LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS (Oct 16) HIGH MASS TODAY: 23RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, P. 406 1st Collection: $ 5687.46 + 2575.00 2nd Collection (Building Fund): $ 131.51 + 100.00 Entrance Hymn: 883 - Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Building Pledges: $ 1689.53 + 2370.84 OLG Seminary: $ 40.00 Asperges me: 567; Ordinary: 740 - Mass XI; Credo: 776 - Credo III World Mission Sunday: $ 25.00 Families in need: $ 25.00 + 81.00 Marian Antiphon: 961 - Salve Regina; Recessional Hymn: 861 - To Christ, the Prince of Peace Special Envelope today: World Mission Sunday Next week: HEAD USHERS: 7am: Jim Dunne; 9am: John Lewis; 11:30am: Ed Burrichter ALL SAINTS DAY PARTY & POTLUCK—SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH - 3:00PM: All welcome. Dress COLLECTION COUNT CREW: Today: David Bennier, Ben Laxton, Ron Occhiogrosso, Nick Occhiogrosso up as your favorite Saint. Also, bring a dish to share. RSVP with the number of children attending so that Next Sunday: Bob Price, Dave Roddy, Jonathan Shoulta, Paul Ratterman sufficient prizes can be procured: Raegan Ratterman: [email protected] or Becky Beaven: [email protected]. DONATED CANDY NEEDED. THANK YOU. COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS: Today: 7:00am Kathleen Willard, Carol Bolay; 9:00am Kevin & Sara Mey- ers; 11:30am Bob & Daryn Price | Next Sunday: 7:00am Vern & Theresa Augustine; 9:00am Peter & Janet ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST BOOKROOM: The bookroom is a double closet located in the Parish Hall Elliott; 11:30am Bryan & Brigitte Titcomb containing educational materials for children. You are free to take what you need. Donations of current curriculum materials are always welcome. Questions: Elizabeth Beshenich at 913-240-4173 WEEKLY CALENDAR OCT 23 - 30 ([email protected]). Sunday, Oct 23–7:00am, 9:00am & 11:30am: 23rd Sunday after Pentecost FR. FONGEMIE IS AWAY THIS WEEK UNTIL NOV 1. Monday, Oct 24–6:30am: St Raphael, Archangel TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST—ALL SAINTS DAY—Holy Day of Obligation: Masses 6:30am, 12Noon & Tuesday, Oct 25–6:30am: St Isidore the Farmer [USA]; comm. SS Chrysanthus and Daria 7:00pm. (Important City Council Meeting in the evening—your prayers are appreciated.) Wednesday, Oct 26–6:30am & 6:00pm: Feria; comm. St Evaristus, Pope & Martyr Thursday, Oct 27–6:30am & 12Noon: Feria WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND—ALL SOULS DAY: Masses at 6:30am & 7:00am, 12Noon & Friday, Oct 28–6:30am, 9:00am & 6:00pm: SS Simon and Jude, Apostles 12:30pm, 7:00pm (Sung). No 6pm Mass today. Saturday, Oct 29–7:00am & 9:00am: Saturday of the B.V.M. Sunday, Oct 30–7:00am, 9:00am & 11:30am: Feast of Christ the King (Act of Consecration) THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO WORKED TO MAKE YESTERDAY’S CONFIRMATION CEREMONY A SUCCESS. The Knights of the Altar (Boys 7-18yrs) meet after Mass on 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Contact: Fr. Nolan. CONSECRATION OF THE HUMAN RACE TO THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS Choir of St. Hildegard of Bingen meets Wednesdays 7:00pm—9:00pm. Contact: Dr. Iva n Csanaky. Men’s Schola Cantorum of St. Benedict of Nursia meets Sundays 10:55am—11:25am. Contact: Dr. O most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Iva n Csanaky. Thine altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, be- hold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy most Sacred Heart. The Girls’ Choir meets on 1st & 3rd Saturdays from 10:00-11:00am, also on Sundays 11:00-11:25am. Contact: Mrs. Cecilia Csanaky. Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have The Youth Group (14-18yrs) meets on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 5pm at the church. Con- mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, tact: Fr. Nolan. not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have The Legion of Mary Adults: Fridays at 6:45pm. Youth: Thursday 12:45pm. Contact: Christine Funk 913- abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to Thy Father's house lest they die of wretch- 728-2310. edness and hunger. The League of Tarcisians, an association of youth promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart, meets Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and every 1st Friday after the 9am Mass. Contact: Fr. Nolan. call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that there may be but one flock and one Guild of St. Philomena, a group fostering devotion to the Sacramentals and the Saints meets on Shepherd. the 3rd Friday of the month after the 9:00am Mass. All ages welcome. Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and re- Youth Catechism is offered Sunday at 10:15am. Contact: Tony & Christine Funk 913-728-2310. fuse not to draw them into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thy eyes of mercy towards the chil- Little Flowers Girls Club for girls of the parish ages 5-11. 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Contact: Erin Maher dren of the race, once Thy chosen people: of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the email: [email protected]; Ph. 913-216-2770. Savior; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life. The St Monica Prayer Group meets in church every Friday ca. 10am. The Rosary is prayed for the conversion of non-Catholic or lapsed family members. Grant, O Lord , to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and or- der to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: “Praise be to the di- 2nd Friday of each Month—Rosary at Women's Health Abortuary (4840 College Bvld., Leawood, KS) at 10:30am. vine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor forever.” Amen. Sacristan Secretary/Business Manager Miss Celine Calovich 913-268-8093 Mr. John Watkins 785-331-8232 [email protected] Altar & Rosary Society Mrs. Jody Nelson 913-530-6801 Parish Council: Chairman: Dr. Greg Gomer St. Rose Philippine [email protected] 913-210-4929, Mr. Kerry Nelson, Mr. Kevin Fogarty, Mr. Peter Elliot, Mr. Bryan Titcomb Catholic Church Church Cleaning Mrs. Daryn Price 913-645-1962 Finance Council: Chairman: Mr. Rob Spaedy 5035 Rainbow Blvd • Westwood, KS 66205 913-681-9340, Mr. John Heffernon, Mr. Steve After-Mass Coffee & Doughnuts Fitzgerald, Mr. James Macaluso, Mr. Christopher Mrs. Raegan Ratterman 816-726-3416 Finch, Mr. Marc Weishaar, Mr. David Bennier, Mass Schedule Confirmation Prep & Legion of Mary Mr. John Lewis, Mr. John Watkins (ex officio) (see inside bulletin for weekly changes) Mr. Tony Funk Building Committee: Chairman: Mr. John Sunday: 7:00am; 9:00am; 11:30am (High Mass) Mrs. Christine Funk 913-728-2310 Lewis 913-390-7933, Mr. Jerry Knopp, Mr. Marc “Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you (Benediction after High Mass on the 4th Sunday Weishaar, Mr. Rob Spaedy First Holy Communion Class my heart, my soul, and my life of most months) Miss Abigail Ratterman 816-718-1152. – oh, yes, my life, generously.” Monday: 6:30am -Dying words of St Rose Philippine Duchesne Tuesday: 6:30am PRAYER REQUESTS Deceased: Melvin Owens, Dan Dunn, Lori Benegar, Carol Oom Wednesday: 6:30am & 6:00pm Sick and other intentions: Fr. Calvin Goodwin FSSP, Joe Schutzman, Hermie Timmons, Fr Tom Kearns, Fr. John Fongemie FSSP Chaplain John Vennari, Bo Bray, Arlene Dorsey, Luis Grine, Rory Trujillo, Joel Sydzyik, Rosemary Burns, Amanda Kap- Cell Phone 785-840-8202 (Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succor at 5:30pm) fer, Marie Curry, Vin Belcher, Agnes Trujillo, Joseph P. Orgeron, Chuck Strotkamp, Colleen Hammond, Terri [email protected] Thursday: 6:30am & 12Noon Cole, Dave Manly, Family of Kurt Kuemmerlein, Janine Smith, Karen Smith, Ryan Houze, Rita Marie & John Friday: 6:30am, 9:00am & 6:00pm Joseph Jurcyk, Dr. James Pretz, Dr. Julia Scott, Marjorie Culligan, John Roberts, John Daly, Josie Tehan, Michael Fr. Justin Nolan FSSP Asst. Chaplain (Benediction follows Mass) Miller, Hillary Trossen, Brandon Michael Huels, Catherine Conner, Henry Smith, Hugh Irwin, Frankie Gardner, Cell Phone 402-525-9812 Bob Hemmen, Gemma Black, Don Pearl, Victor Armijo, Phil Bux, Dave Klein, Louie Armijo, Jen and Chad Ger- [email protected] Saturday: 7:00am & 9:00am ber & family, Junior Phillips, Benny Machen, Lorena, Damaris Niewald, Beatriz Grine, Jack & Shirley Connell, Holy Hour: Mon–Thur: 7:10am – 8:00am Lucy Torrez, Helen Craig, Seidle Family, Jeanne Donohoo, Anita Schmidt and Family, Mary Faye Archuleta, Fr. Brian Austin FSSP—In residence Sarah Burrichter, Mary Kathryn, Barbara, Ester De Herrera, Mario Guevara, Nicole Toplikar, Joanne Ciaravino, Confessions: 30 minutes before Masses, st Letisha Marcum, Mario Villarroel, Marie Rooney, Joseph Ludwikoski, Thomas Peters, Barb & Ed (Please let Emergencies: 913-909-8690 after Masses on the 1 Friday of the month, the priests know when these intentions are no longer needed.) Website: www.spdlatinmass.com after Mass on Saturdays, Rectory: 913-236-0005 and during Masses on Sundays. Consecration of the Sick to Mary: O kind and good Mother, whose own soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow, look upon us while, in our sickness, we arraign ourselves beside you on the Calvary where your Please note: One Mass on 1st Fridays is offered Jesus hangs. Dowered with the high grace of suffering, and hopeful of fulfilling in our own flesh what is want- Choir of St. Hildegard of Bingen for Building Fund Donors.
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