Annual Newspaper Carrier’s Christmas Eve Edition Average Daily Circulation For th« Month of November, 1941 The Weather Foreeact of U. S. Weattwr 7,010 Rain eadlag lata this afteraasai Member of the Audit partly cloody, somewhat eoMw ta>_ Bight; moderate wtada Saalght.~1' Bureau of Olrcnlatlona. Manchester— A Cit^^of Village Charm _______ ____ V VOL. LXL, NO. 72 (Classlfled Advertising Oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI ^ Facing Jap Threat from New Direction; Navy Admits Wake Island May Be Lost 1 Capture Costs Japs Christmas Greetings MacArthur and His From Your Newsboy 2 More Destroyers; Staff Taking Field; This is the annual New.ipaper Carrier’s Edition of The Manche.ster Evening Herald. Proceeds from the sales of this issue go to the boy.s them.selves. Invasion Tales Ruse The Herald’s new.sboys take this opportunity of Say Wake Occupied! - f wishing their customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. London Foreign Office Radio Communication Japanese Report Naval Commentator Labels No Herald With Island Severed; At no time in history has a newspaper been more & To Take Personal Com* J I fmportant than during the present world crisis. Your ! Forces Defy Blazing Armed Units Rumors of Impending ' Leads Navy to Admit mand of Fight AgaU^ I Tomorrow newsboys will continue to deliver your new.spaper faith- | American Defense German Invasion of Proliable Loss; Rooxe* fully. They are thankful to you for your continued | Get Message Jap Invasion Spear* j patronage. | Guns, Raging Seas and Spain as Ruse; Noth* velt, Churchill Con­ heads; P|iilippine Da*; ChHntmaa Day Violent Gale to Carry ing to Confirm Re> tinue Work on Plan By Roosevelt fense Forces Said to^ Out Night Assault; port Petain Has Re* The Herald Family wishes Of Anti-Axis Strat- Be Outnumhered and"' its readers a Very Merry Locked in Fierce Strug­ Hard Pressed Norik signed ChiePs Post. Christmas. ®gy; Watch French. Voices Confidence That World Peace Plan gle in Philippines Now During Year Ahead And South of CapitaL \ London, Dec. 24.— —A I Wasninsrton. Dec. 24.—(JV) Victory Will Come on Foreign Office commentator —rThe N*vy Department ac­ Tokyo, Dec. 24.— (Official Manila, Dec. 24.—(^P)— ,1 l^elled rumors of an impend­ knowledged today the proba­ Radio Recorded by AP) — Fronts Against Evil. (5 :50 p. m., 3 :50 a. m., e.s.t.V I Hopes Navy Japanese reports said today ing German invasion of Spain ble loss of Wake Island to the Offered by Pope; Delayed)—Gen. Douglas Mae* j a N^zi ruse today and said Japanese as the Army report­ that Wake Island was occu­ Washington, Dec. 24.—UP)— Arthur and his staff are tak­ ther^ was nothing to confirm Sinks Japs’ ed fierce fighting ^in two pied completely at 1 a. m. President Roosevelt, as command­ ing the field at once in per­ eitheii such a move or a re­ Philippine sectors and the yesterday (11 a. m., e.s.t., er-in-chief of the armed forces, sonal command of the fU;ht Would Curb Arms Monday) by Japanese naval port tH&t Marshal Petain had U-Boat Soon probability of another land­ sent a persmial Christmas mes­ against Japanese invaabm" resigned as French chief of ing attempt at Batangas, forces defying blazing Amer­ sage to the armed forces today, spearheads, the Army he4d- state. His statement came amid south of Manila. The Navy said ican defense guns, raging voicing his confidence "that dur­ quarters announced today. speculation over Germany’s next S,y, There Mu.t Be No L ab oF TrUCC ing the year which lies before us the capture of Wake, where tough s«aa snd a violent gale to carry you will triumph on all fronts The Philippine defense forcas undertaking, spurred by Hitler’s Oil Tanker Sunk by Sub­ Marines had withstood attack aft­ Place for Aggression, out a night assault. In the Phillp- were said to be outnumbered and assumption of command of the marine Off Coast of er attack, had cost the Japanese pinea, these reports acknowledged, hard pressed north and south of Nazi Armies and a Reutera report two additional destroyers sunk It Oppression, Design­ the Japanese were locked in a (Conttnned On Page SIz) the capital. During War that Petain bad yielded hia lead­ California; Another it had been accompliahed. Radio ing Nations, Total fierce struggle but they declared Striking from FooUmM ership to Adipiral Jean Darlan, communication with the island successes at all points “and abso­ The Japanese were striking from vice premier, \under Infenalfled Flees to Cove, Escapes. had been aevered, the Navy added. War and Religious Is Pledged lute supremacy of sea, air and their foothold along the Gulf of German pressure, presumably to Wateh ter Nasi Coup land" indicated tbe PhUippines’ British Win Lingayen, tome IM mllei north get a French Nd^th African base San Francisco, Dec. 34—(JP) — 'These developments came as Persecution in Future. ’Inevitable" capture. of Manila, and from a beachhoafl or for other coUaboratton conces- The captain of an oil tanker sent President Roosevelt and Prime 20 Planes Destroyed won by a new landing in foroo a t atons. No-Strike, No-Lockout Local Gains the little fishing village of AUmo-;| to the bottom of the Pacifle ocean Minister Churchill continued work Vatican City, Dec. 24.— A Japanese naval communique aermauB Spreadiag Rumors by a prowling enemy submarine on their plan of antl-Axis strate­ (Official Broadcast Recorded Agreement Made; All said' 20 American planes were de­ nan, on the east coast of Luzon 75 The commentator said It seem­ gy, with a weather eye open for miles south of ManUa. expressed hope today that the by AP)—Pope Pius XII, in stroyed by Japanese aircraft in ed evident that the Germans a sudden Nazi coup which might Dil^utefl to Be Settled attacks on the islands Sundhy and In Thrusts Large forces of United StatM themselves were spreading rumors United States Navy would “get his annual Christmas Eve put French bases and the French Monday. tanka roared between cheetlag.1 of a Nazi campaign In the Iberian that Jap submarine before she gets fleet under the swastika. message to the world, laid By Peaceful Means. crowds lining, the streets of peninsula “probably with a view Three of the planes, said to be another American ship." The Army .said th e. Japanese down a five-point plan for fu­ of ‘’larg4 type," were shot down in Hong Kong Defenders, nlla and headed toward the hattlo ~ to producing another of those had landed In force at Atimonan Washington, Dec. 24 — (/P) — air combats and the remainder fields. German nerve wars with which A aubmartne sank the Union Oil ture . world peace, predicated Forced Back to Moun­ tanker Montebello off the Cali­ from about 40 transports, an(J American industrial management were destroyed on the ground, the Manila had four air raid alnrlM,; we have become so familiar.” Manila reports said the fighting upon “an adequate and pro­ and ten million union workingmen communique declared. during Xhe day, and after t He declared “there Is no conflr- fornia coaat yesterday, but the tainous Strongholds, fourth, a.-iUne-minute alarm whlell' Richfield oil tanker Larry Doheny was very heavy there. American gressive’’ limitation of arma­ were pledged today to pull to­ The Army section of Imperial matlon whatever of these reports’’ fled to a cove' and escaped after be­ and PhlUpptnc troops also were ments. The pontiff, broadcssUng hssidquartera gave thia account of Have ■ Little Chance. started at a;21 p. m. (3;21 a. and said that any similar crop of ing fired upon. stubbornly resisting attacks In the over tbe Vatican radio, eaid that gether for the greatest possible yeaterday’s heavy raid on Ran­ rumors about an immediate Nazi area of Lingayen gulf, “though war producUor under a no-strike, (OontlDued on Pag* Ten) The attacks followed the sudden in tbe world of the future there goon. capital of BjItJab Burma; London, Dec. 2t—r<JP)—Forced appearance of Axis submarines greatly outnumbered,” a War De­ must be no place for: no-lockout truce effective In de­ “The Army Air Force which (Continued On Page Fourteen) partment communique reported. 1— Any kind of aggression.fense Industries for the duration. masa-ralded Rangoon airdrome on back to Hong Kong’s motmtalnous preying on Pacifle coast shipping. ’’Several enemy transport troop­ atrongholdia, British defenders of 2— Oppression of minorities. After four days of conference, Dec. 23 engaged more than 10 Praises Crew of 40 Men ships have appeared off Batangas, 3— Designing nations seeking arepresentatives of organized labor Spitfires, and Gloaters appear also the besieged crown colony off the Capt. Olaf Eckstrom, tall, blond south of Manila, Indicating the monopoly on economic wealth. and of industry likewise agreed to have been Included. The result CTiina coast were reported tonight Norse skipper of the Montebello, probability of an attempttd land­ to have won local successes in Flashes ! Gives Message 4— Total war or annamentsthat all disputes should be settled was that Japanese fighters shot (Late BoUettaa ol the (ff) Wlnt;! praised his crew of 40 men after ing In that region," said the com­ races. b>: peaceful means and that Presi­ dowm 10 British plane^ while counter-thrusts against the Ja­ panese on the southern part of the they all reached shore, suffering munique. 8—Persecution directed against dent Roosevelt sheulu set up a war bombers accounted for the re­ For Mothers only shock and exposure. Two Islands Shelled labor board to handle them.
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