavian lan- corner Iglehart st. :.' medicine turn MRS.treatment.' 64 East Seveuth st., first casb. Sale commences at 10 sharp. Kava- jITONKYOX HAND to loan on cityprop- guages, besides English, fluently, tvishes and board in floor. uagb & Auctioneers. -'-j-xX L.__ farms; rates; no delay. 97, First-class rooms . Johnsou. A*._-t_i«*boy pnners crtv and lowest situation incity or country. Address B large Ninth st. N. Dealers willdo well to lio bells flic W. F. Morit-z. Id.Pioneer Press. ; Globe. :'*-**';.\u0094 BOAKD—modern house. 210 East DR. REA.iDO.V—3O4 Nortn Ex- ' attend this * our money willbe sale. -_-:\u25a0'.; .-.v.- ';'\u25a0 about _3— m 2 ebaDge. Vapor and be will tell 3011 more ; Ytgan__o— __— »\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0 i '•« :251 Selby Corner Sixth— and elec- •_>>>... _.. ,* jn-U-Hiic. p *.Cg*y ",™™ . The Martin— and MRS. r ,I,™***-,J ~™™™ "~«>—M_M_______ •____\u25a0 - a.x life A registered ' ..- . mm^m ™\u0084, I mmmmmam^ \u25a0 Circulation tban all the affidavit* AC iv Minnesota ft"*^ _H^^_B^. -rfQ Av.—First-ciasa rooms aud board. tric baths;' massage a specialty; open even- _Misccl.lai_cou_i. M• Iciei; or bought. L I*.Van Norman and North Dakota, seeks position; En- ',T^m^ BOARD— ings.' tbat can be piib.i*«bed. Ju»t try It Guaranty Loan Building. \u25a0Viniie.-poll* glish aud French; thorough business qualifi- — Rooms or unfur- — : 811 furnished •nUI FKOil BUSINESS We . cation; highest Address __. nished, single, ISS HELEN DE VEArtE—Manicur- and you willbo i.nviuted tbal tbe references." 48*. * BOARD en suite .or with first- RETIRINGoffer to the trade our wholesale stock of X AUCTION COLUMN of sale Minneapolis.
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