World Heritage 28 COM Distribution limited WHC-04/28.COM/INF.26 Paris, 13 March 2006 Original: English /French UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE Twenty-eighth session Suzhou, China 28 June – 7 July 2004 SUMMARY RECORD Decisions and Summary Record WHC-04/28.COM/26, p 159 Decisions and Summary Record WHC.04/28.COM/26, p 160 TABLE OF CONTENTS MONDAY, 28 JUNE 2004 (MORNING) 165 ITEMS 1 to 3 OPENING SESSION 165 ITEM 4 REQUESTS FOR OBSERVER STATUS 167 ITEM 5 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 167 ITEM 6 REPORT OF THE RAPPORTEUR OF THE 27TH SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (PARIS, 30 JUNE - 5 JULY 2003) 168 MONDAY, 28 JUNE 2004 (AFTERNOON) 170 ITEM 7 REPORT OF THE RAPPORTEUR OF THE 14TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES (PARIS, 14-15 OCTOBER 2003) 170 ITEM 8 PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 2004 - 2005 (32C/5) APPROVED BY THE 32ND GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO 171 ITEM 13 GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR A REPRESENTATIVE, BALANCED AND CREDIBLE WORLD HERITAGE LIST 171 TUESDAY, 29 JUNE 2004 (MORNING) 175 ITEM 13 GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR A REPRESENTATIVE, BALANCED AND CREDIBLE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM MON. 28 JUNE 04) 175 TUESDAY, 29 JUNE 2004 (AFTERNOON) 178 ITEM 10B PROGRESS REPORT ON THE EVALUATION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE 180 ITEM 14A TENTATIVE LISTS OF STATES PARTIES SUBMITTED AS OF 15 MAY 2004 IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 183 TUESDAY, 29 JUNE 2004 (EVENING SESSION) 183 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST 183 WEDNESDAY, 30 JUNE 2004 (MORNING) 187 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM TUES. 29 JUNE EVENING) 187 WEDNESDAY, 30 JUNE 2004 (AFTERNOON) 191 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM WED. 30 JUNE MORNING) 191 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2004 (MORNING) 201 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM TUES. 30 JUNE AFTERNOON) 201 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2004 (AFTERNOON) 205 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM THUR. 1 JULY MORNING) 205 Decisions and Summary Record WHC-04/28.COM/26, p 161 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2004 (EVENING SESSION) 209 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM THUR. 1 JULY AFTERNOON) 209 FRIDAY, 2 JULY 2004 (MORNING) 215 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM THUR. 1 JULY EVENING) 215 FRIDAY, 2 JULY 2004 (AFTERNOON) 220 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM FRI 2 JULY MORNING) 220 SUNDAY, 4 JULY 2004 (MORNING) 229 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM FRI. 2 JULY AFTERNOON) 231 ITEM 15A PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER 234 SUNDAY, 4 JULY 2004 (AFTERNOON) 241 ITEM 15A PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER (CONTINUED FROM SUN 4 JULY MORNING) 241 ITEM 17 B.II PROTECTION OF PALESTINIAN CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE 249 SUNDAY, 4 JULY 2004 (EVENING SESSION) 249 ITEM 15B PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE 249 MONDAY, 5 JULY 2004 (MORNING) 259 ITEM 15B PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE (CONTINUED FROM SUN. 4 JULY 04 AFTERNOON) 259 MONDAY, 5 JULY 2004 (AFTERNOON) 271 ITEM 15B PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE (CONTINUED FROM MON. 5 JULY 04 MORNING) 271 ITEM 9 REPORT OF THE WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE ON ITS ACTIVITIES AND ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECISIONS OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE 276 ITEM 11 PRESENTATION OF ACCOUNTS OF THE WORLD HERITAGE FUND IN 2002-2003 AND SITUATION OF THE BUDGET 2004-2005 279 ITEM 12 PROPOSALS CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 2006-2007 (DRAFT 33C/5) 280 ITEM 13 GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR A REPRESENTATIVE, BALANCED AND CREDIBLE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM TUES. 29 JUNE 04 MORNING) 281 TUESDAY, 6 JULY 2004 (MORNING 9H00 – 10H45) 285 ITEM 16 PRESENTATION OF THE PERIODIC REPORT FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN AND FOLLOW-UP REGIONAL PROGRAMME 285 Decisions and Summary Record WHC.04/28.COM/26, p 162 TUESDAY, 6 JULY 2004 (18H00 - 20H00) 289 ITEM 19 PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GLOBAL TRAINING STRATEGY 289 ITEM 10A EXAMINATION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE REQUESTS 290 ITEM 23 ELECTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON, VICE-CHAIRPERSONS AND RAPPORTEUR 290 ITEM 14B NOMINATIONS OF PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (CONTINUED FROM SUN 4 JULY 04 MORNING) 291 ITEM 14A TENTATIVE LISTS OF STATES PARTIES (CONTINUED FROM TUES. 29 JUNE 04 AFTERNOON). 294 WEDNESDAY, 7 JULY 2004 (AFTERNOON) 295 ITEM 24 PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE 29TH SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (JUNE-JULY 2005) 295 ITEM 25 OTHER BUSINESS 295 ITEM 26 DRAFT DECISIONS OF THE 28TH SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (28 JUNE - 7 JULY 2004, SUZHOU, CHINA) 297 ITEM 27 CLOSURE OF THE SESSION 300 Decisions and Summary Record WHC.04/28.COM/26, p 163 Decisions and Summary Record WHC.04/28.COM/26, p 164 the World Conservation Union (IUCN) also attended the session. Monday, 28 June 2004 (morning) 5. There were various interventions by the personalities attending the opening session, the resumés of which follow. ITEMS 1 TO 3 OPENING SESSION 6. In his opening address by Mr Zhang Xinsheng, Document Chairperson (China), welcomed Madam Chen Zhili, WHC-04/28.COM/INF.1 State Councillor of the People’s Republic of China, the Director General of UNESCO, President of the 1. The 28th session of the World Heritage General Conference of UNESCO, President of the Committee was opened by Mr Zhang Xinsheng Executive Board of UNESCO, Members of the (China) Chairperson, on 28 June 2004 in Suzhou, World Heritage Committee, and other distinguished China. The Chairperson welcomed H.E. Mme Chen Delegates and Observers. He stated that it was a Zhili, State Councillor of the People's Republic of dream come true to receive so many eminent China, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, the Director-General personalities in Suzhou in the new Convention of UNESCO, Mr Liang Baohua, Governor of Center built for the occasion. He hoped that Jiangsu Province, Mr Michael Abiola Omolewa, everyone would have the opportunity to learn about President of the UNESCO General Conference, Mr the Wu culture, including the Kunqu Opera and visit Hans-Heinrich Wrede, President of the Executive the wonderful classical gardens of Suzhou, as well Board, Mr Yang Weize, Mayor of Suzhou, as visiting other Chinese World Heritage properties, Committee Members, States Parties and all reflecting the great diversity of the country. With a observers. The 21 members of the Committee: 10-day working session, Mr Zhang recalled that the Argentina, Benin, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, agenda had some important and heavy items: follow India, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, the up to the Cairns Decision; evaluation of the Global Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Strategy; and the Periodic Report on Latin America. Portugal, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, South Under his Chairmanship, he announced China's wish Africa and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and to inaugurate a World Heritage Training and Northern Ireland participated in the session. Research Institute, based in China. He also evoked an idea of establishing a World Heritage Prize to 2. 72 States Parties to the World Heritage promote and reward outstanding work in the fields Convention who are not members of the Committee of training, education, or awareness-raising at World were represented as observers: Algeria, Andorra, Heritage properties. Finally, expressing his personal Angola, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, goals for this session were to reach consensus on the Belgium, Barbados, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, complex issues on the Committee's agenda, he Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Czech Republic, declared the 28th session of the World Heritage Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Committee open. (Mr Zhang's complete opening Democractic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Fiji, address can be found on the following web site : Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, http://whc.unesco.org/archive/2004/) Guatemala, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, 7. In response to the opening welcome by Mr Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Xinsheng Zhang, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, the Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Director-General of UNESCO, addressed the Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, distinguished personalities on the podium and in the Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Samoa, Saudi meeting room, saying that it was a great honour to Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain, be received in China on the occasion of the 28th Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, session of the World Heritage Committee. He Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of referred to the happy coincidence of 2004 being the Tanzania, United States of America, Venezuela, Year of China in France. Recalling its 29 cultural Vietnam and Yemen. and natural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, he said that China also has a very rich 3. The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to intangible heritage, proclaimed by UNESCO UNESCO also attended this session as an observer. “masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity”: the Chinese zither – guqin. He recalled 4. Representatives of the Advisory Bodies to the the proverb: “In heaven there is paradise, and on Committee, namely the International Centre for the earth there are Hangzhou and Suzhou”, saying that Study of the Preservation and Restoration of conservation and controlled development is Cultural Property (ICCROM), the International consistent with the broader framework of the Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and Millennium Development Goals adopted by the Decisions and Summary Record WHC-04/28.COM/26, p 165 United Nations.
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