2 EDW. VI!.] MilitaTY Pensions. [1902, No. 54. 219 New ~ealand. ANALYSIS. Title. 4. Seotion 7 of prinoipal Aot amended. 1. Short Title. 15. Soale amended. 2. Extension of prll10ipal Act to Eighth, Ninth, 6. Aot retrospective. and Tenth Contingents. 7. Governor to grant pensions. 3. MedICal Board. Schedule. 1902, No. 54. AN Ac'!' to amencl .. 'rhe Military Pensions Act, 1866," and to Title. further extend the Provisions of "The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900." [31'd Octuber, 190:J. BE IT ENACr1'ED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1. 'rhe Short Title of this Act is ., The Military Pensions Act, Short Title. 1902"; anll it shall form part of and be read together with" The Military Pensions Act, 1866" (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act "). 2 .. r1'he persons whose nallles are set forth in the Schedule Extension of prinoipal Act to hereto shall be deemed to be members of the forces elll'olled by the Eighth, Nmth, and Government for service in South Africa, and the provisions of " The Tenth Contingents. Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," are hereby extended to such persons accordingly. 3. Section four of the principal Act is hereby repealed, and the Medioa.l Boa.rd. following substituted in lieu thereof :- "(1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint a Board, consisting of not leRs than three duly qualified medical practitioners, whose duty it shall be to inquire into every claim for a pension or gratuity in respect of a wound or injury received in the actual performance of military duty, or in respect of the death of any officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, and to report thereon to the Governor. "(2.) No such pension or gratuity shall be granted except on the unanimous recommendation of the Board." 220 1902, No. 54.J Milita1'y Pensions. [2 EDw. VII. Section 7 of 4. Section seven of the principal Act is hereby amended by principa. Act a.mended. repealing the words" six months after his being first certified to be ill," in paragraph (b) thereof, and substituting the following in lieu thereof: "twelve months after his having first been removed from duty on account of such illness, provided the illness is certified to have commenced during and as the result of active operations; or, if he died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action, within twelve months after having been injured." Sca.le a.mended. 5. (1.) The columns of the scale annexed to the principal Act headed respectively "To widows whose husbands were killed in action," and "Where the father was killed in action," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve month!'! died of their wounds. (2.) The columns of the said scale headed respectively "To widows whose husbands died from illness contracted in the field," and" Where the father died from illness contracted in the field," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve months died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action. Aot retrospective. 6. (1.) Sections four and five hereof shall extend to every per­ son whose name appears in the respective Schedules to " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," "The Military Pensions Act, 1901," and this Act, whether the contingency in respect of which a pension or allowance is claimed under these Acts occurred before or after the passing of this Act. (2.) If at any time within one year of the passing of this Act the Governor is satisfied that there is any error or omission in the Schedule to either of the last-mentioned Acts or this Act, he may, by notice in the Gazette, remedy such error or omission. (3.) On the publication of such notice the names of the persons appearing therein shall be deemed to have been inserted in or omitted from the Sched nle to this Act. (4.) Such alteration shall be subject to ratification by Par­ liament in the next succeeding session, and if not so ratified shall have no further power or effect. Governor to grant 7. Every penSIOn or allowance under the principal Act shall be pensions. granted by the Governor; and every such pension shall be deemed to commence as from such date as the Governor determines. 2 EDW. VII.] .LVlilitary Pensions. [1902, No. 54. :221 SOHEDULE. Schedule. NO./ Bank and Name. Next-at-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT. BRIGADE STAFF. Brevet·Oolonel Davies, Richard Hut· Wife: Mrs. M. Davies, Inglewood. ton Brigade-Major Bingley, Arthur George Wife: Mrs. Bingley, Bank of New Zealand, Ohrlsi- Ellton churoh. Captain Matthews, Robed Saxton •• Wife: Mrs. Oaroline Matthews, Inglewood. Lieutenant Valintine, Henry Phipps Brother: Dr. Valintine, Wellington. Brigade Surgeon - Major PearleBB, Wife: Marianne Lessel Pearless, Wakefield, Nelson. Waiter Relf Brigade Ohaplain (Honorary Oaptain) Father: Rev. S. J. Oompton, South Oreake Vicarage, Oompton, Arthur William Henry Takenham, Norfolk, England. Brigade Transport-Officer Lieutenant Brotber: S. G. Grimes, Soaroliffe Grange, Ohester­ Grimes, John William field, England. Friend: A. Dickie, WaHotara. Brigade Sergea.nt - Major Rogers, Mother: Mrs. A. Rogers, Inglewood. Oharles Philip Brigade Farrier Quartermaster-BeE- Father: Robert Brotherton, 11, Harrowby Stree$, geant Bro,herton, Obarles Bute Docks, Oardiff, England. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. Major Bartlett, Edwin . .. Wife: Mrs. Isabella Bartlett, Hawera. Captain PoIson, Donald, D.S.O. (second Mother: Mrs. R. Poison, Disraeli Street, Addington. in command) Oapta.in and Adjutant Todd, Tbomas John Marr, D.S.O. Surgeon-Oaptain Eccles, Horace Dor­ Wife: Mrs. E. Eooles, Mangonui. set Forbes, Franois Son: H. M. B. Forbes, Hinemoa, Auokland. Oourtenay Suther­ land Veterinary Oaptain Ola.yton, John Sister: Miss M. Clayton, Fulshaw, Welmslaw, Greenwood Obeshire. Friend: John A. Gilruth, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. Lieutenant and Paymaster Pitt, Wil­ Mother: Maata te Owai, care of O. P. Davies, Messrs. liam WllIiams and Kettle (Limited), Gisborne. Lieutenant and Quartermaster Gardi­ Wife: Agnes Gardiner, 51, Brougham Street, Wel­ ner, Thomas John lington. 5000 Regimental Sergt.-Major L'Estrange, Father: Colonel L'Estrange, Army and Navy Club, Eudo WaIter London. Friend: Mrs. :\1asters, Commercial Hotel, Wellington. 5181 Regimental Quartermaster. Sergeant Father: John McDonnell, Spring Creek, Marlborough. McDonnell, Michael 5001 Regimenh,l Orderly Sergeant Latta, Father: Robert S. Latta, Surrey Street, Grey Lynn, Robert Sanderson Auckland. 5003 Paymaster - Sergeant Page, Thomas Father: J. E. Page, 14, Austin Street, Wellington. Maloolm 5002 Provost - Sergeant Maxwell, Ken Father: David Maxwell, Stratford, Taranaki. Andrew 5006 Oorporal-Dispenser Tooh ill , William Father: Daniel E. Toohill, Boseneath, Eketahuna. Henry 5007 I Dorlzao, Oharles Father: Frederiok Dorizao, Berhampore, Wellington. 222 1902, No. 54.] MilitaT.I/ PCIIsio1l8. [2 En\y. VII. Rank a.nd Name. Next-of-kin, and AddrellS. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON. Captain Seddon, Riohard John Spots­ Father: Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Molesworth Street, wood Wellington. Lieutenant Wighton, Alexander Mit­ Father: David Wighton, Upper Dixon Street, Wel. ohell lington. Friend: Miss Ferguson, Sanatorium, Rotorua. Morris, Cyri! Russell Father: W. R. Morris, Aooountant's Branoh, G.P.O., Wellington. Roberts, Alexander Wil­ Father: Heotor Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Ha.m Auckland. Cunningham, Adam J. Cunningham, 'raipo, Christohurch Roa.d, Westla.nd. Samuel " Davis, William Hartley Mother: Mary Hartley Davis, German Bay, Akaroa. 5015 Sergeant-Major Cha.rters, Alexander Father: W. W. Charters, 187, WIlson's Road, Christ· Bennett churoh. 5022 Quartermaster-Sergeant Hill, Frede· Sister: Mrs. J. B. Peyman, Wanganui. rick Hugh 5018 I Sergel\nt Larsen, Hans Father: Lewis Larsen, Springfield, Ohio, U .S.A. Friend: A. Carisen, Sa.wmiller, Dannevirke. 5019 Jacksoo, Cranworth Frank· Father: GoddlLrd Ja.ckson, Wadestown. lin 5020 Pender, Alexander Friend: J. G. W. Ahken, Aitken and Wilson, Wel· lington. 5021 Rowntree, George Arthur .. Father: W. B. Rowntree, Tory Street, Wellington. 5023 Turner, Daniel Brother: Dr. Turner, Ashfield, Kmtore, Aberdeen_ shire. Friend: Captain Maointosh, Kent Terraoe, Wellington. 5024 Nairn, James Walker Father: J80mes Nairn, Khandallah, Wellington. 5029 Willoughby, Edgar de Burgh Mother: Mrs. Marion Willoughby, Kronstad, South Africa.. Friend: l!'rank White, Sherwood, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. 5030 Wylie, Robert Mother: Mrs. E. Wylie, 8, Bidwell Street, Welling­ ton. 5016 Farrier - Sergeant Neilson, Albert Father: Oscar Neilson, 95, Riddiford Street, Welling­ ton. 'I Ernest 5849 Farrier - Sergeant C u n n i n g h a, m, Mother: Mrs. Is80bella Cunningham, Taipo Post· William Henry office, Christchurch Road, Westland. 5017 Saddler· Sergeant Harland, Samuel .. Father: Thomas Harland, Lansdowne, Masterton. 5025 Corporal Wood, George Edward Father: A. A. Wood, Amberley, Canterbury. 5026 Skinner, Charles John Dun· Father: W. H. Skinner, 9, Hawkestone Cresoent, bar Wellington. 5027 Rowell, Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Rowell, 176, Willis Street, Wel· lington. 5031 Sheeban, Edward Robert .. Mother: Mrs. Bridget Pery, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 5032 McGregor, David .. Father: John D. McGregor, Hmau, Feilding. 5033 Hill, Jack Si.ter: Mrs. J. Andrews, Temuka. 5034 Rogers, Harold Cummins .. Father: Johu Francis Rogers, Ingleside, 25, Hill Street, Wellington.
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