THE CITY RECORD. Vol- XXXVII. NEW, YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1909. NUMBER 11058. ting a certified copy of a resolution adopted by that Board on July 2, 1909, establish- THE CITY RECORD.. ing the width of Fifth Avenue between 47th and 48th Streets, Manhattan, as forty- seven and one-half feet for the roadway, thirty feet for the easterly sidewalk, and OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THECITY OF NEW YORK. twenty-two and one-half feet for the westerly sidewalk. The papers were ordered filed. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the (1264) 1006 BOARD OF CITY RECORD. BoARI) OF ESTIMATE AND APPURT1(INMFNT—IRF.SO1.UTION ESTAMAS11ING \WIDTH OF SIrtF:- GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. WALK AT INTERSECTION OF WESTCHESTER AND TREMONT AVENUES, FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, Cos,oaATlox CounauL. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLLER. THE BRONX PATRICK J. TRACY, Surzavrao*L The Secretary presented a cunlnnlnication dated August 6. 1909, front \billianl \l. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Lawrence, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, trans- - that Board oft July 2, 1909, estab- Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. mitting a certified copy of a resl,lutinn adopted by lishing the sidewalk width for the public place at the junction of Westchester and SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Tremont Avenues in The Bronx :it twenty feet. The papers were ordered filed. Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, S cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation (1265) 1006 of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. l{URD OF ESTIMATE AND \I'PORTIo:i NfENT—RF:SOLUTIONS E5TARI.ISHIxG \\ IDTH oP CF:R- Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. TAIN STREETS IN BROOKLYN Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. The Secretary presented a communication, dated August 6, 191)9, frvau William 1I. l.awrence, Assistant Secretary (if the Board of Estimate and :\pportinnment, trans- TABLE OF CONTENTS. ntitting certified copies of three resolutions adopted b~- that Board ou July 2, 19O9, establishing the roadway width of certain streets in Br kl~n as follows: 1051I Assessors, Board of— Official Papers ......................... East 17th Street (Maple Court) between ('hutch and Caton Avenues: thirty Public Notices ..................... 10506 I'arks, Department of— (1) Bellcvue and Allied Hospitals— Proposals .......................... 10509 feet. Proposals .......................... 10516 Police 1)epartnlent— (2) Prospect Street between Church Avenue and Beverly Road : twenty--eight Retirements, etc........... 10499 Board Aleetings ........................ 10504 Deaths, feet. Itridges, Department of— Owners Wanted for Lost Property.. 1050(. I'roposals .......................... 10509 Proposals.......................... 10506 (3) East 21st Street through the two blocks between \\ - r odruff :\venue and Brooklyn, Borough of— Reports of Sanitary Company (Boiler Church Avenue: twenty-four feet. I'roposals .......................... 10505 Squad), for September 4, 7 and ( hangc of Grade Damage Commission— 8, 1909 ........................ 10498 The papers were ordered filed. Public Notice ...................... 10511 Public Charities, Department of— Changes in Departments, etc........... 10501 Proposals .......................... 10509 (1266) 2532 Public Service Commission for the First ('nrrection, Department of— CITY DF:pARTMICNT of Fln:\xtr:—Norlrt. OF I)s:t' '.0 Auction Sale ...................... 10509 I)istrict— I)ocks and Ferries, Department of— Calendar of Hearings .............. 10489 Secretary presented the following notice f deposit, dated .\ ugh ut 7. 19(K). I'roposals .......................... 10506 Proceedings from August 20 to Sep- The Education, Department of— tembcr 7, 19(19, Hot Ii Days In- front ll. L. Smith, Assistant I)eputy (omptroller, l)1•p:rtment Iif Finance of New t'roposals .......................... 10506 clnsnc .................... 10489 fork City, which was orderert filed l'.stimate and Apportionment. Board of— 1)10' ens, li ,r 11(1,11 of— Public Notices ..................... 10511 Proposal .......... ... .. ..... 10510 Finance, Department of— Revision of Assessments, Board of - Cor1orattun Sale of Buildings, etc.. 10507 31intnes of Meeting of September 9, Authorized Deposited -lmnunt Title of Account Interest on City Banns and Stock.. 10507 1909 .......................... 104 9 Ntice of Continuation of 7i1:anhattan Rirbmnnd, Borough of— lax Sale ...................... 10509 Proposals............ ... ... .. 105114 April 2, 1909 August 3, 1909 $15,000 00 Revenue Bond Fund For Expenses of Public Notice to Taxpayers ............... 10508 Report of Bureau of Buildings for Service ("..nnnissinn for the Fir'.t I list net . Notices to Property Owners........ 10507 the Week Ending .\ugust 28, Sureties Required on Various Classes 1909 .......................... 10497 mtracts ................... 10509 Street Cleaning, Department of— of C, 10511 File I1, )cpartment— I'roposals .......................... rnpo,als .......................... 10510 Supreme Court. First I)epartnlent— l 1267) I, alth. Department of— Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 10516 Report for the Week Ending Sep- Sepreme (-mrt. Second 1)c ,arttnent— CH.\MRI•:RS STREET STATION. BROOKLYN LOOP I.tNF.s—CnM M t'vl(•.\nitN FROM 111\I\IiS- lands, etc....... 10517 tcmber II, 1909 ............... 10497 Acquiring Title to SIONFR nF BRIIH:FS-1'OONDATION OF \ll - \Iu'II'.u. I11 VAIN': \la,,hattan, Borough of— Supreme ('hurt. Third Judicial 1)istrict— l'r pnsal ....... ... ... .. 10506Acquiring Title ti Lands. etc....... 10517 S upreme ('net. Ninth judicialJudicial District— 'hhe Secretary presented a comm itnicatiin. fated .\ugu't 18. 19(49. fr rot Jib it 1I. Rep.lrt of BureauB of Buildings for of Bridges, Ii;insti till ing C,,py 1 the c" tit ra,'t the Week Ending August 28, Acquiring Title to etc....... 10518 Little, Deputy and Acting Commissioner 1909 .......................... 10497 .Notices of Applications for the :\p- and specifications and drawings for the construction of the flturnLttirm of Ili,- \funici- VInuiripal Civil Service Commission--- poinlment of t.mtnissinners of Building to he erected over the Chambers Sired t stati, m ,f the Brooklyn Loop Applications Received for the Posi- Appraisal .. .. ............... 10518 pal lion of Patrolman .............10500 \Cater supple, Board of-- l.inc'c, aull stating that the contractor had been at work th,•reun incc luh h, 19(19: Pnhre S tIce. ..................... 105(19 Pt, Igal;............ ........ 10504 and the following colnilltu)ication from the Counsel to the C,,mmix.uln: Xtic,• to ( -.mtrartors .................. 10520 Water Supply, Ins and Electricity, I/e- r tllu-tal It r'ugh Papers ................ 10504 partmcnt of- August 20. 19(Y) 1 ititrial I lircct ,n ...................... 10501 I'r 't sal .......................... 10509 llov. EDWARD M. B.- ssET-r. Cnnrinissi(tnet-. SiR:-1 am in receipt of your letter of Atigust 19th, transmitting a copy of a letter PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST date,( August 18th, from the Department If Bridges. together with the form of con- DISTRICT, tract with The Foundation Company for the constructions of the foundations If the Municipal Building enclosed with such letter, and asking whether the C, an,nission is No. 154 NAsS\t' STREET. Ns:v 1"outc CITY instified in relieving the Bradley Contracting Company front the upkeep of the work within the confines of the 'Municipal Building. ('.\I.l.XI).\R OF IIE:\RINGS. I have examined the contract with "fhe Foundatirnt Company and find that the specifications provide in part as follows: -fhe Illr,wing hearings will be held daring the remainder of the week commencing "This Contractor iii list accept the site as he finds it. removing fn,trt the pre iii Monday, September 13, 191)9: iscs all debris left from the ftmuter buildings, as well a< all w'Irk f same Ix•l~l\\ Friday. September 17-2:($1 1'. iI.—l•hairnian \\'illcox's Room.—Case No. 121.—INTER- the curb levels, and he shall also take charge of all shoring, sheet piling, bridges. RORot'Gll RAPID 1 RANSIT ComP.\Nv.—"Block Signal System, Subway streets. railings, sidewalks, etc.. assuming full responsibility for the safety of tIn Local Tracks."—( hairnian 1\•illcox. same." ' . • 2:30 P. \l.—RIn,nm 31)5.—Case No. 1077.—Covey I SLAND AND BR(NOKLYN Since this obligation is undertaken by the Bridge Department's cnnrr„ctur. I can RR. ('n.—"Repairs and improvements to tracks and switches on see no reason for it still being left with the subway contractor, and think it proper I )cKalb :\venue."—Cc imissioner Bassett. that the Chief Engineer issue an order relieving it, for the present at least, front such 2:30 P. 1'1.—Room 310.—Case No. 1158.—SE:\ 13E.\ 'H RAILWAY CnMPANY.— care and responsibility. Parkway Ilonic Company, by 011ie Balling, Press, Complainant.— In case yott may find it convenient, I would suggest the fallowing form f the 'Service on 65th Street—Sea Beach surface line."—Cnintnissioner order: McCarroll. 2:3(1 P. M.—Con)ntissioncr NIalthie's Room.—Case No. 1145.—MATTER OF BRADLEY CONTRACTING (OMPANY, Conlraflor for the Co11Slru, 1r it of .y,', lint 1) 11 I. THIRD AvENuE RAILROAD COMPANY."Character, extent, location and value of structures, facilities and properties."—Commissioner Maltbie. DEAR SIRS:—You are hereby notified
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