13 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MARCII 11, 1921 row are: Marsh field vs. McMinnvllle, US, THOUGHT LOST, DARCY REPORTED MATCHED HOPES OF SIX HIGH and Salem vs. Eugene. KIDILL ARRANGES DOUBLE GRIP HOOP SElMI-FIXAL- S today WITH GIBBONS IN TITLE GO SHOWS UP II AUTO SCHOOL FIVES FADE Finals of Xorthwest Tourney at E BOUTS Letter From Portland Middleweight Declares Match Is Main Seattle Due Tomorrow. Event in New York on March 22. SEATTLE, Wash., March 10. Sem- ifinals in the basketball championship series of the Pacific Northwest asso- Southpaw Adds Laurels to BT DICK SHARP. McCarthy has two jobs to fill, now First Round of Basketball ciation of the Amateur Athletic union Main Events for Thursday NFORMATION that Jimmy Darcy. that Carroll is going elsewhere, and of America wilF be played tomorrow he has eight applications. night, and the finals are scheduled Might Are Booked. Traveling Reputation. I Tugged Portland middleweight, Tourney Completed. Saturday night. would battle Tommy Gibbons of Ray Rowher, last year captain of In tonight's games the System Sign St. Paul In the main event of a box- the University of California baseball team of Seattle defeated Renton, ing card at Madison Square garden. team, and Pierce Works, first base- Wash., volunteer fire department, 20 iT New York, March 22, is contained In man of the same team, have been to 16; Battery A, Walla Walla. Wash., m?mr wctfi BEAVERS WORK 4 HOURS a letter received yesterday from signed by the Pittsburg Pirates. The STATE TITLE AT STAKE defeated the Northern Life, Seattle, SHADE TO FIGHT MURPHY Jimmy. If Jimmy's Information Is boys were with the California team 29 to 18; Kellogg, Idaho. D. O. K. K. that went east last year and made a defeated the Aberdeen, Wash.. Ameri- correct the bout will be a big feather good looked Legion, 27 to 23. cap. impression. Rowher is can in hi9 It will probably be his upon as a corking good left-hand- since New Weallier Xot Yet Mc- - first start his arrival in hitter by such experienced big McMinnvllle, Salem, PYanklin, Eu Bronson, Anderson, Meredith and Warm and York to box under the management leaguers as Jim Scott and others who Credie Taking Xo Chances. of Jack Kearns. manager of Jack have worked against him, and if h gene, Baker and Heppner Fiske Also Are Scheduled Dempsey, has any luck, should stick in the Na Cox Signed Vp. ana will be advertised as Returned Victors. tor Contests. Is for the ht champion- tion league. ship of the world. Rowher was supposed to have gone To quote Jimmy's exact words: "I to Cleveland last year, but the deal SOUTH PARKWAY BEATEN IX reu through. am certainly in the class1 since arriv- - FIXAIi GAME OF SEASOX. MARIA, Cal.. March 10. ing in xvew 1 ork and things came out WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Sa- BY DICK SHARP. SANTA The 1 T?r. elnhe-tro- t- - . oiajing The goes on un lem, Or., 10. (Special.) three mala s.m tho- I stadium fever March battles of next D with""""'.Innlf K tU r na a hia anavtmAnt some new abated. Palo Alto and Los Angeles Elimination of the Astoria, Bend and Score, 2 8 2 0 Thursday night s card at the ie ting eoutnpaw. aiieu on Riverside drive, along with Joe seem of Woodburn high school was the Final to Battle certain this brand of athletic teams arena have been arranged by K rels to his reputation as a traveler Benjamin and Alex Trambitas. Kearns press prelimi- ArVjS 1 I f eld, acording to recent dis result of this afternoon's Fought carters when he arrived in pays $450 a month rent a Hardest of Year and Matchmaker KendalL Dave Shade, k this afternoon and has patches. naries in the state basketball tourna- aggressive California welterweight, rJ camD bv automobile irom roruanu, ""cuvuci. mc upai liiicih nua cikqi Amended plans for the stadium to ment. Xip and Tuck Throughout. will box players elegantly ap snag she Frankie Murphy in the main onlv one dav later than the te constructed at Stanford were Astoria etruck a when event of ten rounds; Freddie Ander- wno came oy steamer anu w . proved at a recent meeting of the drew the heavy Salem quintet, who son of Vancouver ,.A,ex J(J6 and j are 8,gned tQ box 42 12. Ashby of The Multnomah will meet Muff board of athletic control of the uni won to Captain Bill Amateur Athletic semi-fin- al jict-reu- ie Bronson of Portland in the goi a greii n at .Madison Square warden March 22 high-poi- nt reports about"""..the versity. Salem was man. club basketball team wound up its of eight rounds, while Johnny Sam's arrival, for I am to meet Tommy Gibbons in the line-u- p: Fiske to De The stadium will be of the embank' The season last night with a victory over of Portland will Pacific hithwav had led him main event for the light type shaped Parkway quintet on meet Ted Meredith Men of Action Want Satisfaction left-hand- er was lost to ment and like a horse Salem Astoria. the South the of San Francisco in lieve his star heavyweight championship of the shoe. be E. Jones (2) 2) Hurlburt Winged "M" the special event week at least. From Bleachers will constructed floor in the hardest ui six rounas. Two four-roun- d him for another world. Kearns says that I can beat on sides. A fourth side will Staley (4) . F...F Weatergren fought of season. There are millions of "live wires" who go after trie all he had heard Walt half supposed him. If I lose I would be losing to three Gosser (7) C (6) Harrison contest the local matches will complete the card. be graded to- permit access to the '. The score was 28 to 20. Anderson-Bronso- that nnor Sam was stuck in a mud the Dest in the country and as I am Ashby (11) .G 2) Luoto The n match was best their money can buy even in small items on hill in bowl. The seating capacity of the M. Jones O (2) Kimlnki It was a nip and tuck battle and clinched yesterday. hole somewhere Smith's young would get a lot of credit for 69,000. Space Tucker ..S W. Anderson These lieht like garters. Just a matter of policy. southern Oregon, and wouldn't get even a good showing. bleachers will be for up to the last five minutes of play weights are about the only pair of ,!t until thA Kim dried it. Sam was standing room will bring the number The light but scrappy five from the lead alternated. The checking on jsuua local scrappers weight Probably in the meantime I may box in De tc 65,000. Bend scare McMinn- - at their explains the unprecedented popularity ranmmnlpii hv L. H. Gregory of threw a into both sides was the feature of the wno nave never each double-duty-doi- troit and Philadelphia. I train every met other. double-gri- p, ng Thp day Work on a huge stadium to be ville's hopes in the first half of their game. jinuerson ana Bronson so as of the PARIS, at Grupp's gymnasium. Harry Exposition park is ex- 14 12. far Leaving Portland Sunday morning, Wills, the big colored heavyweight, is located at battle, holding the latter to The first half ended 10 to 8 in favor that goes, have not fought anybody that your dealer will sell at 5 OP a pair. Angeles west-sider- they made the 8S5 miles to Santa also working there and I got a good pected to be started in Los The s increased the lead to of Parkway, Ray Toomey, guard for here for some time, and their setto in fast time. Sam's car was within a few weeks. Plans for the a 32-2- 1 score in the next period, how the Winged "M" quintet started the win he in the nature of debut. Maria chance to lamp the man whom many structure a cost of $950,000 ever. another a Chevrolet and though he forgot to say can trim Jack Dempsey. Demp- call for Brosterbouse and Orell starred scoring with a long shot from the Anderson put up a number of good Grip Single Grip P before setting out, and will seat 75,000 persons. The in Bend's offensive combination, while center of floor. Abe Popick came bouts here, fighting way Double 50P and up - 35 and up put chains aboard sey Is much the faster of the two, bu( property of Los the his to the it didn't iret stuck once. In fact, it Wills is tough and strong. Other stadium will be the Osburne stood out for the winners. back with one tying the score and top or the lightweight class In this right through mud holes and bovg Angeles city and county. It will be Mcllinnville Bend. Morris Rogoway sent his team into neck of the woods. When he held rambled workins out at Grupp's are Jack Ag-e- e - o one largest structures of its (8) , Johnson ten-rou- nnr-- forded a stream in Britton. Kid Norfolk. Mike McTigue, of the f the lead with a converted foul. Bob Joe Benjamin to a draw. CHICAGO STEIN & COMPANY NEW YORK preceding""'l""u kind in the world. It Is planned to Osburne (14) ...,.F (9) Orel) his A California when big cars Gunboat Smith.
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