The Fifth Estate R A D I O T E L E V I S I O N C A B L E S A T E L L I T E Broadcasting i Feb 29 V WBBM -TV KAUT-TV WCAU -TV WWMT -TV WBZ -TV KENS -TV WLNE-TV WJBK-TV WNEP-TV WHAS-TV WFAA-TV WFMY-TV WJ LA-TV TV WTVR- V-TV WJR1 WTLV-TV WAGA-TV In just 6 weeks of selling .. W H EC-TV OL-TV MEW MTV-TV VV KING-TV \ BUSINESS WSVN-TV ILR-TV WDE TAJ-TV VV KM OV-TV KMGH-TV AR-TV WE\ TillS 1W/i/C NE-TV WO KXTV-TV \ WRDW-TV NE-TV W I L: -TV WTOC- ' W I FR-TV WJHL-TV KA-TV WJ -TV KFDA- WMAR-TV WJW-TV V11 . AW-TV WI TV KSWO- WMAZ-TV <TPX-TV W' DAY--TV KH TV KLBK- KCCI-TV V\ BS-TV WIB WISH-TV WFSB-TV W BTW-TV -TV WKYT-T TV KGTV KOIN-TV WTVF-TV WCPO-TV WISN-TV WOME-TV WEAR-TV WCBS-TV WFTV KCBS-TV WVUE-TV WSPA-TV 2119E lV ll3HXtlW SCbT 9019 ZZ T wQC1b s vS-lnV C6 /ACM )47I b9£Zl TI4£ Most People Only Know The So Wdd LikeToShowTF 'lb most people in the most ambitious and reveal- West, the Soviet Union is ing look into the very heart a mysterious giant. A and soul of Soviet life: geographic titan most Portrait of the Soviet often portrayed as a Union. Capturing sights threatening enemy. and scenes that Western And that's a shame. Because the Soviet cameras have never been allowed to filr Union is a land of great beauty. A country Narrated by two-time Academy that's as rich in tradition as America. Yet Award nominee Roy Scheider, Portrait 4 times larger. takes you where few Americans have ev Now, for the first time in syndication, been. Exploring the fifteen separate Tlarner Program Services brings you the republics that form the Soviet Union. a a.aIS alr ` By One Red Square Mile. i The Other 8,600 382. It's the most extensive series of of a people and nation that has been closed to its kind, offering a first-hand I Is for 40 years. Your viewers have already look at all walks of Soviet life... seen Red Square. And now you can show them Talking to the people about the the rest of this fascinating nation. lives they live Their loves and Aiti dreams. Their families. Their problems. PORT11111T OF THE Their changing society. And their per- hensive and timely. spectives on America. PortraitoftirSoviet Portrait is more than a mini-series. Union is seven hours It's a rare opportunity to look beyond the of extraordinary SoitEi UNION myths and mysteries and see the heart of television like none TURNER PROGRAM SERVICES (MfiasinAtlanta.Net%liHk.Lts:\ tcs and Chirg Mother Russia. A better understanding eVer before seen. ni. .rarw,u7z-)rw.: ,, AtIn,y., axLl`1a1L WOMEN WOMEN 18 -49 25-54 TIME PERIOD WINNER TIME PERIOD WINNER IN IN DETROIT DETROIT DALLAS ATLANTA ATLANTA CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE WILKES BARRE WILKES BARRE CHARLESTON CHARLESTON LITTLE ROCK LITTLE ROCK MOBILE MOBILE FRESNO KNOXVILLE PADUCAH FRESNO JACKSON GREEN BAY BRISTOL PADUCAH SOUTH BEND DAVENPORT EVANSVILLE JACKSON, MS LAS VEGAS BRISTOL WACO SOUTH BEND SIOUX FALLS TRI CITIES FT. WAYNE BURLINGTON FARGO EVANSVILLE CHARLESTON LAS VEGAS PEORIA EL PASO SAVANNAH SIOUX FALLS MONTEREY FT. WAYNE ROCKFORD FT. MYERS MONROE AUGUSTA JOPLIN And 37 more markets! And 27 more markets! SOURCE: NSI Cassandra 1187, ARB Apollo 11/87 "Mama's Family" delivi LnR.IMAR demos for sitcom succE S Y N D I C A T I O N llif,C1U11F3COMVv available for strippi she's ready PRIMLY.. TEENS KIDS TIME PERIOD WINNER TIME PER OD WIN ER IN IN CHICAGO SAN FRANCIS O BOSTON DETROIT SAN FRANCISCO CLEVELAN i DETROIT SEATTLE DALLAS MINNEAPOL S SEATTLE PITTSBURG MINNEAPOLIS CHARLOTT: MIAMI NASHVILLE DENVER OKLAHOMA C TY HARTFORD PROVIDENC. INDIANAPOLIS WILKES BAR E CINCINNATI CHARLESTO CHARLOTTE LITTLE ROC NASHVILLE RICHMOND NEW ORLEANS SHREVEPOR BUFFALO FLINT PROVIDENCE MOBILE MEMPHIS KNOXVILLE CHARLESTON FRESNO LITTLE ROCK TOLEDO SHREVEPORT GREEN BAY MOBILE ROCHESTER WICHITA OMAHA FRESNO PORTLAND TOLEDO And 58 more markets! And 43 more markets! e perfect mix of young MAMAS with 110 half -hours FAMILY 3rting spring '89, A JOE HAMILTON PRODUCTION 4,- ! ?liver for you! 19d7 Lonn,ar BBM was so of Proud the Job we did, WE TOLD they paid to run this ad YOU AH SO day Monday, 78's Accu- WBBM in Weather Newsradio the sleet, high predicted rain, winds, lake snow, and flooding, thunder. You lightning know the We were rest. right on because the money Chicago we put our money on 50 meteorologists and expert at 70 support Accu-Weather. people a They newspapers. day, 7 work 24 hours days a week computer with technology advanced to bring Chicago's most you WBBM accurate forecasts. updates these the forecasts clock. Steve you Deshler weekday brings them to mornings. To stay a step tune ahead of to WBBM the storm, Newsradio Chicago's 78 for most accurate forecasts, weather school and and business traffic reports closings, throughout the day. Accu-Weather On WBBM Get Accu-Weather . Get the best! of INC Is a registered trademark ACLU WEATHER- ACCU-WEATHER Accu .Weather' I 619 W College Avenue State College, FA 16801 (814) 234-9601 Vol 114 Na 9 Broadcastingeeb 29 NATPE '88's programing panoply. page 35 Flynt's Supreme Court victory over Failwell...page 39. Interview with NBC's Larry Grossmaln...page 44. NATPE '88 o NAIPE gets underway in Houston, with "help demonstrate the consequences of failing to news that ALF and Morton Downey Show will go enforce such requirements." PAGE 55. into syndication and that WCBS -TV New York will carry GTG's USA Today. Washington Post's Katharine TRUST US FCC general counsel says federal Graham tells NAIPE attendees to "redefine the courts' distrust of commission benefits no one television franchise," while FCC's Dennis Patrick PAGE 56. surveys TV's "promising land." NBC announces schedule changes and Patricia Diaz Dennis SWAGGART STEPS DOWN O Saying that he had defends FCC's action on fairness and must carry "sinned" and confessing sexual misconduct, TV Coverage begins on PAGE 35. evangelist Jimmy Swaggart relinquishes his TV pulpit for indefinite period. PAGE 60. TNT TACK o Ted Turner talks about convincing MSO's of what he hopes will be his newest innovation - THINKING SMALLER O Metropolitan Broadcasting Turner Network Television. PAGE 40. pares down to reduce debt on $300 -million 1985 deal for Metromedia stations. PAGE 63. FOR THE RECORD O Executives of major MSO's discuss states of their respective businesses and NIGHT SHIFT o Three broadcast TV networks prepare plans for future at meeting with securities analysts new programs to compete in late night. PAGE 66. in New York. PAGE 41. TV's TOP TWENTY Although there has been some NBC'S FUTURE NOW O NBC News President Larry churn, list of TV's top 20 group owners remains Grossman talks about changing landscape of TV essentially unchanged. PAGE se. network news -and how NBC is keeping pace -in this "At Large" interview with BROADCASTING editors. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT O Investment group takes PAGE 44. control of UPI from Mario Vazquez -Rana. PAGE 71. LAYING THE FOUNDATION O Key Senate and House EASE OF A VETERAN O Robert McConnell brings his lawmakers show their support for mandatory must - own style to Capitol Hill when presenting CBS's carry rules, directing FCC to collect data that could point of view. PAGE 95. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS At Large 44 Editorials 98 Law & Regulation 55 Programing 66 Business 68 Fates & Fortunes 90 Masthead 25 Satellite Footprints 65 Cablecastings 72 Fifth Estater 95 The Media 60 Stock Index 59 Changing Hands 69 For the Record 74 Monday Memo 22 Technology 64 Closed Circuit 8 In Brief 96 On Radio 63 Where Things Stand 10 Datebook 24 Journalism 71 Open Mike 30 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS: Accu- Mather, Inc. 6 o Americom 700 Blackburn & Co. 680 Classified Ads 81 -890 Communications Equity Associates 71 o Eastman Kodak Co. 43 0 Group W Television Sales 11, 23 0 Ted Hepburn Co., The 69 0 IDB Communications Group, Inc. 27 o Jesup & Lamont Securities Co.. Inc. 74 0 Lester Kamin & Co. 76 o Latcom Group, The 31 0 LBS Communications. Inc. 12 -13, 50 -51, 52 -53 o Lorimar Syndication 4 -5 0 MCATV 19 o Media General Broadcast Services, Inc. 32, 47 0 Media bénture Partners 73 0 National Education Assn. 34 o Otani 9 0 Panasonic Broadcast Systems Co. 15, 17 o Paramount Pictures Corp. 20 -21 0 Petty Fourth Cover 0 Professional Cards 79 0 Satellite Music Network Third Cover 0 Services Directory 78 0 SESAC 33 0 Barry Sherman & Associates. Inc. 77 0 SONY Broadcast Products 28 -29 0 Gary Stevens & Co., Inc. 75 o Joe Sullivan & Associates, Inc. 90 0 Sun Radio Network Corp. 63 0 Television Videotape Satellite Communications 26 o Thoben -Van Huss & Associates. Inc. 72 o Turner Program Services Second Cover /3 0 Viacom Front Cover a Video Marketing Network, Inc. 24 üredcasting (ISSN 0007 -2028) is published 52 Mondays a year by Broadcasting Publications. 1705 DeSales Street. N W. Washington. D.C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washingic Ind additional offices Single issue $2 except special sues $3 50 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Subscriptions. U.S. and possessions'. one year $70. two years $135 three years $190 Canadian and )ther international subscribers add $20 per year U S.
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