Sections with Movement Activity Suspended

Sections with Movement Activity Suspended

The National Railway Company CFR Network Statement November, 13 2019 "CFR" SA 2019 Version:8.8 Country: Romania Annex 14 page 1 SECTION WITH SUSPENDED ACTIVITY 2018-2019 No. Of Suspension Remarks (other intervals Sat., Sun/stations-section head with Branch Traffic section No. km Suspension interval sectioning duration (hours) activity suspended) when the trains do not run) points 19.00-07.00 12 H.m.Berceni Jilava- Berceni -. P.Mac. Popesti 16,4 1 Leordeni - PM Aj. Abator - Buc. Sud 18.00-07.00 13 PM Aj.Abator, PMac Popesti Leordeni Jilava-Vidra 8,9 00.00-24.00 24 1 H.m.Vidra ( closed) 19.30- 07.30 12 1 H.m. Fratesti Giurgiu Nord - Gradistea 35,1 H.m.Gradistea,H.m.Comana (temporarily closed), 00.00-24.00 24 5 st.Mihai Bravu, H.m.Baneasa Giurgiu, Daia (temporarily closed) Giurgiu Nord-Giurgiu Nord Post Giurgiu 17.00-09.00 and permanently fron friday at 17.00 o'clock until Monday at 3,3 16 1 (Oras) de L pana V 09.00 o'clock (Grupa Marfuri Giurgiu Sud) H.m. Mija Hm Ploiesti Vest - Targoviste Nord - Fieni- 69,2 00.00-24.00 24 2 Vulcana Pandele it works according to the regulations in Pietrosita force Bucuresti Sud Gr. Tehnica 00.00-04.00 Bucuresti Sud Gr. Tehnica BUCUREŞTI Campina-Campinita 2,1 00.00-24.00 24 1 H.m.Campinita (closed current line) 00.30-04.30 4 2 only in H.m.Corlatesti, H.m Zanoaga Ploiesti Sud - Armasesti *** 48,1 22.50-02.50 4 2 only in H.m.Ciorani, H.m Ialomita 16.00-08.00 and permanently from friday at 16.00 o'clock to monday at Ploiesti Vest - Ploiesti Crang* 2,7 16 1 de L pina V 08.00 o'clock (H.m. Ploiesti Crang) Titan Sud -Bucuresti Sud gr. Calatori ** 3,4 23.10-04.10 5 1 H.m.Titan Sud 00.20-03.20 3 1 H.m.Budesti, PB Km 76+220 Bucuresti Sud gr. Calatori - Oltenita** 56,6 01.20 - 03.20 2 1 st. Oltenita 23.00-04.00 5 1 Hm Plopeni Sat, PB Km 9+930 Buda - Slanic** 34 00.00-04.00 4 1 st. Slanic Jiu Hm - Jiu 5,8 19.00-07.00 12 1 Jiu Alexandria - Zimnicea 42,1 19.00-07.00 12 1 Zimnicea Bârseşti Amaradia - Bârseşti 8,3 19.00 – 7.00 12 1 and in addition it is suspended CRAIOVA from S hours 19.00 until L hours 07.00 Gr. Teh. Caracal - Corabia 37,7 21.30 – 4.30 7 1 Corabia Piteşti - Curtea de Argeş 23,1 22.00 – 6.00 8 3 Piteşti Nord, Bascov, Curtea de Argeş Roşiori Nord - Costeşti 63,9 22.00 – 2.00 4 2 Miroși, Balaci Ilia-Holdea 10.00-15.00*; 4 sau 12* Dobra+Canton 12+732+canton 19+532, *when 01.00-05.00 sau * there are no trains in the book 22.00-05.00 Holdea-Margina Ilia - Lugoj 82,8 00.00-04.00 sau; 4 sau 9* 4 Margina when there are no trains in the book *23.00-04.00 Margina-Făget 5 Făget 23.00-04.00; Făget-Lugoj 4 23.00-03.00 Cliciova Timișoara S - Timișeni 23.00 4 Timișoara CET, Timișeni, * when there are no trains in the book - 03.00 Timișeni-Voiteni 5 Pădureni Timiș, Jebel, Voiteni *when there are no trains in the 22.00-03.00 book Timișoara Sud-Stamora Moravița 50,4 6 Voiteni-Deta 8 Deta, * when there are no trains in the book *21.00-05.00 Deta-Stamora Moravița 6 Stamora Moravița * when there are no trains in the book *22.00-04.00 Ciumeghiu-Zerind *11.00-15.00, *10 Zerind, * when there are no trains in the book 22.00-04.00 Zerind-Nădab *10.00-14.00 *9 Chișineu Criș, Nădab; * when there are no trains in the book (intervalul *10,00-14,00 is only for Chișineu Criș) 22.30-03.30 Ciumeghiu-Arad 71,2 5 Nădab-Șimand *5 Șimand; * when there are no trains in the book 22.40-03.40 Șimand-Arad *4 Sântana + canton 12.547; * when there are no trains in the book *23.15-03.15 Arad-Nădlac 52,3 *23.00-04.00 *5 1 Arad Vest; * when there are no trains in the book Timișoara Sud - Buziaș - Lugoj 58,3 0.00 - 04.00 4 4 Buziaș, Sacoșul Mic, Semenic, Sinia* prolongs starting with 19.11.2019 until 19.05.2020 TIMIŞOARA Berzovia - Oravița 58,9 21.00-5.00* 8 3 Surduc Banat, Grădinari Caraș, Oravița *when there are no trains in the book 16.00-08.00 L-V Jebel - Giera 33,1 from Friday at 16.00 until 16 1 Ciacova, it works at 8 hours Monday at 08.00 permanently 7.00 - 19.00, 19.00- Jebel - Liebling 9,8 24 0 Permanent suspension, without staff, does not circulate trains 7.00 Timişoara Est- Giarmata 10.00- 7 sau 11* Giarmata, * *when there are no trains in the book 14.00*; 20.00-03.00 Giarmata - Remetea Mică 10.00- 8 sau *12 Remetea Mică *when there are no trains in the book Timișoara Est - Radna 64,1 14.00*; 19.00- 4 03.00 Remetea Mică - Radna 18 hcv Aliuş, Zabrani 10.00-14.00; 16.00-06.00 Timișoara Nord - Jimbolia 39 00.40 - 4.40 4 1 Jimbolia 07.00 - 19.00, 19.00- Buziaș - Gătaia 31,7 24 0 Permanent suspension, without staff, does not circulate trains 07.00 07.00 - 19.00, 19.00- Oravița - Iam 27 24 0 Permanent suspension, without staff, does not circulate trains 07.00 Oravița - Anina 33,4 18.00 - 05.00 11 3 Lișava, Gârliste, Anina Caransebeş-Reşiţa Nord 23.30- 4 Cornuțel Banat, Brebu, Resița Nord, 03.30 23.00- Caransebeș - Resița Sud 43,2 04.00 3 Reşiţa Nord-Reşiţa Sud 23.00- 5 Resița Sud 04.00 09.00-15.00* 6 Caransebeș Țiglărie, Otelu Roșu,*when there are no trains in the Caranșebeș - Voislova (Bouțari) 37,4 4 book 20.00 - 06.00 10 Caransebeș Țiglărie, Otelu Roșu, Voislova, Zăvoiu Timișoara Nord - Cruceni 48,9 22.00 - 04.00 6 1 Timișoara Vest 17.00 - 09.00 L-V (no Barcea Mică - Pestiș 5,6 16 1 Pestiș, S, D permanent (without staff) staff in this range) Simeria-Bârcea Mică TIMIŞOARA (L-V) (no staff in this range) Bîrcea Mica; * (The S-D motion service resumed at Hm Bârcea Mică in 19.00-07.00 și * 12 (L-V) case the OTF is asked to resume the service at Hm Pestiş) from Friday at 19.00 until Monday at 07.00 Simeria - Bârcea Mică - Hunedoara 15,8 (permanently without staff) 2 Bârcea Mică- Hunedoara 16.00- 18 Hunedoara *when there are no trains in the book 10.00 or * permanently Livezeni - Lupeni 16,9 00.00 - 04.00 4 4 Iscroni, Vulcan, Lupeni GrupaTehnică, Lupeni 09.00 - 12.00; 8 2 Gătaia, Canton 13 22.00 - 03.00 Voiteni - Reșița Nord 61,5 10.00-12.00; 8 1 Berzovia 22.00 - 04.00 22.30 - 03.30 5 3 Vasiova, Canton 45 Bocşa, Canton 56 Moniom Arad Vest - Nădlac Arad Vest - Nădlag 47,5 09.30-12.30 7 3 Pecica, Nădlac; Canton 9 23.30-03.30 Aradu Nou - Periam 09.25 - 11.25; 22.15 - 04.15 8 Aradu Nou - Periam - Valcani 81,1 Periam - Sannicolau 2 1 Zădăreni, Canton 1 Aradu Nou Periam 7 Mare 09.30- 11.30 22.15-03.15 Sântana - Şiria 10.00-14.30 11 1 Siria 21.00-04.30 Siria - Târnova Zărand 10h 30 min 1 Tîrnova Zarand Sântana - Ineu - Cermei 53,6 10.00 - 14.00; 21.30 -04.00 Târnova Zărand - Ineu - Cermei 8h 30 min 1 Ineu 11.00 - 14.00; 22.00 -03.30 Ineu - Gura Honţ 11.00 - 13.30; 8 2 Sebiș, Gurahonț 22.30 -03.00 Ineu -Sântana - Brad - Păuliș - Mintia 147,4 TIMIŞOARA Gurahonţ - Vârfurile 09.30 - 14.30; 13 h 30 min 1 Vîrfurile 20.30 -05.00 Ineu -Sântana - Brad - Păuliș - Mintia 147,4 Vârfurile - Brad 9.30 Hălmagiu, Brad; Canton 115 Tarmure, Canton 133 - 14.00; 21.00 - 12 4 Lunca Moţilor 04.30 Păuliş Lunca - Mintia 19.00 - 07.00 zilnic 12 1 Păuliș Lunca Tehnica 07.00-19.00 12 Duminica Ronaţ Tj - Dudeştii Noi 10 1 Dudeștii Noi 10.00 - 12.00; 20.50 - 04.50 Dudeştii Noi - Biled 10.00 - 12.00; 9 1 Biled Ronaț Triaj - Sânnnicolau Mare - 21.10 -04.10 68,3 Cenad Biled - Satu Nou 09.40-11.40 8 1 Satu Nou 21.30-03.30 Satu Nou - Lovrin 5 1 Lovrin 22.30 - 03.30 Lovrin - Cenad 5 1 Sânnicolau Mare 22.15-03.15 Timișoara N - Jimbolia 10.00 - Timișoara Nord - Jimbolia 39 7 3 Cărpiniș; PAM Săcălaz, Berecșău 12.00 00.05 - 05.05 Bistriţa Nord (exclusiv) - Bistriţa 30 22.00 - 04.00 6 2 Susenii Bîrgăului, Bistriţa Bârgăului Bârgăului (inclusiv) Ciumeghiu (exclusiv) – Holod Vest post barieră Glad, Tinca, Holod Vest 43 21.00 - 05.00 8 2 * In case of circulation tr. 35551/39749/50623 / 70278-1 or 34531-2 / 60361-2 or (inclusiv) 59623 or 33321-2, no suspension of the movement activity is granted; Holod, post barieră km 62+644; post barieră km Holod Vest (exclusiv) - Vaşcău 58 21.00 - 05.00 8 6 65+020; Ioaniş, Beiuş, Sudrigiu, Ştei, Vaşcău; * In case of (inclusiv) circulation tr.

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