Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-4-1967 The B-G News April 4, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 4, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2076. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2076 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Tuesday, April 4, 1967 Bowlinq Green State University, Bowlinn Green, Ohio Volume 51, No. 84 Fire On Roof Closes Auditorium "Hey, no French lab today, the at Wood County Hospital for a The play, "The Country Girl," building's on fire." fractured foot. scheduled for Friday, Saturday That was the reaction of one The pipe organ in the auditor- and Sunday, will be presented as girl to the news that there was ium was covered soon after the planned In the Joey Brown Theatre. a fire In University Hall yester- fire was discovered and apparent- No decision has been reached day morning. ly received only minor water concerning the showing of the cam- The fire was sparked by an damage. pus movies for this weekend. overheated motor In the ventila- ting system above the Main Audi- torium, according to Bowling mmm Green Fire Chief Howard Rut- tuer. ■ Deadlines Set For Interviews •$8 He said most of the fire was Today at 4 pjn. is the dead- dent body secretary, stu- confined to an area between the line for candidates for class roof of the building and the false dent body treasurer and class •:§:•: representative, class vice celling of the auditorium. presidents to sign up for per- ::•:•:•: president, class secretary, and There was no Immediate esti- sonal interviews with the B-G figs class treasurer to submit 50 News editorial board starting mate of dam ages, but the chief :•:•:•:• word statements to the B-G said there was considerable smoke at 6:30 pjn. tomorrow. :•:•:;:• News presenting theirplat- Candidates should come to and water damage to the plaster :•:& forms for the upcoming el- celling. the News office to sign up. :•:■:•:■ ectlons. The entire building was closed These Interviews will be used temporarily yesterday and the >•:•:•: Statements, which will bepu- to help determine which can- auditorium will be closed for at *:*:bllshed In the News before the didates will be endorsed by least two to three weeks, accord- •:•:•:•:April 12 all - campus election, the News. A press conference for can- ing to F. Eugene Beatty, director H|should be brought to the B-G of buildings and facilities. SSNews Office, 105-6 University didates for student body pre- The first sign of the fire was SgiHalL sident and vice president will m smoke In the auditorium, which Tomorrow at 4 p.m. Is the be held at 3:30 pjn. Thursday was seen by a maintenance man SS deadline for candidates for stu- in 105 Manna. about 9:45 a.m. University police were sent to check and fire was discovered. It took firemen about one-half hour to get the blaze under con- trol, despite being hampered by the Inaccessible area where the fire burned. "EXCUSE ME, the building is on fire." In this polite manner, Lt. Richard L. Hall of the Bowl- students and faculty evacuated University Hall yesterday while ing Green Fire Department was the Bowling Green Fire Department fought a half-hour battle Injured when his foot was caught with a fire that started with an over-heated ventilating sys'em. In the ladder truck. He was treated (Photo by Tim Culek). Rockwell Urges Fight For ^hite Majority' By MARILYN DRAPER Rockwell made this comment ly.yet emphatically, delivered to Issue Editor during a press conference before what appeared to be an Indifferent George Lincoln Rockwell, lead- a group of newsmen and women, audience. Students laughed at the er of the American Nazi Party, and later touched on the subject Nazi leader's Joke and applauded said that he was fighting for the as he spoke to more than 2,700 him at the conclusion of his talk, "white majority" during a visit to students In Memorial Hall. after he told them they shouldn't the campus Friday night. Rockwell's speech was calm- be afraid to do It. "This Is a white Christian country," he said, "and the only country In which we are ashamed of what we are," Panty Raid Produces "Negroes vote their race, Jews vote for their race, but you are the only people who are good- hearted enough and suckers enough Damages, Disturbance not to," he said. A rambunctious crowd of male University police reported they Rockwell called for white power. UBlverslty students, estimated at didn't know of anyone who was "Not get blackle, but save whltie," more than 200, broke windows, Injured although police reported he explained. stopped traffic, and arouse the Ire several students were hit by night He told the students that the of police and Bowling Green towns- sticks. same people who had proclaimed people last Thursday, night and Nine persons were apprehended that Fidel Castro and Mao Tse Tung were not Communists,are early Friday morning. for failure to return to their dorm- Windows were broken In Uni- itories. Spencer T. Calcamugglo, now telling the American people versity Hall and McDonald West University police chief sald.Those that Martin Luther King Is not Hall and screens were ripped off students are expected to be called a Communist, And they are label- several ground floor windows at before Wallace W. Taylor, dean ing the revolution of which he Is the Founder's Quadrangle, Univer- of men sometime this week. a leader the civil rights move- sity officials said. One of the students Involved ment, Police reported traffic was termed the "panty raid" part of "In World War II, I was told stopped In front of the Wood County the demonstration a failure. we were fighting to put down Bank on East Wooster Street when "One pair of black lacy pan- tyranny, but I found that I fought students blockaded the street with ties was all that was thrown down to make the world safe for Com- benches, picnic tables and chairs. the whole night," mused one stu- munism and Russia, which has be- The windshield on a recently dent. come an even greater tyranny,' purchased University police car Mr. Roclcwell called himself a WITH THE American flag as his background. George Lincoln "Soviet war veteran" and de- ; was shattered by rocks as the The Incident, which began In the Rockwell spoKe to a coH ■< t crowd in Anderson Arena last Fri- car passed through Fraternity area of the fraternity houses about nounced what he called the day. Mr. Rockwell, however failed to visibly excite the major- Rows. None of the policemen In- 11:30 p«m., ended about 2:30 ajn. "preaching of love and co-exis- ity of the crowd with the philosophy of his American Naii party. University police said. tence with the Russians." (Photo by Mike Kuhlin.). side the car were hurt. (Continued on Poge 5) Page 2 The B-G News, Tuesday, April 4, 1967 "Ronnie. Boy, I Think You've Done It Again" OBSERVER'S NOTEBOOK He Fails To Conquer By LARRY FULLERTON Rockwell managed to say, "If you without incident, he would receive Columnist feel like you should applaud and 100 to 300 responses by mall, He came. don't, you should be ashamed of most of them favorable. He spoke. yourself." Sure enough, a good Among these, he said, would be But he didn't conquer. portion of the crowd did applaud some who would be strong sup- George Lincoln Rockwell, found- the sure-fire applause-getter. porters of his cause. er and leader of the American This only shows the orater's That "incident" could have been Nazi Party, had his chance at techniques Rockwell had mastered sparked by an explosion that the Bowling Green student body in making his presentation. This, sounded much like a gun shot Friday night and Judging from in fact, is the whole key to the midway through the speech. The the reaction, failed In his attempts man's success (however much or only person In the hall who didn't to Incite his audience or make little he has had so far.) seem startled was Rockwell, who supporters out of them. said only he would wait for the Although It was far from the Rockwell has developed his style crowd to quiet down again before silent treatment Student Council much In the pattern of the gos- continuing. had hoped for, the reaction to pel preachers and the political His blase' attitude about the Rockwell's harangues was not as candidates of old who depended matter could almost lead one to widespread as the dynamic and on strong oratory combined with believe the firecracker could have forceful Mr. Rockwell expected. the facts that would make them been set-off by one of the four There was sporadic applause look good and discredit their op- "henchmen" reported to have ac- i and an occasional laugh at one ponents. companled Rockwell. of Mr. Rockwell's "Jokes" during During the press conference Fortunately, nothing happened the speech, but, for the most prior to his speech, Rockwell had Friday night and Mr.
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