/ : /. ■ K ATUK H AT, n E T T B lIB E K M , 1144 Aniwito Dolly (^olstloii. tdU R T E E li F w r, 1B44 TIuF Weather Manchester Evening Herfild iMoirtaof I PetM M t o f 't). a. Heatlter Barton «oUce pew Mslom. He 8 , 9 0 8 Fair - tonight an#, Tnesds.v: '.lightly cqlder limlglit kefth f w t had never' had tii accident while Acting “Top Kick” Parents Asked Memtor « f toe Ai^ft doing the trick. But he didn’t do MANCHESTER'S CITY TAXI CO. In Interior valleys; Tnesday^aesne- "ABoutTown Heard Along Main Stp^et the etunt here nevertheless. W e Botma •( OlrenliBloM what colder than today. \ - never did hear the reason for To Be Present is Now In a Position To GiVo Manchester— A City of Charm ■ I ,'i— — I. i' ' 'i N I nfiilur noathly mectinc of And on Some of Manchuter** Side Streets, Too denial of the permit In this town. Alptn* aociety will be Faster, More Efficient Service! ■ Borne Manchester roller skater fOMaatSe# AdvortMag oa fkga IB) tsBorrow afternoon at three Religious Education • • •• fO L. LXIV., NO. J MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY^<jlCTOBER 2, 1944 N. ^TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS at the Italian-Amierican D oes your dgSMi totoa «f-^Remember ^ group^waa kUnd- by the name of ’’Bob’’ has only one «B Eldridfe atreet It la a skate to roll around the rinks Sunday at St. Mary’s i Clean Cobf n M meeting and all mambera these days. And by the same Um slogan <rf a popular brand of i center church steeples or the token a Bristol girl by the name Episcopal Church. ■\ urYed to attend. Safe and Courteous Drivers smokes, **Can you And any cigar- | St James’s church?” of Phyllis Luce Is In the same pre­ Chi^f Rivals Bombs Wreck tJ-Boat Nest eta, lately? . , Then ensued a lively suvument, ' Lady Roberta Lodge. DaugMeia dicament. AH because Bob and Tomorrow at the .10:45 a. tn. Bombers For the past month, several of with eome eaying that Center Phyllis were skating together not " « t . George wlU poatpone lU Open 8 A. M^ -12 P. M. Tel. 6588 the popular brands o f cigarets church was on a ^Igher hill, but long ago at Lake Compounce, near service,. members of St. Mary's ____ g ftom Tuaaday night Oct Both to Go X have disappeared from the ahelvea that actually'St,.,.James’s steeple Bristol. \ Episcopal church will obaerve "R e- , to OoC 10, becauae of the achool of the tobacco spots entirely, or was higher froirf'.Jthe ground. It When th ejN , finished • skating Ilgioua Education Sunday." Tha ' Inadmctlon at Waterbury on for oerUln periods. Many per­ Attack Germans; was surprising, how heated the around the Lake Compounce hall occasion will be marked by a Cor­ On A i r ^ a i n __y. A ll membera who plan to sons who heretofore would neVer, discussion became. their akates became mixed after ad tiM achool of inatructlon In no never, have smoked a certain Not one of the group had a they had been removed and Phyllis porate Communion o f the Church ahould'board the 11:45 brand, have been forced to take good enough memory to put an went home to Bristol with one of school officers snd teachers. This Push Toward Rhine; Tueaday at Manchester anything they could get— if at all. end to the discusaion. Not one here and one of l^b's. Likewise, will be their act of aelf-dedication •s Gain Major Speeches During j4apot - ^ ____ ■■ -One local store manager, quer­ (rf them rememlaered that 8t. Bob came home to Manchester in for the work of the achool In the Week b;^ Roosevelt and ied this morning anent the short­ Jkmes'a church actually has no the same skate confusion. winter ahead. Suaaet Council, Degree o f Poca- age o f cigarets, stated that his steeple, not now, at least. It Phyllis needs her akates and The celebrant at the Holy Com­ Dewey May Determine ataa. wlU begin lU meeting supply o f smokes had been sliced was toppled during the hurricane wishes that Bob would get in munion will be the Rev. Elllaon F. fonday evening in the Zipaer from 800 cartons a week to 27 <Mi R ed Paper Tactics o f Gimpaign. ins of 1938. So there you are a touch with her and maka the nec­ Hilliard and Broad Sts. I1 goslaviaffoslavia in Raids <m Marvin, and the preacher will be / libhouae, promptly at 7:30. A and hla store has been without any perfectly good exanipl.e of the- fu­ essary exchange. I f Bob sees this the rector o f ^ e pariah, tha Rev. -------------------- r Bingo, will follow Imme- cigarets of any brand ill week tility of hapleae argument. item he ahould get In touch with ^ , German Forces; 200,- Alfred L. Wllnams. 'The latter • By The Associated Press __^ In the meeting room and long. M iny of the brands for­ — ' ■ ‘‘l.’ M iei Phyllis Luca, 82 John avenue, haa expresaed the hope that the Drop by and see for yourself. Hits Signs Penetrate Siegfried Line Bgt. LmviB H. Bleeell OOO Nazi Tr4M»ps In Preaidtot Roosevelt and Gover­ 2,700 Planes *wOi be open to the public. Prlaea merly ahown In the dgaret vend­ Jack Copeland, o f Use Commun­ Bristol, Gbnn, parenta o f Church achool children Chinese NoC ing machines are no longer to be nor Dewey both take to the air this In Aaclien Area To* be awarded the winnera as ity restaurant on Depot Square, ,I3th A. A. r.. will make a point of being pres­ 'Balkans May Be Bot­ Mrs. Lucy Burdick heads Headquarters. wondera who Is kidding whom af­ A local home gardener remark­ Southwest Paotfle— Staff Sergeant ent at the 10:45 a. -m. service, alnce Homey 4 room house at $4,800. Easy O f M ercy week with major preaidential can^ day. Ending Stalemate pthe bingo committee. One amoker, after taking a ter receiving a beautifully en­ ed to ua the other day that he be­ Lewis H. Blssell, Chemical War- « « sermon to ll touch ' upon the tled Up by Soviets. paign apeechea which may de^eii-' Give Support Getting Help pack from a Main street machine, lieved farmers who face a short­ terms. ' Open all day and evenings. 4 good O f Almost Two Weeks ; graved card the other day requeet- fara NCO with a iSth A A F Thoto proWema aiid responslbilltlM con mins tactics for the five weeke re­ K ’ i l l — Nancy E. Goalee, daughter and smelling of it, said, "That to­ Ing the pleasure of hie company age of feed for cows and chickens Reconnaissance Unlt\ operating fronting both teachers and pa^ sized rooms. City conveniences. If the Moscow, Oct. 2.— (JP)— Angry Attack l^ade on maining before election. Veteran Doughboys ii>wf Mr. and Mrs. Sherwopd H. Goe- bacco Is so fresh 1 can smell the at an engagement announcement -should check up the home gardens from a Southwest Paclflc base, re- Other eeryicee In St. To Offensive Enough Now hand lotion of the girl who packed fo r qomstalka and unpicked ears Russian fighter - bombers Their last times out—Mr; Rooae- C>iaa o f Church street baa been se- party. The announcement wae cently was promoted to Acting Mary’e tomorrow are at 8 and t:80 down payment is a factor in buying let us Alleged Signs of velt’i slashing attack on tha Re­ Crash Forward Soon It.” Informed that hands do not of com. He eaya he grew more swarmed over Yugoslavia tn &4acted from amopg 870 atudenU made by a party he had never be­ publicans Sept. 23 and Governor touch the tobacco In processing com than he could -possibly use First Sergeant; ** li'l’... .___. > . explain our easy payment plan which is Weaknesses in Exter­ g to sing In the 0>te Club- at Colby fore heard of, but It was indicated Son of Major and Mrs. Herbert A t the beginning of t^he 10:46 round-tbe-clock raids on Ger­ Deweys vigorous anCT prompt re­ Bombers Blaze Patb into After Bombing and Vgsnlor Collage,' New London. New from leaf to carton, he rebutted that the prospective bridegroom and he believes many other ama­ H. Blssell, 674 East Middle Turn, •**’vjce there to a choml p « ^ Recent Reverses Attrib­ teur gardeners did the same. ’The handled through the Manchester Trust Co. man forces as Russian ground minating ^Hitlerism*. ply—for a time at least set the Artillery Preparation. ’- BampaUre, the Music Department with: “Then they should let that was' a well-known North Knd pike, Manchester, Conn., he enter-1 ®*“ *‘” *> ^h'ch toll l^lx^e both campaign on,a level of oldtime Nazi Wall Immediate­ big wind of Sept.' IS leveled a lot troops gabled steadily today uted to Lack of Es­ Mias Goalee will tobacco ripen.” young man. W e won’t embarrass ed tho A A F In June 1942. and haa p®®**' ^ it* w The o f com, but thepa Is still some litlcal battling. ly Before Hodges’ Men ' atng-to the soprano section o f the One store manager said he had him by mentioning his name. been overseas since November o r*? ' orprocemfon wffi be: along a curving, mountainous Moscow, Oct. 8 ,-.(g v _ Provds Ezpeeted to Be Pep Talk sential Equipment; salvage possible. Come and see us any time at the comer of London, Oct.
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